blob: cf02743a80e85fec8f58f934c75519518fedb014 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// feature_support_util.cpp: Helps client APIs make decisions based on rules
// data files. For example, the Android EGL loader uses this library to
// determine whether to use ANGLE or a native GLES driver.
#include "feature_support_util.h"
#include <json/json.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "common/platform.h"
# include <android/log.h>
# include <unistd.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <ios>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "../gpu_info_util/SystemInfo.h"
namespace angle
// Define ANGLE_FEATURE_UTIL_LOG_VERBOSE if you want VERBOSE to output
// ANGLE_FEATURE_UTIL_LOG_VERBOSE is automatically defined when is_debug = true
# define ERR(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "ANGLE", __VA_ARGS__)
# define WARN(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, "ANGLE", __VA_ARGS__)
# define INFO(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "ANGLE", __VA_ARGS__)
# define DEBUG(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, "ANGLE", __VA_ARGS__)
# define VERBOSE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, "ANGLE", __VA_ARGS__)
# else
# define VERBOSE(...) ((void)0)
# endif
#else // defined(ANDROID)
# define ERR(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define WARN(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define INFO(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define DEBUG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
// Uncomment for debugging.
//# define VERBOSE(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
# define VERBOSE(...)
#endif // defined(ANDROID)
// JSON values are generally composed of either:
// - Objects, which are a set of comma-separated string:value pairs (note the recursive nature)
// - Arrays, which are a set of comma-separated values.
// We'll call the string in a string:value pair the "identifier". These identifiers are defined
// below, as follows:
// The JSON identifier for the top-level set of rules. This is an object, the value of which is an
// array of rules. The rules will be processed in order. If a rule matches, the rule's version of
// the answer (true or false) becomes the new answer. After all rules are processed, the
// most-recent answer is the final answer.
constexpr char kJsonRules[] = "Rules";
// The JSON identifier for a given rule. A rule is an object, the first string:value pair is this
// identifier (i.e. "Rule") as the string and the value is a user-firendly description of the rule:
constexpr char kJsonRule[] = "Rule";
// Within a rule, the JSON identifier for the answer--whether or not to use ANGLE. The value is a
// boolean (i.e. true or false).
constexpr char kJsonUseANGLE[] = "UseANGLE";
// Within a rule, the JSON identifier for describing one or more applications. The value is an
// array of objects, each object of which can specify attributes of an application.
constexpr char kJsonApplications[] = "Applications";
// Within an object that describes the attributes of an application, the JSON identifier for the
// name of the application (e.g. ""). The value is a string. If any other
// attributes will be specified, this must be the first attribute specified in the object.
constexpr char kJsonAppName[] = "AppName";
// Within a rule, the JSON identifier for describing one or more devices. The value is an
// array of objects, each object of which can specify attributes of a device.
constexpr char kJsonDevices[] = "Devices";
// Within an object that describes the attributes of a device, the JSON identifier for the
// manufacturer of the device. The value is a string. If any other non-GPU attributes will be
// specified, this must be the first attribute specified in the object.
constexpr char kJsonManufacturer[] = "Manufacturer";
// Within an object that describes the attributes of a device, the JSON identifier for the
// model of the device. The value is a string.
constexpr char kJsonModel[] = "Model";
// Within an object that describes the attributes of a device, the JSON identifier for describing
// one or more GPUs/drivers used in the device. The value is an
// array of objects, each object of which can specify attributes of a GPU and its driver.
constexpr char kJsonGPUs[] = "GPUs";
// Within an object that describes the attributes of a GPU and driver, the JSON identifier for the
// vendor of the device/driver. The value is a string. If any other attributes will be specified,
// this must be the first attribute specified in the object.
constexpr char kJsonVendor[] = "Vendor";
// Within an object that describes the attributes of a GPU and driver, the JSON identifier for the
// deviceId of the device. The value is an unsigned integer. If the driver version will be
// specified, this must preceded the version attributes specified in the object.
constexpr char kJsonDeviceId[] = "DeviceId";
// Within an object that describes the attributes of either an application or a GPU, the JSON
// identifier for the major version of that application or GPU driver. The value is a positive
// integer number. Not specifying a major version implies a wildcard for all values of a version.
