blob: 7bd7d1c49cf4d0a38f21121a088bcb3efc86f0bd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Code generation for vk format map
from datetime import date
import json
import math
import pprint
import os
import re
import sys
import angle_format
template_table_autogen_cpp = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {input_file_name}
// Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// {out_file_name}:
// Queries for full Vulkan format information based on GL format.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_format_utils.h"
#include "image_util/copyimage.h"
#include "image_util/generatemip.h"
#include "image_util/loadimage.h"
using namespace angle;
namespace rx
namespace vk
void Format::initialize(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const angle::Format &angleFormat)
switch (
}} // namespace vk
}} // namespace rx
empty_format_entry_template = """{space}case angle::Format::ID::{format_id}:
{space} // This format is not implemented in Vulkan.
{space} break;
format_entry_template = """{space}case angle::Format::ID::{format_id}:
{space} internalFormat = {internal_format};
{space} textureFormatID = angle::Format::ID::{texture_format_id};
{space} vkTextureFormat = {vk_texture_format};
{space} bufferFormatID = angle::Format::ID::{buffer_format_id};
{space} vkBufferFormat = {vk_buffer_format};
{space} dataInitializerFunction = {initializer};
{space} break;
def gen_format_case(angle, internal_format, vk_map):
if angle not in vk_map or angle == 'NONE':
return empty_format_entry_template.format(
space = ' ',
format_id = angle)
texture_format_id = angle
buffer_format_id = angle
vk_format_name = vk_map[angle]
vk_buffer_format = vk_format_name
vk_texture_format = vk_format_name
if isinstance(vk_format_name, dict):
info = vk_format_name
if "buffer" in info:
buffer_format_id = info["buffer"]
vk_buffer_format = vk_map[buffer_format_id]
assert(not isinstance(vk_buffer_format, dict))
vk_buffer_format = info["native"]
if "texture" in info:
texture_format_id = info["texture"]
vk_texture_format = vk_map[texture_format_id]
assert(not isinstance(vk_texture_format, dict))
vk_texture_format = info["native"]
initializer = angle_format.get_internal_format_initializer(
internal_format, texture_format_id)
return format_entry_template.format(
space = ' ',
internal_format = internal_format,
format_id = angle,
texture_format_id = texture_format_id,
buffer_format_id = buffer_format_id,
vk_buffer_format = vk_buffer_format,
vk_texture_format = vk_texture_format,
initializer = initializer)
input_file_name = 'vk_format_map.json'
out_file_name = 'vk_format_table'
angle_to_gl = angle_format.load_inverse_table(os.path.join('..', 'angle_format_map.json'))
vk_map = angle_format.load_json(input_file_name)
vk_cases = [gen_format_case(angle, gl, vk_map) for angle, gl in sorted(angle_to_gl.iteritems())]
output_cpp = template_table_autogen_cpp.format(
copyright_year =,
format_case_data = "\n".join(vk_cases),
script_name = __file__,
out_file_name = out_file_name,
input_file_name = input_file_name)
with open(out_file_name + '_autogen.cpp', 'wt') as out_file: