blob: aa57117fce212f4744b2a286506319752d44210a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ImplFactory.h:
// Factory interface for Impl objects.
#include "libANGLE/Framebuffer.h"
namespace rx
class BufferImpl;
class CompilerImpl;
class DefaultAttachmentImpl;
class FenceNVImpl;
class FenceSyncImpl;
class FramebufferImpl;
class ProgramImpl;
class QueryImpl;
class RenderbufferImpl;
class ShaderImpl;
class TextureImpl;
class TransformFeedbackImpl;
class VertexArrayImpl;
class ImplFactory
ImplFactory() {}
virtual ~ImplFactory() {}
// Shader creation
virtual CompilerImpl *createCompiler(const gl::Data &data) = 0;
virtual ShaderImpl *createShader(GLenum type) = 0;
virtual ProgramImpl *createProgram() = 0;
// Framebuffer creation
virtual DefaultAttachmentImpl *createDefaultAttachment(GLenum type, egl::Surface *surface) = 0;
virtual FramebufferImpl *createFramebuffer(const gl::Framebuffer::Data &data) = 0;
// Texture creation
virtual TextureImpl *createTexture(GLenum target) = 0;
// Renderbuffer creation
virtual RenderbufferImpl *createRenderbuffer() = 0;
// Buffer creation
virtual BufferImpl *createBuffer() = 0;
// Vertex Array creation
virtual VertexArrayImpl *createVertexArray() = 0;
// Query and Fence creation
virtual QueryImpl *createQuery(GLenum type) = 0;
virtual FenceNVImpl *createFenceNV() = 0;
virtual FenceSyncImpl *createFenceSync() = 0;
// Transform Feedback creation
virtual TransformFeedbackImpl *createTransformFeedback() = 0;