constexpr char kJsonVerMajor[] = "VerMajor";
// Within an object that describes the attributes of either an application or a GPU, the JSON
// identifier for the minor version of that application or GPU driver. The value is a positive
// integer number. In order to specify a minor version, it must be specified immediately after the
// major number associated with it. Not specifying a minor version implies a wildcard for the
// minor, subminor, and patch values of a version.
constexpr char kJsonVerMinor[] = "VerMinor";
// Within an object that describes the attributes of either an application or a GPU, the JSON
// identifier for the subminor version of that application or GPU driver. The value is a positive
// integer number. In order to specify a subminor version, it must be specified immediately after
// the minor number associated with it. Not specifying a subminor version implies a wildcard for
// the subminor and patch values of a version.
constexpr char kJsonVerSubMinor[] = "VerSubMinor";
// Within an object that describes the attributes of either an application or a GPU, the JSON
// identifier for the patch version of that application or GPU driver. The value is a positive
// integer number. In order to specify a patch version, it must be specified immediately after the
// subminor number associated with it. Not specifying a patch version implies a wildcard for the
// patch value of a version.
constexpr char kJsonVerPatch[] = "VerPatch";
// This encapsulates a std::string. The default constructor (not given a string) assumes that this
// is a wildcard (i.e. will match all other StringPart objects).
class StringPart
StringPart() = default;
explicit StringPart(const std::string part) : mPart(part), mWildcard(false) {}
~StringPart() = default;
static StringPart FromJson(const Json::Value &parent, const char *key)
if (parent.isMember(key) && parent[key].isString())
return StringPart(parent[key].asString());
return {};
bool match(const StringPart &toCheck) const
return (mWildcard || toCheck.mWildcard || (toCheck.mPart == mPart));
std::string mPart;
bool mWildcard = true;
// This encapsulates a 32-bit unsigned integer. The default constructor (not given a number)
// assumes that this is a wildcard (i.e. will match all other IntegerPart objects).
class IntegerPart
IntegerPart() = default;
explicit IntegerPart(uint32_t part) : mPart(part), mWildcard(false) {}
~IntegerPart() = default;
static IntegerPart FromJson(const Json::Value &parent, const char *key)
if (parent.isMember(key) && parent[key].isInt())
return IntegerPart(parent[key].asInt());
return {};
bool match(const IntegerPart &toCheck) const
return (mWildcard || toCheck.mWildcard || (toCheck.mPart == mPart));
uint32_t mPart = 0;
bool mWildcard = true;
// This encapsulates a list of other classes, each of which will have a match() and logItem()
// method. The common constructor (given a type, but not any list items) assumes that this is
// a wildcard (i.e. will match all other ListOf<t> objects).
template <class T>
class ListOf
explicit ListOf(const std::string listType) : mWildcard(true), mListType(listType) {}
~ListOf() { mList.clear(); }
void addItem(T &&toAdd)
mWildcard = false;
bool match(const T &toCheck) const
VERBOSE("\t\t Matching ListOf<%s> against item:\n", mListType.c_str());
if (mWildcard || toCheck.mWildcard)
VERBOSE("\t\t\t Successful match due to wildcard.\n");
return true;
for (const T &it : mList)
if (it.match(toCheck))
VERBOSE("\t\t\t Successful match due to list item match.\n");
return true;
VERBOSE("\t\t\t Failed to match.\n");
return false;
bool match(const ListOf<T> &toCheck) const
VERBOSE("\t\t Matching ListOf<%s>:\n", mListType.c_str());
if (mWildcard || toCheck.mWildcard)
VERBOSE("\t\t\t Successful match due to wildcard.\n");
return true;
// If we make it to here, both this and toCheck have at least one item in their mList.
for (const T &it : toCheck.mList)
if (match(it))
VERBOSE("\t\t\t Successful match due to list item match.\n");
return true;
VERBOSE("\t\t\t Failed to match list.\n");
return false;
void logListOf(const std::string prefix, const std::string name) const
if (mWildcard)
VERBOSE("%sListOf%s is wildcarded to always match\n", prefix.c_str(), name.c_str());
VERBOSE("%sListOf%s has %d item(s):\n", prefix.c_str(), name.c_str(),
for (auto &it : mList)
bool mWildcard;
std::string mListType;
std::vector<T> mList;
// This encapsulates up-to four 32-bit unsigned integers, that represent a potentially-complex
// version number. The default constructor (not given any numbers) assumes that this is a wildcard
// (i.e. will match all other Version objects). Each part of a Version is stored in an IntegerPart
// class, and so may be wildcarded as well.
