blob: 9e12b0f35ea93f67bb57053e9cfdaf82b1ad927b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ProgramLinkedResources.cpp: implements link-time checks for default block uniforms, and generates
// uniform locations. Populates data structures related to uniforms so that they can be stored in
// program state.
#include "libANGLE/ProgramLinkedResources.h"
#include "common/string_utils.h"
#include "common/utilities.h"
#include "libANGLE/Caps.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/Shader.h"
#include "libANGLE/features.h"
namespace gl
LinkedUniform *FindUniform(std::vector<LinkedUniform> &list, const std::string &name)
for (LinkedUniform &uniform : list)
if ( == name)
return &uniform;
return nullptr;
template <typename VarT>
void SetActive(std::vector<VarT> *list, const std::string &name, ShaderType shaderType, bool active)
for (auto &variable : *list)
if ( == name)
variable.setActive(shaderType, active);
// GLSL ES Spec 3.00.3, section 4.3.5.
LinkMismatchError LinkValidateUniforms(const sh::ShaderVariable &uniform1,
const sh::ShaderVariable &uniform2,
std::string *mismatchedStructFieldName)
const bool validatePrecisionFeature = true;
const bool validatePrecisionFeature = false;
// Validate precision match of uniforms iff they are statically used
bool validatePrecision = uniform1.staticUse && uniform2.staticUse && validatePrecisionFeature;
LinkMismatchError linkError = LinkValidateProgramVariables(
uniform1, uniform2, validatePrecision, false, false, mismatchedStructFieldName);
if (linkError != LinkMismatchError::NO_MISMATCH)
return linkError;
// GLSL ES Spec 3.10.4, section 4.4.5.
if (uniform1.binding != -1 && uniform2.binding != -1 && uniform1.binding != uniform2.binding)
return LinkMismatchError::BINDING_MISMATCH;
// GLSL ES Spec 3.10.4, section 9.2.1.
if (uniform1.location != -1 && uniform2.location != -1 &&
uniform1.location != uniform2.location)
return LinkMismatchError::LOCATION_MISMATCH;
if (uniform1.offset != uniform2.offset)
return LinkMismatchError::OFFSET_MISMATCH;
return LinkMismatchError::NO_MISMATCH;
using ShaderUniform = std::pair<ShaderType, const sh::ShaderVariable *>;
bool ValidateGraphicsUniformsPerShader(Shader *shaderToLink,
bool extendLinkedUniforms,
std::map<std::string, ShaderUniform> *linkedUniforms,
InfoLog &infoLog)
ASSERT(shaderToLink && linkedUniforms);
for (const sh::ShaderVariable &uniform : shaderToLink->getUniforms())
const auto &entry = linkedUniforms->find(;
if (entry != linkedUniforms->end())
const sh::ShaderVariable &linkedUniform = *(entry->second.second);
std::string mismatchedStructFieldName;
LinkMismatchError linkError =
LinkValidateUniforms(uniform, linkedUniform, &mismatchedStructFieldName);
if (linkError != LinkMismatchError::NO_MISMATCH)
LogLinkMismatch(infoLog,, "uniform", linkError,
mismatchedStructFieldName, entry->second.first,
return false;
else if (extendLinkedUniforms)
(*linkedUniforms)[] = std::make_pair(shaderToLink->getType(), &uniform);
return true;
GLuint GetMaximumShaderUniformVectors(ShaderType shaderType, const Caps &caps)
switch (shaderType)
case ShaderType::Vertex:
return static_cast<GLuint>(caps.maxVertexUniformVectors);
case ShaderType::Fragment:
return static_cast<GLuint>(caps.maxFragmentUniformVectors);
case ShaderType::Compute:
case ShaderType::Geometry:
case ShaderType::TessControl:
case ShaderType::TessEvaluation:
return static_cast<GLuint>(caps.maxShaderUniformComponents[shaderType]) / 4;
return 0u;
enum class UniformType : uint8_t
Variable = 0,
Sampler = 1,
Image = 2,
AtomicCounter = 3,
InvalidEnum = 4,
EnumCount = 4,
const char *GetUniformResourceNameString(UniformType uniformType)
switch (uniformType)
case UniformType::Variable:
return "uniform";
case UniformType::Sampler:
return "texture image unit";
case UniformType::Image:
return "image uniform";
case UniformType::AtomicCounter:
return "atomic counter";
return "";
std::string GetUniformResourceLimitName(ShaderType shaderType, UniformType uniformType)
if (shaderType == ShaderType::Fragment && uniformType == UniformType::Sampler)
std::ostringstream ostream;
ostream << "MAX_" << GetShaderTypeString(shaderType) << "_";
switch (uniformType)
case UniformType::Variable:
// For vertex and fragment shaders, ES 2.0 only defines MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS and
if (shaderType == ShaderType::Vertex || shaderType == ShaderType::Fragment)
ostream << "UNIFORM_VECTORS";
// For compute and geometry shaders, there are no definitions on
// ([OpenGL ES 3.1] Table 20.45, [EXT_geometry_shader] Table 20.43gs).
case UniformType::Sampler:
case UniformType::Image:
ostream << "IMAGE_UNIFORMS";
case UniformType::AtomicCounter:
ostream << "ATOMIC_COUNTERS";
return "";
if (shaderType == ShaderType::Geometry)
ostream << "_EXT";
return ostream.str();
void LogUniformsExceedLimit(ShaderType shaderType,
UniformType uniformType,
GLuint limit,
InfoLog &infoLog)
infoLog << GetShaderTypeString(shaderType) << " shader "
<< GetUniformResourceNameString(uniformType) << "s count exceeds "
<< GetUniformResourceLimitName(shaderType, uniformType) << "(" << limit << ")";
// The purpose of this visitor is to capture the uniforms in a uniform block. Each new uniform is
// added to "uniformsOut".
class UniformBlockEncodingVisitor : public sh::VariableNameVisitor
UniformBlockEncodingVisitor(const GetBlockMemberInfoFunc &getMemberInfo,
const std::string &namePrefix,
const std::string &mappedNamePrefix,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *uniformsOut,
ShaderType shaderType,
int blockIndex)
: sh::VariableNameVisitor(namePrefix, mappedNamePrefix),
void visitNamedVariable(const sh::ShaderVariable &variable,
bool isRowMajor,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes) override
// If getBlockMemberInfo returns false, the variable is optimized out.
sh::BlockMemberInfo variableInfo;
if (!mGetMemberInfo(name, mappedName, &variableInfo))
std::string nameWithArrayIndex = name;
std::string mappedNameWithArrayIndex = mappedName;
if (variable.isArray())
nameWithArrayIndex += "[0]";
mappedNameWithArrayIndex += "[0]";
if (mBlockIndex == -1)
SetActive(mUniformsOut, nameWithArrayIndex, mShaderType,;
LinkedUniform newUniform(variable.type, variable.precision, nameWithArrayIndex,
variable.arraySizes, -1, -1, -1, mBlockIndex, variableInfo);
newUniform.mappedName = mappedNameWithArrayIndex;
// Since block uniforms have no location, we don't need to store them in the uniform
// locations list.
