blob: 8909e1ce8f7a5d22ede29d0a9d70426926492880 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Functions for adding results to perf dashboard."""
import calendar
import datetime
import httplib
import json
import os
import urllib
import urllib2
from slave import slave_utils
# The paths in the results dashboard URLs for sending and viewing results.
SEND_RESULTS_PATH = '/add_point'
RESULTS_LINK_PATH = '/report?masters=%s&bots=%s&tests=%s&rev=%s'
# CACHE_DIR/CACHE_FILENAME will be created in options.build_dir to cache
# results which need to be retried.
CACHE_DIR = 'results_dashboard'
CACHE_FILENAME = 'results_to_retry'
def SendResults(data, url, build_dir):
"""Sends results to the Chrome Performance Dashboard.
This function tries to send the given data to the dashboard, in addition to
any data from the cache file. The cache file contains any data that wasn't
successfully sent in a previous run.
data: The data to try to send. Must be JSON-serializable.
url: Performance Dashboard URL (including schema).
build_dir: Directory name, where the cache directory shall be.
results_json = json.dumps(data)
# Write the new request line to the cache file, which contains all lines
# that we shall try to send now.
cache_file_name = _GetCacheFileName(build_dir)
_AddLineToCacheFile(results_json, cache_file_name)
# Send all the results from this run and the previous cache to the dashboard.
fatal_error, errors = _SendResultsFromCache(cache_file_name, url)
# Print out a Buildbot link annotation.
link_annotation = _LinkAnnotation(url, data)
if link_annotation:
print link_annotation
# Print any errors; if there was a fatal error, it should be an exception.
for error in errors:
print error
if fatal_error:
print 'Error uploading to dashboard.'
print '@@@STEP_EXCEPTION@@@'
return False
return True
def _GetCacheFileName(build_dir):
"""Gets the cache filename, creating the file if it does not exist."""
cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(build_dir), CACHE_DIR)
if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
cache_filename = os.path.join(cache_dir, CACHE_FILENAME)
if not os.path.exists(cache_filename):
# Create the file.
open(cache_filename, 'wb').close()
return cache_filename
def _AddLineToCacheFile(line, cache_file_name):
"""Appends a line to the given file."""
with open(cache_file_name, 'ab') as cache:
cache.write('\n' + line)
def _SendResultsFromCache(cache_file_name, url):
"""Tries to send each line from the cache file in a separate request.
This also writes data which failed to send back to the cache file.
cache_file_name: A file name.
A pair (fatal_error, errors), where fatal_error is a boolean indicating
whether there there was a major error and the step should fail, and errors
is a list of error strings.
with open(cache_file_name, 'rb') as cache:
cache_lines = cache.readlines()
total_results = len(cache_lines)
fatal_error = False
errors = []
lines_to_retry = []
for index, line in enumerate(cache_lines):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
print 'Sending result %d of %d to dashboard.' % (index + 1, total_results)
# Check that the line that was read from the file is valid JSON. If not,
# don't try to send it, and don't re-try it later; just print an error.
if not _CanParseJSON(line):
errors.append('Could not parse JSON: %s' % line)
error = _SendResultsJson(url, line)
# If the dashboard returned an error, we will re-try next time.
if error:
if 'HTTPError: 400' in error:
# If the remote app rejects the JSON, it's probably malformed,
# so we don't want to retry it.
print 'Discarding JSON, error:\n%s' % error
fatal_error = True
if index != len(cache_lines) - 1:
# The very last item in the cache_lines list is the new results line.
# If this line is not the new results line, then this results line
# has already been tried before; now it's considered fatal.
fatal_error = True
# The lines to retry are all lines starting from the current one.
lines_to_retry = [l.strip() for l in cache_lines[index:] if l.strip()]
# Write any failing requests to the cache file.
cache = open(cache_file_name, 'wb')
return fatal_error, errors
def _CanParseJSON(my_json):
"""Returns True if the input can be parsed as JSON, False otherwise."""
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def MakeListOfPoints(charts, bot, test_name, buildername,
buildnumber, supplemental_columns):
"""Constructs a list of point dictionaries to send.
