blob: f0962909d49297b6a25caa6f41287bdd4a4ceac5 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Run CTS tests for emulator"""
import cts_results_parser as ctsparser
from test_cts_exclusions import cts_plans_current_exclusions
import json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import os, platform
import unittest
import psutil
import shutil
import re
import sys
import threading
import time
from subprocess import PIPE,STDOUT
import emu_test.utils.emu_argparser as emu_argparser
from emu_test.utils.emu_testcase import EmuBaseTestCase, AVDConfig
import emu_test.utils.emu_testcase
api_to_android_version = {"24": "7.0",
"23": "6.0",
"22": "5.1",
"21": "5.0",
"19": "4.4",
"18": "4.3",
"17": "4.2",
"16": "4.1",
"15": "4.0",
"10": "2.3"}
class CTSTestCase(EmuBaseTestCase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'for_test' in kwargs:
self.for_test = kwargs['for_test']
self.for_test = False
super(CTSTestCase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# So we can instantiate a dummy CTSTestCase for testing of class functionality,
# via CTSTestCase(methodname = 'dummyRunTest').
def dummyRunTest(self):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(CTSTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
def setUp(self):'Running - %s', self._testMethodName)
def kill_emu_procs(self):
if self.for_test:
def kill_proc_by_name(proc_names):
for x in psutil.process_iter():
proc = psutil.Process(
# mips 64 use qemu-system-mipsel64, others emulator-[arch]
if any([x in for x in proc_names]):
if proc.status() != psutil.STATUS_ZOMBIE:"kill_proc_by_name - %s, %s" % (, proc.status()))
except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
self.m_logger.debug('First try - quit emulator by adb emu kill')
kill_proc = psutil.Popen(["adb", "emu", "kill"])
# check emulator process is terminated
if not self.term_check(timeout=10):
self.m_logger.debug('Second try - quit emulator by psutil')
kill_proc_by_name(["emulator", "qemu-system"])
result = self.term_check(timeout=10)
self.m_logger.debug("term_check after psutil.kill - %s", result)
def tearDown(self):
# Emulator processes will be killed in the run_cts_subplan call
# that started them.
psutil.Popen(["adb", "kill-server"])
def launch_emu_and_wait(self, avd):
# If we're testing the infrastructure, don't actually launch the emulator.
if not self.for_test:
super(CTSTestCase, self).launch_emu_and_wait(avd)"Wait for 120 seconds for emulator to fully boot up")
def get_cts_root(avd):
home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
if emu_argparser.emu_args.is_gts:
return os.path.join(home_dir, 'Android', 'GTS', 'android-xts')
if emu_argparser.emu_args.cts_dir is not None:
return emu_argparser.emu_args.cts_dir
cts_home = os.path.join(home_dir, 'Android', 'CTS')
cts_dir = "%s-%s" % (api_to_android_version[avd.api], avd.abi)
return os.path.join(cts_home, cts_dir, 'android-cts')
def get_cts_exec(avd):
exec_name = 'xts-tradefed' if emu_argparser.emu_args.is_gts else 'cts-tradefed'
return os.path.join(CTSTestCase.get_cts_root(avd), 'tools', exec_name)
def get_cts_plan_dir(avd):
if emu_argparser.emu_args.cts_plan is not None:
return emu_argparser.emu_args.cts_plan
return os.path.join(CTSTestCase.get_cts_root(avd), 'repository', 'plans')
def get_emu_stable_plan(avd, plan):
cur_exclusions = cts_plans_current_exclusions();
if (plan in cur_exclusions):
plan_exclusions = cur_exclusions[plan]
plan_dir = CTSTestCase.get_cts_plan_dir(avd)
plan_path = os.path.join(plan_dir, plan + '.xml')
emu_stable_plan = plan + '-emu-stable'
emu_stable_plan_path = os.path.join(plan_dir, emu_stable_plan + '.xml')
tree = ElementTree.parse(plan_path)
for entry in tree.findall('Entry'):
test_package = entry.attrib['name']
if test_package in plan_exclusions:
entry.set('exclude', ';'.join(plan_exclusions[test_package]))
return emu_stable_plan
return plan
# shard_num is zero-based: (0 <= shard_num < num_shards)
# This method, taking plan_dir as an argument, exposed for testing.
# Requires that paths has 'plan_dir' and 'supblan_file_dir' attributes;
# reads the input plan file from paths['plan_dir'] + plan + '.xml', and
# writes the output to paths['subplan_file_dir'].
def get_cts_subplan_work(paths, avd, plan, shard_num, num_shards):
plan_path = os.path.join(paths['plan_dir'], plan + '.xml')
plan_shard = plan + '_' + str(shard_num) + '_of_' + str(num_shards)
plan_shard_path = os.path.join(paths['subplan_file_dir'], plan_shard + '.xml')
tree = ElementTree.parse(plan_path)
tree_root = tree.getroot()
num_tests = len(tree_root)
