blob: 2003c495bd18cc7e0ba8f227ee656ffa95019b75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// blocklayout.h:
// Methods and classes related to uniform layout and packing in GLSL and HLSL.
#include <cstddef>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h>
#include "angle_gl.h"
namespace sh
struct ShaderVariable;
struct InterfaceBlockField;
struct Uniform;
struct Varying;
struct InterfaceBlock;
struct BlockMemberInfo
constexpr BlockMemberInfo() = default;
constexpr BlockMemberInfo(int offset, int arrayStride, int matrixStride, bool isRowMajorMatrix)
: offset(offset),
constexpr BlockMemberInfo(int offset,
int arrayStride,
int matrixStride,
bool isRowMajorMatrix,
int topLevelArrayStride)
: offset(offset),
// A single integer identifying the offset of an active variable.
int offset = -1;
// A single integer identifying the stride between array elements in an active variable.
int arrayStride = -1;
// A single integer identifying the stride between columns of a column-major matrix or rows of a
// row-major matrix.
int matrixStride = -1;
// A single integer identifying whether an active variable is a row-major matrix.
bool isRowMajorMatrix = false;
// A single integer identifying the number of active array elements of the top-level shader
// storage block member containing the active variable.
int topLevelArrayStride = -1;
constexpr size_t ComponentAlignment(size_t numComponents)
return (numComponents == 3u ? 4u : numComponents);
constexpr BlockMemberInfo kDefaultBlockMemberInfo;
class BlockLayoutEncoder
virtual ~BlockLayoutEncoder() {}
BlockMemberInfo encodeType(GLenum type,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes,
bool isRowMajorMatrix);
size_t getCurrentOffset() const { return mCurrentOffset * kBytesPerComponent; }
size_t getShaderVariableSize(const ShaderVariable &structVar, bool isRowMajor);
// Called when entering/exiting a structure variable.
virtual void enterAggregateType(const ShaderVariable &structVar) = 0;
virtual void exitAggregateType(const ShaderVariable &structVar) = 0;
static constexpr size_t kBytesPerComponent = 4u;
static constexpr unsigned int kComponentsPerRegister = 4u;
static size_t GetBlockRegister(const BlockMemberInfo &info);
static size_t GetBlockRegisterElement(const BlockMemberInfo &info);
void align(size_t baseAlignment);
virtual void getBlockLayoutInfo(GLenum type,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes,
bool isRowMajorMatrix,
int *arrayStrideOut,
int *matrixStrideOut) = 0;
virtual void advanceOffset(GLenum type,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes,
bool isRowMajorMatrix,
int arrayStride,
int matrixStride) = 0;
size_t mCurrentOffset;
// Will return default values for everything.
class DummyBlockEncoder : public BlockLayoutEncoder
DummyBlockEncoder() = default;
void enterAggregateType(const ShaderVariable &structVar) override {}
void exitAggregateType(const ShaderVariable &structVar) override {}
void getBlockLayoutInfo(GLenum type,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes,
bool isRowMajorMatrix,
int *arrayStrideOut,
int *matrixStrideOut) override;
void advanceOffset(GLenum type,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes,
bool isRowMajorMatrix,
int arrayStride,
int matrixStride) override
// Block layout according to the std140 block layout
// See "Standard Uniform Block Layout" in Section 2.11.6 of the OpenGL ES 3.0 specification
class Std140BlockEncoder : public BlockLayoutEncoder
void enterAggregateType(const ShaderVariable &structVar) override;
void exitAggregateType(const ShaderVariable &structVar) override;
void getBlockLayoutInfo(GLenum type,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes,
bool isRowMajorMatrix,
int *arrayStrideOut,
int *matrixStrideOut) override;
void advanceOffset(GLenum type,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes,
bool isRowMajorMatrix,
int arrayStride,
int matrixStride) override;
virtual size_t getBaseAlignment(const ShaderVariable &variable) const;
virtual size_t getTypeBaseAlignment(GLenum type, bool isRowMajorMatrix) const;
class Std430BlockEncoder : public Std140BlockEncoder
size_t getBaseAlignment(const ShaderVariable &variable) const override;
size_t getTypeBaseAlignment(GLenum type, bool isRowMajorMatrix) const override;
using BlockLayoutMap = std::map<std::string, BlockMemberInfo>;
void GetInterfaceBlockInfo(const std::vector<InterfaceBlockField> &fields,
const std::string &prefix,
BlockLayoutEncoder *encoder,
BlockLayoutMap *blockInfoOut);
// Used for laying out the default uniform block on the Vulkan backend.
