blob: af50f4dfed986149b3dd3acb18c2a5a0841ea9ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ContextVk.h:
// Defines the class interface for ContextVk, implementing ContextImpl.
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include "common/PackedEnums.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/ContextImpl.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/OverlayVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/PersistentCommandPool.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/RendererVk.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_helpers.h"
namespace angle
struct FeaturesVk;
namespace rx
class RendererVk;
class WindowSurfaceVk;
class ContextVk : public ContextImpl, public vk::Context, public vk::RenderPassOwner
ContextVk(const gl::State &state, gl::ErrorSet *errorSet, RendererVk *renderer);
~ContextVk() override;
angle::Result initialize() override;
void onDestroy(const gl::Context *context) override;
// Flush and finish.
angle::Result flush(const gl::Context *context) override;
angle::Result finish(const gl::Context *context) override;
// Drawing methods.
angle::Result drawArrays(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLint first,
GLsizei count) override;
angle::Result drawArraysInstanced(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLint first,
GLsizei count,
GLsizei instanceCount) override;
angle::Result drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLint first,
GLsizei count,
GLsizei instanceCount,
GLuint baseInstance) override;
angle::Result drawElements(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLsizei count,
gl::DrawElementsType type,
const void *indices) override;
angle::Result drawElementsInstanced(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLsizei count,
gl::DrawElementsType type,
const void *indices,
GLsizei instanceCount) override;
angle::Result drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLsizei count,
gl::DrawElementsType type,
const void *indices,
GLsizei instances,
GLint baseVertex,
GLuint baseInstance) override;
angle::Result drawRangeElements(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLuint start,
GLuint end,
GLsizei count,
gl::DrawElementsType type,
const void *indices) override;
angle::Result drawArraysIndirect(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
const void *indirect) override;
angle::Result drawElementsIndirect(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
gl::DrawElementsType type,
const void *indirect) override;
// Device loss
gl::GraphicsResetStatus getResetStatus() override;
// Vendor and description strings.
std::string getVendorString() const override;
std::string getRendererDescription() const override;
// EXT_debug_marker
void insertEventMarker(GLsizei length, const char *marker) override;
void pushGroupMarker(GLsizei length, const char *marker) override;
void popGroupMarker() override;
// KHR_debug
void pushDebugGroup(GLenum source, GLuint id, const std::string &message) override;
void popDebugGroup() override;
bool isViewportFlipEnabledForDrawFBO() const;
bool isViewportFlipEnabledForReadFBO() const;
// State sync with dirty bits.
angle::Result syncState(const gl::Context *context,
const gl::State::DirtyBits &dirtyBits,
const gl::State::DirtyBits &bitMask) override;
// Disjoint timer queries
GLint getGPUDisjoint() override;
GLint64 getTimestamp() override;
// Context switching
angle::Result onMakeCurrent(const gl::Context *context) override;
angle::Result onUnMakeCurrent(const gl::Context *context) override;
// Native capabilities, unmodified by gl::Context.
gl::Caps getNativeCaps() const override;
const gl::TextureCapsMap &getNativeTextureCaps() const override;
const gl::Extensions &getNativeExtensions() const override;
const gl::Limitations &getNativeLimitations() const override;
// Shader creation
CompilerImpl *createCompiler() override;
ShaderImpl *createShader(const gl::ShaderState &state) override;
ProgramImpl *createProgram(const gl::ProgramState &state) override;
// Framebuffer creation
FramebufferImpl *createFramebuffer(const gl::FramebufferState &state) override;
// Texture creation
TextureImpl *createTexture(const gl::TextureState &state) override;
// Renderbuffer creation
RenderbufferImpl *createRenderbuffer(const gl::RenderbufferState &state) override;
// Buffer creation
BufferImpl *createBuffer(const gl::BufferState &state) override;
// Vertex Array creation
VertexArrayImpl *createVertexArray(const gl::VertexArrayState &state) override;
// Query and Fence creation
QueryImpl *createQuery(gl::QueryType type) override;
FenceNVImpl *createFenceNV() override;
SyncImpl *createSync() override;
// Transform Feedback creation
TransformFeedbackImpl *createTransformFeedback(
const gl::TransformFeedbackState &state) override;
// Sampler object creation
SamplerImpl *createSampler(const gl::SamplerState &state) override;
// Program Pipeline object creation
ProgramPipelineImpl *createProgramPipeline(const gl::ProgramPipelineState &data) override;
// Path object creation
std::vector<PathImpl *> createPaths(GLsizei) override;
// Memory object creation.
