blob: 945c51677996421e548c57db153857448e09f921 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TranslatorVulkan:
// A GLSL-based translator that outputs shaders that fit GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl and feeds them into
// glslang to spit out SPIR-V.
// See:
#include "compiler/translator/TranslatorVulkan.h"
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "common/PackedEnums.h"
#include "common/utilities.h"
#include "compiler/translator/BuiltinsWorkaroundGLSL.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableStringBuilder.h"
#include "compiler/translator/IntermNode.h"
#include "compiler/translator/OutputSPIRV.h"
#include "compiler/translator/OutputVulkanGLSL.h"
#include "compiler/translator/StaticType.h"
#include "compiler/translator/glslang_wrapper.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctions.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RecordConstantPrecision.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RemoveAtomicCounterBuiltins.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RemoveInactiveInterfaceVariables.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RewriteArrayOfArrayOfOpaqueUniforms.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RewriteAtomicCounters.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RewriteCubeMapSamplersAs2DArray.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RewriteDfdy.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RewriteStructSamplers.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/SeparateStructFromUniformDeclarations.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/vulkan/DeclarePerVertexBlocks.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/vulkan/EmulateAdvancedBlendEquations.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/vulkan/EmulateDithering.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/vulkan/EmulateFragColorData.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/vulkan/EmulateYUVBuiltIns.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/vulkan/FlagSamplersWithTexelFetch.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/vulkan/ReplaceForShaderFramebufferFetch.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/vulkan/RewriteInterpolateAtOffset.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/vulkan/RewriteR32fImages.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/BuiltIn.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/DriverUniform.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/FindFunction.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/FindMain.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermNode_util.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/ReplaceClipCullDistanceVariable.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/ReplaceVariable.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/RewriteSampleMaskVariable.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/RunAtTheBeginningOfShader.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/RunAtTheEndOfShader.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/SpecializationConstant.h"
#include "compiler/translator/util.h"
namespace sh
constexpr ImmutableString kFlippedPointCoordName = ImmutableString("flippedPointCoord");
constexpr ImmutableString kFlippedFragCoordName = ImmutableString("flippedFragCoord");
constexpr gl::ShaderMap<const char *> kDefaultUniformNames = {
{gl::ShaderType::Vertex, vk::kDefaultUniformsNameVS},
{gl::ShaderType::TessControl, vk::kDefaultUniformsNameTCS},
{gl::ShaderType::TessEvaluation, vk::kDefaultUniformsNameTES},
{gl::ShaderType::Geometry, vk::kDefaultUniformsNameGS},
{gl::ShaderType::Fragment, vk::kDefaultUniformsNameFS},
{gl::ShaderType::Compute, vk::kDefaultUniformsNameCS},
bool IsDefaultUniform(const TType &type)
return type.getQualifier() == EvqUniform && type.getInterfaceBlock() == nullptr &&
class ReplaceDefaultUniformsTraverser : public TIntermTraverser
ReplaceDefaultUniformsTraverser(const VariableReplacementMap &variableMap)
: TIntermTraverser(true, false, false), mVariableMap(variableMap)
bool visitDeclaration(Visit visit, TIntermDeclaration *node) override
const TIntermSequence &sequence = *(node->getSequence());
TIntermTyped *variable = sequence.front()->getAsTyped();
const TType &type = variable->getType();
if (IsDefaultUniform(type))
// Remove the uniform declaration.
TIntermSequence emptyReplacement;
mMultiReplacements.emplace_back(getParentNode()->getAsBlock(), node,
return false;
return true;
void visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *symbol) override
const TVariable &variable = symbol->variable();
const TType &type = variable.getType();
if (!IsDefaultUniform(type) || gl::IsBuiltInName(
ASSERT(mVariableMap.count(&variable) > 0);
queueReplacement(>deepCopy(), OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED);
const VariableReplacementMap &mVariableMap;
bool DeclareDefaultUniforms(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
gl::ShaderType shaderType)
// First, collect all default uniforms and declare a uniform block.
TFieldList *uniformList = new TFieldList;
TVector<const TVariable *> uniformVars;
for (TIntermNode *node : *root->getSequence())
TIntermDeclaration *decl = node->getAsDeclarationNode();
if (decl == nullptr)
const TIntermSequence &sequence = *(decl->getSequence());
TIntermSymbol *symbol = sequence.front()->getAsSymbolNode();
if (symbol == nullptr)
const TType &type = symbol->getType();
if (IsDefaultUniform(type))
TType *fieldType = new TType(type);
uniformList->push_back(new TField(fieldType, symbol->getName(), symbol->getLine(),
TLayoutQualifier layoutQualifier = TLayoutQualifier::Create();
layoutQualifier.blockStorage = EbsStd140;
const TVariable *uniformBlock = DeclareInterfaceBlock(
root, symbolTable, uniformList, EvqUniform, layoutQualifier, TMemoryQualifier::Create(), 0,
ImmutableString(kDefaultUniformNames[shaderType]), ImmutableString(""));
// Create a map from the uniform variables to new variables that reference the fields of the
// block.
