blob: f782604c60e032f632f2db13a94bd5d6e62ab0e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RewritePixelLocalStorage.h"
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "compiler/translator/StaticType.h"
#include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctions.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/BuiltIn.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/FindMain.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermNode_util.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermTraverse.h"
namespace sh
constexpr static TBasicType DataTypeOfPLSType(TBasicType plsType)
switch (plsType)
case EbtPixelLocalANGLE:
return EbtFloat;
case EbtIPixelLocalANGLE:
return EbtInt;
case EbtUPixelLocalANGLE:
return EbtUInt;
return EbtVoid;
constexpr static TBasicType Image2DTypeOfPLSType(TBasicType plsType)
switch (plsType)
case EbtPixelLocalANGLE:
return EbtImage2D;
case EbtIPixelLocalANGLE:
return EbtIImage2D;
case EbtUPixelLocalANGLE:
return EbtUImage2D;
return EbtVoid;
// Delimits the beginning of a per-pixel critical section. Makes pixel local storage coherent.
// Either: GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock,
// GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering
// GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock,
static TIntermNode *CreateBuiltInInterlockBeginCall(const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
TSymbolTable &symbolTable)
switch (compileOptions.pls.fragmentSynchronizationType)
case ShFragmentSynchronizationType::FragmentShaderInterlock_NV_GL:
return CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode("beginInvocationInterlockNV", {}, symbolTable,
case ShFragmentSynchronizationType::FragmentShaderOrdering_INTEL_GL:
return CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode("beginFragmentShaderOrderingINTEL", {},
symbolTable, kESSLInternalBackendBuiltIns);
case ShFragmentSynchronizationType::FragmentShaderInterlock_ARB_GL:
return CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode("beginInvocationInterlockARB", {}, symbolTable,
return nullptr;
// Delimits the end of a per-pixel critical section. Makes pixel local storage coherent.
// Either: GL_ARB_fragment_shader_interlock or GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock.
// GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering doesn't have an "end()" call.
static TIntermNode *CreateBuiltInInterlockEndCall(const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
TSymbolTable &symbolTable)
switch (compileOptions.pls.fragmentSynchronizationType)
case ShFragmentSynchronizationType::FragmentShaderInterlock_NV_GL:
return CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode("endInvocationInterlockNV", {}, symbolTable,
case ShFragmentSynchronizationType::FragmentShaderOrdering_INTEL_GL:
return nullptr; // GL_INTEL_fragment_shader_ordering doesn't have an "end()" call.
case ShFragmentSynchronizationType::FragmentShaderInterlock_ARB_GL:
return CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode("endInvocationInterlockARB", {}, symbolTable,
return nullptr;
// Rewrites high level PLS operations to shader image operations.
class RewriteToImagesTraverser : public TIntermTraverser
RewriteToImagesTraverser(TCompiler *compiler, TSymbolTable &symbolTable, int shaderVersion)
: TIntermTraverser(true, false, false, &symbolTable),
bool visitDeclaration(Visit, TIntermDeclaration *decl) override
TIntermTyped *declVariable = (decl->getSequence())->front()->getAsTyped();
if (!IsPixelLocal(declVariable->getBasicType()))
return true;
// PLS is not allowed in arrays.
// This visitDeclaration doesn't get called for function arguments, and opaque types can
// otherwise only be uniforms.
ASSERT(declVariable->getQualifier() == EvqUniform);
TIntermSymbol *plsSymbol = declVariable->getAsSymbolNode();
// Insert a global to hold the pixel coordinate as soon as we see PLS declared. This will be
// initialized at the beginning of main().
if (!mGlobalPixelCoord)
TType *coordType = new TType(EbtInt, EbpHigh, EvqGlobal, 2);
mGlobalPixelCoord = CreateTempVariable(mSymbolTable, coordType);
PLSImages &pls = insertNullPLSImages(plsSymbol);
TLayoutImageInternalFormat format =
if (mCompiler->getOutputType() == ShShaderOutput::SH_ESSL_OUTPUT &&
format != TLayoutImageInternalFormat::EiifR32F &&
format != TLayoutImageInternalFormat::EiifR32I &&
format != TLayoutImageInternalFormat::EiifR32UI)
// ES 3.1 requires image formats other than r32f/r32i/r32ui to be either readonly or
// writeonly. To work around this, we create two aliases of the same image: one readonly
// and one writeonly.