MemoryObjectImpl *createMemoryObject() override;
// Semaphore creation.
SemaphoreImpl *createSemaphore() override;
// Overlay creation.
OverlayImpl *createOverlay(const gl::OverlayState &state) override;
angle::Result dispatchCompute(const gl::Context *context,
GLuint numGroupsX,
GLuint numGroupsY,
GLuint numGroupsZ) override;
angle::Result dispatchComputeIndirect(const gl::Context *context, GLintptr indirect) override;
angle::Result memoryBarrier(const gl::Context *context, GLbitfield barriers) override;
angle::Result memoryBarrierByRegion(const gl::Context *context, GLbitfield barriers) override;
VkDevice getDevice() const;
ANGLE_INLINE const angle::FeaturesVk &getFeatures() const { return mRenderer->getFeatures(); }
ANGLE_INLINE void invalidateVertexAndIndexBuffers()
// TODO: Make the pipeline invalidate more fine-grained. Only need to dirty here if PSO
// VtxInput state (stride, fmt, inputRate...) has changed.
ANGLE_INLINE void invalidateVertexBuffers()
ANGLE_INLINE void onVertexAttributeChange(size_t attribIndex,
GLuint stride,
GLuint divisor,
angle::FormatID format,
GLuint relativeOffset)
// Set divisor to 1 for attribs with emulated divisor
&mGraphicsPipelineTransition, static_cast<uint32_t>(attribIndex), stride,
divisor > mRenderer->getMaxVertexAttribDivisor() ? 1 : divisor, format, relativeOffset);
void invalidateDefaultAttribute(size_t attribIndex);
void invalidateDefaultAttributes(const gl::AttributesMask &dirtyMask);
void onDrawFramebufferChange(FramebufferVk *framebufferVk);
void onHostVisibleBufferWrite() { mIsAnyHostVisibleBufferWritten = true; }
void invalidateCurrentTransformFeedbackBuffers();
void onTransformFeedbackPauseResume();
vk::DynamicQueryPool *getQueryPool(gl::QueryType queryType);
const VkClearValue &getClearColorValue() const;
const VkClearValue &getClearDepthStencilValue() const;
VkColorComponentFlags getClearColorMask() const;
angle::Result getIncompleteTexture(const gl::Context *context,
gl::TextureType type,
gl::Texture **textureOut);
void updateColorMask(const gl::BlendState &blendState);
void updateSampleMask(const gl::State &glState);
void handleError(VkResult errorCode,
const char *file,
const char *function,
unsigned int line) override;
const gl::ActiveTextureArray<vk::TextureUnit> &getActiveTextures() const
return mActiveTextures;
const gl::ActiveTextureArray<TextureVk *> &getActiveImages() const { return mActiveImages; }
void setIndexBufferDirty()
mLastIndexBufferOffset = reinterpret_cast<const void *>(angle::DirtyPointer);
void insertWaitSemaphore(const vk::Semaphore *waitSemaphore);
angle::Result flushImpl(const vk::Semaphore *semaphore);
angle::Result finishImpl();
void addWaitSemaphore(VkSemaphore semaphore);
const vk::CommandPool &getCommandPool() const;
Serial getCurrentQueueSerial() const { return mRenderer->getCurrentQueueSerial(); }
Serial getLastSubmittedQueueSerial() const { return mRenderer->getLastSubmittedQueueSerial(); }
Serial getLastCompletedQueueSerial() const { return mRenderer->getLastCompletedQueueSerial(); }
bool isSerialInUse(Serial serial) const;
template <typename T>
void addGarbage(T *object)
// Check to see which batches have finished completion (forward progress for
// mLastCompletedQueueSerial, for example for when the application busy waits on a query
// result).
