blob: 83f4a26497d52cdb181ae1e18840a5b2753a7bb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// CLDeviceImpl.h: Defines the abstract rx::CLDeviceImpl class.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/CLtypes.h"
namespace rx
class CLDeviceImpl : angle::NonCopyable
using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<CLDeviceImpl>;
struct Info
explicit Info(cl_device_type type);
Info(const Info &) = delete;
Info &operator=(const Info &) = delete;
Info(Info &&);
Info &operator=(Info &&);
bool isValid() const { return mType != 0u; }
cl_device_type mType = 0u;
cl_version mVersion = 0u;
std::vector<size_t> mMaxWorkItemSizes;
NameVersionVector mILsWithVersion;
NameVersionVector mBuiltInKernelsWithVersion;
NameVersionVector mOpenCL_C_AllVersions;
NameVersionVector mOpenCL_C_Features;
std::string mExtensions;
NameVersionVector mExtensionsWithVersion;
std::vector<cl_device_partition_property> mPartitionProperties;
std::vector<cl_device_partition_property> mPartitionType;
CLDeviceImpl(const cl::Device &device);
virtual ~CLDeviceImpl();
virtual Info createInfo(cl_device_type type) const = 0;
virtual cl_int getInfoUInt(cl::DeviceInfo name, cl_uint *value) const = 0;
virtual cl_int getInfoULong(cl::DeviceInfo name, cl_ulong *value) const = 0;
virtual cl_int getInfoSizeT(cl::DeviceInfo name, size_t *value) const = 0;
virtual cl_int getInfoStringLength(cl::DeviceInfo name, size_t *value) const = 0;
virtual cl_int getInfoString(cl::DeviceInfo name, size_t size, char *value) const = 0;
virtual cl_int createSubDevices(cl::Device &device,
const cl_device_partition_property *properties,
cl_uint numDevices,
cl::DevicePtrList &subDeviceList,
cl_uint *numDevicesRet) = 0;
const cl::Device &mDevice;
} // namespace rx