blob: 609531d3f9601dcf1dbe0133688d4ee9d6c99104 [file] [log] [blame]
# Certain vendors disable 464xlat by setting a vendor property.
# The connectivity code in the Tethering APEX needs to disable
# 464xlat when the property is set, but it is only allowed to
# access non-vendor system properties. So copy the property to
# a property available to system APIs in android.sysprop.
# Arguably this script should live close to the code that uses
# it, but scrips in APEXes are not allowed to use "on property".
# So put it here close to clatd, which is at least related to
# 464xlat.
setprop net.464xlat.cellular.enabled true
setprop net.464xlat.cellular.enabled false