blob: b4b587976e044417ce487a3b7d7c53af9c0700aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// vk_helpers:
// Helper utilitiy classes that manage Vulkan resources.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/CommandGraph.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_utils.h"
namespace gl
class ImageIndex;
} // namespace gl;
namespace rx
namespace vk
// A dynamic buffer is conceptually an infinitely long buffer. Each time you write to the buffer,
// you will always write to a previously unused portion. After a series of writes, you must flush
// the buffer data to the device. Buffer lifetime currently assumes that each new allocation will
// last as long or longer than each prior allocation.
// Dynamic buffers are used to implement a variety of data streaming operations in Vulkan, such
// as for immediate vertex array and element array data, uniform updates, and other dynamic data.
class DynamicBuffer : angle::NonCopyable
DynamicBuffer(VkBufferUsageFlags usage, size_t minSize);
// Init is called after the buffer creation so that the alignment can be specified later.
void init(size_t alignment, RendererVk *renderer);
// This call will allocate a new region at the end of the buffer. It internally may trigger
// a new buffer to be created (which is returned in 'newBufferAllocatedOut'. This param may
// be nullptr.
angle::Result allocate(Context *context,
size_t sizeInBytes,
uint8_t **ptrOut,
VkBuffer *handleOut,
VkDeviceSize *offsetOut,
bool *newBufferAllocatedOut);
// After a sequence of writes, call flush to ensure the data is visible to the device.
angle::Result flush(Context *context);
// After a sequence of writes, call invalidate to ensure the data is visible to the host.
angle::Result invalidate(Context *context);
// This releases resources when they might currently be in use.
void release(RendererVk *renderer);
// This releases all the buffers that have been allocated since this was last called.
void releaseRetainedBuffers(RendererVk *renderer);
// This frees resources immediately.
void destroy(VkDevice device);
VkBuffer getCurrentBufferHandle() const;
// For testing only!
void setMinimumSizeForTesting(size_t minSize);
void unmap(VkDevice device);
void reset();
VkBufferUsageFlags mUsage;
size_t mMinSize;
Buffer mBuffer;
DeviceMemory mMemory;
bool mHostCoherent;
uint32_t mNextAllocationOffset;
uint32_t mLastFlushOrInvalidateOffset;
size_t mSize;
size_t mAlignment;
uint8_t *mMappedMemory;
std::vector<BufferAndMemory> mRetainedBuffers;
// Uses DescriptorPool to allocate descriptor sets as needed. If a descriptor pool becomes full, we
// allocate new pools internally as needed. RendererVk takes care of the lifetime of the discarded
// pools. Note that we used a fixed layout for descriptor pools in ANGLE. Uniform buffers must
// use set zero and combined Image Samplers must use set 1. We conservatively count each new set
// using the maximum number of descriptor sets and buffers with each allocation. Currently: 2
// (Vertex/Fragment) uniform buffers and 64 (MAX_ACTIVE_TEXTURES) image/samplers.
// This is an arbitrary max. We can change this later if necessary.
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultDescriptorPoolMaxSets = 2048;
class DynamicDescriptorPool final : angle::NonCopyable
// The DynamicDescriptorPool only handles one pool size at at time.
angle::Result init(Context *context, const VkDescriptorPoolSize &poolSize);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
// We use the descriptor type to help count the number of free sets.
// By convention, sets are indexed according to the constants in vk_cache_utils.h.
angle::Result allocateSets(Context *context,
const VkDescriptorSetLayout *descriptorSetLayout,
uint32_t descriptorSetCount,
VkDescriptorSet *descriptorSetsOut);
// For testing only!
void setMaxSetsPerPoolForTesting(uint32_t maxSetsPerPool);
angle::Result allocateNewPool(Context *context);
uint32_t mMaxSetsPerPool;
uint32_t mCurrentSetsCount;
DescriptorPool mCurrentDescriptorPool;
VkDescriptorPoolSize mPoolSize;
uint32_t mFreeDescriptorSets;
// This class' responsibility is to create index buffers needed to support line loops in Vulkan.