VariableReplacementMap variableMap;
for (size_t fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < uniformVars.size(); ++fieldIndex)
const TVariable *variable = uniformVars[fieldIndex];
TType *replacementType = new TType(variable->getType());
TVariable *replacementVariable =
new TVariable(symbolTable, variable->name(), replacementType, variable->symbolType());
variableMap[variable] = new TIntermSymbol(replacementVariable);
// Finally transform the AST and make sure references to the uniforms are replaced with the new
// variables.
ReplaceDefaultUniformsTraverser defaultTraverser(variableMap);
return defaultTraverser.updateTree(compiler, root);
// Replaces a builtin variable with a version that is rotated and corrects the X and Y coordinates.
[[nodiscard]] bool RotateAndFlipBuiltinVariable(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
TIntermSequence *insertSequence,
TIntermTyped *swapXY,
TIntermTyped *flipXY,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const TVariable *builtin,
const ImmutableString &flippedVariableName,
TIntermTyped *pivot)
// Create a symbol reference to 'builtin'.
TIntermSymbol *builtinRef = new TIntermSymbol(builtin);
// Create a symbol reference to our new variable that will hold the modified builtin.
TType *type = new TType(builtin->getType());
TVariable *replacementVar =
new TVariable(symbolTable, flippedVariableName, type, SymbolType::AngleInternal);
DeclareGlobalVariable(root, replacementVar);
TIntermSymbol *flippedBuiltinRef = new TIntermSymbol(replacementVar);
// Use this new variable instead of 'builtin' everywhere.
if (!ReplaceVariable(compiler, root, builtin, replacementVar))
return false;
// Create the expression "(swapXY ? builtin.yx : builtin.xy)"
TIntermTyped *builtinXY = new TIntermSwizzle(builtinRef, {0, 1});
TIntermTyped *builtinYX = new TIntermSwizzle(builtinRef->deepCopy(), {1, 0});
builtinXY = new TIntermTernary(swapXY, builtinYX, builtinXY);
// Create the expression "(builtin.xy - pivot) * flipXY + pivot
TIntermBinary *removePivot = new TIntermBinary(EOpSub, builtinXY, pivot);
TIntermBinary *inverseXY = new TIntermBinary(EOpMul, removePivot, flipXY);
TIntermBinary *plusPivot = new TIntermBinary(EOpAdd, inverseXY, pivot->deepCopy());
// Create the corrected variable and copy the value of the original builtin.
TIntermBinary *assignment =
new TIntermBinary(EOpAssign, flippedBuiltinRef, builtinRef->deepCopy());
// Create an assignment to the replaced variable's .xy.
TIntermSwizzle *correctedXY = new TIntermSwizzle(flippedBuiltinRef->deepCopy(), {0, 1});
TIntermBinary *assignToXY = new TIntermBinary(EOpAssign, correctedXY, plusPivot);
// Add this assigment at the beginning of the main function
insertSequence->insert(insertSequence->begin(), assignToXY);
insertSequence->insert(insertSequence->begin(), assignment);
return compiler->validateAST(root);
TIntermSequence *GetMainSequence(TIntermBlock *root)
TIntermFunctionDefinition *main = FindMain(root);
return main->getBody()->getSequence();
// Declares a new variable to replace gl_DepthRange, its values are fed from a driver uniform.
[[nodiscard]] bool ReplaceGLDepthRangeWithDriverUniform(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
const DriverUniform *driverUniforms,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable)
// Create a symbol reference to "gl_DepthRange"
const TVariable *depthRangeVar = static_cast<const TVariable *>(
symbolTable->findBuiltIn(ImmutableString("gl_DepthRange"), 0));
// ANGLEUniforms.depthRange
TIntermTyped *angleEmulatedDepthRangeRef = driverUniforms->getDepthRange();
// Use this variable instead of gl_DepthRange everywhere.
return ReplaceVariableWithTyped(compiler, root, depthRangeVar, angleEmulatedDepthRangeRef);
// Declares a new variable to replace gl_BoundingBoxEXT, its values are fed from a global temporary
// variable.
[[nodiscard]] bool ReplaceGLBoundingBoxWithGlobal(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
int shaderVersion)
// Declare the replacement bounding box variable type
TType *emulatedBoundingBoxDeclType = new TType(EbtFloat, EbpHigh, EvqGlobal, 4);
TVariable *ANGLEBoundingBoxVar = new TVariable(
symbolTable->nextUniqueId(), ImmutableString("ANGLEBoundingBox"), SymbolType::AngleInternal,
TExtension::EXT_primitive_bounding_box, emulatedBoundingBoxDeclType);
DeclareGlobalVariable(root, ANGLEBoundingBoxVar);
const TVariable *builtinBoundingBoxVar;
bool replacementResult = true;
// Create a symbol reference to "gl_BoundingBoxEXT"
builtinBoundingBoxVar = static_cast<const TVariable *>(
symbolTable->findBuiltIn(ImmutableString("gl_BoundingBoxEXT"), shaderVersion));
if (builtinBoundingBoxVar != nullptr)
// Use the replacement variable instead of builtin gl_BoundingBoxEXT everywhere.
