blob: 86ac99d6daa65933f909378dc8b1b4488100f8da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ShCompile_test.cpp
// Test the sh::Compile interface with different parameters.
#include <clocale>
#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "common/platform.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
class ShCompileTest : public testing::Test
ShCompileTest() {}
void SetUp() override
mCompiler = sh::ConstructCompiler(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, SH_WEBGL_SPEC,
ASSERT_TRUE(mCompiler != nullptr) << "Compiler could not be constructed.";
void TearDown() override
if (mCompiler)
mCompiler = nullptr;
void testCompile(const char **shaderStrings, int stringCount, bool expectation)
ShCompileOptions options = {};
options.objectCode = true;
options.variables = true;
options.initOutputVariables = true;
bool success = sh::Compile(mCompiler, shaderStrings, stringCount, options);
const std::string &compileLog = sh::GetInfoLog(mCompiler);
EXPECT_EQ(expectation, success) << compileLog;
ShBuiltInResources mResources;
class [[nodiscard]] ScopedRestoreDefaultLocale : angle::NonCopyable
std::locale defaultLocale;
ShHandle mCompiler;
defaultLocale = std::locale();
class ShCompileComputeTest : public ShCompileTest
ShCompileComputeTest() {}
void SetUp() override
mCompiler = sh::ConstructCompiler(GL_COMPUTE_SHADER, SH_WEBGL3_SPEC,
ASSERT_TRUE(mCompiler != nullptr) << "Compiler could not be constructed.";
// Test calling sh::Compile with compute shader source string.
TEST_F(ShCompileComputeTest, ComputeShaderString)
constexpr char kComputeShaderString[] =
R"(#version 310 es
layout(local_size_x=1) in;
void main()
const char *shaderStrings[] = {kComputeShaderString};
testCompile(shaderStrings, 1, true);
// Test calling sh::Compile with more than one shader source string.
TEST_F(ShCompileTest, MultipleShaderStrings)
const std::string &shaderString1 =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void main() {\n";
const std::string &shaderString2 =
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
const char *shaderStrings[] = {shaderString1.c_str(), shaderString2.c_str()};
testCompile(shaderStrings, 2, true);
// Test calling sh::Compile with a tokens split into different shader source strings.
TEST_F(ShCompileTest, TokensSplitInShaderStrings)
const std::string &shaderString1 =
"precision mediump float;\n"
"void ma";
const std::string &shaderString2 =
"in() {\n"
const std::string &shaderString3 =
"f 1\n"
" gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);\n"
const char *shaderStrings[] = {shaderString1.c_str(), shaderString2.c_str(),
testCompile(shaderStrings, 3, true);
// Parsing floats in shaders can run afoul of locale settings.
// Eg. in de_DE, `strtof("1.9")` will yield `1.0f`. (It's expecting "1,9")
TEST_F(ShCompileTest, DecimalSepLocale)
// Locale names are platform dependent, add platform-specific names of locales to be tested here
const std::string availableLocales[] = {
#if !defined(_WIN32)
// TODO( Add this test back on Windows once the
// CRT no longer throws on code page sections ('ISO-8859-15@euro') that
// are >= 16 characters long.
// One ubuntu tester doesn't have a german locale, but da_DK.utf8 has similar float
// representation
const auto localeExists = [](const std::string name) {
return bool(setlocale(LC_ALL, name.c_str()));
const char kSource[] = R"(
void main()
gl_FragColor = vec4(1.9);
const char *parts[] = {kSource};
// Ensure the locale is reset after the test runs.