// In the setup phase of drawing, the createIndexBuffer method should be called with the
// current draw call parameters. If an element array buffer is bound for an indexed draw, use
// createIndexBufferFromElementArrayBuffer.
// If the user wants to draw a loop between [v1, v2, v3], we will create an indexed buffer with
// these indexes: [0, 1, 2, 3, 0] to emulate the loop.
class LineLoopHelper final : public vk::CommandGraphResource
LineLoopHelper(RendererVk *renderer);
angle::Result getIndexBufferForDrawArrays(ContextVk *context,
const gl::DrawCallParams &drawCallParams,
VkBuffer *bufferHandleOut,
VkDeviceSize *offsetOut);
angle::Result getIndexBufferForElementArrayBuffer(ContextVk *context,
BufferVk *elementArrayBufferVk,
GLenum glIndexType,
int indexCount,
intptr_t elementArrayOffset,
VkBuffer *bufferHandleOut,
VkDeviceSize *bufferOffsetOut);
angle::Result streamIndices(ContextVk *context,
GLenum glIndexType,
GLsizei indexCount,
const uint8_t *srcPtr,
VkBuffer *bufferHandleOut,
VkDeviceSize *bufferOffsetOut);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
static void Draw(uint32_t count, CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
DynamicBuffer mDynamicIndexBuffer;
class ImageHelper final : angle::NonCopyable
ImageHelper(ImageHelper &&other);
bool valid() const;
angle::Result init(Context *context,
gl::TextureType textureType,
const gl::Extents &extents,
const Format &format,
GLint samples,
VkImageUsageFlags usage,
uint32_t mipLevels);
angle::Result initMemory(Context *context,
const MemoryProperties &memoryProperties,
VkMemoryPropertyFlags flags);
angle::Result initLayerImageView(Context *context,
gl::TextureType textureType,
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask,
const gl::SwizzleState &swizzleMap,
ImageView *imageViewOut,
uint32_t levelCount,
uint32_t baseArrayLayer,
uint32_t layerCount);
angle::Result initImageView(Context *context,
gl::TextureType textureType,
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask,
const gl::SwizzleState &swizzleMap,
ImageView *imageViewOut,
uint32_t levelCount);
angle::Result init2DStaging(Context *context,
const MemoryProperties &memoryProperties,
const Format &format,
const gl::Extents &extent,
StagingUsage usage);
VkImageAspectFlags getAspectFlags() const;
void release(Serial serial, RendererVk *renderer);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
void dumpResources(Serial serial, std::vector<GarbageObject> *garbageQueue);
void init2DWeakReference(VkImage handle,
const gl::Extents &extents,
const Format &format,
GLint samples);
void resetImageWeakReference();
const Image &getImage() const;
const DeviceMemory &getDeviceMemory() const;
const gl::Extents &getExtents() const;
const Format &getFormat() const;
GLint getSamples() const;
VkImageLayout getCurrentLayout() const { return mCurrentLayout; }
void updateLayout(VkImageLayout layout) { mCurrentLayout = layout; }
void changeLayoutWithStages(VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask,
VkImageLayout newLayout,
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStageMask,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStageMask,
CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
void clearColor(const VkClearColorValue &color,
uint32_t baseMipLevel,
uint32_t levelCount,
CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
void clearColorLayer(const VkClearColorValue &color,
uint32_t baseMipLevel,
uint32_t levelCount,
uint32_t baseArrayLayer,
uint32_t layerCount,
CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
void clearDepthStencil(VkImageAspectFlags aspectFlags,
const VkClearDepthStencilValue &depthStencil,
CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
gl::Extents getSize(const gl::ImageIndex &index) const;
static void Copy(ImageHelper *srcImage,
ImageHelper *dstImage,
const gl::Offset &srcOffset,
const gl::Offset &dstOffset,
const gl::Extents &copySize,
VkImageAspectFlags aspectMask,
CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
// Vulkan objects.
Image mImage;
DeviceMemory mDeviceMemory;
// Image properties.
gl::Extents mExtents;
const Format *mFormat;
GLint mSamples;
// Current state.
VkImageLayout mCurrentLayout;
// Cached properties.
uint32_t mLayerCount;
} // namespace vk
} // namespace rx