tests_per_shard = (num_tests + num_shards - 1) / num_shards
# Remove the first shard_num * tests_per_shard elements.
# Removing an element makes the index of every subsequent element
# one less, so we always remove the first element.
for i in range(0, shard_num * tests_per_shard):
# Now remove the Entries, whose index in the remaining list is
# >= tests_per_shard.
tests_remaining = num_tests - (shard_num * tests_per_shard)
for i in reversed(range(tests_per_shard, tests_remaining)):
return plan_shard
def get_cts_subplan(avd, plan, shard_num, num_shards):
plan_dir = CTSTestCase.get_cts_plan_dir(avd)
return get_cts_subplan_work(cls, plan_dir, plan_dir,
avd, plan, shard_num, num_shards)
# Requires paths to have the following attributes:
# 'cts_exec_path' : CTS executable
# 'subplan_results_dir' : directory into which the output of the run is written.
def run_cts_subplan_work(self, paths, avd, subplan):
result_re = re.compile("^.*XML test result file generated at (.*). Passed ([0-9]+), Failed ([0-9]+), Not Executed ([0-9]+)")
self.assertEqual(self.create_avd(avd), 0)
exec_path = paths['cts_exec_path']
if emu_argparser.emu_args.is_gts:
cts_cmd = [exec_path, "run", "xts", "--plan", subplan]
cts_cmd = [exec_path, "run", "cts", "--plan", subplan, "--disable-reboot"]
# use "script -c" to force message flush, not available on Windows
if platform.system() in ["Linux", "Darwin"]:
cts_cmd = ["script", "-c", " ".join(cts_cmd)]
vars = {'result_line': "",
'cts_proc': None}
def launch_in_thread():'executable path: ' + exec_path)
vars['cts_proc'] = psutil.Popen(cts_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
lines_iterator = iter(vars['cts_proc'].stdout.readline, b"")
for line in lines_iterator:
if re.match(result_re, line):
vars['result_line'] = line"Send exit to cts_proc")
vars['cts_proc'].stdin.write('exit\n')'Launching cts-tradefed, cmd: %s', ' '.join(cts_cmd))
t_launch = threading.Thread(target=launch_in_thread)
def move_log(name):
"""Copy CTS result to log directory"""
src_log_path = os.path.join(paths['subplan_results_dir'], name)
dst_log_path = os.path.join(emu_argparser.emu_args.session_dir, name)"copy CTS log from %s to %s" % (src_log_path, dst_log_path))
shutil.copytree(src_log_path, dst_log_path)
if vars['result_line'] != "":
log_name, pass_count, fail_count, skip_count = re.match(result_re, vars['result_line']).groups()
return (log_name, pass_count, fail_count, skip_count)
self.assertEqual('NA', '0')
return None
# Kill this emulator instance
def run_cts_plan(self, avd):
plan = "XTS" if emu_argparser.emu_args.is_gts else "CTS"
plan_dir = CTSTestCase.get_cts_plan_dir(avd)
exec_path = CTSTestCase.get_cts_exec(avd)
paths = { 'cts_exec_path' : exec_path,
'plan_dir' : plan_dir,
'subplan_file_dir' : plan_dir,
'subplan_results_dir' :
'..', 'repository', 'results') }
plan = self.get_emu_stable_plan(avd, plan)
self.run_cts_plan_work(paths, avd, plan)
def combine_xml_files(paths, combined_result_dir,
top_plan, cts_result_dirs, pass_count, fail_count, skip_count):
total_tests = pass_count + fail_count + skip_count
first = True
result_name = 'xtsTestResult.xml' if emu_argparser.emu_args.is_gts else 'testResult.xml'
xsl_name = 'xts_result.xsl' if emu_argparser.emu_args.is_gts else 'cts_result.xsl'
for cts_result_dir in cts_result_dirs:
tree = ElementTree.parse(
os.path.join(paths['subplan_results_dir'], cts_result_dir, result_name))
tree_root = tree.getroot()
if first:
combined_tree = tree
combined_root = tree_root
# Fix the plan name.
combined_root.set('testPlan', top_plan)
first = False
combined_root.set('endtime', tree_root.get('endtime'))
for pkg in tree_root.findall('TestPackage'):
summary = combined_root.find('Summary')
summary.set('failed', str(fail_count))
summary.set('pass', str(pass_count))
summary.set('notExecuted', str(skip_count))
# The combined result XML file will need ancillary files such as
# cts_results.css and cts_result.xsl files (and others).
# These will be present in any result directory from a
# subplan. So copy the first of these directories as the
# result, then we'll overwrite it's testResult.xml.
# We need the XML file to have an xml-stylesheet declaration.
# I was unable to find a way to make ElementTree.write add
# one. Therefore I will write the XML declaration and the
# xml-stylesheet declaration first. (There is a way to
# getElementTree.write to write the XML declaration...but not
# in a way that allows the xml-stylesheet declaration to be
# written as the second element.)
combined_result_path = os.path.join(combined_result_dir, result_name)
with open(combined_result_path, 'w') as f:
f.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no' ?>\n")
f.write("<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='%s'?>\n" % xsl_name)
