blob: c6d7a44b68f271ff0e84eb017816b1e422c27b50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// GLES1State.h: Defines the GLES1State class holding the state of
// a GLES1 context.
#include <unordered_set>
#include "common/FixedVector.h"
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "common/matrix_utils.h"
#include "common/vector_utils.h"
#include "libANGLE/Caps.h"
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
namespace gl
// State types specific to GLES1 contexts, from the OpenGL ES 1.1 spec "State Tables" section
struct TextureCoordF
TextureCoordF(float _s, float _t, float _r, float _q);
bool operator==(const TextureCoordF &other) const;
GLfloat s = 0.0f;
GLfloat t = 0.0f;
GLfloat r = 0.0f;
GLfloat q = 0.0f;
struct MaterialParameters
ColorF ambient;
ColorF diffuse;
ColorF specular;
ColorF emissive;
GLfloat specularExponent;
struct LightModelParameters
ColorF color;
bool twoSided;
struct LightParameters
bool enabled = false;
ColorF ambient = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
ColorF diffuse = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
ColorF specular = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
angle::Vector4 position = {0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f};
angle::Vector3 direction = {0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f};
GLfloat spotlightExponent = 0.0f;
GLfloat spotlightCutoffAngle = 180.0f;
GLfloat attenuationConst = 1.0f;
GLfloat attenuationLinear = 0.0f;
GLfloat attenuationQuadratic = 0.0f;
struct FogParameters
FogMode mode;
GLfloat density;
GLfloat start;
GLfloat end;
ColorF color;
struct TextureEnvironmentParameters
TextureEnvMode envMode = TextureEnvMode::Modulate;
TextureCombine combineRgb = TextureCombine::Modulate;
TextureCombine combineAlpha = TextureCombine::Modulate;
TextureSrc src0rgb = TextureSrc::Texture;
TextureSrc src0alpha = TextureSrc::Texture;
TextureSrc src1rgb = TextureSrc::Previous;
TextureSrc src1alpha = TextureSrc::Previous;
TextureSrc src2rgb = TextureSrc::Constant;
TextureSrc src2alpha = TextureSrc::Constant;
TextureOp op0rgb = TextureOp::SrcColor;
TextureOp op0alpha = TextureOp::SrcAlpha;
TextureOp op1rgb = TextureOp::SrcColor;
TextureOp op1alpha = TextureOp::SrcAlpha;
TextureOp op2rgb = TextureOp::SrcAlpha;
TextureOp op2alpha = TextureOp::SrcAlpha;
ColorF envColor = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
GLfloat rgbScale = 1.0f;
GLfloat alphaScale = 1.0f;
bool pointSpriteCoordReplace = false;
struct PointParameters
GLfloat pointSizeMin;
GLfloat pointSizeMax;
GLfloat pointFadeThresholdSize;
angle::Vector3 pointDistanceAttenuation;
GLfloat pointSize;
class Context;
class State;
class GLES1State final : angle::NonCopyable
void initialize(const Context *context, const State *state);
void setAlphaFunc(AlphaTestFunc func, GLfloat ref);
void setClientTextureUnit(unsigned int unit);
unsigned int getClientTextureUnit() const;
void setCurrentColor(const ColorF &color);
const ColorF &getCurrentColor() const;
void setCurrentNormal(const angle::Vector3 &normal);
const angle::Vector3 &getCurrentNormal() const;
void setCurrentTextureCoords(unsigned int unit, const TextureCoordF &coords);
const TextureCoordF &getCurrentTextureCoords(unsigned int unit) const;
void setMatrixMode(MatrixType mode);
MatrixType getMatrixMode() const;
void pushMatrix();
void popMatrix();
using MatrixStack = angle::FixedVector<angle::Mat4, Caps::GlobalMatrixStackDepth>;
MatrixStack &currentMatrixStack();
const MatrixStack &currentMatrixStack() const;
void loadMatrix(const angle::Mat4 &m);
void multMatrix(const angle::Mat4 &m);
void setClientStateEnabled(ClientVertexArrayType clientState, bool enable);
bool isClientStateEnabled(ClientVertexArrayType clientState) const;
friend class State;
// Back pointer for reading from State.
const State *mGLState;
// All initial state values come from the
// OpenGL ES 1.1 spec.
struct TextureEnables
bool enable2D = false;
bool enableCubeMap = false;
std::vector<TextureEnables> mTexUnitEnables;
// Table 6.4, 6.5 (IsEnabled)
bool mVertexArrayEnabled;
bool mNormalArrayEnabled;
bool mColorArrayEnabled;
bool mPointSizeArrayEnabled;
std::vector<bool> mTexCoordArrayEnabled;
// Table 6.7-6.16 (IsEnabled)
std::vector<bool> mClipPlaneEnabled;
bool mLineSmoothEnabled;
bool mPointSmoothEnabled;
bool mPointSpriteEnabled;
bool mAlphaTestEnabled;
bool mLogicOpEnabled;
bool mLightingEnabled;
bool mFogEnabled;
bool mRescaleNormalEnabled;
bool mNormalizeEnabled;
bool mColorMaterialEnabled;
bool mReflectionMapEnabled;
// Table 6.3
ColorF mCurrentColor;
angle::Vector3 mCurrentNormal;
// Invariant: mCurrentTextureCoords size is == GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS.
std::vector<TextureCoordF> mCurrentTextureCoords;
// Table 6.4
unsigned int mClientActiveTexture;
// Table 6.7
MatrixType mMatrixMode;
MatrixStack mProjectionMatrices;
MatrixStack mModelviewMatrices;
std::vector<MatrixStack> mTextureMatrices;
// Table 6.15
using TextureEnvironments = std::vector<TextureEnvironmentParameters>;
TextureEnvironments mTextureEnvironments;
// Table 6.9, 2.8
MaterialParameters mMaterial;
LightModelParameters mLightModel;
// Table 6.10
std::vector<LightParameters> mLights;
// Table 6.8
FogParameters mFog;
ShadingModel mShadeModel;
// Table 6.11
PointParameters mPointParameters;
// Table 6.16
AlphaTestFunc mAlphaTestFunc;
GLfloat mAlphaTestRef;
LogicalOperation mLogicOp;
// Table 6.7
std::vector<angle::Vector4> mClipPlanes;
// Table 6.19
HintSetting mLineSmoothHint;
HintSetting mPointSmoothHint;
HintSetting mPerspectiveCorrectionHint;
HintSetting mFogHint;
} // namespace gl