blob: 550dbdcd9edad8020737013879108819da318950 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// EmulateDithering: Adds dithering code to fragment shader outputs based on a specialization
// constant control value.
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/vulkan/EmulateDithering.h"
#include "compiler/translator/StaticType.h"
#include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/DriverUniform.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermNode_util.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermTraverse.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/RunAtTheEndOfShader.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/SpecializationConstant.h"
namespace sh
using FragmentOutputVariableList = TVector<const TVariable *>;
void GatherFragmentOutputs(TIntermBlock *root,
FragmentOutputVariableList *fragmentOutputVariablesOut)
TIntermSequence &sequence = *root->getSequence();
for (TIntermNode *node : sequence)
TIntermDeclaration *asDecl = node->getAsDeclarationNode();
if (asDecl == nullptr)
// SeparateDeclarations should have already been run.
ASSERT(asDecl->getSequence()->size() == 1u);
TIntermSymbol *symbol = asDecl->getSequence()->front()->getAsSymbolNode();
if (symbol == nullptr)
const TType &type = symbol->getType();
if (type.getQualifier() == EvqFragmentOut)
TIntermTyped *CreateDitherValue(const TType &type, TIntermSequence *ditherValueElements)
uint8_t channelCount = type.getNominalSize();
if (channelCount == 1)
return ditherValueElements->at(0)->getAsTyped();
if (ditherValueElements->size() > channelCount)
return TIntermAggregate::CreateConstructor(type, ditherValueElements);
void EmitFragmentOutputDither(TCompiler *compiler,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
TIntermBlock *ditherBlock,
TIntermTyped *ditherControl,
TIntermTyped *ditherParam,
TIntermTyped *fragmentOutput,
uint32_t location)
bool roundOutputAfterDithering = compileOptions.roundOutputAfterDithering;
// dither >> 2*location
TIntermBinary *ditherControlShifted = new TIntermBinary(
EOpBitShiftRight, ditherControl->deepCopy(), CreateUIntNode(location * 2));
// (dither >> 2*location) & 3
TIntermBinary *thisDitherControlValue =
new TIntermBinary(EOpBitwiseAnd, ditherControlShifted, CreateUIntNode(3));
// const uint dither_i = (dither >> 2*location) & 3
TIntermSymbol *thisDitherControl = new TIntermSymbol(
CreateTempVariable(symbolTable, StaticType::GetBasic<EbtUInt, EbpHigh>()));
TIntermDeclaration *thisDitherControlDecl =
CreateTempInitDeclarationNode(&thisDitherControl->variable(), thisDitherControlValue);
// The comments below assume the output is vec4, but the code handles float, vec2 and vec3
// outputs.
const TType &type = fragmentOutput->getType();
const uint8_t channelCount = std::min<uint8_t>(type.getNominalSize(), 3u);
TType *outputType = new TType(EbtFloat, EbpMedium, EvqTemporary, channelCount);
// vec3 ditherValue = vec3(0)
TIntermSymbol *ditherValue = new TIntermSymbol(CreateTempVariable(symbolTable, outputType));
TIntermDeclaration *ditherValueDecl =
CreateTempInitDeclarationNode(&ditherValue->variable(), CreateZeroNode(*outputType));
// If a workaround is enabled, the bit-range of each channel is also tracked, so a round() can
// be applied.