replacementResult &=
ReplaceVariable(compiler, root, builtinBoundingBoxVar, ANGLEBoundingBoxVar);
// Create a symbol reference to "gl_BoundingBoxOES"
builtinBoundingBoxVar = static_cast<const TVariable *>(
symbolTable->findBuiltIn(ImmutableString("gl_BoundingBoxOES"), shaderVersion));
if (builtinBoundingBoxVar != nullptr)
// Use the replacement variable instead of builtin gl_BoundingBoxOES everywhere.
replacementResult &=
ReplaceVariable(compiler, root, builtinBoundingBoxVar, ANGLEBoundingBoxVar);
if (shaderVersion >= 320)
// Create a symbol reference to "gl_BoundingBox"
builtinBoundingBoxVar = static_cast<const TVariable *>(
symbolTable->findBuiltIn(ImmutableString("gl_BoundingBox"), shaderVersion));
if (builtinBoundingBoxVar != nullptr)
// Use the replacement variable instead of builtin gl_BoundingBox everywhere.
replacementResult &=
ReplaceVariable(compiler, root, builtinBoundingBoxVar, ANGLEBoundingBoxVar);
return replacementResult;
[[nodiscard]] bool AddXfbEmulationSupport(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const DriverUniform *driverUniforms)
// Generate the following function and place it before main(). This function takes a "strides"
// parameter that is determined at link time, and calculates for each transform feedback buffer
// (of which there are a maximum of four) what the starting index is to write to the output
// buffer.
// ivec4 ANGLEGetXfbOffsets(ivec4 strides)
// {
// int xfbIndex = gl_VertexIndex
// + gl_InstanceIndex * ANGLEUniforms.xfbVerticesPerInstance;
// return ANGLEUniforms.xfbBufferOffsets + xfbIndex * strides;
// }
constexpr uint32_t kMaxXfbBuffers = 4;
const TType *ivec4Type = StaticType::GetBasic<EbtInt, EbpHigh, kMaxXfbBuffers>();
TType *stridesType = new TType(*ivec4Type);
// Create the parameter variable.
TVariable *stridesVar = new TVariable(symbolTable, ImmutableString("strides"), stridesType,
TIntermSymbol *stridesSymbol = new TIntermSymbol(stridesVar);
// Create references to gl_VertexIndex, gl_InstanceIndex, ANGLEUniforms.xfbVerticesPerInstance
// and ANGLEUniforms.xfbBufferOffsets.
TIntermSymbol *vertexIndex = new TIntermSymbol(BuiltInVariable::gl_VertexIndex());
TIntermSymbol *instanceIndex = new TIntermSymbol(BuiltInVariable::gl_InstanceIndex());
TIntermTyped *xfbVerticesPerInstance = driverUniforms->getXfbVerticesPerInstance();
TIntermTyped *xfbBufferOffsets = driverUniforms->getXfbBufferOffsets();
// gl_InstanceIndex * ANGLEUniforms.xfbVerticesPerInstance
TIntermBinary *xfbInstanceIndex =
new TIntermBinary(EOpMul, instanceIndex, xfbVerticesPerInstance);
// gl_VertexIndex + |xfbInstanceIndex|
TIntermBinary *xfbIndex = new TIntermBinary(EOpAdd, vertexIndex, xfbInstanceIndex);
// |xfbIndex| * |strides|
TIntermBinary *xfbStrides = new TIntermBinary(EOpVectorTimesScalar, xfbIndex, stridesSymbol);
// ANGLEUniforms.xfbBufferOffsets + |xfbStrides|
TIntermBinary *xfbOffsets = new TIntermBinary(EOpAdd, xfbBufferOffsets, xfbStrides);
// Create the function body, which has a single return statement. Note that the `xfbIndex`
// variable declared in the comment at the beginning of this function is simply replaced in the
// return statement for brevity.
TIntermBlock *body = new TIntermBlock;
body->appendStatement(new TIntermBranch(EOpReturn, xfbOffsets));
// Declare the function
TFunction *getOffsetsFunction =
new TFunction(symbolTable, ImmutableString(vk::kXfbEmulationGetOffsetsFunctionName),
SymbolType::AngleInternal, ivec4Type, true);
TIntermFunctionDefinition *functionDef =
CreateInternalFunctionDefinitionNode(*getOffsetsFunction, body);
// Insert the function declaration before main().
const size_t mainIndex = FindMainIndex(root);
root->insertChildNodes(mainIndex, {functionDef});
// Generate the following function and place it before main(). This function will be filled
// with transform feedback capture code at link time.