const GetBlockMemberInfoFunc &mGetMemberInfo;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *mUniformsOut;
const ShaderType mShaderType;
const int mBlockIndex;
// The purpose of this visitor is to capture the buffer variables in a shader storage block. Each
// new buffer variable is stored in "bufferVariablesOut".
class ShaderStorageBlockVisitor : public sh::BlockEncoderVisitor
ShaderStorageBlockVisitor(const GetBlockMemberInfoFunc &getMemberInfo,
const std::string &namePrefix,
const std::string &mappedNamePrefix,
std::vector<BufferVariable> *bufferVariablesOut,
ShaderType shaderType,
int blockIndex)
: sh::BlockEncoderVisitor(namePrefix, mappedNamePrefix, &mStubEncoder),
void visitNamedVariable(const sh::ShaderVariable &variable,
bool isRowMajor,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes) override
if (mSkipEnabled)
// If getBlockMemberInfo returns false, the variable is optimized out.
sh::BlockMemberInfo variableInfo;
if (!mGetMemberInfo(name, mappedName, &variableInfo))
std::string nameWithArrayIndex = name;
std::string mappedNameWithArrayIndex = mappedName;
if (variable.isArray())
nameWithArrayIndex += "[0]";
mappedNameWithArrayIndex += "[0]";
if (mBlockIndex == -1)
SetActive(mBufferVariablesOut, nameWithArrayIndex, mShaderType,;
BufferVariable newBufferVariable(variable.type, variable.precision, nameWithArrayIndex,
variable.arraySizes, mBlockIndex, variableInfo);
newBufferVariable.mappedName = mappedNameWithArrayIndex;
newBufferVariable.topLevelArraySize = mTopLevelArraySize;
const GetBlockMemberInfoFunc &mGetMemberInfo;
std::vector<BufferVariable> *mBufferVariablesOut;
const ShaderType mShaderType;
const int mBlockIndex;
sh::StubBlockEncoder mStubEncoder;
struct ShaderUniformCount
unsigned int vectorCount = 0;
unsigned int samplerCount = 0;
unsigned int imageCount = 0;
unsigned int atomicCounterCount = 0;
unsigned int fragmentInOutCount = 0;
ShaderUniformCount &operator+=(ShaderUniformCount &lhs, const ShaderUniformCount &rhs)
lhs.vectorCount += rhs.vectorCount;
lhs.samplerCount += rhs.samplerCount;
lhs.imageCount += rhs.imageCount;
lhs.atomicCounterCount += rhs.atomicCounterCount;
lhs.fragmentInOutCount += rhs.fragmentInOutCount;
return lhs;
// The purpose of this visitor is to flatten struct and array uniforms into a list of singleton
// uniforms. They are stored in separate lists by uniform type so they can be sorted in order.
// Counts for each uniform category are stored and can be queried with "getCounts".
class FlattenUniformVisitor : public sh::VariableNameVisitor
FlattenUniformVisitor(ShaderType shaderType,
const sh::ShaderVariable &uniform,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *uniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *samplerUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *imageUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *atomicCounterUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *inputAttachmentUniforms,
std::vector<UnusedUniform> *unusedUniforms)
: sh::VariableNameVisitor("", ""),
void visitNamedOpaqueObject(const sh::ShaderVariable &variable,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes) override
visitNamedVariable(variable, false, name, mappedName, arraySizes);
void visitNamedVariable(const sh::ShaderVariable &variable,
bool isRowMajor,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes) override
bool isSampler = IsSamplerType(variable.type);
bool isImage = IsImageType(variable.type);
bool isAtomicCounter = IsAtomicCounterType(variable.type);
bool isFragmentInOut = variable.isFragmentInOut;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *uniformList = mUniforms;
if (isSampler)
uniformList = mSamplerUniforms;
else if (isImage)
uniformList = mImageUniforms;
else if (isAtomicCounter)
uniformList = mAtomicCounterUniforms;
else if (isFragmentInOut)
uniformList = mInputAttachmentUniforms;
std::string fullNameWithArrayIndex(name);
std::string fullMappedNameWithArrayIndex(mappedName);
if (variable.isArray())
// We're following the GLES 3.1 November 2016 spec section Naming Active
// Resources and including [0] at the end of array variable names.
fullNameWithArrayIndex += "[0]";
fullMappedNameWithArrayIndex += "[0]";
LinkedUniform *existingUniform = FindUniform(*uniformList, fullNameWithArrayIndex);
if (existingUniform)
if (getBinding() != -1)
existingUniform->binding = getBinding();
if (getOffset() != -1)
existingUniform->offset = getOffset();
if (mLocation != -1)
existingUniform->location = mLocation;
if (mMarkActive)
existingUniform->active = true;
existingUniform->setActive(mShaderType, true);
if (mMarkStaticUse)
existingUniform->staticUse = true;
LinkedUniform linkedUniform(variable.type, variable.precision, fullNameWithArrayIndex,
variable.arraySizes, getBinding(), getOffset(), mLocation,
-1, sh::kDefaultBlockMemberInfo);
linkedUniform.mappedName = fullMappedNameWithArrayIndex; = mMarkActive;
linkedUniform.staticUse = mMarkStaticUse;
linkedUniform.outerArraySizes = arraySizes;
linkedUniform.texelFetchStaticUse = variable.texelFetchStaticUse;
linkedUniform.imageUnitFormat = variable.imageUnitFormat;
linkedUniform.isFragmentInOut = variable.isFragmentInOut;
if (variable.hasParentArrayIndex())
if (mMarkActive)
linkedUniform.setActive(mShaderType, true);
mUnusedUniforms->emplace_back(, linkedUniform.isSampler(), linkedUniform.isImage(),
linkedUniform.isAtomicCounter(), linkedUniform.isFragmentInOut);
unsigned int elementCount = variable.getBasicTypeElementCount();
// Samplers and images aren't "real" uniforms, so they don't count towards register usage.