ScopedRestoreDefaultLocale restoreLocale;
for (const std::string &locale : availableLocales)
// If the locale doesn't exist on the testing platform, the locale constructor will fail,
// throwing an exception
// We use setlocale() (through localeExists) to test whether a locale
// exists before calling the locale constructor
if (localeExists(locale))
std::locale localizedLoc(locale);
ShCompileOptions compileOptions = {};
compileOptions.objectCode = true;
// std::locale::global() must be used instead of setlocale() to affect new streams'
// default locale
sh::Compile(mCompiler, parts, 1, compileOptions);
std::string referenceOut = sh::GetObjectCode(mCompiler);
EXPECT_NE(referenceOut.find("1.9"), std::string::npos)
<< "float formatted incorrectly with classic locale";
sh::Compile(mCompiler, parts, 1, compileOptions);
std::string localizedOut = sh::GetObjectCode(mCompiler);
EXPECT_NE(localizedOut.find("1.9"), std::string::npos)
<< "float formatted incorrectly with locale (" << << ") set";
ASSERT_EQ(referenceOut, localizedOut)
<< "different output with locale (" << << ") set";
// Desktop GLSL support is not enabled on Android
// For testing Desktop GL Shaders
class ShCompileDesktopGLTest : public ShCompileTest
ShCompileDesktopGLTest() {}
void SetUp() override
SH_GLSL_330_CORE_OUTPUT, &mResources);
ASSERT_TRUE(mCompiler != nullptr) << "Compiler could not be constructed.";
// Test calling sh::Compile with fragment shader source string
TEST_F(ShCompileDesktopGLTest, DesktopGLString)
constexpr char kFragmentShaderString[] =
R"(#version 330
void main()
const char *shaderStrings[] = {kFragmentShaderString};
testCompile(shaderStrings, 1, true);
// Test calling sh::Compile with core version
TEST_F(ShCompileDesktopGLTest, FragmentShaderCoreVersion)
constexpr char kFragmentShaderString[] =
R"(#version 330 core
void main()
const char *shaderStrings[] = {kFragmentShaderString};
testCompile(shaderStrings, 1, true);
// Implicit conversions in basic operations
TEST_F(ShCompileDesktopGLTest, ImplicitConversionBasicOperation)
constexpr char kFragmentShaderString[] =
R"(#version 330 core
void main()
//float a = 1 + 1.5;
//float b = 1 - 1.5;
//float c = 1 * 1.5;
//float d = 1 / 1.5;
//float e = 1.5 + 1;
//float f = 1.5 - 1;
float g = 1.5 * 1;
//float h = 1.5 / 1;
const char *shaderStrings[] = {kFragmentShaderString};
testCompile(shaderStrings, 1, true);
// Implicit conversions when assigning
TEST_F(ShCompileDesktopGLTest, ImplicitConversionAssign)
constexpr char kFragmentShaderString[] =
R"(#version 330 core
void main()
float a = 1;
uint b = 2u;
a = b;
a += b;
a -= b;
a *= b;
a /= b;
const char *shaderStrings[] = {kFragmentShaderString};
testCompile(shaderStrings, 1, true);
// Implicit conversions for vectors
TEST_F(ShCompileDesktopGLTest, ImplicitConversionVector)
constexpr char kFragmentShaderString[] =
R"(#version 330 core
void main()
vec3 a;
ivec3 b = ivec3(1, 1, 1);
a = b;
const char *shaderStrings[] = {kFragmentShaderString};
testCompile(shaderStrings, 1, true);
// Implicit conversions should not convert between ints and uints
TEST_F(ShCompileDesktopGLTest, ImplicitConversionAssignFailed)
constexpr char kFragmentShaderString[] =
R"(#version 330 core
void main()
int a = 1;
uint b = 2;
a = b;
const char *shaderStrings[] = {kFragmentShaderString};
testCompile(shaderStrings, 1, false);
// GL shaders use implicit conversions between types
// Testing internal implicit conversions
TEST_F(ShCompileDesktopGLTest, ImplicitConversionFunction)
constexpr char kFragmentShaderString[] =
R"(#version 330 core
void main()
float cosTheta = clamp(0.5,0,1);
float exp = pow(0.5,2);
const char *shaderStrings[] = {kFragmentShaderString};
testCompile(shaderStrings, 1, true);
#endif // !defined(ANGLE_PLATFORM_ANDROID)