angle::Result checkCompletedCommands();
// Wait for completion of batches until (at least) batch with given serial is finished.
angle::Result finishToSerial(Serial serial);
// A variant of finishToSerial that can time out. Timeout status returned in outTimedOut.
angle::Result finishToSerialOrTimeout(Serial serial, uint64_t timeout, bool *outTimedOut);
angle::Result getCompatibleRenderPass(const vk::RenderPassDesc &desc,
vk::RenderPass **renderPassOut);
angle::Result getRenderPassWithOps(const vk::RenderPassDesc &desc,
const vk::AttachmentOpsArray &ops,
vk::RenderPass **renderPassOut);
// Get (or allocate) the fence that will be signaled on next submission.
angle::Result getNextSubmitFence(vk::Shared<vk::Fence> *sharedFenceOut);
vk::Shared<vk::Fence> getLastSubmittedFence() const;
// This should only be called from ResourceVk.
vk::CommandGraph *getCommandGraph() { return &mCommandGraph; }
vk::ShaderLibrary &getShaderLibrary() { return mShaderLibrary; }
UtilsVk &getUtils() { return mUtils; }
angle::Result getTimestamp(uint64_t *timestampOut);
// Create Begin/End/Instant GPU trace events, which take their timestamps from GPU queries.
// The events are queued until the query results are available. Possible values for `phase`
ANGLE_INLINE angle::Result traceGpuEvent(vk::PrimaryCommandBuffer *commandBuffer,
char phase,
const char *name)
if (mGpuEventsEnabled)
return traceGpuEventImpl(commandBuffer, phase, name);
return angle::Result::Continue;
RenderPassCache &getRenderPassCache() { return mRenderPassCache; }
vk::DescriptorSetLayoutDesc getDriverUniformsDescriptorSetDesc(
VkShaderStageFlags shaderStages) const;
// We use texture serials to optimize texture binding updates. Each permutation of a
// {VkImage/VkSampler} generates a unique serial. These serials are combined to form a unique
// signature for each descriptor set. This allows us to keep a cache of descriptor sets and
// avoid calling vkAllocateDesctiporSets each texture update.
Serial generateTextureSerial() { return mTextureSerialFactory.generate(); }
const vk::TextureDescriptorDesc &getActiveTexturesDesc() const { return mActiveTexturesDesc; }
void updateScissor(const gl::State &glState);
bool emulateSeamfulCubeMapSampling() const { return mEmulateSeamfulCubeMapSampling; }
bool useOldRewriteStructSamplers() const { return mUseOldRewriteStructSamplers; }
const gl::OverlayType *getOverlay() const { return mState.getOverlay(); }
// Dirty bits.
enum DirtyBitType : size_t
DIRTY_BIT_SHADER_RESOURCES, // excluding textures, which are handled separately.
