blob: 108e2463f1d0f35ffc04ef739b1a5cc0cae6f65f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Implementation of dFdy viewport transformation.
// See header for more info.
#include "compiler/translator/tree_ops/RewriteDfdy.h"
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h"
#include "compiler/translator/TranslatorVulkan.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/DriverUniform.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermNode_util.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermTraverse.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/SpecializationConstant.h"
namespace sh
class Traverser : public TIntermTraverser
ANGLE_NO_DISCARD static bool Apply(TCompiler *compiler,
ShCompileOptions compileOptions,
TIntermNode *root,
const TSymbolTable &symbolTable,
SpecConst *specConst,
const DriverUniform *driverUniforms);
Traverser(TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
ShCompileOptions compileOptions,
SpecConst *specConst,
const DriverUniform *driverUniforms);
bool visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) override;
bool visitAggregateWithRotation(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node);
bool visitAggregateWithoutRotation(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node);
SpecConst *mRotationSpecConst = nullptr;
const DriverUniform *mDriverUniforms = nullptr;
bool mUsePreRotation = false;
Traverser::Traverser(TSymbolTable *symbolTable,
ShCompileOptions compileOptions,
SpecConst *specConst,
const DriverUniform *driverUniforms)
: TIntermTraverser(true, false, false, symbolTable),
mUsePreRotation((compileOptions & SH_ADD_PRE_ROTATION) != 0)
// static
bool Traverser::Apply(TCompiler *compiler,
ShCompileOptions compileOptions,
TIntermNode *root,
const TSymbolTable &symbolTable,
SpecConst *specConst,
const DriverUniform *driverUniforms)
TSymbolTable *pSymbolTable = const_cast<TSymbolTable *>(&symbolTable);
Traverser traverser(pSymbolTable, compileOptions, specConst, driverUniforms);
return traverser.updateTree(compiler, root);
bool Traverser::visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node)
if (mUsePreRotation)
return visitAggregateWithRotation(visit, node);
return visitAggregateWithoutRotation(visit, node);
bool Traverser::visitAggregateWithRotation(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node)
// Decide if the node represents a call to dFdx() or dFdy()
if ((node->getOp() != EOpDFdx) && (node->getOp() != EOpDFdy))
return true;
// Prior to supporting Android pre-rotation, dFdy() needed to be multiplied by mFlipXY.y:
// correctedDfdy(operand) = dFdy(operand) * mFlipXY.y
// For Android pre-rotation, both dFdx() and dFdy() need to be "rotated" and multiplied by
// mFlipXY. "Rotation" means to swap them for 90 and 270 degrees, or to not swap them for 0
// and 180 degrees. This rotation is accomplished with mFragRotation, which is a 2x2 matrix
// used for fragment shader rotation. The 1st half (a vec2 that is either (1,0) or (0,1)) is
// used for rewriting dFdx() and the 2nd half (either (0,1) or (1,0)) is used for rewriting
// dFdy(). Otherwise, the formula for the rewrite is the same:
// result = ((dFdx(operand) * (mFragRotation[half] * mFlipXY).x) +
// (dFdy(operand) * (mFragRotation[half] * mFlipXY).y))
// For dFdx(), half is 0 (the 1st half). For dFdy(), half is 1 (the 2nd half). Depending on
// the rotation, mFragRotation[half] will cause either dFdx(operand) or dFdy(operand) to be
// zeroed-out. That effectively means that the above code results in the following for 0 and
// 180 degrees:
// correctedDfdx(operand) = dFdx(operand) * mFlipXY.x
// correctedDfdy(operand) = dFdy(operand) * mFlipXY.y
// and the following for 90 and 270 degrees:
// correctedDfdx(operand) = dFdy(operand) * mFlipXY.y
// correctedDfdy(operand) = dFdx(operand) * mFlipXY.x
TIntermTyped *multiplierX;
