blob: 7bce44de06199142e6bf19d324145bc326358787 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// DisplayGLX.h: GLX implementation of egl::Display
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "libANGLE/renderer/gl/DisplayGL.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/gl/glx/FunctionsGLX.h"
namespace rx
class FunctionsGLX;
// State-tracking data for the swap control to allow DisplayGLX to remember per
// drawable information for swap control.
struct SwapControlData
// Set by the drawable
int targetSwapInterval;
// DisplayGLX-side state-tracking
int maxSwapInterval;
int currentSwapInterval;
class DisplayGLX : public DisplayGL
~DisplayGLX() override;
egl::Error initialize(egl::Display *display) override;
void terminate() override;
SurfaceImpl *createWindowSurface(const egl::Config *configuration,
EGLNativeWindowType window,
const egl::AttributeMap &attribs) override;
SurfaceImpl *createPbufferSurface(const egl::Config *configuration,
const egl::AttributeMap &attribs) override;
SurfaceImpl *createPbufferFromClientBuffer(const egl::Config *configuration,
EGLClientBuffer shareHandle,
const egl::AttributeMap &attribs) override;
SurfaceImpl *createPixmapSurface(const egl::Config *configuration,
NativePixmapType nativePixmap,
const egl::AttributeMap &attribs) override;
egl::ConfigSet generateConfigs() const override;
bool isDeviceLost() const override;
bool testDeviceLost() override;
egl::Error restoreLostDevice() override;
bool isValidNativeWindow(EGLNativeWindowType window) const override;
egl::Error getDevice(DeviceImpl **device) override;
std::string getVendorString() const override;
// Synchronizes with the X server, if the display has been opened by ANGLE.
// Calling this is required at the end of every functions that does buffered
// X calls (not for glX calls) otherwise there might be race conditions
// between the application's display and ANGLE's one.
void syncXCommands() const;
// Depending on the supported GLX extension, swap interval can be set
// globally or per drawable. This function will make sure the drawable's
// swap interval is the one required so that the subsequent swapBuffers
// acts as expected.
void setSwapInterval(glx::Drawable drawable, SwapControlData *data);
bool isValidWindowVisualId(int visualId) const;
const FunctionsGL *getFunctionsGL() const override;
glx::Context initializeContext(glx::FBConfig config, const egl::AttributeMap &eglAttributes);
void generateExtensions(egl::DisplayExtensions *outExtensions) const override;
void generateCaps(egl::Caps *outCaps) const override;
int getGLXFBConfigAttrib(glx::FBConfig config, int attrib) const;
glx::Context createContextAttribs(glx::FBConfig, const std::vector<int> &attribs) const;
FunctionsGL *mFunctionsGL;
//TODO(cwallez) yuck, change generateConfigs to be non-const or add a userdata member to egl::Config?
mutable std::map<int, glx::FBConfig> configIdToGLXConfig;
EGLint mRequestedVisual;
glx::FBConfig mContextConfig;
glx::Context mContext;
// A pbuffer the context is current on during ANGLE initialization
glx::Pbuffer mDummyPbuffer;
bool mUsesNewXDisplay;
bool mIsMesa;
bool mHasMultisample;
bool mHasARBCreateContext;
enum class SwapControl
SwapControl mSwapControl;
int mMinSwapInterval;
int mMaxSwapInterval;
int mCurrentSwapInterval;
FunctionsGLX mGLX;
egl::Display *mEGLDisplay;