// Likewise, don't count "real" uniforms towards opaque count.
if (!IsOpaqueType(variable.type) && !isFragmentInOut)
mUniformCount.vectorCount += VariableRegisterCount(variable.type) * elementCount;
mUniformCount.samplerCount += (isSampler ? elementCount : 0);
mUniformCount.imageCount += (isImage ? elementCount : 0);
mUniformCount.atomicCounterCount += (isAtomicCounter ? elementCount : 0);
mUniformCount.fragmentInOutCount += (isFragmentInOut ? elementCount : 0);
if (mLocation != -1)
mLocation += elementCount;
void enterStructAccess(const sh::ShaderVariable &structVar, bool isRowMajor) override
sh::VariableNameVisitor::enterStructAccess(structVar, isRowMajor);
void exitStructAccess(const sh::ShaderVariable &structVar, bool isRowMajor) override
sh::VariableNameVisitor::exitStructAccess(structVar, isRowMajor);
ShaderUniformCount getCounts() const { return mUniformCount; }
int getBinding() const { return mStructStackSize == 0 ? mBinding : -1; }
int getOffset() const { return mStructStackSize == 0 ? mOffset : -1; }
ShaderType mShaderType;
// Active and StaticUse are given separately because they are tracked at struct granularity.
bool mMarkActive;
bool mMarkStaticUse;
int mBinding;
int mOffset;
int mLocation;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *mUniforms;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *mSamplerUniforms;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *mImageUniforms;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *mAtomicCounterUniforms;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *mInputAttachmentUniforms;
std::vector<UnusedUniform> *mUnusedUniforms;
ShaderUniformCount mUniformCount;
unsigned int mStructStackSize = 0;
class InterfaceBlockInfo final : angle::NonCopyable
InterfaceBlockInfo(CustomBlockLayoutEncoderFactory *customEncoderFactory)
: mCustomEncoderFactory(customEncoderFactory)
void getShaderBlockInfo(const std::vector<sh::InterfaceBlock> &interfaceBlocks);
bool getBlockSize(const std::string &name, const std::string &mappedName, size_t *sizeOut);
bool getBlockMemberInfo(const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
sh::BlockMemberInfo *infoOut);
size_t getBlockInfo(const sh::InterfaceBlock &interfaceBlock);
std::map<std::string, size_t> mBlockSizes;
sh::BlockLayoutMap mBlockLayout;
// Based on the interface block layout, the std140 or std430 encoders are used. On some
// platforms (currently only D3D), there could be another non-standard encoder used.
CustomBlockLayoutEncoderFactory *mCustomEncoderFactory;
void InterfaceBlockInfo::getShaderBlockInfo(const std::vector<sh::InterfaceBlock> &interfaceBlocks)
for (const sh::InterfaceBlock &interfaceBlock : interfaceBlocks)
if (!IsActiveInterfaceBlock(interfaceBlock))
if (mBlockSizes.count( > 0)
size_t dataSize = getBlockInfo(interfaceBlock);
mBlockSizes[] = dataSize;
size_t InterfaceBlockInfo::getBlockInfo(const sh::InterfaceBlock &interfaceBlock)
// define member uniforms
sh::Std140BlockEncoder std140Encoder;
sh::Std430BlockEncoder std430Encoder;
sh::BlockLayoutEncoder *customEncoder = nullptr;
sh::BlockLayoutEncoder *encoder = nullptr;
if (interfaceBlock.layout == sh::BLOCKLAYOUT_STD140)
encoder = &std140Encoder;
else if (interfaceBlock.layout == sh::BLOCKLAYOUT_STD430)
encoder = &std430Encoder;
else if (mCustomEncoderFactory)
encoder = customEncoder = mCustomEncoderFactory->makeEncoder();
return 0;
sh::GetInterfaceBlockInfo(interfaceBlock.fields, interfaceBlock.fieldPrefix(), encoder,
size_t offset = encoder->getCurrentOffset();
return offset;
bool InterfaceBlockInfo::getBlockSize(const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
size_t *sizeOut)
size_t nameLengthWithoutArrayIndex;
ParseArrayIndex(name, &nameLengthWithoutArrayIndex);
std::string baseName = name.substr(0u, nameLengthWithoutArrayIndex);
auto sizeIter = mBlockSizes.find(baseName);
if (sizeIter == mBlockSizes.end())
*sizeOut = 0;
return false;
*sizeOut = sizeIter->second;
return true;
bool InterfaceBlockInfo::getBlockMemberInfo(const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
sh::BlockMemberInfo *infoOut)
auto infoIter = mBlockLayout.find(name);
if (infoIter == mBlockLayout.end())
*infoOut = sh::kDefaultBlockMemberInfo;
return false;
*infoOut = infoIter->second;
return true;
void GetFilteredVaryings(const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &varyings,
std::vector<const sh::ShaderVariable *> *filteredVaryingsOut)
for (const sh::ShaderVariable &varying : varyings)
// Built-in varyings obey special rules
if (varying.isBuiltIn())
LinkMismatchError LinkValidateVaryings(const sh::ShaderVariable &outputVarying,
const sh::ShaderVariable &inputVarying,
int shaderVersion,
ShaderType frontShaderType,
ShaderType backShaderType,
bool isSeparable,
std::string *mismatchedStructFieldName)
// [ES 3.2 spec] 7.4.1 Shader Interface Matching:
// Tessellation control shader per-vertex output variables and blocks and tessellation control,
// tessellation evaluation, and geometry shader per-vertex input variables and blocks are
// required to be declared as arrays, with each element representing input or output values for
// a single vertex of a multi-vertex primitive. For the purposes of interface matching, such
// variables and blocks are treated as though they were not declared as arrays.
bool treatOutputAsNonArray =
(frontShaderType == ShaderType::TessControl && !outputVarying.isPatch);
bool treatInputAsNonArray =
((backShaderType == ShaderType::TessControl ||
backShaderType == ShaderType::TessEvaluation || backShaderType == ShaderType::Geometry) &&
// Skip the validation on the array sizes between a vertex output varying and a geometry input
// varying as it has been done before.
bool validatePrecision = isSeparable && (shaderVersion > 100);
LinkMismatchError linkError = LinkValidateProgramVariables(
outputVarying, inputVarying, validatePrecision, treatOutputAsNonArray, treatInputAsNonArray,
if (linkError != LinkMismatchError::NO_MISMATCH)
return linkError;
// Explicit locations must match if the names match.
if (outputVarying.isSameNameAtLinkTime(inputVarying) &&
outputVarying.location != inputVarying.location)
return LinkMismatchError::LOCATION_MISMATCH;
if (!sh::InterpolationTypesMatch(outputVarying.interpolation, inputVarying.interpolation))
if (shaderVersion == 100 && outputVarying.isInvariant != inputVarying.isInvariant)
return LinkMismatchError::INVARIANCE_MISMATCH;
return LinkMismatchError::NO_MISMATCH;
bool DoShaderVariablesMatch(int frontShaderVersion,
ShaderType frontShaderType,
ShaderType backShaderType,
const sh::ShaderVariable &input,
const sh::ShaderVariable &output,
bool isSeparable,
gl::InfoLog &infoLog)
bool namesMatch = input.isSameNameAtLinkTime(output);
bool locationsMatch = input.location != -1 && input.location == output.location;
// An output block is considered to match an input block in the subsequent
// shader if the two blocks have the same block name, and the members of the
// block match exactly in name, type, qualification, and declaration order.
