blob: 1eecb9e5878bef37da1b8e0357d4940e96439688 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This include iterates through a list of tests and rebases the files so they
# can be consumed by tests/ for use with TracePerfTest.cpp.
_tests = [
angle_trace_perf_sources = [ "perf_tests/TracePerfTest.cpp" ]
angle_trace_perf_defines = []
angle_trace_perf_data = []
foreach(_test, _tests) {
_test_dir = "${_test}"
_test_ctx = "${_test_dir}/${_test}_capture_context1"
# Similar to capture replay sample, use the file index for sources
angle_trace_perf_sources +=
rebase_path(read_file("${_test_ctx}_files.txt", "list lines"),
"perf_tests/restricted_traces/${_test_dir}") +
if (is_android) {
_test_data_path = "/sdcard/chromium_tests_root/third_party/angle/src/tests/perf_tests/restricted_traces/${_test}"
} else {
_test_data_path = rebase_path("${_test_dir}", root_out_dir)
angle_trace_perf_defines +=
[ "ANGLE_TRACE_DATA_DIR_${_test}=\"${_test_data_path}\"" ]
angle_trace_perf_data += [ "perf_tests/restricted_traces/${_test_dir}/${_test}_capture_context1.angledata.gz" ]