// void ANGLECaptureXfb()
// {
// }
const TType *voidType = StaticType::GetBasic<EbtVoid, EbpUndefined>();
// Create the function body, which is empty.
body = new TIntermBlock;
// Declare the function
TFunction *xfbCaptureFunction =
new TFunction(symbolTable, ImmutableString(vk::kXfbEmulationCaptureFunctionName),
SymbolType::AngleInternal, voidType, false);
// Insert the function declaration before main().
{CreateInternalFunctionDefinitionNode(*xfbCaptureFunction, body)});
// Create the following logic and add it at the end of main():
// ANGLECaptureXfb();
// Create the function call
TIntermAggregate *captureXfbCall =
TIntermAggregate::CreateFunctionCall(*xfbCaptureFunction, {});
TIntermBlock *captureXfbBlock = new TIntermBlock;
// Create a call to ANGLEGetXfbOffsets too, for the sole purpose of preventing it from being
// culled as unused by glslang.
TIntermSequence ivec4Zero;
TIntermAggregate *getOffsetsCall =
TIntermAggregate::CreateFunctionCall(*getOffsetsFunction, &ivec4Zero);
// Run it at the end of the shader.
if (!RunAtTheEndOfShader(compiler, root, captureXfbBlock, symbolTable))
return false;
// Additionally, generate the following storage buffer declarations used to capture transform
// feedback output. Again, there's a maximum of four buffers.
// buffer ANGLEXfbBuffer0
// {
// float xfbOut[];
// } ANGLEXfb0;
// buffer ANGLEXfbBuffer1
// {
// float xfbOut[];
// } ANGLEXfb1;
// ...
for (uint32_t bufferIndex = 0; bufferIndex < kMaxXfbBuffers; ++bufferIndex)
TFieldList *fieldList = new TFieldList;
TType *xfbOutType = new TType(EbtFloat, EbpHigh, EvqGlobal);
TField *field = new TField(xfbOutType, ImmutableString(vk::kXfbEmulationBufferFieldName),
TSourceLoc(), SymbolType::AngleInternal);
kMaxXfbBuffers < 10,
"ImmutableStringBuilder memory size below needs to accomodate the number of buffers");
ImmutableStringBuilder blockName(strlen(vk::kXfbEmulationBufferBlockName) + 2);
blockName << vk::kXfbEmulationBufferBlockName;
ImmutableStringBuilder varName(strlen(vk::kXfbEmulationBufferName) + 2);
varName << vk::kXfbEmulationBufferName;
TLayoutQualifier layoutQualifier = TLayoutQualifier::Create();
layoutQualifier.blockStorage = EbsStd430;
DeclareInterfaceBlock(root, symbolTable, fieldList, EvqBuffer, layoutQualifier,
TMemoryQualifier::Create(), 0, blockName, varName);
return compiler->validateAST(root);
[[nodiscard]] bool AddXfbExtensionSupport(TCompiler *compiler,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
const DriverUniform *driverUniforms)
// Generate the following output varying declaration used to capture transform feedback output
// from gl_Position, as it can't be captured directly due to changes that are applied to it for
// clip-space correction and pre-rotation.
// out vec4 ANGLEXfbPosition;
const TType *vec4Type = nullptr;
switch (compiler->getShaderType())
vec4Type = StaticType::Get<EbtFloat, EbpHigh, EvqVertexOut, 4, 1>();
vec4Type = StaticType::Get<EbtFloat, EbpHigh, EvqTessEvaluationOut, 4, 1>();
vec4Type = StaticType::Get<EbtFloat, EbpHigh, EvqGeometryOut, 4, 1>();
TVariable *varyingVar =
new TVariable(symbolTable, ImmutableString(vk::kXfbExtensionPositionOutName), vec4Type,
TIntermDeclaration *varyingDecl = new TIntermDeclaration();
varyingDecl->appendDeclarator(new TIntermSymbol(varyingVar));
// Insert the varying declaration before the first function.
const size_t firstFunctionIndex = FindFirstFunctionDefinitionIndex(root);
root->insertChildNodes(firstFunctionIndex, {varyingDecl});
return compiler->validateAST(root);
[[nodiscard]] bool AddVertexTransformationSupport(TCompiler *compiler,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
TIntermBlock *root,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
SpecConst *specConst,
const DriverUniform *driverUniforms)
// In GL the viewport transformation is slightly different - see the GL 2.0 spec section "2.12.1
// Controlling the Viewport". In Vulkan the corresponding spec section is currently "23.4.
// Coordinate Transformations". The following transformation needs to be done:
// z_vk = 0.5 * (w_gl + z_gl)
// where z_vk is the depth output of a Vulkan geometry-stage shader and z_gl is the same for GL.
// Generate the following function and place it before main(). This function takes
// gl_Position and rotates xy, and adjusts z (if necessary).
// vec4 ANGLETransformPosition(vec4 position)
// {
// return vec4((swapXY ? position.yx : position.xy) * flipXY,
// transformDepth ? (gl_Position.z + gl_Position.w) / 2 : gl_Position.z,
// gl_Postion.w);
// }
const TType *vec4Type = StaticType::GetBasic<EbtFloat, EbpHigh, 4>();
TType *positionType = new TType(*vec4Type);
// Create the parameter variable.