// - For the purposes of shader interface matching, the gl_PointSize
// member of the intrinsically declared gl_PerVertex shader interface
// block is ignored.
// - Output blocks that do not match in name, but have a location and match
// in every other way listed above may be considered to match by some
// implementations, but not all - so this behaviour should not be relied
// upon.
// An output variable is considered to match an input variable in the subsequent
// shader if:
// - the two variables match in name, type, and qualification; or
// - the two variables are declared with the same location qualifier and
// match in type and qualification.
if (namesMatch || locationsMatch)
std::string mismatchedStructFieldName;
LinkMismatchError linkError =
LinkValidateVaryings(output, input, frontShaderVersion, frontShaderType, backShaderType,
isSeparable, &mismatchedStructFieldName);
if (linkError != LinkMismatchError::NO_MISMATCH)
LogLinkMismatch(infoLog,, "varying", linkError, mismatchedStructFieldName,
frontShaderType, backShaderType);
return false;
return true;
return false;
} // anonymous namespace
UniformLinker::UniformLinker(const ProgramState &state) : mState(state) {}
UniformLinker::~UniformLinker() = default;
void UniformLinker::getResults(std::vector<LinkedUniform> *uniforms,
std::vector<UnusedUniform> *unusedUniforms,
std::vector<VariableLocation> *uniformLocations)
bool UniformLinker::link(const Caps &caps,
InfoLog &infoLog,
const ProgramAliasedBindings &uniformLocationBindings)
if (mState.getAttachedShader(ShaderType::Vertex) &&
ASSERT(mState.getAttachedShader(ShaderType::Compute) == nullptr);
if (!validateGraphicsUniforms(infoLog))
return false;
// Flatten the uniforms list (nested fields) into a simple list (no nesting).
// Also check the maximum uniform vector and sampler counts.
if (!flattenUniformsAndCheckCaps(caps, infoLog))
return false;
if (!checkMaxCombinedAtomicCounters(caps, infoLog))
return false;
if (!indexUniforms(infoLog, uniformLocationBindings))
return false;
return true;
bool UniformLinker::validateGraphicsUniforms(InfoLog &infoLog) const
// Check that uniforms defined in the graphics shaders are identical
std::map<std::string, ShaderUniform> linkedUniforms;
for (const ShaderType shaderType : kAllGraphicsShaderTypes)
Shader *currentShader = mState.getAttachedShader(shaderType);
if (currentShader)
if (shaderType == ShaderType::Vertex)
for (const sh::ShaderVariable &vertexUniform : currentShader->getUniforms())
linkedUniforms[] =
std::make_pair(ShaderType::Vertex, &vertexUniform);
bool isLastShader = (shaderType == ShaderType::Fragment);
if (!ValidateGraphicsUniformsPerShader(currentShader, !isLastShader,
&linkedUniforms, infoLog))
return false;
return true;
bool UniformLinker::indexUniforms(InfoLog &infoLog,
const ProgramAliasedBindings &uniformLocationBindings)
// Locations which have been allocated for an unused uniform.
std::set<GLuint> ignoredLocations;
int maxUniformLocation = -1;
// Gather uniform locations that have been set either using the bindUniformLocation API or by
// using a location layout qualifier and check conflicts between them.
if (!gatherUniformLocationsAndCheckConflicts(infoLog, uniformLocationBindings,
&ignoredLocations, &maxUniformLocation))
return false;
// Conflicts have been checked, now we can prune non-statically used uniforms. Code further down
// the line relies on only having statically used uniforms in mUniforms.
// Gather uniforms that have their location pre-set and uniforms that don't yet have a location.
std::vector<VariableLocation> unlocatedUniforms;
std::map<GLuint, VariableLocation> preLocatedUniforms;
for (size_t uniformIndex = 0; uniformIndex < mUniforms.size(); uniformIndex++)
const LinkedUniform &uniform = mUniforms[uniformIndex];
if ((uniform.isBuiltIn() && !uniform.isEmulatedBuiltIn()) ||
IsAtomicCounterType(uniform.type) || uniform.isFragmentInOut)
int preSetLocation = uniformLocationBindings.getBinding(uniform);
int shaderLocation = uniform.location;
if (shaderLocation != -1)
preSetLocation = shaderLocation;
unsigned int elementCount = uniform.getBasicTypeElementCount();
for (unsigned int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < elementCount; arrayIndex++)
VariableLocation location(arrayIndex, static_cast<unsigned int>(uniformIndex));
if ((arrayIndex == 0 && preSetLocation != -1) || shaderLocation != -1)
int elementLocation = preSetLocation + arrayIndex;
preLocatedUniforms[elementLocation] = location;
// Make enough space for all uniforms, with pre-set locations or not.
std::max(unlocatedUniforms.size() + preLocatedUniforms.size() + ignoredLocations.size(),
static_cast<size_t>(maxUniformLocation + 1)));
// Assign uniforms with pre-set locations
for (const auto &uniform : preLocatedUniforms)
mUniformLocations[uniform.first] = uniform.second;
// Assign ignored uniforms
for (const auto &ignoredLocation : ignoredLocations)
// Automatically assign locations for the rest of the uniforms
size_t nextUniformLocation = 0;
for (const auto &unlocatedUniform : unlocatedUniforms)
while (mUniformLocations[nextUniformLocation].used() ||
ASSERT(nextUniformLocation < mUniformLocations.size());
mUniformLocations[nextUniformLocation] = unlocatedUniform;
return true;
bool UniformLinker::gatherUniformLocationsAndCheckConflicts(
InfoLog &infoLog,
const ProgramAliasedBindings &uniformLocationBindings,
std::set<GLuint> *ignoredLocations,
int *maxUniformLocation)
// All the locations where another uniform can't be located.
std::set<GLuint> reservedLocations;
for (const LinkedUniform &uniform : mUniforms)
if ((uniform.isBuiltIn() && !uniform.isEmulatedBuiltIn()) || uniform.isFragmentInOut)
// The uniform of the fragment inout is not a normal uniform type. So, in the case of
// the fragment inout, this routine should be skipped.
int apiBoundLocation = uniformLocationBindings.getBinding(uniform);
int shaderLocation = uniform.location;
if (shaderLocation != -1)
unsigned int elementCount = uniform.getBasicTypeElementCount();
for (unsigned int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < elementCount; arrayIndex++)
// GLSL ES 3.10 section 4.4.3
int elementLocation = shaderLocation + arrayIndex;
*maxUniformLocation = std::max(*maxUniformLocation, elementLocation);
if (reservedLocations.find(elementLocation) != reservedLocations.end())
infoLog << "Multiple uniforms bound to location " << elementLocation << ".";
return false;
if (!
else if (apiBoundLocation != -1 && uniform.staticUse)
// Only the first location is reserved even if the uniform is an array.
