blob: e55d8f80ff57573eea390ce795bead791284fc4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright © 2017 Arm Ltd. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <armnn/ArmNN.hpp>
#include <CpuExecutor.h>
#include <HalInterfaces.h>
#include <NeuralNetworks.h>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
namespace V1_0 = ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0;
namespace armnn_driver
extern const armnn::PermutationVector g_DontPermute;
class UnsupportedOperand: public std::runtime_error
UnsupportedOperand(const OperandType type)
: std::runtime_error("Operand type is unsupported")
, m_type(type)
OperandType m_type;
/// Swizzles tensor data in @a input according to the dimension mappings.
void SwizzleAndroidNn4dTensorToArmNn(const armnn::TensorInfo& tensor, const void* input, void* output,
const armnn::PermutationVector& mappings);
/// Returns a pointer to a specific location in a pool
void* GetMemoryFromPool(DataLocation location,
const std::vector<android::nn::RunTimePoolInfo>& memPools);
/// Can throw UnsupportedOperand
armnn::TensorInfo GetTensorInfoForOperand(const V1_0::Operand& operand);
std::string GetOperandSummary(const V1_0::Operand& operand);
template <typename HalModel>
std::string GetModelSummary(const HalModel& model)
std::stringstream result;
result << model.inputIndexes.size() << " input(s), " << model.operations.size() << " operation(s), " <<
model.outputIndexes.size() << " output(s), " << model.operands.size() << " operand(s)" << std::endl;
result << "Inputs: ";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < model.inputIndexes.size(); i++)
result << GetOperandSummary(model.operands[model.inputIndexes[i]]) << ", ";
result << std::endl;
result << "Operations: ";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < model.operations.size(); i++)
result << toString(model.operations[i].type).c_str() << ", ";
result << std::endl;
result << "Outputs: ";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < model.outputIndexes.size(); i++)
result << GetOperandSummary(model.operands[model.outputIndexes[i]]) << ", ";
result << std::endl;
return result.str();
void DumpTensor(const std::string& dumpDir,
const std::string& requestName,
const std::string& tensorName,
const armnn::ConstTensor& tensor);
void DumpJsonProfilingIfRequired(bool gpuProfilingEnabled,
const std::string& dumpDir,
armnn::NetworkId networkId,
const armnn::IProfiler* profiler);
template <typename HalModel>
void ExportNetworkGraphToDotFile(const armnn::IOptimizedNetwork& optimizedNetwork,
const std::string& dumpDir,
const HalModel& model)
// The dump directory must exist in advance.
if (dumpDir.empty())
// Get the memory address of the model and convert it to a hex string (of at least a '0' character).
size_t modelAddress = uintptr_t(&model);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::uppercase << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(1) << modelAddress;
std::string modelAddressHexString = ss.str();
// Set the name of the output .dot file.
const std::string fileName = boost::str(boost::format("%1%/")
% dumpDir
% modelAddressHexString);
ALOGV("Exporting the optimized network graph to file: %s", fileName.c_str());
// Write the network graph to a dot file.
std::ofstream fileStream;, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
if (!fileStream.good())
ALOGW("Could not open file %s for writing", fileName.c_str());
if (optimizedNetwork.SerializeToDot(fileStream) != armnn::Status::Success)
ALOGW("An error occurred when writing to file %s", fileName.c_str());
} // namespace armnn_driver