blob: 11c8b720027d3887217b7d7e8a53cec0019caa37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctions: Monomorphize functions that are called with
// parameters that are incompatible with both Vulkan GLSL and Metal.
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctions.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableStringBuilder.h"
#include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermNode_util.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermTraverse.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/ReplaceVariable.h"
namespace sh
struct Argument
size_t argumentIndex;
TIntermTyped *argument;
struct FunctionData
// Whether the original function is used. If this is false, the function can be removed because
// all callers have been modified.
bool isOriginalUsed;
// The original definition of the function, used to create the monomorphized version.
TIntermFunctionDefinition *originalDefinition;
// List of monomorphized versions of this function. They will be added next to the original
// version (or replace it).
TVector<TIntermFunctionDefinition *> monomorphizedDefinitions;
using FunctionMap = angle::HashMap<const TFunction *, FunctionData>;
// Traverse the function definitions and initialize the map. Allows visitAggregate to have access
// to TIntermFunctionDefinition even when the function is only forward declared at that point.
void InitializeFunctionMap(TIntermBlock *root, FunctionMap *functionMapOut)
TIntermSequence &sequence = *root->getSequence();
for (TIntermNode *node : sequence)
TIntermFunctionDefinition *asFuncDef = node->getAsFunctionDefinition();
if (asFuncDef != nullptr)
const TFunction *function = asFuncDef->getFunction();
ASSERT(function && functionMapOut->find(function) == functionMapOut->end());
(*functionMapOut)[function] = FunctionData{false, asFuncDef, {}};
const TVariable *GetBaseUniform(TIntermTyped *node, bool *isSamplerInStructOut)
*isSamplerInStructOut = false;
while (node->getAsBinaryNode())
TIntermBinary *asBinary = node->getAsBinaryNode();
TOperator op = asBinary->getOp();
// No opaque uniform can be inside an interface block.
if (op == EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock)
return nullptr;
if (op == EOpIndexDirectStruct)
*isSamplerInStructOut = true;
node = asBinary->getLeft();
// Only interested in uniform opaque types. If a function call within another function uses
// opaque uniforms in an unsupported way, it will be replaced in a follow up pass after the
// calling function is monomorphized.
if (node->getType().getQualifier() != EvqUniform)
return nullptr;
ASSERT(IsOpaqueType(node->getType().getBasicType()) ||
TIntermSymbol *asSymbol = node->getAsSymbolNode();
return &asSymbol->variable();
TIntermTyped *ExtractSideEffects(TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
TIntermTyped *node,
TIntermSequence *replacementIndices)
TIntermTyped *withoutSideEffects = node->deepCopy();
for (TIntermBinary *asBinary = withoutSideEffects->getAsBinaryNode(); asBinary;
asBinary = asBinary->getLeft()->getAsBinaryNode())
TOperator op = asBinary->getOp();
TIntermTyped *index = asBinary->getRight();
if (op == EOpIndexDirectStruct)
// No side effects with constant expressions.
if (op == EOpIndexDirect)
ASSERT(op == EOpIndexIndirect);
// If the index is a symbol, there's no side effect, so leave it as-is.
if (index->getAsSymbolNode())
// Otherwise create a temp variable initialized with the index and use that temp variable as
// the index.
TIntermDeclaration *tempDecl = nullptr;
TVariable *tempVar = DeclareTempVariable(symbolTable, index, EvqTemporary, &tempDecl);
asBinary->replaceChildNode(index, new TIntermSymbol(tempVar));
return withoutSideEffects;
void CreateMonomorphizedFunctionCallArgs(const TIntermSequence &originalCallArguments,
const TVector<Argument> &replacedArguments,
TIntermSequence *substituteArgsOut)
size_t nextReplacedArg = 0;
for (size_t argIndex = 0; argIndex < originalCallArguments.size(); ++argIndex)
if (nextReplacedArg >= replacedArguments.size() ||
argIndex != replacedArguments[nextReplacedArg].argumentIndex)
// Not replaced, keep argument as is.