TIntermSymbol *roundMultiplier = nullptr;
if (roundOutputAfterDithering)
roundMultiplier = new TIntermSymbol(
CreateTempVariable(symbolTable, StaticType::GetBasic<EbtFloat, EbpMedium, 3>()));
constexpr std::array<float, 3> kDefaultMultiplier = {255, 255, 255};
TIntermConstantUnion *defaultMultiplier =
CreateVecNode(, 3, EbpMedium);
TIntermDeclaration *roundMultiplierDecl =
CreateTempInitDeclarationNode(&roundMultiplier->variable(), defaultMultiplier);
TIntermBlock *switchBody = new TIntermBlock;
// case kDitherControlDither4444:
// ditherValue = vec3(ditherParam * 2)
TIntermSequence ditherValueElements = {
new TIntermBinary(EOpMul, ditherParam->deepCopy(), CreateFloatNode(2.0f, EbpMedium)),
TIntermTyped *value = CreateDitherValue(*outputType, &ditherValueElements);
TIntermTyped *setDitherValue = new TIntermBinary(EOpAssign, ditherValue->deepCopy(), value);
switchBody->appendStatement(new TIntermCase(CreateUIntNode(vk::kDitherControlDither4444)));
if (roundOutputAfterDithering)
constexpr std::array<float, 3> kMultiplier = {15, 15, 15};
TIntermConstantUnion *roundMultiplierValue =
CreateVecNode(, 3, EbpMedium);
new TIntermBinary(EOpAssign, roundMultiplier->deepCopy(), roundMultiplierValue));
switchBody->appendStatement(new TIntermBranch(EOpBreak, nullptr));
// case kDitherControlDither5551:
// ditherValue = vec3(ditherParam)
TIntermSequence ditherValueElements = {
TIntermTyped *value = CreateDitherValue(*outputType, &ditherValueElements);
TIntermTyped *setDitherValue = new TIntermBinary(EOpAssign, ditherValue->deepCopy(), value);
switchBody->appendStatement(new TIntermCase(CreateUIntNode(vk::kDitherControlDither5551)));
if (roundOutputAfterDithering)
constexpr std::array<float, 3> kMultiplier = {31, 31, 31};
TIntermConstantUnion *roundMultiplierValue =
CreateVecNode(, 3, EbpMedium);
new TIntermBinary(EOpAssign, roundMultiplier->deepCopy(), roundMultiplierValue));
switchBody->appendStatement(new TIntermBranch(EOpBreak, nullptr));
// case kDitherControlDither565:
// ditherValue = vec3(ditherParam, ditherParam / 2, ditherParam)
TIntermSequence ditherValueElements = {
new TIntermBinary(EOpMul, ditherParam->deepCopy(), CreateFloatNode(0.5f, EbpMedium)),
TIntermTyped *value = CreateDitherValue(*outputType, &ditherValueElements);
TIntermTyped *setDitherValue = new TIntermBinary(EOpAssign, ditherValue->deepCopy(), value);
switchBody->appendStatement(new TIntermCase(CreateUIntNode(vk::kDitherControlDither565)));
if (roundOutputAfterDithering)
constexpr std::array<float, 3> kMultiplier = {31, 63, 31};
TIntermConstantUnion *roundMultiplierValue =
CreateVecNode(, 3, EbpMedium);
new TIntermBinary(EOpAssign, roundMultiplier->deepCopy(), roundMultiplierValue));
switchBody->appendStatement(new TIntermBranch(EOpBreak, nullptr));
// switch (dither_i)
// {
// ...
// }
TIntermSwitch *formatSwitch = new TIntermSwitch(thisDitherControl, switchBody);
// fragmentOutput.rgb += ditherValue
if (type.getNominalSize() > 3)
fragmentOutput = new TIntermSwizzle(fragmentOutput, {0, 1, 2});
ditherBlock->appendStatement(new TIntermBinary(EOpAddAssign, fragmentOutput, ditherValue));
// round() the output if workaround is enabled
if (roundOutputAfterDithering)
TVector<int> swizzle = {0, 1, 2};
TIntermTyped *multiplier = new TIntermSwizzle(roundMultiplier, swizzle);
// fragmentOutput.rgb = round(fragmentOutput.rgb * roundMultiplier) / roundMultiplier
TIntermTyped *scaledUp = new TIntermBinary(EOpMul, fragmentOutput->deepCopy(), multiplier);
TIntermTyped *rounded =
CreateBuiltInUnaryFunctionCallNode("round", scaledUp, *symbolTable, 300);
TIntermTyped *scaledDown = new TIntermBinary(EOpDiv, rounded, multiplier->deepCopy());
new TIntermBinary(EOpAssign, fragmentOutput->deepCopy(), scaledDown));
void EmitFragmentVariableDither(TCompiler *compiler,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
TIntermBlock *ditherBlock,
TIntermTyped *ditherControl,
TIntermTyped *ditherParam,
const TVariable &fragmentVariable)
const TType &type = fragmentVariable.getType();
if (type.getBasicType() != EbtFloat)
const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier = type.getLayoutQualifier();
const uint32_t location = layoutQualifier.locationsSpecified ? layoutQualifier.location : 0;
// Fragment outputs cannot be an array of array.
