blob: 4bafda561e4f9cea7a0e47923ca63d6e22f8618e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// RefCountObject.h: Defines the gl::RefCountObject base class that provides
// lifecycle support for GL objects using the traditional BindObject scheme, but
// that need to be reference counted for correct cross-context deletion.
// (Concretely, textures, buffers and renderbuffers.)
#include "common/debug.h"
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include <cstddef>
namespace gl
class Context;
class RefCountObjectNoID : angle::NonCopyable
RefCountObjectNoID() : mRefCount(0) {}
virtual void onDestroy(const gl::Context *context) {}
void addRef() const { ++mRefCount; }
void release() const
ASSERT(mRefCount > 0);
if (--mRefCount == 0)
delete this;
size_t getRefCount() const { return mRefCount; }
virtual ~RefCountObjectNoID() { ASSERT(mRefCount == 0); }
mutable std::size_t mRefCount;
template <class ObjectType>
class BindingPointer;
class RefCountObject : RefCountObjectNoID
explicit RefCountObject(GLuint id) : mId(id) {}
GLuint id() const { return mId; }
// A specialized release method for objects which need a destroy context.
void release(const gl::Context *context)
ASSERT(mRefCount > 0);
if (--mRefCount == 0)
delete this;
using RefCountObjectNoID::addRef;
using RefCountObjectNoID::getRefCount;
~RefCountObject() override {}
template <class ObjectType>
friend class BindingPointer;
GLuint mId;
template <class ObjectType>
class BindingPointer
: mObject(nullptr)
BindingPointer(ObjectType *object) : mObject(object) { mObject->addRef(); }
BindingPointer(const BindingPointer<ObjectType> &other) : mObject(other.mObject)
BindingPointer &operator=(BindingPointer<ObjectType> &&other)
std::swap(mObject, other.mObject);
return *this;
virtual ~BindingPointer()
// Objects have to be released before the resource manager is destroyed, so they must be explicitly cleaned up.
ASSERT(mObject == nullptr);
virtual void set(const Context *context, ObjectType *newObject)
// addRef first in case newObject == mObject and this is the last reference to it.
if (newObject != nullptr) reinterpret_cast<const RefCountObject*>(newObject)->addRef();
if (mObject != nullptr)
reinterpret_cast<RefCountObject *>(mObject)->release(context);
mObject = newObject;
ObjectType *get() const { return mObject; }
ObjectType *operator->() const { return mObject; }
GLuint id() const { return (mObject != nullptr) ? mObject->id() : 0; }
bool operator==(const BindingPointer<ObjectType> &other) const
return mObject == other.mObject;
bool operator!=(const BindingPointer<ObjectType> &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
ObjectType *mObject;
template <class ObjectType>
class OffsetBindingPointer : public BindingPointer<ObjectType>
OffsetBindingPointer() : mOffset(0), mSize(0) { }
void set(const Context *context, ObjectType *newObject) override
BindingPointer<ObjectType>::set(context, newObject);
mOffset = 0;
mSize = 0;
void set(const Context *context, ObjectType *newObject, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size)
BindingPointer<ObjectType>::set(context, newObject);
mOffset = offset;
mSize = size;
GLintptr getOffset() const { return mOffset; }
GLsizeiptr getSize() const { return mSize; }
bool operator==(const OffsetBindingPointer<ObjectType> &other) const
return this->get() == other.get() && mOffset == other.mOffset && mSize == other.mSize;
bool operator!=(const OffsetBindingPointer<ObjectType> &other) const
return !(*this == other);
GLintptr mOffset;
GLsizeiptr mSize;
} // namespace gl