TIntermTyped *argument = replacedArguments[nextReplacedArg].argument;
// Iterate over indices of the argument and create a new arg for every non-const
// index. Note that the index itself may be an expression, and it may require further
// substitution in the next pass.
while (argument->getAsBinaryNode())
TIntermBinary *asBinary = argument->getAsBinaryNode();
if (asBinary->getOp() == EOpIndexIndirect)
TIntermTyped *index = asBinary->getRight();
argument = asBinary->getLeft();
const TFunction *MonomorphizeFunction(TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const TFunction *original,
TVector<Argument> *replacedArguments,
VariableReplacementMap *argumentMapOut)
TFunction *substituteFunction =
new TFunction(symbolTable, kEmptyImmutableString, SymbolType::AngleInternal,
&original->getReturnType(), original->isKnownToNotHaveSideEffects());
size_t nextReplacedArg = 0;
for (size_t paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < original->getParamCount(); ++paramIndex)
const TVariable *originalParam = original->getParam(paramIndex);
if (nextReplacedArg >= replacedArguments->size() ||
paramIndex != (*replacedArguments)[nextReplacedArg].argumentIndex)
TVariable *substituteArgument =
new TVariable(symbolTable, originalParam->name(), &originalParam->getType(),
// Not replaced, add an identical parameter.
(*argumentMapOut)[originalParam] = new TIntermSymbol(substituteArgument);
TIntermTyped *substituteArgument = (*replacedArguments)[nextReplacedArg].argument;
(*argumentMapOut)[originalParam] = substituteArgument;
// Iterate over indices of the argument and create a new parameter for every non-const
// index (which may be an expression). Replace the symbol in the argument with a
// variable of the index type. This is later used to replace the parameter in the
// function body.
while (substituteArgument->getAsBinaryNode())
TIntermBinary *asBinary = substituteArgument->getAsBinaryNode();
if (asBinary->getOp() == EOpIndexIndirect)
TIntermTyped *index = asBinary->getRight();
TType *indexType = new TType(index->getType());
TVariable *param = new TVariable(symbolTable, kEmptyImmutableString, indexType,
// The argument now uses the function parameters as indices.
asBinary->replaceChildNode(asBinary->getRight(), new TIntermSymbol(param));
substituteArgument = asBinary->getLeft();
return substituteFunction;
class MonomorphizeTraverser final : public TIntermTraverser
explicit MonomorphizeTraverser(TCompiler *compiler,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
UnsupportedFunctionArgsBitSet unsupportedFunctionArgs,
FunctionMap *functionMap)
: TIntermTraverser(true, false, false, symbolTable),
bool visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) override
if (node->getOp() != EOpCallFunctionInAST)
return true;
const TFunction *function = node->getFunction();
ASSERT(function && mFunctionMap->find(function) != mFunctionMap->end());
FunctionData &data = (*mFunctionMap)[function];
TIntermFunctionDefinition *monomorphized =
processFunctionCall(node, data.originalDefinition, &data.isOriginalUsed);
if (monomorphized)
return true;
bool getAnyMonomorphized() const { return mAnyMonomorphized; }
bool isUnsupportedArgument(TIntermTyped *callArgument, const TVariable *funcArgument) const
// Only interested in opaque uniforms and structs that contain samplers.
const bool isOpaqueType = IsOpaqueType(funcArgument->getType().getBasicType());
const bool isStructContainingSamplers =
if (!isOpaqueType && !isStructContainingSamplers)
return false;
// If not uniform (the variable was itself a function parameter), don't process it in
// this pass, as we don't know which actual uniform it corresponds to.
bool isSamplerInStruct = false;
const TVariable *uniform = GetBaseUniform(callArgument, &isSamplerInStruct);
if (uniform == nullptr)
return false;
const TType &type = uniform->getType();
if (mUnsupportedFunctionArgs[UnsupportedFunctionArgs::StructContainingSamplers])
// Monomorphize if the parameter is a structure that contains samplers (so in
// RewriteStructSamplers we don't need to rewrite the functions to accept multiple
// parameters split from the struct).