using DirtyBits = angle::BitSet<DIRTY_BIT_MAX>;
using DirtyBitHandler = angle::Result (ContextVk::*)(const gl::Context *,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
std::array<DirtyBitHandler, DIRTY_BIT_MAX> mGraphicsDirtyBitHandlers;
std::array<DirtyBitHandler, DIRTY_BIT_MAX> mComputeDirtyBitHandlers;
enum class PipelineType
Graphics = 0,
Compute = 1,
InvalidEnum = 2,
EnumCount = 2,
angle::Result setupDraw(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLint firstVertexOrInvalid,
GLsizei vertexOrIndexCount,
GLsizei instanceCount,
gl::DrawElementsType indexTypeOrInvalid,
const void *indices,
DirtyBits dirtyBitMask,
vk::CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut);
angle::Result setupIndexedDraw(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLsizei indexCount,
GLsizei instanceCount,
gl::DrawElementsType indexType,
const void *indices,
vk::CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut);
angle::Result setupIndirectDraw(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
DirtyBits dirtyBitMask,
vk::CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut,
vk::Buffer **indirectBufferOut);
angle::Result setupIndexedIndirectDraw(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
gl::DrawElementsType indexType,
vk::CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut,
vk::Buffer **indirectBufferOut);
angle::Result setupLineLoopDraw(const gl::Context *context,
gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
GLint firstVertex,
GLsizei vertexOrIndexCount,
gl::DrawElementsType indexTypeOrInvalid,
const void *indices,
vk::CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut,
uint32_t *numIndicesOut);
angle::Result setupDispatch(const gl::Context *context, vk::CommandBuffer **commandBufferOut);
void updateViewport(FramebufferVk *framebufferVk,
const gl::Rectangle &viewport,
float nearPlane,
float farPlane,
bool invertViewport);
void updateDepthRange(float nearPlane, float farPlane);
void updateFlipViewportDrawFramebuffer(const gl::State &glState);
void updateFlipViewportReadFramebuffer(const gl::State &glState);
angle::Result updateActiveTextures(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandGraphResource *recorder);
angle::Result updateActiveImages(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandGraphResource *recorder);
angle::Result updateDefaultAttribute(size_t attribIndex);
ANGLE_INLINE void invalidateCurrentGraphicsPipeline()
ANGLE_INLINE void invalidateCurrentComputePipeline()
mCurrentComputePipeline = nullptr;
void invalidateCurrentTextures();
void invalidateCurrentShaderResources();
void invalidateGraphicsDriverUniforms();
void invalidateDriverUniforms();
// Handlers for graphics pipeline dirty bits.
angle::Result handleDirtyGraphicsDefaultAttribs(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyGraphicsPipeline(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyGraphicsTextures(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyGraphicsVertexBuffers(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyGraphicsIndexBuffer(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyGraphicsDriverUniforms(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyGraphicsShaderResources(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyGraphicsTransformFeedbackBuffers(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyGraphicsDescriptorSets(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
// Handlers for compute pipeline dirty bits.
angle::Result handleDirtyComputePipeline(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyComputeTextures(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyComputeDriverUniforms(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyComputeShaderResources(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
angle::Result handleDirtyComputeDescriptorSets(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer);
// Common parts of the common dirty bit handlers.
angle::Result handleDirtyTexturesImpl(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer,
vk::CommandGraphResource *recorder);
angle::Result handleDirtyShaderResourcesImpl(const gl::Context *context,
vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer,
vk::CommandGraphResource *recorder);
struct DriverUniformsDescriptorSet;
angle::Result handleDirtyDescriptorSetsImpl(vk::CommandBuffer *commandBuffer,
VkPipelineBindPoint bindPoint,
const DriverUniformsDescriptorSet &driverUniforms);
angle::Result allocateDriverUniforms(size_t driverUniformsSize,
DriverUniformsDescriptorSet *driverUniforms,
VkBuffer *bufferOut,
uint8_t **ptrOut,
bool *newBufferOut);
angle::Result updateDriverUniformsDescriptorSet(VkBuffer buffer,
bool newBuffer,
size_t driverUniformsSize,
DriverUniformsDescriptorSet *driverUniforms);
void writeAtomicCounterBufferDriverUniformOffsets(uint32_t *offsetsOut, size_t offsetsSize);
angle::Result submitFrame(const VkSubmitInfo &submitInfo,
vk::PrimaryCommandBuffer &&commandBuffer);
angle::Result flushCommandGraph(vk::PrimaryCommandBuffer *commandBatch);
angle::Result synchronizeCpuGpuTime();
angle::Result traceGpuEventImpl(vk::PrimaryCommandBuffer *commandBuffer,
char phase,
const char *name);
angle::Result checkCompletedGpuEvents();
void flushGpuEvents(double nextSyncGpuTimestampS, double nextSyncCpuTimestampS);
void handleDeviceLost();
void waitForSwapchainImageIfNecessary();
bool shouldEmulateSeamfulCubeMapSampling() const;
bool shouldUseOldRewriteStructSamplers() const;
uint64_t getMaxFenceWaitTimeNs() const;
void clearAllGarbage();
vk::PipelineHelper *mCurrentGraphicsPipeline;
vk::PipelineAndSerial *mCurrentComputePipeline;
gl::PrimitiveMode mCurrentDrawMode;
WindowSurfaceVk *mCurrentWindowSurface;
// Keep a cached pipeline description structure that can be used to query the pipeline cache.
// Kept in a pointer so allocations can be aligned, and structs can be portably packed.
std::unique_ptr<vk::GraphicsPipelineDesc> mGraphicsPipelineDesc;
vk::GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits mGraphicsPipelineTransition;
// These pools are externally sychronized, so cannot be accessed from different
// threads simultaneously. Hence, we keep them in the ContextVk instead of the RendererVk.
// Note that this implementation would need to change in shared resource scenarios. Likely
// we'd instead share a single set of pools between the share groups.
vk::DynamicDescriptorPool mDriverUniformsDescriptorPool;
angle::PackedEnumMap<gl::QueryType, vk::DynamicQueryPool> mQueryPools;
// Dirty bits.
DirtyBits mGraphicsDirtyBits;
DirtyBits mComputeDirtyBits;
DirtyBits mNonIndexedDirtyBitsMask;
DirtyBits mIndexedDirtyBitsMask;
DirtyBits mNewGraphicsCommandBufferDirtyBits;
DirtyBits mNewComputeCommandBufferDirtyBits;
// Cached back-end objects.
VertexArrayVk *mVertexArray;
FramebufferVk *mDrawFramebuffer;
ProgramVk *mProgram;
// Graph resource used to record dispatch commands and hold resource dependencies.
vk::DispatchHelper mDispatcher;
// The offset we had the last time we bound the index buffer.
const GLvoid *mLastIndexBufferOffset;
gl::DrawElementsType mCurrentDrawElementsType;
// Cache the current draw call's firstVertex to be passed to
// TransformFeedbackVk::getBufferOffsets. Unfortunately, gl_BaseVertex support in Vulkan is
// not yet ubiquitous, which would have otherwise removed the need for this value to be passed
// as a uniform.
GLint mXfbBaseVertex;
// Cached clear value/mask for color and depth/stencil.
VkClearValue mClearColorValue;
VkClearValue mClearDepthStencilValue;
VkColorComponentFlags mClearColorMask;
IncompleteTextureSet mIncompleteTextures;
// If the current surface bound to this context wants to have all rendering flipped vertically.
// Updated on calls to onMakeCurrent.
bool mFlipYForCurrentSurface;
bool mFlipViewportForDrawFramebuffer;
bool mFlipViewportForReadFramebuffer;
// If any host-visible buffer is written by the GPU since last submission, a barrier is inserted
// at the end of the command buffer to make that write available to the host.
bool mIsAnyHostVisibleBufferWritten;
// Whether this context should do seamful cube map sampling emulation.
bool mEmulateSeamfulCubeMapSampling;
// Whether this context should use the old version of the
// RewriteStructSamplers pass.
bool mUseOldRewriteStructSamplers;
struct DriverUniformsDescriptorSet
vk::DynamicBuffer dynamicBuffer;
VkDescriptorSet descriptorSet;
uint32_t dynamicOffset;
vk::BindingPointer<vk::DescriptorSetLayout> descriptorSetLayout;
vk::RefCountedDescriptorPoolBinding descriptorPoolBinding;
void init(RendererVk *rendererVk);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
angle::PackedEnumMap<PipelineType, DriverUniformsDescriptorSet> mDriverUniforms;
// This cache should also probably include the texture index (shader location) and array
// index (also in the shader). This info is used in the descriptor update step.
gl::ActiveTextureArray<vk::TextureUnit> mActiveTextures;
vk::TextureDescriptorDesc mActiveTexturesDesc;
gl::ActiveTextureArray<TextureVk *> mActiveImages;
// "Current Value" aka default vertex attribute state.