# Exposed for testing.
# Requires paths to have entries:
# 'cts_exec_path' : the CTS executable
# 'plan_dir' : directory in which to find the CTS plan XML file.
# 'subplan_results_dir' : directory into which the output of a subplan run is written.
# 'subplan_file_dir' : directory into which to write the generated subplan XML files.
def run_cts_plan_work(self, paths, avd, plan):
# Shard the overall CTS plan into this many subplans.
NumShards = 1 if emu_argparser.emu_args.is_gts else 10
subplan_results = []
for i in range(0, NumShards):
paths, avd,
self.get_cts_subplan_work(paths, avd, plan, i, NumShards)))
cts_results_dirs = []
pass_count = 0
fail_count = 0
skip_count = 0
for subplan_result in subplan_results:
pass_count += int(subplan_result[1])
fail_count += int(subplan_result[2])
skip_count += int(subplan_result[3])
# Write a top-level xml file.
testName = 'gts' if emu_argparser.emu_args.is_gts else 'cts'
top_result_dir = os.path.join(emu_argparser.emu_args.session_dir, '%s_combined_result' % testName)
CTSTestCase.combine_xml_files(paths, top_result_dir, plan,
cts_results_dirs, pass_count, fail_count, skip_count)
self._checkResults(paths, avd, fail_count, cts_results_dirs)
def _formatSet(self, to_format):
to_format_list = sorted(to_format)
# Arbitrary limit on how many names we print.
num_explicit_names = 15
num_others = len(to_format_list) - num_explicit_names
result = ''
if num_others > 0:
result += '(These + %d others) ' % num_others
result += ', '.join(to_format_list[:num_explicit_names])
return result
def _checkResults(self, paths, avd, fail_count, cts_results_dirs):
if fail_count == 0:
baseline = os.path.join(
with open(baseline, 'r') as f:
flakiness_data = json.load(f)
if not flakiness_data:
self.m_logger.warning('Found empty / corrupted flakiness data')
self.m_logger.debug('Loaded flakiness data with %d entries' %
matches = [x for x in flakiness_data
if (x['systemImageApi'] == avd.api and
x['systemImageTag'] == avd.tag and
x['systemImageAbi'] == avd.abi)]
ignored_fails = set()
required_passes = set()
fail_results = set(['flaky', 'bad', 'gotBroken'])
pass_results = set(['good', 'gotFixed'])
for target in matches:
for result in target.get('ctsFlakinessRecords', []):
full_name = result['fullName']
flakiness_result = result['flakinessResult']
if flakiness_result in fail_results:
if flakiness_result in pass_results:
# A test that is known to be good for some of the |matches|, but bad for
# others should remain in |ignored_fails|, but not in |required_passes|.
required_passes = required_passes - ignored_fails
fails = set()
passes = set()
result_name = 'xtsTestResult.xml' if emu_argparser.emu_args.is_gts else 'testResult.xml'
for cts_results_dir in cts_results_dirs:
cts_results_file_path = os.path.join(paths['subplan_results_dir'], cts_results_dir, result_name);
results = ctsparser.extract_results(cts_results_file_path)
for result in results:
full_name = ctsparser.format_full_name(result)
if result['Result'] == 'fail':
elif result['Result'] == 'pass':
new_fails = fails - ignored_fails
missing_passes = required_passes - passes'List of test fails that were ignored: %s' %
self._formatSet(ignored_fails & fails))
if new_fails:
self.m_logger.error('List of significant test failures '
'(i.e., why did this run go red): %s' %
if missing_passes:
self.m_logger.error('List of missing test passes '
'(i.e., why did this run go red): %s' %
self.assertEqual(0, len(new_fails) + len(missing_passes))
def create_test_case_for_avds():
avd_name_re = re.compile("([^-]*)-(.*)-(.*)-(\d+)-gpu_(.*)-api(\d+)-CTS$")
def create_avd_from_name(avd_str):
res = avd_name_re.match(avd_str)
assert res is not None
tag, abi, device, ram, gpu, api = avd_name_re.match(avd_str).groups()
avd_config = AVDConfig(api, tag, abi, device, ram, gpu, classic="no", port="", cts=True, ori="mnc")
return avd_config
def fn(avd_name):
return lambda self: self.run_cts_plan(create_avd_from_name(avd_name))
for avd in emu_argparser.emu_args.avd_list:
if avd_name_re.match(avd):
setattr(CTSTestCase, "test_cts_%s" % avd, fn(avd))
# TODO: create test case based on config file. Since we need to do some pre-work to run CTS, use static AVD at this time for simplicity.
emu_test.utils.emu_testcase.create_test_case_from_file("cts", CTSTestCase, CTSTestCase.run_cts_plan)
if __name__ == '__main__':
emu_argparser.emu_args = emu_argparser.get_parser().parse_args()
sys.argv[1:] = emu_args.unittest_args