// Emit one block of dithering output per element of array (if array).
TIntermSymbol *fragmentOutputSymbol = new TIntermSymbol(&fragmentVariable);
if (!type.isArray())
EmitFragmentOutputDither(compiler, compileOptions, symbolTable, ditherBlock, ditherControl,
ditherParam, fragmentOutputSymbol, location);
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < type.getOutermostArraySize(); ++index)
TIntermBinary *element = new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirect, fragmentOutputSymbol->deepCopy(),
EmitFragmentOutputDither(compiler, compileOptions, symbolTable, ditherBlock, ditherControl,
ditherParam, element, location + static_cast<uint32_t>(index));
TIntermNode *EmitDitheringBlock(TCompiler *compiler,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
SpecConst *specConst,
DriverUniform *driverUniforms,
const FragmentOutputVariableList &fragmentOutputVariables)
// Add dithering code. A specialization constant is taken (dither control) in the following
// form:
// 0000000000000000dfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf
// Where every pair of bits df[i] means for attachment i:
// 00: no dithering
// 01: dither for the R4G4B4A4 format
// 10: dither for the R5G5B5A1 format
// 11: dither for the R5G6B5 format
// Only the above formats are dithered to avoid paying a high cost on formats that usually don't
// need dithering. Applications that require dithering often perform the dithering themselves.
// Additionally, dithering is not applied to alpha as it creates artifacts when blending.
// The generated code is as such:
// if (dither != 0)
// {
// const mediump float bayer[4] = { balanced 2x2 bayer divided by 32 };
// const mediump float b = bayer[(uint(gl_FragCoord.x) & 1) << 1 |
// (uint(gl_FragCoord.y) & 1)];
// // for each attachment i
// uint ditheri = dither >> (2 * i) & 0x3;
// vec3 bi = vec3(0);
// switch (ditheri)
// {
// case kDitherControlDither4444:
// bi = vec3(b * 2)
// break;
// case kDitherControlDither5551:
// bi = vec3(b)
// break;
// case kDitherControlDither565:
// bi = vec3(b, b / 2, b)
// break;
// }
// colori.rgb += bi;
// }
TIntermTyped *ditherControl = specConst->getDither();
if (ditherControl == nullptr)
ditherControl = driverUniforms->getDither();
// if (dither != 0)
TIntermTyped *ifAnyDitherCondition =
new TIntermBinary(EOpNotEqual, ditherControl, CreateUIntNode(0));
TIntermBlock *ditherBlock = new TIntermBlock;
// The dithering (Bayer) matrix. A 2x2 matrix is used which has acceptable results with minimal
// impact on performance. The 2x2 Bayer matrix is defined as:
// [ 0 2 ]
// B = 0.25 * | |
// [ 3 1 ]
// Using this matrix adds energy to the output however, and so it is balanced by subtracting the
// elements by the average value:
// [ -1.5 0.5 ]
// B_balanced = 0.25 * | |
// [ 1.5 -0.5 ]
// For each pixel, one of the four values in this matrix is selected (indexed by
// gl_FragCoord.xy % 2), is scaled by the precision of the attachment format (per channel, if
// different) and is added to the color output. For example, if the value `b` is selected for a
// pixel, and the attachment has the RGB565 format, then the following value is added to the
// color output:
// vec3(b/32, b/64, b/32)
// For RGBA5551, that would be:
// vec3(b/32, b/32, b/32)
// And for RGBA4444, that would be:
// vec3(b/16, b/16, b/16)
// Given the relative popularity of RGB565, and that b/32 is most often used in the above, the
// Bayer matrix constant used here is pre-scaled by 1/32, avoiding further scaling in most
// cases.