class Version
Version(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor, uint32_t subminor, uint32_t patch)
: mMajor(major), mMinor(minor), mSubminor(subminor), mPatch(patch)
Version() = default;
Version(const Version &) = default;
Version(Version &&) = default;
Version &operator=(const Version &) = default;
Version &operator=(Version &&) = default;
~Version() = default;
static Version FromJson(const Json::Value &jObject)
Version version;
version.mMajor = IntegerPart::FromJson(jObject, kJsonVerMajor);
if (version.mMajor.mWildcard)
return version;
// Revision fields are only checked if their parent version field
// is set.
version.mMinor = IntegerPart::FromJson(jObject, kJsonVerMinor);
if (version.mMinor.mWildcard)
return version;
version.mSubminor = IntegerPart::FromJson(jObject, kJsonVerSubMinor);
if (version.mSubminor.mWildcard)
return version;
version.mPatch = IntegerPart::FromJson(jObject, kJsonVerPatch);
return version;
bool match(const Version &toCheck) const
VERBOSE("\t\t\t Matching Version %s against %s\n", getString().c_str(),
return (isWildcard() || toCheck.isWildcard() ||
(mMajor.match(toCheck.mMajor) && mMinor.match(toCheck.mMinor) &&
mSubminor.match(toCheck.mSubminor) && mPatch.match(toCheck.mPatch)));
std::string getString() const
if (mMajor.mWildcard)
return "*";
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << mMajor.mPart;
// Must at least have a major version:
if (!mMinor.mWildcard)
ss << "." << mMinor.mPart;
if (!mSubminor.mWildcard)
ss << "." << mSubminor.mPart;
if (!mPatch.mWildcard)
ss << "." << mPatch.mPart;
if (mPatch.mWildcard)
ss << ".*";
return ss.str();
bool isWildcard() const { return mMajor.mWildcard; }
IntegerPart mMajor;
IntegerPart mMinor;
IntegerPart mSubminor;
IntegerPart mPatch;
// This encapsulates an application, and potentially the application's Version. The default
// constructor (not given any values) assumes that this is a wildcard (i.e. will match all
// other Application objects). Each part of an Application is stored in a class that may
// also be wildcarded.
class Application
Application(StringPart name, Version version = {})
: mName(name), mVersion(version), mWildcard(false)
Application() = default;
~Application() = default;
static bool FromJson(const Json::Value &jObject, Application *out)
// If an application is listed, the application's name is required:
auto name = StringPart::FromJson(jObject, kJsonAppName);
if (name.mWildcard)
return false;
auto version = Version::FromJson(jObject);
*out = Application{std::move(name), std::move(version)};
return true;
bool match(const Application &toCheck) const
return (mWildcard || toCheck.mWildcard ||
(toCheck.mName.match(mName) && toCheck.mVersion.match(mVersion)));
void logItem() const
if (mWildcard)
VERBOSE(" Wildcard (i.e. will match all applications)\n");
else if (!mVersion.isWildcard())
VERBOSE(" Application \"%s\" (version: %s)\n", mName.mPart.c_str(),
VERBOSE(" Application \"%s\"\n", mName.mPart.c_str());
StringPart mName;
Version mVersion;
bool mWildcard = true;
// This encapsulates a GPU and its driver. The default constructor (not given any values) assumes
// that this is a wildcard (i.e. will match all other GPU objects). Each part of a GPU is stored
// in a class that may also be wildcarded.
class GPU
GPU(StringPart vendor, IntegerPart deviceId, Version version)
: mVendor(std::move(vendor)),
GPU(std::string vendor, uint32_t deviceId, Version version)
: GPU(StringPart(std::move(vendor)), IntegerPart(deviceId), std::move(version))
GPU() = default;
~GPU() = default;
bool match(const GPU &toCheck) const
VERBOSE("\t\t Matching %s \n\t\t against %s\n", toString().c_str(),
return (mWildcard || toCheck.mWildcard ||
(toCheck.mVendor.match(mVendor) && toCheck.mDeviceId.match(mDeviceId) &&
// Returns true if out is set to a valid GPU instance.