TVariable *positionVar = new TVariable(symbolTable, ImmutableString("position"), positionType,
TIntermSymbol *positionSymbol = new TIntermSymbol(positionVar);
// swapXY ? position.yx : position.xy
TIntermTyped *swapXY = specConst->getSwapXY();
if (swapXY == nullptr)
swapXY = driverUniforms->getSwapXY();
TIntermTyped *xy = new TIntermSwizzle(positionSymbol, {0, 1});
TIntermTyped *swappedXY = new TIntermSwizzle(positionSymbol->deepCopy(), {1, 0});
TIntermTyped *rotatedXY = new TIntermTernary(swapXY, swappedXY, xy);
// (swapXY ? position.yx : position.xy) * flipXY
TIntermTyped *flipXY = driverUniforms->getFlipXY(symbolTable, DriverUniformFlip::PreFragment);
TIntermTyped *rotatedFlippedXY = new TIntermBinary(EOpMul, rotatedXY, flipXY);
// (gl_Position.z + gl_Position.w) / 2
TIntermTyped *z = new TIntermSwizzle(positionSymbol->deepCopy(), {2});
TIntermTyped *w = new TIntermSwizzle(positionSymbol->deepCopy(), {3});
TIntermTyped *transformedDepth = z;
if (compileOptions.addVulkanDepthCorrection)
TIntermBinary *zPlusW = new TIntermBinary(EOpAdd, z, w->deepCopy());
TIntermBinary *halfZPlusW =
new TIntermBinary(EOpMul, zPlusW, CreateFloatNode(0.5, EbpMedium));
// transformDepth ? (gl_Position.z + gl_Position.w) / 2 : gl_Position.z,
TIntermTyped *transformDepth = driverUniforms->getTransformDepth();
transformedDepth = new TIntermTernary(transformDepth, halfZPlusW, z->deepCopy());
// vec4(...);
TIntermSequence args = {
TIntermTyped *transformedPosition = TIntermAggregate::CreateConstructor(*vec4Type, &args);
// Create the function body, which has a single return statement.
TIntermBlock *body = new TIntermBlock;
body->appendStatement(new TIntermBranch(EOpReturn, transformedPosition));
// Declare the function
TFunction *transformPositionFunction =
new TFunction(symbolTable, ImmutableString(vk::kTransformPositionFunctionName),
SymbolType::AngleInternal, vec4Type, true);
TIntermFunctionDefinition *functionDef =
CreateInternalFunctionDefinitionNode(*transformPositionFunction, body);
// Insert the function declaration before main().
const size_t mainIndex = FindMainIndex(root);
root->insertChildNodes(mainIndex, {functionDef});
// Create a call to ANGLETransformPosition, for the sole purpose of preventing it from being
// culled as unused by glslang.
if (compileOptions.generateSpirvThroughGlslang)
TIntermSequence vec4Zero;
TIntermAggregate *transformCall =
TIntermAggregate::CreateFunctionCall(*transformPositionFunction, &vec4Zero);
if (!RunAtTheBeginningOfShader(compiler, root, transformCall))
return false;
return compiler->validateAST(root);
[[nodiscard]] bool InsertFragCoordCorrection(TCompiler *compiler,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
TIntermBlock *root,
TIntermSequence *insertSequence,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
SpecConst *specConst,
const DriverUniform *driverUniforms)
TIntermTyped *flipXY = driverUniforms->getFlipXY(symbolTable, DriverUniformFlip::Fragment);
TIntermTyped *pivot = driverUniforms->getHalfRenderArea();
TIntermTyped *swapXY = specConst->getSwapXY();
if (swapXY == nullptr)
swapXY = driverUniforms->getSwapXY();
const TVariable *fragCoord = static_cast<const TVariable *>(
symbolTable->findBuiltIn(ImmutableString("gl_FragCoord"), compiler->getShaderVersion()));
return RotateAndFlipBuiltinVariable(compiler, root, insertSequence, swapXY, flipXY, symbolTable,
fragCoord, kFlippedFragCoordName, pivot);
bool HasFramebufferFetch(const TExtensionBehavior &extBehavior)
return IsExtensionEnabled(extBehavior, TExtension::EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch) ||
IsExtensionEnabled(extBehavior, TExtension::EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent) ||
IsExtensionEnabled(extBehavior, TExtension::ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch) ||
IsExtensionEnabled(extBehavior, TExtension::NV_shader_framebuffer_fetch);
} // anonymous namespace
TranslatorVulkan::TranslatorVulkan(sh::GLenum type, ShShaderSpec spec)
: TCompiler(type, spec, SH_GLSL_450_CORE_OUTPUT)
bool TranslatorVulkan::translateImpl(TInfoSinkBase &sink,
TIntermBlock *root,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
PerformanceDiagnostics * /*perfDiagnostics*/,
SpecConst *specConst,
DriverUniform *driverUniforms)
if (getShaderType() == GL_VERTEX_SHADER)
if (!ShaderBuiltinsWorkaround(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), compileOptions))
return false;
sink << "#version 450 core\n";
writeExtensionBehavior(compileOptions, sink);
WritePragma(sink, compileOptions, getPragma());
// Write out default uniforms into a uniform block assigned to a specific set/binding.
