blob: ec5f4e82a5ba7eb949d6eb81aaec10a45abbc365 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// serial_utils:
// Utilities for generating unique IDs for resources in ANGLE.
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <limits>
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
namespace rx
class ResourceSerial
constexpr ResourceSerial() : mValue(kDirty) {}
explicit constexpr ResourceSerial(uintptr_t value) : mValue(value) {}
constexpr bool operator==(ResourceSerial other) const { return mValue == other.mValue; }
constexpr bool operator!=(ResourceSerial other) const { return mValue != other.mValue; }
void dirty() { mValue = kDirty; }
void clear() { mValue = kEmpty; }
constexpr bool valid() const { return mValue != kEmpty && mValue != kDirty; }
constexpr bool empty() const { return mValue == kEmpty; }
constexpr static uintptr_t kDirty = std::numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max();
constexpr static uintptr_t kEmpty = 0;
uintptr_t mValue;
class Serial final
constexpr Serial() : mValue(kInvalid) {}
constexpr Serial(const Serial &other) = default;
Serial &operator=(const Serial &other) = default;
static constexpr Serial Infinite() { return Serial(std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()); }
constexpr bool operator==(const Serial &other) const
return mValue != kInvalid && mValue == other.mValue;
constexpr bool operator==(uint32_t value) const
return mValue != kInvalid && mValue == static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
constexpr bool operator!=(const Serial &other) const
return mValue == kInvalid || mValue != other.mValue;
constexpr bool operator>(const Serial &other) const { return mValue > other.mValue; }
constexpr bool operator>=(const Serial &other) const { return mValue >= other.mValue; }
constexpr bool operator<(const Serial &other) const { return mValue < other.mValue; }
constexpr bool operator<=(const Serial &other) const { return mValue <= other.mValue; }
constexpr bool operator<(uint32_t value) const { return mValue < static_cast<uint64_t>(value); }
// Useful for serialization.
constexpr uint64_t getValue() const { return mValue; }
constexpr bool valid() const { return mValue != kInvalid; }
template <typename T>
friend class SerialFactoryBase;
friend class RangedSerialFactory;
friend class AtomicQueueSerial;
constexpr explicit Serial(uint64_t value) : mValue(value) {}
uint64_t mValue;
static constexpr uint64_t kInvalid = 0;
// Defines class to track the queue serial that can be load/store from multiple threads atomically.
class AtomicQueueSerial final
constexpr AtomicQueueSerial() : mValue(kInvalid) { ASSERT(mValue.is_lock_free()); }
AtomicQueueSerial &operator=(const Serial &other)
{, std::memory_order_release);
return *this;
Serial getSerial() const { return Serial(mValue.load(std::memory_order_consume)); }
std::atomic<uint64_t> mValue;
static constexpr uint64_t kInvalid = 0;
// Used as default/initial serial
static constexpr Serial kZeroSerial = Serial();
// The factory to generate a serial number within the range [mSerial, mSerial+mCount}
class RangedSerialFactory final : angle::NonCopyable
RangedSerialFactory() : mSerial(0), mCount(0) {}
void reset() { mCount = 0; }
bool empty() const { return mCount == 0; }
bool generate(Serial *serialOut)
if (mCount > 0)
uint64_t current = mSerial++;
ASSERT(mSerial > current); // Integer overflow
*serialOut = Serial(current);
return true;
return false;
template <typename T>
friend class SerialFactoryBase;
void initialize(uint64_t initialSerial, size_t count)
mSerial = initialSerial;
mCount = count;
uint64_t mSerial;
size_t mCount;
template <typename SerialBaseType>
class SerialFactoryBase final : angle::NonCopyable
SerialFactoryBase() : mSerial(1) {}
Serial generate()
uint64_t current = mSerial++;
ASSERT(mSerial > current); // Integer overflow
return Serial(current);
void reserve(RangedSerialFactory *rangeFactory, size_t count)
uint64_t current = mSerial;
mSerial += count;
ASSERT(mSerial > current); // Integer overflow
rangeFactory->initialize(current, count);
SerialBaseType mSerial;
using SerialFactory = SerialFactoryBase<uint64_t>;
using AtomicSerialFactory = SerialFactoryBase<std::atomic<uint64_t>>;
using RenderPassSerialFactory = SerialFactoryBase<uint64_t>;
// For backend that supports multiple queue serials, QueueSerial includes a Serial and an index.
using SerialIndex = uint32_t;
static constexpr SerialIndex kInvalidQueueSerialIndex = SerialIndex(-1);
class QueueSerial;
// Because we release queue index when context becomes non-current, in order to use up all index
// count, you will need to have 256 threads each has a context current. This is not a reasonable
// usage case.
constexpr size_t kMaxQueueSerialIndexCount = 256;
// Fixed array of queue serials
class AtomicQueueSerialFixedArray final
AtomicQueueSerialFixedArray() = default;
~AtomicQueueSerialFixedArray() = default;
void setQueueSerial(SerialIndex index, Serial serial);
void setQueueSerial(const QueueSerial &queueSerial);
void fill(Serial serial) { std::fill(mSerials.begin(), mSerials.end(), serial); }
Serial operator[](SerialIndex index) const { return mSerials[index].getSerial(); }
size_t size() const { return mSerials.size(); }
std::array<AtomicQueueSerial, kMaxQueueSerialIndexCount> mSerials;
class QueueSerial final
QueueSerial() : mIndex(kInvalidQueueSerialIndex) {}
QueueSerial(SerialIndex index, Serial serial) : mIndex(index), mSerial(serial)
ASSERT(index != kInvalidQueueSerialIndex);
constexpr QueueSerial(const QueueSerial &other) = default;
QueueSerial &operator=(const QueueSerial &other) = default;
constexpr bool operator==(const QueueSerial &other) const
return mIndex == other.mIndex && mSerial == other.mSerial;
constexpr bool operator!=(const QueueSerial &other) const
return mIndex != other.mIndex || mSerial != other.mSerial;
constexpr bool operator>(const AtomicQueueSerialFixedArray &serials) const
return mSerial > serials[mIndex];
constexpr bool operator<=(const AtomicQueueSerialFixedArray &serials) const
return mSerial <= serials[mIndex];
constexpr bool valid() const { return mSerial.valid(); }
SerialIndex getIndex() const { return mIndex; }
Serial getSerial() const { return mSerial; }
SerialIndex mIndex;
Serial mSerial;
ANGLE_INLINE void AtomicQueueSerialFixedArray::setQueueSerial(SerialIndex index, Serial serial)
ASSERT(index != kInvalidQueueSerialIndex);
ASSERT(index < mSerials.size());
// Serial can only increase
ASSERT(serial > mSerials[index].getSerial());
mSerials[index] = serial;
ANGLE_INLINE void AtomicQueueSerialFixedArray::setQueueSerial(const QueueSerial &queueSerial)
setQueueSerial(queueSerial.getIndex(), queueSerial.getSerial());
} // namespace rx