// TODO( Maybe we could manually pack 4-byte formats into GL_R32UI
// instead of aliasing them. We could also walk the tree first and see which image is
// used how. If the image is never loaded, no need to generate the readonly binding for
// example.
// First insert a readonly image2D directly before the PLS declaration.
pls.image2DForLoading = createPLSImage(plsSymbol, ImageAccess::ReadOnly);
new TIntermDeclaration({new TIntermSymbol(pls.image2DForLoading)}));
// Replace the PLS declaration with a writeonly image2D.
pls.image2DForStoring = createPLSImage(plsSymbol, ImageAccess::WriteOnly);
queueReplacement(new TIntermDeclaration({new TIntermSymbol(pls.image2DForStoring)}),
// Replace the PLS declaration with a single readwrite image2D.
TVariable *readWriteImage = createPLSImage(plsSymbol, ImageAccess::ReadWrite);
queueReplacement(new TIntermDeclaration({new TIntermSymbol(readWriteImage)}),
pls.image2DForLoading = pls.image2DForStoring = readWriteImage;
return false;
bool visitAggregate(Visit, TIntermAggregate *aggregate) override
if (!BuiltInGroup::IsPixelLocal(aggregate->getOp()))
return true;
const TIntermSequence &args = *aggregate->getSequence();
ASSERT(args.size() >= 1);
TIntermSymbol *plsSymbol = args[0]->getAsSymbolNode();
const PLSImages &pls = findPLSImages(plsSymbol);
// Rewrite pixelLocalLoadANGLE -> imageLoad.
if (aggregate->getOp() == EOpPixelLocalLoadANGLE)
// Replace the pixelLocalLoadANGLE with imageLoad.
{new TIntermSymbol(pls.image2DForLoading),
new TIntermSymbol(mGlobalPixelCoord)},
*mSymbolTable, mShaderVersion),
return false; // No need to recurse since this node is being dropped.
// Rewrite pixelLocalStoreANGLE -> imageStore.
if (aggregate->getOp() == EOpPixelLocalStoreANGLE)
// Surround the store with memoryBarrierImage calls in order to ensure dependent stores
// and loads in a single shader invocation are coherent. From the ES 3.1 spec:
// Using variables declared as "coherent" guarantees only that the results of stores
// will be immediately visible to shader invocations using similarly-declared
// variables; calling MemoryBarrier is required to ensure that the stores are visible
// to other operations.
// Also hoist the 'value' expression into a temp. In the event of
// "pixelLocalStoreANGLE(..., pixelLocalLoadANGLE(...))", this ensures the load occurs
// _before_ the memoryBarrierImage.
// NOTE: It is generally unsafe to hoist function arguments due to short circuiting,
// e.g., "if (false && function(...))", but pixelLocalStoreANGLE returns type void, so
// it is safe in this particular case.
TType *valueType = new TType(DataTypeOfPLSType(plsSymbol->getBasicType()),
plsSymbol->getPrecision(), EvqTemporary, 4);
TVariable *valueVar = CreateTempVariable(mSymbolTable, valueType);
TIntermDeclaration *valueDecl =
CreateTempInitDeclarationNode(valueVar, args[1]->getAsTyped());
valueDecl->traverse(this); // Rewrite any potential pixelLocalLoadANGLEs in valueDecl.
{valueDecl, CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode("memoryBarrierImage", {}, *mSymbolTable,
mShaderVersion)}, // Before.
{CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode("memoryBarrierImage", {}, *mSymbolTable,
mShaderVersion)}); // After.
// Rewrite the pixelLocalStoreANGLE with imageStore.
{new TIntermSymbol(pls.image2DForStoring), new TIntermSymbol(mGlobalPixelCoord),
new TIntermSymbol(valueVar)},
*mSymbolTable, mShaderVersion),
return false; // No need to recurse since this node is being dropped.
return true;
TVariable *globalPixelCoord() const { return mGlobalPixelCoord; }
// Internal implementation of an opaque 'gpixelLocalANGLE' handle. Since ES 3.1 requires most
// image formats to be either readonly or writeonly, we have to make two separate images that
// alias the same binding.
struct PLSImages
TVariable *image2DForLoading = nullptr;
TVariable *image2DForStoring = nullptr;
// Adds a null 'PLSImages' entry to the map for the given symbol. An entry must not already
// exist in the map for this symbol.
