Revert "clat - turn off spurious log messages caused by IPv6 packets"
am: ba25674f80

Change-Id: I69b00fa1c6b2b36f85705997cfb474202f137ef4
diff --git a/clatd.c b/clatd.c
index d332e1e..019ce7c 100644
--- a/clatd.c
+++ b/clatd.c
@@ -417,11 +417,6 @@
   uint16_t proto = ntohs(tun_header->proto);
-  if (proto == ETH_P_IPV6) {
-    // kernel IPv6 stack spams us with router/neighbour solication,
-    // multicast group joins, etc. which otherwise fills the log...
-    return;
-  }
   if (proto != ETH_P_IP) {
     logmsg(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, "%s: unknown packet type = 0x%x", __func__, proto);