int defaultUniformCount = 0;
int aggregateTypesUsedForUniforms = 0;
int r32fImageCount = 0;
int atomicCounterCount = 0;
for (const auto &uniform : getUniforms())
if (!uniform.isBuiltIn() && && !gl::IsOpaqueType(uniform.type))
if (uniform.isStruct() || uniform.isArrayOfArrays())
if ( && gl::IsImageType(uniform.type) && uniform.imageUnitFormat == GL_R32F)
if ( && gl::IsAtomicCounterType(uniform.type))
// Remove declarations of inactive shader interface variables so glslang wrapper doesn't need to
// replace them. Note that currently, CollectVariables marks every field of an active uniform
// that's of struct type as active, i.e. no extracted sampler is inactive, so this can be done
// before extracting samplers from structs.
if (!RemoveInactiveInterfaceVariables(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), getAttributes(),
getInputVaryings(), getOutputVariables(), getUniforms(),
getInterfaceBlocks(), true))
return false;
// If there are any function calls that take array-of-array of opaque uniform parameters, or
// other opaque uniforms that need special handling in Vulkan, such as atomic counters,
// monomorphize the functions by removing said parameters and replacing them in the function
// body with the call arguments.
// This has a few benefits:
// - It dramatically simplifies future transformations w.r.t to samplers in structs, array of
// arrays of opaque types, atomic counters etc.
// - Avoids the need for shader*ArrayDynamicIndexing Vulkan features.
UnsupportedFunctionArgsBitSet args{UnsupportedFunctionArgs::StructContainingSamplers,
if (!MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctions(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), compileOptions, args))
return false;
if (aggregateTypesUsedForUniforms > 0)
if (!SeparateStructFromUniformDeclarations(this, root, &getSymbolTable()))
return false;
int removedUniformsCount;
if (!RewriteStructSamplers(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), &removedUniformsCount))
return false;
defaultUniformCount -= removedUniformsCount;
// Replace array of array of opaque uniforms with a flattened array. This is run after
// MonomorphizeUnsupportedFunctions and RewriteStructSamplers so that it's not possible for an
// array of array of opaque type to be partially subscripted and passed to a function.
if (!RewriteArrayOfArrayOfOpaqueUniforms(this, root, &getSymbolTable()))
return false;
// Rewrite samplerCubes as sampler2DArrays. This must be done after rewriting struct samplers
// as it doesn't expect that.
if (compileOptions.emulateSeamfulCubeMapSampling)
if (!RewriteCubeMapSamplersAs2DArray(this, root, &getSymbolTable(),
getShaderType() == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER))
return false;
if (!FlagSamplersForTexelFetch(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), &mUniforms))
return false;
gl::ShaderType packedShaderType = gl::FromGLenum<gl::ShaderType>(getShaderType());
if (defaultUniformCount > 0)
if (!DeclareDefaultUniforms(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), packedShaderType))
return false;
if (getShaderType() == GL_COMPUTE_SHADER)
driverUniforms->addComputeDriverUniformsToShader(root, &getSymbolTable());
driverUniforms->addGraphicsDriverUniformsToShader(root, &getSymbolTable());
if (r32fImageCount > 0)
if (!RewriteR32fImages(this, root, &getSymbolTable()))
return false;
if (atomicCounterCount > 0)
// ANGLEUniforms.acbBufferOffsets
const TIntermTyped *acbBufferOffsets = driverUniforms->getAcbBufferOffsets();
if (!RewriteAtomicCounters(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), acbBufferOffsets))
return false;
else if (getShaderVersion() >= 310)
// Vulkan doesn't support Atomic Storage as a Storage Class, but we've seen
// cases where builtins are using it even with no active atomic counters.
// This pass simply removes those builtins in that scenario.
if (!RemoveAtomicCounterBuiltins(this, root))
return false;
if (packedShaderType != gl::ShaderType::Compute)
if (!ReplaceGLDepthRangeWithDriverUniform(this, root, driverUniforms, &getSymbolTable()))
return false;
// Search for the gl_ClipDistance/gl_CullDistance usage, if its used, we need to do some
// replacements.
bool useClipDistance = false;
bool useCullDistance = false;
for (const ShaderVariable &outputVarying : mOutputVaryings)
if ( == "gl_ClipDistance")
useClipDistance = true;
else if ( == "gl_CullDistance")
useCullDistance = true;
for (const ShaderVariable &inputVarying : mInputVaryings)
if ( == "gl_ClipDistance")
useClipDistance = true;
else if ( == "gl_CullDistance")
useCullDistance = true;
if (useClipDistance &&
!ReplaceClipDistanceAssignments(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), getShaderType(),
return false;
if (useCullDistance &&
!ReplaceCullDistanceAssignments(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), getShaderType()))
return false;
if (gl::ShaderTypeSupportsTransformFeedback(packedShaderType))
if (compileOptions.addVulkanXfbExtensionSupportCode)
// Add support code for transform feedback extension.