static bool CreateGpuFromJson(const Json::Value &jObject, GPU *out)
// If a GPU is listed, the vendor name is required:
auto vendor = StringPart::FromJson(jObject, kJsonVendor);
if (vendor.mWildcard)
WARN("Asked to parse a GPU, but no vendor found.\n");
return false;
auto deviceId = IntegerPart::FromJson(jObject, kJsonDeviceId);
auto version = Version::FromJson(jObject);
*out = GPU{std::move(vendor), std::move(deviceId), std::move(version)};
return true;
std::string toString() const
if (mWildcard)
return std::string("Wildcard (i.e. will match all GPUs)");
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "GPU vendor: " << mVendor.mPart;
if (!mDeviceId.mWildcard)
ss << ", deviceId: " << std::hex << mDeviceId.mPart;
ss << ", version: " << mVersion.getString();
return ss.str();
void logItem() const { VERBOSE("\t %s\n", toString().c_str()); }
StringPart mVendor;
IntegerPart mDeviceId;
Version mVersion;
bool mWildcard = true;
// This encapsulates a device, and potentially the device's model and/or a list of GPUs/drivers
// associated with the Device. The default constructor (not given any values) assumes that this is
// a wildcard (i.e. will match all other Device objects). Each part of a Device is stored in a
// class that may also be wildcarded.
class Device
Device(StringPart manufacturer, StringPart model)
: mManufacturer(std::move(manufacturer)),
Device() : mGpuList("GPU") {}
~Device() = default;
static Device FromJson(const Json::Value &jObject)
auto manufacturer = StringPart::FromJson(jObject, kJsonManufacturer);
if (!manufacturer.mWildcard)
// We don't let a model be specified without also specifying a manufacturer:
auto model = StringPart::FromJson(jObject, kJsonModel);
return Device(std::move(manufacturer), std::move(model));
// This case is not treated as an error because a rule may wish to only call out one or
// more GPUs, but not any specific manufacturer (e.g. for any manufacturer's device
// that uses a GPU from Vendor-A, with DeviceID-Foo, and with driver version
return Device();
void addGPU(GPU &&gpu) { mGpuList.addItem(std::move(gpu)); }
bool match(const Device &toCheck) const
// GPU lists must always match, even when wildcards are used.
VERBOSE("\t Checking ListOf<GPU>:\n");
if (!mGpuList.match(toCheck.mGpuList))
VERBOSE("\t Failed to match due to mismatched GPU list.\n");
return false;
if (mWildcard || toCheck.mWildcard)
VERBOSE("\t Matching due to wildcard.\n");
return true;
if (toCheck.mManufacturer.match(mManufacturer) && toCheck.mModel.match(mModel))
VERBOSE("\t Matching due to manufacturer and model match.\n");
return true;
return false;
void logItem() const
if (mWildcard)
if (mGpuList.mWildcard)
VERBOSE(" Wildcard (i.e. will match all devices)\n");
" Device with any manufacturer and model"
", and with the following GPUs:\n");
if (!mModel.mWildcard)
" Device manufacturer: \"%s\" and model \"%s\""
", and with the following GPUs:\n",
mManufacturer.mPart.c_str(), mModel.mPart.c_str());
" Device manufacturer: \"%s\""
", and with the following GPUs:\n",
mGpuList.logListOf(" ", "GPUs");
StringPart mManufacturer;
StringPart mModel;
ListOf<GPU> mGpuList;
bool mWildcard = true;
// This encapsulates a particular scenario to check against the rules. A Scenario is similar to a
// Rule, except that a Rule has an answer and potentially many wildcards, and a Scenario is the
// fully-specified combination of an Application and a Device that is proposed to be run with
// ANGLE. It is compared with the list of Rules.
class Scenario
Scenario(const char *appName, const char *deviceMfr, const char *deviceModel)
: mApplication(Application(StringPart(appName))),
mDevice(Device(StringPart(deviceMfr), StringPart(deviceModel)))
~Scenario() = default;
void logScenario()
VERBOSE(" Scenario to compare against the rules:\n");
VERBOSE(" Application:\n");
VERBOSE(" Device:\n");
Application mApplication;
Device mDevice;
// This encapsulates a Rule that provides an answer based on whether a particular Scenario matches
// the Rule. A Rule always has an answer, but can potentially wildcard every item in it (i.e.
