blob: f35ae5ad18588d3dffd4ce7f63a5e27e09762d6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ContextEGL.h: Context class for GL on Android/ChromeOS. Wraps a RendererEGL.
#include "libANGLE/renderer/gl/ContextGL.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/gl/egl/RendererEGL.h"
namespace rx
struct ExternalContextState;
class ContextEGL : public ContextGL
ContextEGL(const gl::State &state,
gl::ErrorSet *errorSet,
const std::shared_ptr<RendererEGL> &renderer,
RobustnessVideoMemoryPurgeStatus robustnessVideoMemoryPurgeStatus);
~ContextEGL() override;
angle::Result onMakeCurrent(const gl::Context *context) override;
angle::Result onUnMakeCurrent(const gl::Context *context) override;
void acquireExternalContext(const gl::Context *context) override;
void releaseExternalContext(const gl::Context *context) override;
EGLContext getContext() const;
std::shared_ptr<RendererEGL> mRendererEGL;
std::unique_ptr<ExternalContextState> mExtState;
// Used to restore the default FBO's ID on unmaking an external context
// current, as when making an external context current ANGLE sets the
// default FBO's ID to that bound in the external context.
GLuint mPrevDefaultFramebufferID = 0;
// onMakeCurrent() can be called when this context is already current, which
// introduces complexities for the case where this context is wrapping an
// external context. This variable is used to ensure that in this case we
// save state from the native context only when first transitioning this
// context to be current. It is true for the duration of time between an
// onMakeCurrent() call and an onUnMakeCurrent() call (note: there is no
// "nesting" of onUnMakeCurrent() calls, i.e., no matter how many
// onMakeCurrent() calls have occurred consecutively, an onUnMakeCurrent()
// call transitions this context away from being current).
bool mIsCurrent = false;
} // namespace rx