if (!AddXfbExtensionSupport(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), driverUniforms))
return false;
// Add support code for pre-rotation and depth correction in the vertex processing stages.
if (!AddVertexTransformationSupport(this, compileOptions, root, &getSymbolTable(),
specConst, driverUniforms))
return false;
switch (packedShaderType)
case gl::ShaderType::Fragment:
bool usesPointCoord = false;
bool usesFragCoord = false;
bool usesSampleMaskIn = false;
bool useSamplePosition = false;
// Search for the gl_PointCoord usage, if its used, we need to flip the y coordinate.
for (const ShaderVariable &inputVarying : mInputVaryings)
if (!inputVarying.isBuiltIn())
if ( == "gl_SampleMaskIn")
usesSampleMaskIn = true;
if ( == "gl_SamplePosition")
useSamplePosition = true;
if ( == "gl_PointCoord")
usesPointCoord = true;
if ( == "gl_FragCoord")
usesFragCoord = true;
bool hasGLSampleMask = false;
for (const ShaderVariable &outputVar : mOutputVariables)
if ( == "gl_SampleMask")
hasGLSampleMask = true;
if (usesPointCoord)
TIntermTyped *flipNegXY =
driverUniforms->getNegFlipXY(&getSymbolTable(), DriverUniformFlip::Fragment);
TIntermConstantUnion *pivot = CreateFloatNode(0.5f, EbpMedium);
TIntermTyped *swapXY = specConst->getSwapXY();
if (swapXY == nullptr)
swapXY = driverUniforms->getSwapXY();
if (!RotateAndFlipBuiltinVariable(
this, root, GetMainSequence(root), swapXY, flipNegXY, &getSymbolTable(),
BuiltInVariable::gl_PointCoord(), kFlippedPointCoordName, pivot))
return false;
if (useSamplePosition)
TIntermTyped *flipXY =
driverUniforms->getFlipXY(&getSymbolTable(), DriverUniformFlip::Fragment);
TIntermConstantUnion *pivot = CreateFloatNode(0.5f, EbpMedium);
TIntermTyped *swapXY = specConst->getSwapXY();
if (swapXY == nullptr)
swapXY = driverUniforms->getSwapXY();
const TVariable *samplePositionBuiltin =
static_cast<const TVariable *>(getSymbolTable().findBuiltIn(
ImmutableString("gl_SamplePosition"), getShaderVersion()));
if (!RotateAndFlipBuiltinVariable(this, root, GetMainSequence(root), swapXY, flipXY,
&getSymbolTable(), samplePositionBuiltin,
kFlippedPointCoordName, pivot))
return false;
if (usesFragCoord)
if (!InsertFragCoordCorrection(this, compileOptions, root, GetMainSequence(root),
&getSymbolTable(), specConst, driverUniforms))
return false;
if (HasFramebufferFetch(getExtensionBehavior()))
if (getShaderVersion() == 100)
if (!ReplaceLastFragData(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), &mUniforms))
return false;
if (!ReplaceInOutVariables(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), &mUniforms))
return false;
// Emulate gl_FragColor and gl_FragData with normal output variables.
if (!EmulateFragColorData(this, root, &getSymbolTable()))
return false;
// This should be operated after doing ReplaceLastFragData and ReplaceInOutVariables,
// because they will create the input attachment variables. AddBlendMainCaller will
// check the existing input attachment variables and if there is no existing input
// attachment variable then create a new one.
if (getAdvancedBlendEquations().any() &&
compileOptions.addAdvancedBlendEquationsEmulation &&
!EmulateAdvancedBlendEquations(this, compileOptions, root, &getSymbolTable(),
driverUniforms, &mUniforms,
return false;
if (!RewriteDfdy(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), getShaderVersion(), specConst,
return false;
if (!RewriteInterpolateAtOffset(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), getShaderVersion(),
specConst, driverUniforms))
return false;
if (usesSampleMaskIn && !RewriteSampleMaskIn(this, root, &getSymbolTable()))
return false;
if (hasGLSampleMask)
TIntermTyped *numSamples = driverUniforms->getNumSamples();
if (!RewriteSampleMask(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), numSamples))
return false;
const TVariable *numSamplesVar =
static_cast<const TVariable *>(getSymbolTable().findBuiltIn(
ImmutableString("gl_NumSamples"), getShaderVersion()));
TIntermTyped *numSamples = driverUniforms->getNumSamples();
if (!ReplaceVariableWithTyped(this, root, numSamplesVar, numSamples))
return false;
if (IsExtensionEnabled(getExtensionBehavior(), TExtension::EXT_YUV_target))
if (!EmulateYUVBuiltIns(this, root, &getSymbolTable()))
return false;
if (!EmulateDithering(this, compileOptions, root, &getSymbolTable(), specConst,
return false;
EmitEarlyFragmentTestsGLSL(*this, sink);
case gl::ShaderType::Vertex:
if (compileOptions.addVulkanXfbEmulationSupportCode)
// Add support code for transform feedback emulation. Only applies to vertex shader
// as tessellation and geometry shader transform feedback capture require
// VK_EXT_transform_feedback.