*maxUniformLocation = std::max(*maxUniformLocation, apiBoundLocation);
if (reservedLocations.find(apiBoundLocation) != reservedLocations.end())
infoLog << "Multiple uniforms bound to location " << apiBoundLocation << ".";
return false;
if (!
// Record the uniform locations that were bound using the API for uniforms that were not found
// from the shader. Other uniforms should not be assigned to those locations.
for (const auto &locationBinding : uniformLocationBindings)
GLuint location = locationBinding.second.location;
if (reservedLocations.find(location) == reservedLocations.end())
*maxUniformLocation = std::max(*maxUniformLocation, static_cast<int>(location));
return true;
void UniformLinker::pruneUnusedUniforms()
auto uniformIter = mUniforms.begin();
while (uniformIter != mUniforms.end())
if (uniformIter->active)
mUnusedUniforms.emplace_back(uniformIter->name, uniformIter->isSampler(),
uniformIter->isImage(), uniformIter->isAtomicCounter(),
uniformIter = mUniforms.erase(uniformIter);
bool UniformLinker::flattenUniformsAndCheckCapsForShader(
Shader *shader,
const Caps &caps,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> &samplerUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> &imageUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> &atomicCounterUniforms,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> &inputAttachmentUniforms,
std::vector<UnusedUniform> &unusedUniforms,
InfoLog &infoLog)
ShaderUniformCount shaderUniformCount;
for (const sh::ShaderVariable &uniform : shader->getUniforms())
FlattenUniformVisitor flattener(shader->getType(), uniform, &mUniforms, &samplerUniforms,
&imageUniforms, &atomicCounterUniforms,
&inputAttachmentUniforms, &unusedUniforms);
sh::TraverseShaderVariable(uniform, false, &flattener);
if (
shaderUniformCount += flattener.getCounts();
unusedUniforms.emplace_back(, IsSamplerType(uniform.type),
IsAtomicCounterType(uniform.type), uniform.isFragmentInOut);
ShaderType shaderType = shader->getType();
// TODO ( check whether we need finer-grained component counting
GLuint maxUniformVectorsCount = GetMaximumShaderUniformVectors(shaderType, caps);
if (shaderUniformCount.vectorCount > maxUniformVectorsCount)
GLuint maxUniforms = 0u;
// See comments in GetUniformResourceLimitName()
if (shaderType == ShaderType::Vertex || shaderType == ShaderType::Fragment)
maxUniforms = maxUniformVectorsCount;
maxUniforms = maxUniformVectorsCount * 4;
LogUniformsExceedLimit(shaderType, UniformType::Variable, maxUniforms, infoLog);
return false;
if (shaderUniformCount.samplerCount >
LogUniformsExceedLimit(shaderType, UniformType::Sampler,
caps.maxShaderTextureImageUnits[shaderType], infoLog);
return false;
if (shaderUniformCount.imageCount >
LogUniformsExceedLimit(shaderType, UniformType::Image,
caps.maxShaderImageUniforms[shaderType], infoLog);
return false;
if (shaderUniformCount.atomicCounterCount >
LogUniformsExceedLimit(shaderType, UniformType::AtomicCounter,
caps.maxShaderAtomicCounters[shaderType], infoLog);
return false;
return true;
bool UniformLinker::flattenUniformsAndCheckCaps(const Caps &caps, InfoLog &infoLog)
std::vector<LinkedUniform> samplerUniforms;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> imageUniforms;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> atomicCounterUniforms;
std::vector<LinkedUniform> inputAttachmentUniforms;
std::vector<UnusedUniform> unusedUniforms;
for (const ShaderType shaderType : AllShaderTypes())
Shader *shader = mState.getAttachedShader(shaderType);
if (!shader)
if (!flattenUniformsAndCheckCapsForShader(shader, caps, samplerUniforms, imageUniforms,
atomicCounterUniforms, inputAttachmentUniforms,
unusedUniforms, infoLog))
return false;
mUniforms.insert(mUniforms.end(), samplerUniforms.begin(), samplerUniforms.end());
mUniforms.insert(mUniforms.end(), imageUniforms.begin(), imageUniforms.end());
mUniforms.insert(mUniforms.end(), atomicCounterUniforms.begin(), atomicCounterUniforms.end());
mUniforms.insert(mUniforms.end(), inputAttachmentUniforms.begin(),
mUnusedUniforms.insert(mUnusedUniforms.end(), unusedUniforms.begin(), unusedUniforms.end());
return true;
bool UniformLinker::checkMaxCombinedAtomicCounters(const Caps &caps, InfoLog &infoLog)
unsigned int atomicCounterCount = 0;
for (const auto &uniform : mUniforms)
if (IsAtomicCounterType(uniform.type) &&
atomicCounterCount += uniform.getBasicTypeElementCount();
if (atomicCounterCount > static_cast<GLuint>(caps.maxCombinedAtomicCounters))
infoLog << "atomic counter count exceeds MAX_COMBINED_ATOMIC_COUNTERS"
<< caps.maxCombinedAtomicCounters << ").";
return false;
return true;
// InterfaceBlockLinker implementation.
InterfaceBlockLinker::InterfaceBlockLinker() = default;
InterfaceBlockLinker::~InterfaceBlockLinker() = default;
void InterfaceBlockLinker::init(std::vector<InterfaceBlock> *blocksOut,
std::vector<std::string> *unusedInterfaceBlocksOut)
mBlocksOut = blocksOut;
mUnusedInterfaceBlocksOut = unusedInterfaceBlocksOut;
void InterfaceBlockLinker::addShaderBlocks(ShaderType shaderType,
const std::vector<sh::InterfaceBlock> *blocks)
mShaderBlocks[shaderType] = blocks;
void InterfaceBlockLinker::linkBlocks(const GetBlockSizeFunc &getBlockSize,
const GetBlockMemberInfoFunc &getMemberInfo) const
std::set<std::string> visitedList;
for (const ShaderType shaderType : AllShaderTypes())
if (!mShaderBlocks[shaderType])
for (const sh::InterfaceBlock &block : *mShaderBlocks[shaderType])
if (!IsActiveInterfaceBlock(block))
if (visitedList.count( == 0)
defineInterfaceBlock(getBlockSize, getMemberInfo, block, shaderType);
if (!
for (InterfaceBlock &priorBlock : *mBlocksOut)
if ( ==
priorBlock.setActive(shaderType, true);
std::unique_ptr<sh::ShaderVariableVisitor> visitor(
getVisitor(getMemberInfo, block.fieldPrefix(), block.fieldMappedPrefix(),
shaderType, -1));
sh::TraverseShaderVariables(block.fields, false, visitor.get());
void InterfaceBlockLinker::defineInterfaceBlock(const GetBlockSizeFunc &getBlockSize,
const GetBlockMemberInfoFunc &getMemberInfo,
const sh::InterfaceBlock &interfaceBlock,
ShaderType shaderType) const
size_t blockSize = 0;
std::vector<unsigned int> blockIndexes;
int blockIndex = static_cast<int>(mBlocksOut->size());
// Track the first and last block member index to determine the range of active block members in
// the block.