TIntermTyped *multiplierY;
if (node->getOp() == EOpDFdx)
multiplierX = mRotationSpecConst->getMultiplierXForDFdx();
multiplierY = mRotationSpecConst->getMultiplierYForDFdx();
multiplierX = mRotationSpecConst->getMultiplierXForDFdy();
multiplierY = mRotationSpecConst->getMultiplierYForDFdy();
if (!multiplierX)
TIntermTyped *flipXY = mDriverUniforms->getFlipXYRef();
TIntermTyped *fragRotation = mDriverUniforms->getFragRotationMatrixRef();
// Get a vec2 with the correct half of ANGLEUniforms.fragRotation
TIntermBinary *halfRotationMat = nullptr;
if (node->getOp() == EOpDFdx)
halfRotationMat = new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirect, fragRotation, CreateIndexNode(0));
halfRotationMat = new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirect, fragRotation, CreateIndexNode(1));
// Multiply halfRotationMat by ANGLEUniforms.flipXY and store in a temporary variable
TIntermBinary *rotatedFlipXY = new TIntermBinary(EOpMul, flipXY, halfRotationMat);
const TType *vec2Type = &rotatedFlipXY->getType();
TIntermSymbol *tmpRotFlipXY = new TIntermSymbol(CreateTempVariable(mSymbolTable, vec2Type));
TIntermSequence tmpDecl;
tmpDecl.push_back(CreateTempInitDeclarationNode(&tmpRotFlipXY->variable(), rotatedFlipXY));
// Get the .x and .y swizzles to use as multipliers
TVector<int> swizzleOffsetX = {0};
TVector<int> swizzleOffsetY = {1};
multiplierX = new TIntermSwizzle(tmpRotFlipXY, swizzleOffsetX);
multiplierY = new TIntermSwizzle(tmpRotFlipXY->deepCopy(), swizzleOffsetY);
// Get the results of dFdx(operand) and dFdy(operand), and multiply them by the swizzles
TIntermTyped *operand = node->getChildNode(0)->getAsTyped();
TIntermTyped *dFdx =
CreateBuiltInUnaryFunctionCallNode("dFdx", operand->deepCopy(), *mSymbolTable, 300);
TIntermTyped *dFdy =
CreateBuiltInUnaryFunctionCallNode("dFdy", operand->deepCopy(), *mSymbolTable, 300);
size_t objectSize = node->getType().getObjectSize();
TOperator multiplyOp = (objectSize == 1) ? EOpMul : EOpVectorTimesScalar;
TIntermBinary *rotatedFlippedDfdx = new TIntermBinary(multiplyOp, dFdx, multiplierX);
TIntermBinary *rotatedFlippedDfdy = new TIntermBinary(multiplyOp, dFdy, multiplierY);
// Sum them together into the result:
TIntermBinary *correctedResult =
new TIntermBinary(EOpAdd, rotatedFlippedDfdx, rotatedFlippedDfdy);
// Replace the old dFdx() or dFdy() node with the new node that contains the corrected value
queueReplacement(correctedResult, OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED);
return true;
bool Traverser::visitAggregateWithoutRotation(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node)
// Decide if the node represents a call to dFdy()
if (node->getOp() != EOpDFdy)
return true;
// Copy the dFdy node so we can replace it with the corrected value
TIntermAggregate *newDfdy = node->deepCopy()->getAsAggregate();
size_t objectSize = node->getType().getObjectSize();
TOperator multiplyOp = (objectSize == 1) ? EOpMul : EOpVectorTimesScalar;
TIntermTyped *flipY = mRotationSpecConst->getFlipY();
if (!flipY)
TIntermTyped *flipXY = mDriverUniforms->getFlipXYRef();
flipY = new TIntermBinary(EOpIndexDirect, flipXY, CreateIndexNode(1));
// Correct dFdy()'s value:
// (dFdy() * mFlipXY.y)
TIntermBinary *correctedDfdy = new TIntermBinary(multiplyOp, newDfdy, flipY);
// Replace the old dFdy node with the new node that contains the corrected value
queueReplacement(correctedDfdy, OriginalNode::IS_DROPPED);
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
bool RewriteDfdy(TCompiler *compiler,
ShCompileOptions compileOptions,
TIntermNode *root,
const TSymbolTable &symbolTable,
int shaderVersion,
SpecConst *specConst,
const DriverUniform *driverUniforms)
// dFdy is only valid in GLSL 3.0 and later.
if (shaderVersion < 300)
return true;
return Traverser::Apply(compiler, compileOptions, root, symbolTable, specConst, driverUniforms);
} // namespace sh