if (isStructContainingSamplers)
return true;
if (mUnsupportedFunctionArgs[UnsupportedFunctionArgs::ArrayOfArrayOfSamplerOrImage])
// Monomorphize if:
// - The opaque uniform is a sampler in a struct (which can create an array-of-array
// situation), and the function expects an array of samplers, or
// - The opaque uniform is an array of array of sampler or image, and it's partially
// subscripted (i.e. the function itself expects an array)
const bool isParameterArrayOfOpaqueType = funcArgument->getType().isArray();
const bool isArrayOfArrayOfSamplerOrImage =
(type.isSampler() || type.isImage()) && type.isArrayOfArrays();
if (isSamplerInStruct && isParameterArrayOfOpaqueType)
return true;
if (isArrayOfArrayOfSamplerOrImage && isParameterArrayOfOpaqueType)
return true;
if (mUnsupportedFunctionArgs[UnsupportedFunctionArgs::AtomicCounter])
if (type.isAtomicCounter())
return true;
if (mUnsupportedFunctionArgs[UnsupportedFunctionArgs::SamplerCubeEmulation])
// Monomorphize if the opaque uniform is a samplerCube and ES2's cube sampling emulation
// is requested.
if (type.isSamplerCube() && mCompileOptions.emulateSeamfulCubeMapSampling)
return true;
if (mUnsupportedFunctionArgs[UnsupportedFunctionArgs::Image])
if (type.isImage())
return true;
if (mUnsupportedFunctionArgs[UnsupportedFunctionArgs::PixelLocalStorage])
if (type.isPixelLocal())
return true;
return false;
TIntermFunctionDefinition *processFunctionCall(TIntermAggregate *functionCall,
TIntermFunctionDefinition *originalDefinition,
bool *isOriginalUsedOut)
const TFunction *function = functionCall->getFunction();
const TIntermSequence &callArguments = *functionCall->getSequence();
TVector<Argument> replacedArguments;
TIntermSequence replacementIndices;
// Go through function call arguments, and see if any is used in an unsupported way.
for (size_t argIndex = 0; argIndex < callArguments.size(); ++argIndex)
TIntermTyped *callArgument = callArguments[argIndex]->getAsTyped();
const TVariable *funcArgument = function->getParam(argIndex);
if (isUnsupportedArgument(callArgument, funcArgument))
// Copy the argument and extract the side effects.
TIntermTyped *argument =
ExtractSideEffects(mSymbolTable, callArgument, &replacementIndices);
replacedArguments.push_back({argIndex, argument});
if (replacedArguments.empty())
*isOriginalUsedOut = true;
return nullptr;
mAnyMonomorphized = true;
// Create the arguments for the substitute function call. Done before monomorphizing the
// function, which transforms the arguments to what needs to be replaced in the function
// body.
TIntermSequence newCallArgs;
CreateMonomorphizedFunctionCallArgs(callArguments, replacedArguments, &newCallArgs);
// Duplicate the function and substitute the replaced arguments with only the non-const
// indices. Additionally, substitute the non-const indices of arguments with the new
// function parameters.
VariableReplacementMap argumentMap;
const TFunction *monomorphized =
MonomorphizeFunction(mSymbolTable, function, &replacedArguments, &argumentMap);
// Replace this function call with a call to the new one.
queueReplacement(TIntermAggregate::CreateFunctionCall(*monomorphized, &newCallArgs),
// Create a new function definition, with the body of the old function but with the replaced
// parameters substituted with the calling expressions.
TIntermFunctionPrototype *substitutePrototype = new TIntermFunctionPrototype(monomorphized);
TIntermBlock *substituteBlock = originalDefinition->getBody()->deepCopy();
GetDeclaratorReplacements(mSymbolTable, substituteBlock, &argumentMap);
bool valid = ReplaceVariables(mCompiler, substituteBlock, argumentMap);
return new TIntermFunctionDefinition(substitutePrototype, substituteBlock);
TCompiler *mCompiler;
const ShCompileOptions &mCompileOptions;
UnsupportedFunctionArgsBitSet mUnsupportedFunctionArgs;
bool mAnyMonomorphized = false;
// Map of original to monomorphized functions.
