blob: 745cf399fdf6cdc43c688cff92d6a8da3d97e368 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// system_utils_posix.cpp: Implementation of POSIX OS-specific functions.
#include "system_utils.h"
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
namespace angle
std::string GetModulePath(void *moduleOrSymbol)
Dl_info dlInfo;
if (dladdr(moduleOrSymbol, &dlInfo) == 0)
return "";
return dlInfo.dli_fname;
} // namespace
Optional<std::string> GetCWD()
std::array<char, 4096> pathBuf;
char *result = getcwd(, pathBuf.size());
if (result == nullptr)
return Optional<std::string>::Invalid();
return std::string(;
bool SetCWD(const char *dirName)
return (chdir(dirName) == 0);
bool UnsetEnvironmentVar(const char *variableName)
return (unsetenv(variableName) == 0);
bool SetEnvironmentVar(const char *variableName, const char *value)
return (setenv(variableName, value, 1) == 0);
std::string GetEnvironmentVar(const char *variableName)
const char *value = getenv(variableName);
return (value == nullptr ? std::string() : std::string(value));
const char *GetPathSeparatorForEnvironmentVar()
return ":";
std::string GetModuleDirectory()
std::string directory;
static int placeholderSymbol = 0;
std::string moduleName = GetModulePath(&placeholderSymbol);
if (!moduleName.empty())
directory = moduleName.substr(0, moduleName.find_last_of('/') + 1);
// Ensure we return the full path to the module, not the relative path
Optional<std::string> cwd = GetCWD();
if (cwd.valid() && !IsFullPath(directory))
directory = ConcatenatePath(cwd.value(), directory);
return directory;
class PosixLibrary : public Library
PosixLibrary(const std::string &fullPath, int extraFlags)
: mModule(dlopen(fullPath.c_str(), RTLD_NOW | extraFlags))
~PosixLibrary() override
if (mModule)
void *getSymbol(const char *symbolName) override
if (!mModule)
return nullptr;
return dlsym(mModule, symbolName);
void *getNative() const override { return mModule; }
std::string getPath() const override
if (!mModule)
return "";
return GetModulePath(mModule);
void *mModule = nullptr;
Library *OpenSharedLibrary(const char *libraryName, SearchType searchType)
std::string libraryWithExtension = std::string(libraryName) + "." + GetSharedLibraryExtension();
return OpenSharedLibraryWithExtension(libraryWithExtension.c_str(), searchType);
Library *OpenSharedLibraryWithExtension(const char *libraryName, SearchType searchType)
std::string directory;
if (searchType == SearchType::ModuleDir)
// On iOS, shared libraries must be loaded from within the app bundle.
directory = GetExecutableDirectory() + "/Frameworks/";
directory = GetModuleDirectory();
int extraFlags = 0;
if (searchType == SearchType::AlreadyLoaded)
extraFlags = RTLD_NOLOAD;
std::string fullPath = directory + libraryName;
// On iOS, dlopen needs a suffix on the framework name to work.
fullPath = fullPath + "/" + libraryName;
return new PosixLibrary(fullPath, extraFlags);
bool IsDirectory(const char *filename)
struct stat st;
int result = stat(filename, &st);
return result == 0 && ((st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR);
bool IsDebuggerAttached()
// This could have a fuller implementation.
// See
return false;
void BreakDebugger()
// This could have a fuller implementation.
// See
const char *GetExecutableExtension()
return "";
char GetPathSeparator()
return '/';
std::string GetRootDirectory()
return "/";
} // namespace angle