size_t firstBlockMemberIndex = getCurrentBlockMemberIndex();
std::unique_ptr<sh::ShaderVariableVisitor> visitor(
getVisitor(getMemberInfo, interfaceBlock.fieldPrefix(), interfaceBlock.fieldMappedPrefix(),
shaderType, blockIndex));
sh::TraverseShaderVariables(interfaceBlock.fields, false, visitor.get());
size_t lastBlockMemberIndex = getCurrentBlockMemberIndex();
for (size_t blockMemberIndex = firstBlockMemberIndex; blockMemberIndex < lastBlockMemberIndex;
blockIndexes.push_back(static_cast<unsigned int>(blockMemberIndex));
unsigned int firstFieldArraySize = interfaceBlock.fields[0].getArraySizeProduct();
for (unsigned int arrayElement = 0; arrayElement < interfaceBlock.elementCount();
std::string blockArrayName =;
std::string blockMappedArrayName = interfaceBlock.mappedName;
if (interfaceBlock.isArray())
blockArrayName += ArrayString(arrayElement);
blockMappedArrayName += ArrayString(arrayElement);
// Don't define this block at all if it's not active in the implementation.
if (!getBlockSize(blockArrayName, blockMappedArrayName, &blockSize))
// ESSL 3.10 section 4.4.4 page 58:
// Any uniform or shader storage block declared without a binding qualifier is initially
// assigned to block binding point zero.
int blockBinding =
(interfaceBlock.binding == -1 ? 0 : interfaceBlock.binding + arrayElement);
InterfaceBlock block(, interfaceBlock.mappedName,
interfaceBlock.isArray(), arrayElement, firstFieldArraySize,
block.memberIndexes = blockIndexes;
// Since all block elements in an array share the same active interface blocks, they
// will all be active once any block member is used. So, since[0]
// was active, here we will add every block element in the array.
block.dataSize = static_cast<unsigned int>(blockSize);
// UniformBlockLinker implementation.
UniformBlockLinker::UniformBlockLinker() = default;
UniformBlockLinker::~UniformBlockLinker() {}
void UniformBlockLinker::init(std::vector<InterfaceBlock> *blocksOut,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *uniformsOut,
std::vector<std::string> *unusedInterfaceBlocksOut)
InterfaceBlockLinker::init(blocksOut, unusedInterfaceBlocksOut);
mUniformsOut = uniformsOut;
size_t UniformBlockLinker::getCurrentBlockMemberIndex() const
return mUniformsOut->size();
sh::ShaderVariableVisitor *UniformBlockLinker::getVisitor(
const GetBlockMemberInfoFunc &getMemberInfo,
const std::string &namePrefix,
const std::string &mappedNamePrefix,
ShaderType shaderType,
int blockIndex) const
return new UniformBlockEncodingVisitor(getMemberInfo, namePrefix, mappedNamePrefix,
mUniformsOut, shaderType, blockIndex);
// ShaderStorageBlockLinker implementation.
ShaderStorageBlockLinker::ShaderStorageBlockLinker() = default;
ShaderStorageBlockLinker::~ShaderStorageBlockLinker() = default;
void ShaderStorageBlockLinker::init(std::vector<InterfaceBlock> *blocksOut,
std::vector<BufferVariable> *bufferVariablesOut,
std::vector<std::string> *unusedInterfaceBlocksOut)
InterfaceBlockLinker::init(blocksOut, unusedInterfaceBlocksOut);
mBufferVariablesOut = bufferVariablesOut;
size_t ShaderStorageBlockLinker::getCurrentBlockMemberIndex() const
return mBufferVariablesOut->size();
sh::ShaderVariableVisitor *ShaderStorageBlockLinker::getVisitor(
const GetBlockMemberInfoFunc &getMemberInfo,
const std::string &namePrefix,
const std::string &mappedNamePrefix,
ShaderType shaderType,
int blockIndex) const
return new ShaderStorageBlockVisitor(getMemberInfo, namePrefix, mappedNamePrefix,
mBufferVariablesOut, shaderType, blockIndex);
// AtomicCounterBufferLinker implementation.
AtomicCounterBufferLinker::AtomicCounterBufferLinker() = default;
AtomicCounterBufferLinker::~AtomicCounterBufferLinker() = default;
void AtomicCounterBufferLinker::init(std::vector<AtomicCounterBuffer> *atomicCounterBuffersOut)
mAtomicCounterBuffersOut = atomicCounterBuffersOut;
void AtomicCounterBufferLinker::link(const std::map<int, unsigned int> &sizeMap) const
for (auto &atomicCounterBuffer : *mAtomicCounterBuffersOut)
auto bufferSize = sizeMap.find(atomicCounterBuffer.binding);
ASSERT(bufferSize != sizeMap.end());
atomicCounterBuffer.dataSize = bufferSize->second;
ProgramLinkedResources::ProgramLinkedResources() = default;
ProgramLinkedResources::~ProgramLinkedResources() = default;
void ProgramLinkedResources::init(std::vector<InterfaceBlock> *uniformBlocksOut,
std::vector<LinkedUniform> *uniformsOut,
std::vector<InterfaceBlock> *shaderStorageBlocksOut,
std::vector<BufferVariable> *bufferVariablesOut,
std::vector<AtomicCounterBuffer> *atomicCounterBuffersOut)
uniformBlockLinker.init(uniformBlocksOut, uniformsOut, &unusedInterfaceBlocks);
shaderStorageBlockLinker.init(shaderStorageBlocksOut, bufferVariablesOut,
void ProgramLinkedResourcesLinker::linkResources(const ProgramState &programState,
const ProgramLinkedResources &resources) const
// Gather uniform interface block info.
InterfaceBlockInfo uniformBlockInfo(mCustomEncoderFactory);
for (const ShaderType shaderType : AllShaderTypes())
Shader *shader = programState.getAttachedShader(shaderType);
if (shader)
auto getUniformBlockSize = [&uniformBlockInfo](const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName, size_t *sizeOut) {
return uniformBlockInfo.getBlockSize(name, mappedName, sizeOut);
auto getUniformBlockMemberInfo = [&uniformBlockInfo](const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
sh::BlockMemberInfo *infoOut) {
return uniformBlockInfo.getBlockMemberInfo(name, mappedName, infoOut);
// Link uniform interface blocks.
resources.uniformBlockLinker.linkBlocks(getUniformBlockSize, getUniformBlockMemberInfo);
// Gather storage buffer interface block info.