// match every scenario).
class Rule
Rule(const std::string description, bool useANGLE)
: mDescription(description),
~Rule() = default;
void addApp(Application &&app) { mAppList.addItem(std::move(app)); }
void addDevice(Device &&dev) { mDevList.addItem(std::move(dev)); }
bool match(const Scenario &toCheck) const
VERBOSE(" Matching rule \"%s\" against scenario:\n", mDescription.c_str());
if (!mAppList.match(toCheck.mApplication))
VERBOSE("\tFailed to match rule due to mismatched application.\n");
return false;
if (!mDevList.match(toCheck.mDevice))
VERBOSE("\tFailed to match rule due to mismatched device.\n");
return false;
VERBOSE("\tSuccessfully matched rule.");
return true;
bool getUseANGLE() const { return mUseANGLE; }
void logRule() const
VERBOSE(" Rule: \"%s\" %s ANGLE\n", mDescription.c_str(),
mUseANGLE ? "enables" : "disables");
mAppList.logListOf(" ", "Applications");
mDevList.logListOf(" ", "Devices");
std::string mDescription;
ListOf<Application> mAppList;
ListOf<Device> mDevList;
bool mUseANGLE;
// This encapsulates a list of Rules that Scenarios are matched against. A Scenario is compared
// with each Rule, in order. Any time a Scenario matches a Rule, the current answer is overridden
// with the answer of the matched Rule.
class RuleList
RuleList() {}
~RuleList() { mRuleList.clear(); }
static RuleList *ReadRulesFromJsonString(const std::string jsonFileContents)
RuleList *rules = new RuleList;
// Open the file and start parsing it:
Json::CharReaderBuilder builder;
// Json::CharReaderBuilder::strictMode(&builder.settings_);
std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> reader(builder.newCharReader());
Json::Value jTopLevelObject;
std::string errorMessage;
const bool succeeded = reader->parse(&*jsonFileContents.begin(), &*jsonFileContents.end(),
&jTopLevelObject, &errorMessage);
if (!succeeded)
VERBOSE("Failed to parse rules from json file. Error: %s\n", errorMessage.c_str());
return nullptr;
for (const auto &jRule : jTopLevelObject[kJsonRules])
std::string ruleDescription = jRule[kJsonRule].asString();
bool useANGLE = jRule[kJsonUseANGLE].asBool();
Rule newRule(std::move(ruleDescription), useANGLE);
for (const auto &jApp : jRule[kJsonApplications])
Application app;
if (Application::FromJson(jApp, &app))
for (const auto &jDev : jRule[kJsonDevices])
Device newDev = Device::FromJson(jDev);
for (const auto &jGPU : jDev[kJsonGPUs])
if (GPU::CreateGpuFromJson(jGPU, &newGPU))
// Make sure there is at least one, default rule. If not, add it here:
if (rules->mRuleList.empty())
Rule defaultRule("Default Rule", false);
return rules;
void addRule(Rule &&rule) { mRuleList.push_back(std::move(rule)); }
bool getUseANGLE(const Scenario &toCheck)
// Initialize useANGLE to the system-wide default (that should be set in the default
// rule, but just in case, set it here too):
bool useANGLE = false;
VERBOSE("Checking scenario against %d ANGLE-for-Android rules:\n",
for (const Rule &rule : mRuleList)
VERBOSE(" Checking Rule: \"%s\" (to see whether there's a match)\n",
if (rule.match(toCheck))
VERBOSE(" -> Rule matches. Updating useANGLE to %s.\n",
rule.getUseANGLE() ? "true" : "false");
// The ANGLE rules are ordered from least to greatest specificity, meaning that
// the last rule with a match should dictate whether or not ANGLE should be
// recommended for use.