The format output by this function is the original format for sending data
to the perf dashboard.
charts: A dictionary of chart names to chart data, as generated by the
log processor classes (see process_log_utils.GraphingLogProcessor).
bot: A string which comes from perf_id, e.g. linux-release.
test_name: A test suite name, e.g. sunspider.
buildername: Builder name (for stdio links).
buildnumber: Build number (for stdio links).
supplemental_columns: A dictionary of extra data to send with a point.
A list of dictionaries in the format accepted by the perf dashboard.
Each dictionary has the keys "master", "bot", "test", "value", "revision".
The full details of this format are described at
results = []
# The master name used for the dashboard is the CamelCase name returned by
# GetActiveMaster(), and not the canonical master name with dots.
master = slave_utils.GetActiveMaster()
for chart_name, chart_data in sorted(charts.items()):
point_id, revision_columns = _RevisionNumberColumns(chart_data, prefix='r_')
for trace_name, trace_values in sorted(chart_data['traces'].items()):
is_important = trace_name in chart_data.get('important', [])
test_path = _TestPath(test_name, chart_name, trace_name)
result = {
'master': master,
'bot': bot,
'test': test_path,
'revision': point_id,
'supplemental_columns': {}
# Add the supplemental_columns values that were passed in after the
# calculated revision column values so that these can be overwritten.
_GetStdioUriColumn(test_name, buildername, buildnumber))
result['value'] = trace_values[0]
result['error'] = trace_values[1]
# Add other properties to this result dictionary if available.
if chart_data.get('units'):
result['units'] = chart_data['units']
if is_important:
result['important'] = True
return results
def MakeDashboardJsonV1(chart_json, revision_dict, test_name, bot, buildername,
buildnumber, supplemental_dict, is_ref):
"""Generates Dashboard JSON in the new Telemetry format.
See for more info on the format.
chart_json: A dict containing the telmetry output.
revision_dict: Dictionary of revisions to include, include "rev",
which determines the point ID.
test_name: A test suite name, e.g. sunspider.
bot: A string which comes from perf_id, e.g. linux-release.
buildername: Builder name (for stdio links).
buildnumber: Build number (for stdio links).
supplemental_dict: A dictionary of extra data to send with a point;
this includes revisions and annotation data.
is_ref: True if this is a reference build, False otherwise.
A dictionary in the format accepted by the perf dashboard.
if not chart_json:
print 'Error: No json output from telemetry.'
print '@@@STEP_FAILURE@@@'
# The master name used for the dashboard is the CamelCase name returned by
# GetActiveMaster(), and not the canonical master name with dots.
master = slave_utils.GetActiveMaster()
point_id, versions = _RevisionNumberColumns(revision_dict, prefix='')
supplemental = {}
for key in supplemental_dict:
if key.startswith('r_'):
versions[key.replace('r_', '', 1)] = supplemental_dict[key]
if key.startswith('a_'):
supplemental[key.replace('a_', '', 1)] = supplemental_dict[key]
_GetStdioUriColumn(test_name, buildername, buildnumber))
fields = {
'master': master,
'bot': bot,
'point_id': point_id,
'supplemental': supplemental,
'versions': versions,
'chart_data': chart_json,
'is_ref': is_ref,
return fields
def _GetStdioUriColumn(test_name, buildername, buildnumber):
"""Gets a supplemental column containing buildbot stdio link."""
if not buildername or not buildnumber:
return {}
url = '%sbuilders/%s/builds/%s/steps/%s/logs/stdio' % (
return _CreateLinkColumn('stdio_uri', 'Buildbot stdio', url)
def _CreateLinkColumn(name, label, url):
"""Returns a column containing markdown link to show on dashboard."""
return {'a_' + name: '[%s](%s)' % (label, url)}
def _GetBuildBotUrl():
"""Gets the buildbot URL which contains hostname and master name."""
return os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_BUILDBOTURL',
def _GetTimestamp():
"""Get the Unix timestamp for the current time."""
return int(calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple()))
def _RevisionNumberColumns(data, prefix):
"""Get the revision number and revision-related columns from the given data.
data: A dict of information from one line of the log file.
master: The name of the buildbot master.
prefix: Prefix for revision type keys. 'r_' for non-telemetry json, '' for
telemetry json.