PLSImages &insertNullPLSImages(TIntermSymbol *plsSymbol)
int binding = plsSymbol->getType().getLayoutQualifier().binding;
ASSERT(binding >= 0);
auto result = mPLSImages.insert({binding, PLSImages()});
ASSERT(result.second); // Ensure PLSImages didn't already exist for this symbol.
return result.first->second;
// Looks up the PLSImages for the given symbol. An entry must already exist in the map for this
// symbol.
PLSImages &findPLSImages(TIntermSymbol *plsSymbol)
int binding = plsSymbol->getType().getLayoutQualifier().binding;
ASSERT(binding >= 0);
auto iter = mPLSImages.find(binding);
ASSERT(iter != mPLSImages.end()); // Ensure PLSImages already exist for this symbol.
return iter->second;
enum class ImageAccess
// Creates a 'gimage2D' that implements a pixel local storage handle.
TVariable *createPLSImage(const TIntermSymbol *plsSymbol, ImageAccess access)
TMemoryQualifier memoryQualifier;
memoryQualifier.coherent = true;
memoryQualifier.restrictQualifier = access == ImageAccess::ReadWrite;
memoryQualifier.volatileQualifier = access != ImageAccess::ReadWrite;
memoryQualifier.readonly = access == ImageAccess::ReadOnly;
memoryQualifier.writeonly = access == ImageAccess::WriteOnly;
TType *imageType = new TType(plsSymbol->getType());
std::string name = "_pls";
if (access == ImageAccess::ReadOnly)
else if (access == ImageAccess::WriteOnly)
return new TVariable(mSymbolTable, ImmutableString(name), imageType, SymbolType::BuiltIn);
const TCompiler *const mCompiler;
const int mShaderVersion;
// Stores the shader invocation's pixel coordinate as "ivec2(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy))".
TVariable *mGlobalPixelCoord = nullptr;
// Maps PLS variables to their gimage2D aliases.
angle::HashMap<int, PLSImages> mPLSImages;
} // anonymous namespace
bool RewritePixelLocalStorageToImages(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable &symbolTable,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
int shaderVersion)
// If any functions take PLS arguments, monomorphize the functions by removing said parameters
// and making the PLS calls from main() instead, using the global uniform from the call site
// instead of the function argument. This is necessary because function arguments don't carry
// the necessary "binding" or "format" layout qualifiers.
if (!MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctions(
compiler, root, &symbolTable, compileOptions,
return false;
TIntermBlock *mainBody = FindMainBody(root);
// Surround the critical section of PLS operations in fragment synchronization calls, if
// supported. This makes pixel local storage coherent.
TIntermNode *interlockBeginCall = CreateBuiltInInterlockBeginCall(compileOptions, symbolTable);
if (interlockBeginCall)
// TODO( Inject these functions in a tight critical section, instead of
// just locking the entire main() function:
// - Monomorphize all PLS calls into main().
// - Insert begin/end calls around the first/last PLS calls (and outside of flow control).
mainBody->insertStatement(0, interlockBeginCall);
TIntermNode *interlockEndCall = CreateBuiltInInterlockEndCall(compileOptions, symbolTable);
if (interlockEndCall)
// Not all fragment synchronization extensions have an end() call.
// Rewrite PLS operations to image operations.
RewriteToImagesTraverser traverser(compiler, symbolTable, shaderVersion);
if (!traverser.updateTree(compiler, root))
return false;
// Initialize the global pixel coord at the beginning of main():
// pixelCoord = ivec2(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy));
if (traverser.globalPixelCoord())
TIntermTyped *exp;
exp = ReferenceBuiltInVariable(ImmutableString("gl_FragCoord"), symbolTable, shaderVersion);
exp = CreateSwizzle(exp, 0, 1);
exp = CreateBuiltInFunctionCallNode("floor", {exp}, symbolTable, shaderVersion);
exp = TIntermAggregate::CreateConstructor(TType(EbtInt, 2), {exp});
exp = CreateTempAssignmentNode(traverser.globalPixelCoord(), exp);
mainBody->insertStatement(0, exp);
return compiler->validateAST(root);
} // namespace sh