if (!AddXfbEmulationSupport(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), driverUniforms))
return false;
// Append depth range translation to main.
if (!transformDepthBeforeCorrection(root, driverUniforms))
return false;
case gl::ShaderType::Geometry:
int maxVertices = getGeometryShaderMaxVertices();
// max_vertices=0 is not valid in Vulkan
maxVertices = std::max(1, maxVertices);
sink, getGeometryShaderInputPrimitiveType(), getGeometryShaderInvocations(),
getGeometryShaderOutputPrimitiveType(), maxVertices);
case gl::ShaderType::TessControl:
if (!ReplaceGLBoundingBoxWithGlobal(this, root, &getSymbolTable(), getShaderVersion()))
return false;
WriteTessControlShaderLayoutQualifiers(sink, getTessControlShaderOutputVertices());
case gl::ShaderType::TessEvaluation:
sink, getTessEvaluationShaderInputPrimitiveType(),
case gl::ShaderType::Compute:
EmitWorkGroupSizeGLSL(*this, sink);
mValidateASTOptions.validateSpecConstReferences = true;
// Gather specialization constant usage bits so that we can feedback to context.
mSpecConstUsageBits = specConst->getSpecConstUsageBits();
if (!validateAST(root))
return false;
// Make sure function call validation is not accidentally left off anywhere.
return true;
void TranslatorVulkan::writeExtensionBehavior(const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
TInfoSinkBase &sink)
const TExtensionBehavior &extBehavior = getExtensionBehavior();
TBehavior multiviewBehavior = EBhUndefined;
TBehavior multiview2Behavior = EBhUndefined;
for (const auto &iter : extBehavior)
if (iter.second == EBhUndefined || iter.second == EBhDisable)
switch (iter.first)
case TExtension::OVR_multiview:
multiviewBehavior = iter.second;
case TExtension::OVR_multiview2:
multiviewBehavior = iter.second;
if (multiviewBehavior != EBhUndefined || multiview2Behavior != EBhUndefined)
// Only either OVR_multiview or OVR_multiview2 should be emitted.
TExtension ext = TExtension::OVR_multiview;
TBehavior behavior = multiviewBehavior;
if (multiview2Behavior != EBhUndefined)
ext = TExtension::OVR_multiview2;
behavior = multiview2Behavior;
EmitMultiviewGLSL(*this, compileOptions, ext, behavior, sink);
bool TranslatorVulkan::translate(TIntermBlock *root,
const ShCompileOptions &compileOptions,
PerformanceDiagnostics *perfDiagnostics)
TInfoSinkBase sink;
SpecConst specConst(&getSymbolTable(), compileOptions, getShaderType());
DriverUniform driverUniforms(DriverUniformMode::InterfaceBlock);
DriverUniformExtended driverUniformsExt(DriverUniformMode::InterfaceBlock);
const bool useExtendedDriverUniforms = compileOptions.addVulkanXfbEmulationSupportCode;
DriverUniform *uniforms = useExtendedDriverUniforms ? &driverUniformsExt : &driverUniforms;
if (!translateImpl(sink, root, compileOptions, perfDiagnostics, &specConst, uniforms))
return false;
if (compileOptions.generateSpirvThroughGlslang)
// When generating text, glslang cannot know the precision of folded constants so it may
// infer the wrong precisions. The following transformation gives constants names with
// precision to guide glslang. This is not an issue for SPIR-V generation because the
// precision information is present in the tree already.
if (!RecordConstantPrecision(this, root, &getSymbolTable()))
return false;
const bool enablePrecision = !compileOptions.ignorePrecisionQualifiers;
// Write translated shader.
TOutputVulkanGLSL outputGLSL(this, sink, enablePrecision, compileOptions);
return compileToSpirv(sink);
// Declare the implicitly defined gl_PerVertex I/O blocks if not already. This will help SPIR-V
// generation treat them mostly like usual I/O blocks.
if (!DeclarePerVertexBlocks(this, root, &getSymbolTable()))
return false;
return OutputSPIRV(this, root, compileOptions);
bool TranslatorVulkan::shouldFlattenPragmaStdglInvariantAll()
// Not necessary.
return false;
bool TranslatorVulkan::compileToSpirv(const TInfoSinkBase &glsl)
angle::spirv::Blob spirvBlob;
if (!GlslangCompileToSpirv(getResources(), getShaderType(), glsl.str(), &spirvBlob))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace sh