A tuple with the point id (which must be an int), and a dict of
revision-related columns.
revision_supplemental_columns = {}
# The dashboard requires points' x-values to be integers, and points are
# ordered by these x-values. If data['rev'] can't be parsed as an int, assume
# that it's a git commit hash and use timestamp as the x-value.
revision = int(data['rev'])
if revision and revision > 300000 and revision < 1000000:
# Revision is the commit pos.
# TODO(sullivan,qyearsley): use got_revision_cp when available.
revision_supplemental_columns[prefix + 'commit_pos'] = revision
except ValueError:
# The dashboard requires ordered integer revision numbers. If the revision
# is not an integer, assume it's a git hash and send a timestamp.
revision = _GetTimestamp()
revision_supplemental_columns[prefix + 'chromium'] = data['rev']
# For other revision data, add it if it's present and not undefined:
for key in ['webkit_rev', 'webrtc_rev', 'v8_rev']:
if key in data and data[key] != 'undefined':
revision_supplemental_columns[prefix + key] = data[key]
# If possible, also send the git hash.
if 'git_revision' in data and data['git_revision'] != 'undefined':
revision_supplemental_columns[prefix + 'chromium'] = data['git_revision']
return revision, revision_supplemental_columns
def _TestPath(test_name, chart_name, trace_name):
"""Get the slash-separated test path to send.
test: Test name. Typically, this will be a top-level 'test suite' name.
chart_name: Name of a chart where multiple trace lines are grouped. If the
chart name is the same as the trace name, that signifies that this is
the main trace for the chart.
trace_name: The "trace name" is the name of an individual line on chart.
A slash-separated list of names that corresponds to the hierarchy of test
data in the Chrome Performance Dashboard; doesn't include master or bot
# For tests run on reference builds by builds/scripts/slave/,
# "_ref" is appended to the trace name. On the dashboard, as long as the
# result is on the right chart, it can just be called "ref".
if trace_name == chart_name + '_ref':
trace_name = 'ref'
chart_name = chart_name.replace('_by_url', '')
# No slashes are allowed in the trace name.
trace_name = trace_name.replace('/', '_')
# The results for "test/chart" and "test/chart/*" will all be shown on the
# same chart by the dashboard. The result with path "test/path" is considered
# the main trace for the chart.
test_path = '%s/%s/%s' % (test_name, chart_name, trace_name)
if chart_name == trace_name:
test_path = '%s/%s' % (test_name, chart_name)
return test_path
def _SendResultsJson(url, results_json):
"""Make a HTTP POST with the given JSON to the Performance Dashboard.
url: URL of Performance Dashboard instance, e.g.
results_json: JSON string that contains the data to be sent.
None if successful, or an error string if there were errors.
# When data is provided to urllib2.Request, a POST is sent instead of GET.
# The data must be in the application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.
data = urllib.urlencode({'data': results_json})
req = urllib2.Request(url + SEND_RESULTS_PATH, data)
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
return ('HTTPError: %d. Reponse: %s\n'
'JSON: %s\n' % (e.code,, results_json))
except urllib2.URLError as e:
return 'URLError: %s for JSON %s\n' % (str(e.reason), results_json)
except httplib.HTTPException as e:
return 'HTTPException for JSON %s\n' % results_json
return None
def _LinkAnnotation(url, data):
"""Prints a link annotation with a link to the dashboard if possible.
url: The Performance Dashboard URL, e.g. ""
data: The data that's being sent to the dashboard.
An annotation to print, or None.
if not data:
return None
if isinstance(data, list):
master, bot, test, revision = (
data[0]['master'], data[0]['bot'], data[0]['test'], data[0]['revision'])
master, bot, test, revision = (
data['master'], data['bot'], data['chart_data']['benchmark_name'],
results_link = url + RESULTS_LINK_PATH % (
urllib.quote(master), urllib.quote(bot), urllib.quote(test.split('/')[0]),
return '@@@STEP_LINK@%s@%s@@@' % ('Results Dashboard', results_link)