useANGLE = rule.getUseANGLE();
VERBOSE(" -> Rule doesn't match.\n");
return useANGLE;
void logRules()
VERBOSE("Showing %d ANGLE-for-Android rules:\n", static_cast<int>(mRuleList.size()));
for (const Rule &rule : mRuleList)
std::vector<Rule> mRuleList;
} // namespace angle
extern "C" {
using namespace angle;
// This function is part of the version-2 API:
ANGLE_EXPORT bool ANGLEGetFeatureSupportUtilAPIVersion(unsigned int *versionToUse)
if (!versionToUse || (*versionToUse < kFeatureVersion_LowestSupported))
// The versionToUse is either nullptr or is less than the lowest version supported, which
// is an error.
return false;
if (*versionToUse > kFeatureVersion_HighestSupported)
// The versionToUse is greater than the highest version supported; change it to the
// highest version supported (caller will decide if it can use that version).
*versionToUse = kFeatureVersion_HighestSupported;
return true;
// This function is part of the version-2 API:
ANGLE_EXPORT bool ANGLEAndroidParseRulesString(const char *rulesString,
RulesHandle *rulesHandle,
int *rulesVersion)
if (!rulesString || !rulesHandle || !rulesVersion)
return false;
std::string rulesFileContents = rulesString;
RuleList *rules = RuleList::ReadRulesFromJsonString(rulesFileContents);
if (!rules)
return false;
*rulesHandle = rules;
*rulesVersion = 0;
return true;
// This function is part of the version-2 API:
ANGLE_EXPORT bool ANGLEGetSystemInfo(SystemInfoHandle *systemInfoHandle)
if (!systemInfoHandle)
return false;
// TODO ( Restore the real code
angle::SystemInfo *systemInfo = new angle::SystemInfo;
GPUDeviceInfo &gpu = systemInfo->gpus[0];
gpu.vendorId = 0xFEFEFEFE;
gpu.deviceId = 0xFEEEFEEE;
gpu.driverVendor = "Foo";
gpu.driverVersion = "";
*systemInfoHandle = systemInfo;
return true;
// This function is part of the version-2 API:
ANGLE_EXPORT bool ANGLEAddDeviceInfoToSystemInfo(const char *deviceMfr,
const char *deviceModel,
SystemInfoHandle systemInfoHandle)
angle::SystemInfo *systemInfo = static_cast<angle::SystemInfo *>(systemInfoHandle);
if (!deviceMfr || !deviceModel || !systemInfo)
return false;
systemInfo->machineManufacturer = deviceMfr;
systemInfo->machineModelName = deviceModel;
return true;
// This function is part of the version-2 API:
ANGLE_EXPORT bool ANGLEShouldBeUsedForApplication(const RulesHandle rulesHandle,
int rulesVersion,
const SystemInfoHandle systemInfoHandle,
const char *appName)
RuleList *rules = static_cast<RuleList *>(rulesHandle);
angle::SystemInfo *systemInfo = static_cast<angle::SystemInfo *>(systemInfoHandle);
if (!rules || !systemInfo || !appName || (systemInfo->gpus.size() != 1))
return false;
Scenario scenario(appName, systemInfo->machineManufacturer.c_str(),
Version gpuDriverVersion(systemInfo->gpus[0].detailedDriverVersion.major,
GPU gpuDriver(systemInfo->gpus[0].driverVendor, systemInfo->gpus[0].deviceId,
bool rtn = rules->getUseANGLE(std::move(scenario));
VERBOSE("Application \"%s\" should %s ANGLE.\n", appName, rtn ? "use" : "NOT use");
return rtn;
// This function is part of the version-2 API:
ANGLE_EXPORT void ANGLEFreeRulesHandle(const RulesHandle rulesHandle)
RuleList *rules = static_cast<RuleList *>(rulesHandle);
if (rules)
delete rules;
// This function is part of the version-2 API:
ANGLE_EXPORT void ANGLEFreeSystemInfoHandle(const SystemInfoHandle systemInfoHandle)
angle::SystemInfo *systemInfo = static_cast<angle::SystemInfo *>(systemInfoHandle);
if (systemInfo)
delete systemInfo;
} // extern "C"