InterfaceBlockInfo shaderStorageBlockInfo(mCustomEncoderFactory);
for (const ShaderType shaderType : AllShaderTypes())
Shader *shader = programState.getAttachedShader(shaderType);
if (shader)
auto getShaderStorageBlockSize = [&shaderStorageBlockInfo](const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
size_t *sizeOut) {
return shaderStorageBlockInfo.getBlockSize(name, mappedName, sizeOut);
auto getShaderStorageBlockMemberInfo = [&shaderStorageBlockInfo](const std::string &name,
const std::string &mappedName,
sh::BlockMemberInfo *infoOut) {
return shaderStorageBlockInfo.getBlockMemberInfo(name, mappedName, infoOut);
// Link storage buffer interface blocks.
// Gather and link atomic counter buffer interface blocks.
std::map<int, unsigned int> sizeMap;
getAtomicCounterBufferSizeMap(programState, sizeMap);;
void ProgramLinkedResourcesLinker::getAtomicCounterBufferSizeMap(
const ProgramState &programState,
std::map<int, unsigned int> &sizeMapOut) const
for (unsigned int index : programState.getAtomicCounterUniformRange())
const LinkedUniform &glUniform = programState.getUniforms()[index];
auto &bufferDataSize = sizeMapOut[glUniform.binding];
// Calculate the size of the buffer by finding the end of the last uniform with the same
// binding. The end of the uniform is calculated by finding the initial offset of the
// uniform and adding size of the uniform. For arrays, the size is the number of elements
// times the element size (should always by 4 for atomic_units).
unsigned dataOffset =
glUniform.offset + static_cast<unsigned int>(glUniform.getBasicTypeElementCount() *
if (dataOffset > bufferDataSize)
bufferDataSize = dataOffset;
// Note: this is broken for pipelines with modified/discarded shaders.
bool LinkValidateProgramGlobalNames(InfoLog &infoLog, const HasAttachedShaders &programOrPipeline)
angle::HashMap<std::string, const sh::ShaderVariable *> uniformMap;
using BlockAndFieldPair = std::pair<const sh::InterfaceBlock *, const sh::ShaderVariable *>;
angle::HashMap<std::string, std::vector<BlockAndFieldPair>> uniformBlockFieldMap;
for (ShaderType shaderType : kAllGraphicsShaderTypes)
Shader *shader = programOrPipeline.getAttachedShader(shaderType);
if (!shader)
// Build a map of Uniforms
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> uniforms = shader->getUniforms();
for (const auto &uniform : uniforms)
uniformMap[] = &uniform;
// Build a map of Uniform Blocks
// This will also detect any field name conflicts between Uniform Blocks without instance
// names
const std::vector<sh::InterfaceBlock> &uniformBlocks = shader->getUniformBlocks();
for (const auto &uniformBlock : uniformBlocks)
// Only uniform blocks without an instance name can create a conflict with their field
// names
if (!uniformBlock.instanceName.empty())
for (const auto &field : uniformBlock.fields)
if (!uniformBlockFieldMap.count(
// First time we've seen this uniform block field name, so add the
// (Uniform Block, Field) pair immediately since there can't be a conflict yet
BlockAndFieldPair blockAndFieldPair(&uniformBlock, &field);
std::vector<BlockAndFieldPair> newUniformBlockList;
uniformBlockFieldMap[] = newUniformBlockList;
// We've seen this name before.
// We need to check each of the uniform blocks that contain a field with this name
// to see if there's a conflict or not.
std::vector<BlockAndFieldPair> prevBlockFieldPairs =
for (const auto &prevBlockFieldPair : prevBlockFieldPairs)
const sh::InterfaceBlock *prevUniformBlock = prevBlockFieldPair.first;
const sh::ShaderVariable *prevUniformBlockField = prevBlockFieldPair.second;
if (uniformBlock.isSameInterfaceBlockAtLinkTime(*prevUniformBlock))
// The same uniform block should, by definition, contain the same field name
// The uniform blocks don't match, so check if the necessary field properties
// also match
if (( == prevUniformBlockField->name) &&
(field.type == prevUniformBlockField->type) &&
(field.precision == prevUniformBlockField->precision))
infoLog << "Name conflicts between uniform block field names: "
return false;
// No conflict, so record this pair
BlockAndFieldPair blockAndFieldPair(&uniformBlock, &field);
// Validate no uniform names conflict with attribute names
Shader *vertexShader = programOrPipeline.getAttachedShader(ShaderType::Vertex);
if (vertexShader)
// ESSL 3.00.6 section 4.3.5:
// If a uniform variable name is declared in one stage (e.g., a vertex shader)
// but not in another (e.g., a fragment shader), then that name is still
// available in the other stage for a different use.
std::unordered_set<std::string> uniforms;
for (const sh::ShaderVariable &uniform : vertexShader->getUniforms())
for (const auto &attrib : vertexShader->getActiveAttributes())
if (uniforms.count(
infoLog << "Name conflicts between a uniform and an attribute: " <<;
return false;
// Validate no Uniform Block fields conflict with other Uniforms
for (const auto &uniformBlockField : uniformBlockFieldMap)
const std::string &fieldName = uniformBlockField.first;
if (uniformMap.count(fieldName))
infoLog << "Name conflicts between a uniform and a uniform block field: " << fieldName;
return false;
return true;
// [OpenGL ES 3.2] Chapter 7.4.1 "Shader Interface Matching"
bool LinkValidateShaderInterfaceMatching(const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &outputVaryings,
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &inputVaryings,
ShaderType frontShaderType,
ShaderType backShaderType,
int frontShaderVersion,
int backShaderVersion,
bool isSeparable,
gl::InfoLog &infoLog)
ASSERT(frontShaderVersion == backShaderVersion);
std::vector<const sh::ShaderVariable *> filteredInputVaryings;
std::vector<const sh::ShaderVariable *> filteredOutputVaryings;
GetFilteredVaryings(inputVaryings, &filteredInputVaryings);
GetFilteredVaryings(outputVaryings, &filteredOutputVaryings);
// Separable programs require the number of inputs and outputs match
if (isSeparable && filteredInputVaryings.size() < filteredOutputVaryings.size())
infoLog << GetShaderTypeString(backShaderType)
<< " does not consume all varyings generated by "
<< GetShaderTypeString(frontShaderType);
return false;
if (isSeparable && filteredInputVaryings.size() > filteredOutputVaryings.size())
infoLog << GetShaderTypeString(frontShaderType)
<< " does not generate all varyings consumed by "
<< GetShaderTypeString(backShaderType);
return false;
// All inputs must match all outputs
for (const sh::ShaderVariable *input : filteredInputVaryings)
bool match = false;
for (const sh::ShaderVariable *output : filteredOutputVaryings)
if (DoShaderVariablesMatch(frontShaderVersion, frontShaderType, backShaderType, *input,
*output, isSeparable, infoLog))
match = true;
// We permit unmatched, unreferenced varyings. Note that this specifically depends on
// whether the input is statically used - a statically used input should fail this test even
// if it is not active. GLSL ES 3.00.6 section 4.3.10.
