blob: a899d021e99e2b9f99076e3aabab9c8813bcea09 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
"""Downloads a json of builds for the builder and finds breakages.
This script will query the BuildBot master for ADT (given a set of user
inputs) and output the failure information it detects via the Buildbot
JSON api.
This script depends upon a file (default name machine_info.json) that
contains information about the current setup of the Buildbot machines.
This machine_info.json file can be generated by the script
'' that is distributed with this script.
import argparse
import json
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib2
from operator import attrgetter
JSON_PREFIX = '%s/json/builders' % URL_PREFIX
# Utility class to allow shorthand usage of colored printing.
# To use, simply print out the class member you want before text,
# and terminate with ENDC to reset to default.
# For example: print bcolors.WARNING + "Uhmmm..." + bcolors.ENDC
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
# The normal (non error condition) recipe log identifiers
EXPECTED_RECIPE_LOGS = ['preamble', 'stdio', 'run_recipe', 'failure reason']
# The Families that are currently supported by ADT.
# The OS options that are currently supported by ADT.
def do_family(options):
with open ('machine_info.json', 'r') as machine_info_json:
machine_info = json.load(machine_info_json)
except IOError as e:
print 'Unable to find machine_info.json file. Exiting'
return 1
if options.os not in machine_info.keys():
print 'Operating System not found in machine_info file. Exiting.'
return 1
if options.builder_family not in machine_info[options.os].keys():
print 'Builder Family not found in machine_info file. Exiting.'
return 1
for machine in machine_info[options.os][options.builder_family]:
builder_name = machine.replace(" ", "%20") + '_%s' % (options.builder_family)
build_range = range(-1, int(options.num_builds)*-1, -1)
range_str = [str(x) for x in build_range]
select_str = 'select=%s' % ('&select='.join(range_str))
json_url_query = '%s/%s/builds?%s' % (JSON_PREFIX, builder_name, select_str)
response = urllib2.urlopen(json_url_query)
builds_json = json.loads(
for x in builds_json:
build_num = builds_json[x]['number']
builds_json[str(build_num)] = builds_json.pop(x)
print bcolors.BOLD + bcolors.HEADER + 'Failure information for Machine: %s' % (machine) + bcolors.ENDC
# If num_builds is specificed (ie not 0), then we ignore from_build and to_build
# variables and simply print the last num_builds builds.
def do_machine(options):
builder_name = options.machine_name.replace(" ", "%20")
# Use the options to create a buildbot json query and download json.
build_range = range(int(options.from_build), int(options.to_build)+1)
range_str = [str(x) for x in build_range]
select_str = 'select=%s' % ('&select='.join(range_str))
json_url_query = '%s/%s/builds?%s' % (JSON_PREFIX, builder_name, select_str)
response = urllib2.urlopen(json_url_query)
builds_json = json.loads(
print bcolors.BOLD + bcolors.OKBLUE + 'Failure information for Machine: %s' % (options.machine_name) + bcolors.ENDC
return parse_results(builds_json)
def parse_results(builds_json):
# Analyze the downloaded json and come up with breakages.
breakages = []
cur_breakage = None
trim_index = len('') * -1 # to trim from blamelists
# There can be a wierd output occasionally that simply says 'error' with no index.
# We are just pruning this possible output there (its useless to us anyway).
for build in builds_json.values():
if 'error' in build.keys():
build_nums = [build['number'] for build in builds_json.values()]
for build_num in sorted(build_nums):
build = builds_json[str(build_num)]
# A breakage is defined as consecutive red builds for the same reason.
if build['results'] != 0:
error_output = []
for step in build['steps']:
for log in step['logs']:
if log[0] not in EXPECTED_RECIPE_LOGS:
# Breakage found. Extract data regarding breakage from json.
breakage_reason = error_output
build_num = build['number']
if cur_breakage and breakage_reason == cur_breakage['reason']:
build_range = cur_breakage['build_range']
cur_breakage['build_range'] = (build_range[0], build_num)
cur_breakage = {}
cur_breakage['build_range'] = (build_num, build_num)
cur_breakage['reason'] = breakage_reason
cur_breakage['blame'] = [blame[0:trim_index] if blame.endswith('')
else blame
for blame in build['blame']]
cur_breakage['builder_name'] = build['builderName']
elif cur_breakage:
# Green build after a breakage. See who fixed it.
cur_breakage['fix'] = [blame[0:trim_index] if blame.endswith('') else blame
for blame in build['blame']]
cur_breakage = None
# Print the breakages into a csv breakage report.
# print 'from, to, reason, blame, fix, link'
if len(breakages) <= 0:
print bcolors.OKGREEN + 'No Failures Detected on Machine' + bcolors.ENDC
print ''
print bcolors.FAIL + bcolors.BOLD + 'Failures Found on Machine' + bcolors.ENDC
for breakage in breakages:
build_range = breakage['build_range']
link = '%s/builders/%s/builds/%s' % (URL_PREFIX,
breakage['builder_name'].replace(" ", "%20"),
blame = ':'.join(breakage['blame'])
print bcolors.WARNING + ' Build Range of Failure: ' + bcolors.ENDC + '%s:%s' % (build_range[0], build_range[1])
print bcolors.WARNING + ' Breakage Reason: ' + bcolors.ENDC + '%s' % (breakage['reason']) + bcolors.ENDC
print bcolors.WARNING + ' link: ' + bcolors.UNDERLINE + bcolors.OKBLUE + '%s' % (link) + bcolors.ENDC
print ''
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help', dest='command')
# This set of options are part of group 'A'. All are required within this group when executing a
# 'A' request.
parser_a = subparsers.add_parser('family', help='Examine the last N builds on a particular family-os combination')
parser_a.add_argument('--machine_info', help='JSON file containing machine information. Can be generated from the master builders.pyl '
'with the "create_machine_info" script. Argument not needed if file is in local directory.')
parser_a.add_argument('--builder_family', help='The builder family (such as "emu-2.2-release")', required=True)
parser_a.add_argument('--os', help='The Operating System for the given builder-family', required=True)
parser_a.add_argument('--num_builds', help='The number of builds to look back on each builder', default=10)
# This set of options are part of group 'B'. All are required within this group when executing a
# 'B' request.
parser_b = subparsers.add_parser('machine', help='Examine failures on a particular machine between build numbers')
parser_b.add_argument('--machine_name', help='The Particular Machine (ie "Ubuntu 12.04 HD Graphics 4000_emu-master-dev")', required=True)
parser_b.add_argument('--from_build', help='The build number to start at.', required=True)
parser_b.add_argument('--to_build', help='The build number to end at (inclusively).', required=True)
options = parser.parse_args()
if 'machine' in options.command:
rc = do_machine(options)
elif 'family' in options.command:
rc = do_family(options)
print 'Unknown command passed'
if __name__ == '__main__':