gl::AttributesMask mDirtyDefaultAttribsMask;
gl::AttribArray<vk::DynamicBuffer> mDefaultAttribBuffers;
// We use a single pool for recording commands. We also keep a free list for pool recycling.
vk::CommandPool mCommandPool;
std::vector<vk::CommandPool> mCommandPoolFreeList;
// We use a Persistent CommandPool with pre-allocated buffers for primary CommandBuffer
vk::PersistentCommandPool mPrimaryCommandPool;
struct CommandBatch final : angle::NonCopyable
CommandBatch(CommandBatch &&other);
CommandBatch &operator=(CommandBatch &&other);
void destroy(VkDevice device);
vk::PrimaryCommandBuffer primaryCommands;
// commandPool is for secondary CommandBuffer allocation
vk::CommandPool commandPool;
vk::Shared<vk::Fence> fence;
Serial serial;
angle::Result releaseToCommandBatch(vk::PrimaryCommandBuffer &&commandBuffer,
CommandBatch *batch);
angle::Result recycleCommandBatch(CommandBatch *batch);
std::vector<CommandBatch> mInFlightCommands;
vk::GarbageList mCurrentGarbage;
vk::GarbageQueue mGarbageQueue;
RenderPassCache mRenderPassCache;
// mSubmitFence is the fence that's going to be signaled at the next submission. This is used
// to support SyncVk objects, which may outlive the context (as EGLSync objects).
// TODO(geofflang): this is in preparation for moving RendererVk functionality to ContextVk, and
// is otherwise unnecessary as the SyncVk objects don't actually outlive the renderer currently.
vk::Shared<vk::Fence> mSubmitFence;
// Pool allocator used for command graph but may be expanded to other allocations
angle::PoolAllocator mPoolAllocator;
// See CommandGraph.h for a desription of the Command Graph.
vk::CommandGraph mCommandGraph;
// Internal shader library.
vk::ShaderLibrary mShaderLibrary;
UtilsVk mUtils;
// The GpuEventQuery struct holds together a timestamp query and enough data to create a
// trace event based on that. Use traceGpuEvent to insert such queries. They will be readback
// when the results are available, without inserting a GPU bubble.
// - eventName will be the reported name of the event
// - phase is either 'B' (duration begin), 'E' (duration end) or 'i' (instant // event).
// See Google's "Trace Event Format":
// - serial is the serial of the batch the query was submitted on. Until the batch is
// submitted, the query is not checked to avoid incuring a flush.
struct GpuEventQuery final
const char *name;
char phase;
uint32_t queryIndex;
size_t queryPoolIndex;
Serial serial;
// Once a query result is available, the timestamp is read and a GpuEvent object is kept until
// the next clock sync, at which point the clock drift is compensated in the results before
// handing them off to the application.
struct GpuEvent final
uint64_t gpuTimestampCycles;
const char *name;
char phase;
bool mGpuEventsEnabled;
vk::DynamicQueryPool mGpuEventQueryPool;
// A list of queries that have yet to be turned into an event (their result is not yet
// available).
std::vector<GpuEventQuery> mInFlightGpuEventQueries;
// A list of gpu events since the last clock sync.
std::vector<GpuEvent> mGpuEvents;
// Semaphores that must be waited on in the next submission.
std::vector<VkSemaphore> mWaitSemaphores;
std::vector<VkPipelineStageFlags> mWaitSemaphoreStageMasks;
// Hold information from the last gpu clock sync for future gpu-to-cpu timestamp conversions.
struct GpuClockSyncInfo
double gpuTimestampS;
double cpuTimestampS;
GpuClockSyncInfo mGpuClockSync;
// The very first timestamp queried for a GPU event is used as origin, so event timestamps would
// have a value close to zero, to avoid losing 12 bits when converting these 64 bit values to
// double.
uint64_t mGpuEventTimestampOrigin;
// Generator for texure serials.
SerialFactory mTextureSerialFactory;
gl::State::DirtyBits mPipelineDirtyBitsMask;
} // namespace rx