if (!match && input->staticUse)
const std::string &name =
input->isShaderIOBlock ? input->structOrBlockName : input->name;
infoLog << GetShaderTypeString(backShaderType) << " varying " << name
<< " does not match any " << GetShaderTypeString(frontShaderType) << " varying";
return false;
return true;
LinkMismatchError LinkValidateProgramVariables(const sh::ShaderVariable &variable1,
const sh::ShaderVariable &variable2,
bool validatePrecision,
bool treatVariable1AsNonArray,
bool treatVariable2AsNonArray,
std::string *mismatchedStructOrBlockMemberName)
if (variable1.type != variable2.type)
return LinkMismatchError::TYPE_MISMATCH;
bool variable1IsArray = variable1.isArray();
bool variable2IsArray = variable2.isArray();
if (treatVariable1AsNonArray)
variable1IsArray = false;
if (treatVariable2AsNonArray)
variable2IsArray = false;
// TODO( Investigate interactions with arrays-of-arrays.
if (variable1IsArray != variable2IsArray)
return LinkMismatchError::ARRAYNESS_MISMATCH;
if (!treatVariable1AsNonArray && !treatVariable2AsNonArray &&
variable1.arraySizes != variable2.arraySizes)
return LinkMismatchError::ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH;
if (validatePrecision && variable1.precision != variable2.precision)
return LinkMismatchError::PRECISION_MISMATCH;
if (!variable1.isShaderIOBlock && !variable2.isShaderIOBlock &&
variable1.structOrBlockName != variable2.structOrBlockName)
return LinkMismatchError::STRUCT_NAME_MISMATCH;
if (variable1.imageUnitFormat != variable2.imageUnitFormat)
return LinkMismatchError::FORMAT_MISMATCH;
if (variable1.fields.size() != variable2.fields.size())
return LinkMismatchError::FIELD_NUMBER_MISMATCH;
const unsigned int numMembers = static_cast<unsigned int>(variable1.fields.size());
for (unsigned int memberIndex = 0; memberIndex < numMembers; memberIndex++)
const sh::ShaderVariable &member1 = variable1.fields[memberIndex];
const sh::ShaderVariable &member2 = variable2.fields[memberIndex];
if ( !=
return LinkMismatchError::FIELD_NAME_MISMATCH;
if (member1.interpolation != member2.interpolation)
if (variable1.isShaderIOBlock && variable2.isShaderIOBlock)
if (member1.location != member2.location)
return LinkMismatchError::FIELD_LOCATION_MISMATCH;
if (member1.structOrBlockName != member2.structOrBlockName)
return LinkMismatchError::FIELD_STRUCT_NAME_MISMATCH;
LinkMismatchError linkErrorOnField = LinkValidateProgramVariables(
member1, member2, validatePrecision, false, false, mismatchedStructOrBlockMemberName);
if (linkErrorOnField != LinkMismatchError::NO_MISMATCH)
AddProgramVariableParentPrefix(, mismatchedStructOrBlockMemberName);
return linkErrorOnField;
return LinkMismatchError::NO_MISMATCH;
void AddProgramVariableParentPrefix(const std::string &parentName, std::string *mismatchedFieldName)
if (mismatchedFieldName->empty())
*mismatchedFieldName = parentName;
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << parentName << "." << *mismatchedFieldName;
*mismatchedFieldName = stream.str();
bool LinkValidateBuiltInVaryingsInvariant(const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &vertexVaryings,
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &fragmentVaryings,
int vertexShaderVersion,
InfoLog &infoLog)
bool glPositionIsInvariant = false;
bool glPointSizeIsInvariant = false;
bool glFragCoordIsInvariant = false;
bool glPointCoordIsInvariant = false;
for (const sh::ShaderVariable &varying : vertexVaryings)
if (!varying.isBuiltIn())
if ("gl_Position") == 0)
glPositionIsInvariant = varying.isInvariant;
else if ("gl_PointSize") == 0)
glPointSizeIsInvariant = varying.isInvariant;
for (const sh::ShaderVariable &varying : fragmentVaryings)
if (!varying.isBuiltIn())
if ("gl_FragCoord") == 0)
glFragCoordIsInvariant = varying.isInvariant;
else if ("gl_PointCoord") == 0)
glPointCoordIsInvariant = varying.isInvariant;
// There is some ambiguity in ESSL 1.00.17 paragraph 4.6.4 interpretation,
// for example,
// Not requiring invariance to match is supported by:
// dEQP, WebGL CTS, Nexus 5X GLES
if (glFragCoordIsInvariant && !glPositionIsInvariant)
infoLog << "gl_FragCoord can only be declared invariant if and only if gl_Position is "
"declared invariant.";
return false;
if (glPointCoordIsInvariant && !glPointSizeIsInvariant)
infoLog << "gl_PointCoord can only be declared invariant if and only if gl_PointSize is "
"declared invariant.";
return false;
return true;
bool LinkValidateBuiltInVaryings(const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &outputVaryings,
const std::vector<sh::ShaderVariable> &inputVaryings,
ShaderType outputShaderType,
ShaderType inputShaderType,
int outputShaderVersion,
int inputShaderVersion,
InfoLog &infoLog)
ASSERT(outputShaderVersion == inputShaderVersion);
// Only ESSL 1.0 has restrictions on matching input and output invariance
if (inputShaderVersion == 100 && outputShaderType == ShaderType::Vertex &&
inputShaderType == ShaderType::Fragment)
return LinkValidateBuiltInVaryingsInvariant(outputVaryings, inputVaryings,
outputShaderVersion, infoLog);
uint32_t sizeClipDistance = 0;
uint32_t sizeCullDistance = 0;
for (const sh::ShaderVariable &varying : outputVaryings)
if (!varying.isBuiltIn())
if ("gl_ClipDistance") == 0)
sizeClipDistance = varying.getOutermostArraySize();
else if ("gl_CullDistance") == 0)
sizeCullDistance = varying.getOutermostArraySize();
for (const sh::ShaderVariable &varying : inputVaryings)
if (!varying.isBuiltIn())
if ("gl_ClipDistance") == 0)
if (sizeClipDistance != varying.getOutermostArraySize())
infoLog << "If either shader redeclares the built-in arrays gl_ClipDistance[] the "
"array must have the same size in both shaders.";
return false;
else if ("gl_CullDistance") == 0)
if (sizeCullDistance != varying.getOutermostArraySize())
infoLog << "If either shader redeclares the built-in arrays gl_CullDistance[] the "
"array must have the same size in both shaders.";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace gl