blob: 1e214c82c684561df0ef4edcc04f9af85268b4a0 [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
import os
import cgi
from oauth2client.appengine import oauth2decorator_from_clientsecrets
import webapp2
import json
import bqclient
from gviz_data_table import encode
from gviz_data_table import Table
from google.appengine.api import memcache, urlfetch
from google.appengine.ext.webapp.template import render
import httplib2
from oauth2client.appengine import AppAssertionCredentials
credentials = AppAssertionCredentials(scope='')
http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http(memcache))
# Project ID for a project where you and your users
# are viewing members. This is where the bill will be sent.
# During the limited availability preview, there is no bill.
# Replace this value with the Client ID value from your project,
# the same numeric value you used in client_secrets.json
BILLING_PROJECT_ID = "64975201253"
DATA_PROJECT_ID = "android-devtools-lldb-build"
DATASET = "emu_buildbot"
TABLE_DATA = "avd_to_time_data"
TABLE_ERROR = "avd_to_time_error"
TABLE_ADB = "avd_to_adb_speed"
mem = memcache.Client()
def get_query_clause(vars):
gpu_val = {"on": "yes",
"off": "no",
"mesa": "mesa"}
def get_select_clause(columns):
""" columns should be a dictionary with column name as key and description in title as value"""
select_clause = ""
for host in vars['HOST']:
for tag in vars['TAG']:
for gpu in vars['GPU']:
for qemu in vars['QEMU']:
for k, v in columns.iteritems():
select_clause += "last (CASE WHEN (builderName CONTAINS '%s' AND tag = '%s' AND gpu = '%s' AND qemu = '%s') THEN %s ELSE null END) AS [%s_%s_%s_%s%s], " % (host, tag, gpu_val[gpu], qemu, k, host.replace('-', '_'), tag.replace('-', '_'), gpu, qemu, v)
return select_clause
emulator = vars['EMULATOR'][0]
img_branch = vars['SYS_IMG'][0]
img_cmp = "=" if img_branch == "sdk" else "!="
order_rev = "image_revision" if emulator == "sdk" else "emu_revision"
where_clause = "api = %s AND abi = '%s' AND emu_branch = '%s' AND image_branch %s '%s'" % (vars['API'][0], vars['ABI'][0], emulator, img_cmp, 'sdk')
"%s AS build, "
"FROM [%s:%s.%s] "
"WHERE %s "
"group by build order by build") % (order_rev, get_select_clause({"boottime": ""}), DATA_PROJECT_ID, DATASET, TABLE_DATA, where_clause)
title = "AVD - api: %s, abi: %s, tag: %s, gpu: %s, qemu: %s" % ('/'.join(vars['API']), '/'.join(vars['ABI']), '/'.join(vars['TAG']), '/'.join(vars['GPU']), '/'.join(vars['QEMU']))
sum_where = where_clause + " AND (builderName = '" + "' OR builderName = '".join(vars['HOST']) + "')"
"builderName AS builder, "
"AVG(boottime) as avg_time, "
"NTH(501, quantiles(boottime, 1001)) as median, "
"FROM [%s:%s.%s] "
"WHERE %s "
"group by builder order by avg_time") % (DATA_PROJECT_ID, DATASET, TABLE_DATA, sum_where)
"emu_revision AS build, "
"FROM [%s:%s.%s] "
"WHERE %s "
"group by build order by build") % (get_select_clause({"push_speed": "_push", "pull_speed": "_pull"}), DATA_PROJECT_ID, DATASET, TABLE_ADB, where_clause)
def bq2table(bqdata):
def getType(type_str):
if type_str == "INTEGER":
return int
elif type_str == "FLOAT":
return float
elif type_str == "STRING":
return str
return eval(type_str)
table = Table()
for x in bqdata["schema"]["fields"]:
table.add_column(x["name"], getType(x["type"]), x["name"])
if "rows" in bqdata:
for row in bqdata["rows"]:
row_data = []
for x,t in zip(row["f"], bqdata["schema"]["fields"]):
val = getType(t["type"])(x["v"] or 0)
if t["type"] == "FLOAT":
val = float("{0:.2f}".format(val))
# add row only if it's not all zeros
if row_data.count(0) < (len(row_data)-1):
table.append(row_data)"FINAL BOOTTIMEDATA---")
return encode(table)
class MainPage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
template_data = {'table_bootdata': 0,
'table_adbdata': 0,
'table_sumdata': 0,
'table_title': 0,
'query_complete': 0,
'validate_form': 0,
'paint_vars': json.dumps({}),
'query': ''}
if len(self.request.GET) != 0:
paint_vars = {}
for col_name in ['HOST', 'TAG', 'GPU', 'QEMU', 'API', 'ABI', 'EMULATOR', 'SYS_IMG']:
paint_vars[col_name] = self.request.get_all(col_name)
if [] in paint_vars.values():
template_data['validate_form'] = 1
template_data['paint_vars'] = json.dumps(paint_vars)
bq = bqclient.BigQueryClient(http)
title, QUERY, SUM_QUERY, ADB_QUERY = get_query_clause(paint_vars)
boot_values = bq2table(bq.Query(QUERY, BILLING_PROJECT_ID, TIMEOUT_IN_SEC))
#sum_values = bq2table(bq.Query(SUM_QUERY, BILLING_PROJECT_ID, TIMEOUT_IN_SEC))
adb_values = bq2table(bq.Query(ADB_QUERY, BILLING_PROJECT_ID, TIMEOUT_IN_SEC))
template_data = {'table_bootdata': boot_values,
'table_adbdata': adb_values,
'table_sumdata': 0,
'table_title': title,
'query_complete': 1,
'validate_form': 0,
'paint_vars': json.dumps(paint_vars),
'query': QUERY}
template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'index.html')
self.response.out.write(render(template, template_data))
application = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
('/', MainPage),
], debug=True)