TType *bayerType = new TType(*StaticType::GetBasic<EbtFloat, EbpMedium>());
TIntermSequence bayerElements = {
CreateFloatNode(-1.5f * 0.25f / 32.0f, EbpMedium),
CreateFloatNode(0.5f * 0.25f / 32.0f, EbpMedium),
CreateFloatNode(1.5f * 0.25f / 32.0f, EbpMedium),
CreateFloatNode(-0.5f * 0.25f / 32.0f, EbpMedium),
TIntermAggregate *bayerValue = TIntermAggregate::CreateConstructor(*bayerType, &bayerElements);
// const float bayer[4] = { balanced 2x2 bayer divided by 32 }
TIntermSymbol *bayer = new TIntermSymbol(CreateTempVariable(symbolTable, bayerType));
TIntermDeclaration *bayerDecl = CreateTempInitDeclarationNode(&bayer->variable(), bayerValue);
// Take the coordinates of the pixel and determine which element of the bayer matrix should be
// used:
// (uint(gl_FragCoord.x) & 1) << 1 | (uint(gl_FragCoord.y) & 1)
const TVariable *fragCoord = static_cast<const TVariable *>(
symbolTable->findBuiltIn(ImmutableString("gl_FragCoord"), compiler->getShaderVersion()));
TIntermTyped *fragCoordX = new TIntermSwizzle(new TIntermSymbol(fragCoord), {0});
TIntermSequence fragCoordXIntArgs = {
TIntermTyped *fragCoordXInt = TIntermAggregate::CreateConstructor(
*StaticType::GetBasic<EbtUInt, EbpMedium>(), &fragCoordXIntArgs);
TIntermTyped *fragCoordXBit0 =
new TIntermBinary(EOpBitwiseAnd, fragCoordXInt, CreateUIntNode(1));
TIntermTyped *fragCoordXBit0Shifted =
new TIntermBinary(EOpBitShiftLeft, fragCoordXBit0, CreateUIntNode(1));
TIntermTyped *fragCoordY = new TIntermSwizzle(new TIntermSymbol(fragCoord), {1});
TIntermSequence fragCoordYIntArgs = {
TIntermTyped *fragCoordYInt = TIntermAggregate::CreateConstructor(
*StaticType::GetBasic<EbtUInt, EbpMedium>(), &fragCoordYIntArgs);
TIntermTyped *fragCoordYBit0 =
new TIntermBinary(EOpBitwiseAnd, fragCoordYInt, CreateUIntNode(1));
TIntermTyped *bayerIndex =
new TIntermBinary(EOpBitwiseOr, fragCoordXBit0Shifted, fragCoordYBit0);
// const mediump float b = bayer[(uint(gl_FragCoord.x) & 1) << 1 |
// (uint(gl_FragCoord.y) & 1)];
TIntermSymbol *ditherParam = new TIntermSymbol(
CreateTempVariable(symbolTable, StaticType::GetBasic<EbtFloat, EbpMedium>()));
TIntermDeclaration *ditherParamDecl = CreateTempInitDeclarationNode(
new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexIndirect, bayer->deepCopy(), bayerIndex));
// Dither blocks for each fragment output
for (const TVariable *fragmentVariable : fragmentOutputVariables)
EmitFragmentVariableDither(compiler, compileOptions, symbolTable, ditherBlock,
ditherControl, ditherParam, *fragmentVariable);
return new TIntermIfElse(ifAnyDitherCondition, ditherBlock, nullptr);
} // anonymous namespace
bool EmulateDithering(TCompiler *compiler,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
SpecConst *specConst,
DriverUniform *driverUniforms)
FragmentOutputVariableList fragmentOutputVariables;
GatherFragmentOutputs(root, &fragmentOutputVariables);
TIntermNode *ditherCode = EmitDitheringBlock(compiler, compileOptions, symbolTable, specConst,
driverUniforms, fragmentOutputVariables);
return RunAtTheEndOfShader(compiler, root, ditherCode, symbolTable);
} // namespace sh