void GetUniformBlockInfo(const std::vector<Uniform> &uniforms,
const std::string &prefix,
BlockLayoutEncoder *encoder,
BlockLayoutMap *blockInfoOut);
class ShaderVariableVisitor
virtual ~ShaderVariableVisitor() {}
virtual void enterStruct(const ShaderVariable &structVar) {}
virtual void exitStruct(const ShaderVariable &structVar) {}
virtual void enterStructAccess(const ShaderVariable &structVar, bool isRowMajor) {}
virtual void exitStructAccess(const ShaderVariable &structVar, bool isRowMajor) {}
virtual void enterArray(const ShaderVariable &arrayVar) {}
virtual void exitArray(const ShaderVariable &arrayVar) {}
virtual void enterArrayElement(const ShaderVariable &arrayVar, unsigned int arrayElement) {}
virtual void exitArrayElement(const ShaderVariable &arrayVar, unsigned int arrayElement) {}
virtual void visitSampler(const sh::ShaderVariable &sampler) {}
virtual void visitVariable(const ShaderVariable &variable, bool isRowMajor) = 0;
ShaderVariableVisitor() {}
class VariableNameVisitor : public ShaderVariableVisitor
VariableNameVisitor(const std::string &namePrefix, const std::string &mappedNamePrefix);
~VariableNameVisitor() override;
void enterStruct(const ShaderVariable &structVar) override;
void exitStruct(const ShaderVariable &structVar) override;
void enterStructAccess(const ShaderVariable &structVar, bool isRowMajor) override;
void exitStructAccess(const ShaderVariable &structVar, bool isRowMajor) override;
void enterArray(const ShaderVariable &arrayVar) override;
void exitArray(const ShaderVariable &arrayVar) override;
void enterArrayElement(const ShaderVariable &arrayVar, unsigned int arrayElement) override;
void exitArrayElement(const ShaderVariable &arrayVar, unsigned int arrayElement) override;
virtual void visitNamedSampler(const sh::ShaderVariable &sampler,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes)
virtual void visitNamedVariable(const ShaderVariable &variable,
bool isRowMajor,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes) = 0;
std::string collapseNameStack() const;
std::string collapseMappedNameStack() const;
void visitSampler(const sh::ShaderVariable &sampler) final;
void visitVariable(const ShaderVariable &variable, bool isRowMajor) final;
std::vector<std::string> mNameStack;
std::vector<std::string> mMappedNameStack;
std::vector<unsigned int> mArraySizeStack;
class BlockEncoderVisitor : public VariableNameVisitor
BlockEncoderVisitor(const std::string &namePrefix,
const std::string &mappedNamePrefix,
BlockLayoutEncoder *encoder);
~BlockEncoderVisitor() override;
void enterStructAccess(const ShaderVariable &structVar, bool isRowMajor) override;
void exitStructAccess(const ShaderVariable &structVar, bool isRowMajor) override;
void enterArrayElement(const ShaderVariable &arrayVar, unsigned int arrayElement) override;
void exitArrayElement(const ShaderVariable &arrayVar, unsigned int arrayElement) override;
void visitNamedVariable(const ShaderVariable &variable,
bool isRowMajor,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes) override;
virtual void encodeVariable(const ShaderVariable &variable,
const BlockMemberInfo &variableInfo,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName)
int mTopLevelArraySize = 1;
int mTopLevelArrayStride = 0;
bool mIsTopLevelArrayStrideReady = true;
bool mSkipEnabled = false;
BlockLayoutEncoder *mEncoder;
unsigned int mStructStackSize = 0;
void TraverseShaderVariable(const ShaderVariable &variable,
bool isRowMajorLayout,
ShaderVariableVisitor *visitor);
template <typename T>
void TraverseShaderVariables(const std::vector<T> &vars,
bool isRowMajorLayout,
ShaderVariableVisitor *visitor)
for (const T &var : vars)
TraverseShaderVariable(var, isRowMajorLayout, visitor);
} // namespace sh