FunctionMap *mFunctionMap;
class UpdateFunctionsDefinitionsTraverser final : public TIntermTraverser
explicit UpdateFunctionsDefinitionsTraverser(TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const FunctionMap &functionMap)
: TIntermTraverser(true, false, false, symbolTable), mFunctionMap(functionMap)
void visitFunctionPrototype(TIntermFunctionPrototype *node) override
const bool isInFunctionDefinition = getParentNode()->getAsFunctionDefinition() != nullptr;
if (isInFunctionDefinition)
// Add to and possibly replace the function prototype with replacement prototypes.
const TFunction *function = node->getFunction();
ASSERT(function && mFunctionMap.find(function) != mFunctionMap.end());
const FunctionData &data =;
// If nothing to do, leave it be.
if (data.monomorphizedDefinitions.empty())
// Replace the prototype with itself (if function is still used) as well as any
// monomorphized versions.
TIntermSequence replacement;
if (data.isOriginalUsed)
for (TIntermFunctionDefinition *monomorphizedDefinition : data.monomorphizedDefinitions)
replacement.push_back(new TIntermFunctionPrototype(
mMultiReplacements.emplace_back(getParentNode()->getAsBlock(), node,
bool visitFunctionDefinition(Visit visit, TIntermFunctionDefinition *node) override
// Add to and possibly replace the function definition with replacement definitions.
const TFunction *function = node->getFunction();
ASSERT(function && mFunctionMap.find(function) != mFunctionMap.end());
const FunctionData &data =;
// If nothing to do, leave it be.
if (data.monomorphizedDefinitions.empty())
ASSERT(data.isOriginalUsed || function->name() == "main");
return false;
// Replace the definition with itself (if function is still used) as well as any
// monomorphized versions.
TIntermSequence replacement;
if (data.isOriginalUsed)
for (TIntermFunctionDefinition *monomorphizedDefinition : data.monomorphizedDefinitions)
mMultiReplacements.emplace_back(getParentNode()->getAsBlock(), node,
return false;
const FunctionMap &mFunctionMap;
void SortDeclarations(TIntermBlock *root)
TIntermSequence *original = root->getSequence();
TIntermSequence replacement;
TIntermSequence functionDefs;
// Accumulate non-function-definition declarations in |replacement| and function definitions in
// |functionDefs|.
for (TIntermNode *node : *original)
if (node->getAsFunctionDefinition() || node->getAsFunctionPrototypeNode())
// Append function definitions to |replacement|.
replacement.insert(replacement.end(), functionDefs.begin(), functionDefs.end());
// Replace root's sequence with |replacement|.
bool MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctionsImpl(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
UnsupportedFunctionArgsBitSet unsupportedFunctionArgs)
// First, sort out the declarations such that all non-function declarations are placed before
// function definitions. This way when the function is replaced with one that references said
// declarations (i.e. uniforms), the uniform declaration is already present above it.
while (true)
FunctionMap functionMap;
InitializeFunctionMap(root, &functionMap);
MonomorphizeTraverser monomorphizer(compiler, symbolTable, compileOptions,
unsupportedFunctionArgs, &functionMap);
if (!monomorphizer.getAnyMonomorphized())
if (!monomorphizer.updateTree(compiler, root))
return false;
UpdateFunctionsDefinitionsTraverser functionUpdater(symbolTable, functionMap);
if (!functionUpdater.updateTree(compiler, root))
return false;
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
bool MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctions(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
UnsupportedFunctionArgsBitSet unsupportedFunctionArgs)
// This function actually applies multiple transformation, and the AST may not be valid until
// the transformations are entirely done. Some validation is momentarily disabled.
bool enableValidateFunctionCall = compiler->disableValidateFunctionCall();
bool result = MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctionsImpl(compiler, root, symbolTable, compileOptions,
return result && compiler->validateAST(root);
} // namespace sh