blob: 52b2db826f47bfb8f0ad415f9bd3bc1996b26c4f [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.words.test.test_basechat -*-
# Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Base classes for Instance Messenger clients.
class ContactsList:
"""A GUI object that displays a contacts list"""
def __init__(self, chatui):
@param chatui: ???
@type chatui: L{ChatUI}
self.chatui = chatui
self.contacts = {}
self.onlineContacts = {}
self.clients = []
def setContactStatus(self, person):
"""Inform the user that a person's status has changed.
@type person: L{Person<interfaces.IPerson>}
if not self.contacts.has_key(
self.contacts[] = person
if not self.onlineContacts.has_key( and \
(person.status == ONLINE or person.status == AWAY):
self.onlineContacts[] = person
if self.onlineContacts.has_key( and \
person.status == OFFLINE:
del self.onlineContacts[]
def registerAccountClient(self, client):
"""Notify the user that an account client has been signed on to.
@type client: L{Client<interfaces.IClient>}
if not client in self.clients:
def unregisterAccountClient(self, client):
"""Notify the user that an account client has been signed off
or disconnected from.
@type client: L{Client<interfaces.IClient>}
if client in self.clients:
def contactChangedNick(self, person, newnick):
oldname =
if self.contacts.has_key(oldname):
del self.contacts[oldname] = newnick
self.contacts[newnick] = person
if self.onlineContacts.has_key(oldname):
del self.onlineContacts[oldname]
self.onlineContacts[newnick] = person
class Conversation:
"""A GUI window of a conversation with a specific person"""
def __init__(self, person, chatui):
@type person: L{Person<interfaces.IPerson>}
@type chatui: L{ChatUI}
self.chatui = chatui
self.person = person
def show(self):
"""Displays the ConversationWindow"""
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method")
def hide(self):
"""Hides the ConversationWindow"""
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method")
def sendText(self, text):
"""Sends text to the person with whom the user is conversing.
@returntype: L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>}
self.person.sendMessage(text, None)
def showMessage(self, text, metadata=None):
"""Display a message sent from the person with whom she is conversing
@type text: string
@type metadata: dict
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method")
def contactChangedNick(self, person, newnick):
"""Change a person's name.
@type person: L{Person<interfaces.IPerson>}
@type newnick: string
""" = newnick
class GroupConversation:
"""A conversation with a group of people."""
def __init__(self, group, chatui):
@type group: L{Group<interfaces.IGroup>}
@param chatui: ???
@type chatui: L{ChatUI}
self.chatui = chatui = group
self.members = []
def show(self):
"""Displays the GroupConversationWindow."""
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method")
def hide(self):
"""Hides the GroupConversationWindow."""
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method")
def sendText(self, text):
"""Sends text to the group.
@type text: string
@returntype: L{Deferred<twisted.internet.defer.Deferred>}
""", None)
def showGroupMessage(self, sender, text, metadata=None):
"""Displays to the user a message sent to this group from the given sender
@type sender: string (XXX: Not Person?)
@type text: string
@type metadata: dict
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method")
def setGroupMembers(self, members):
"""Sets the list of members in the group and displays it to the user
self.members = members
def setTopic(self, topic, author):
"""Displays the topic (from the server) for the group conversation window
@type topic: string
@type author: string (XXX: Not Person?)
raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method")
def memberJoined(self, member):
"""Adds the given member to the list of members in the group conversation
and displays this to the user
@type member: string (XXX: Not Person?)
if not member in self.members:
def memberChangedNick(self, oldnick, newnick):
"""Changes the oldnick in the list of members to newnick and displays this
change to the user
@type oldnick: string
@type newnick: string
if oldnick in self.members:
#self.chatui.contactChangedNick(oldnick, newnick)
def memberLeft(self, member):
"""Deletes the given member from the list of members in the group
conversation and displays the change to the user
@type member: string
if member in self.members:
class ChatUI:
A GUI chat client.
@type conversations: C{dict} of L{Conversation}.
@ivar conversations: A cache of all the direct windows.
@type groupConversations: C{dict} of L{GroupConversation}.
@ivar groupConversations: A cache of all the group windows.
@type persons: C{dict} with keys that are a C{tuple} of (C{str},
L{basesupport.AbstractAccount}) and values that are
@ivar persons: A cache of all the users associated with this client.
@type groups: C{dict} with keys that are a C{tuple} of (C{str},
L{basesupport.AbstractAccount}) and values that are
@ivar groups: A cache of all the user groups associated with this client.
@type onlineClients: C{list} of L{Client<interfaces.IClient>}
@ivar onlineClients: A list of message sources currently online.
@type contactsList: L{ContactsList}
@ivar contactsList: A contacts list.
def __init__(self):
self.conversations = {}
self.groupConversations = {}
self.persons = {}
self.groups = {}
self.onlineClients = []
self.contactsList = ContactsList(self)
def registerAccountClient(self, client):
Notifies user that an account has been signed on to.
@type client: L{Client<interfaces.IClient>}
@returns: client, so that I may be used in a callback chain
print "signing onto", client.accountName
return client
def unregisterAccountClient(self, client):
Notifies user that an account has been signed off or disconnected
@type client: L{Client<interfaces.IClient>}
print "signing off from", client.accountName
def getContactsList(self):
@returntype: L{ContactsList}
return self.contactsList
def getConversation(self, person, Class=Conversation, stayHidden=0):
For the given person object, returns the conversation window
or creates and returns a new conversation window if one does not exist.
@type person: L{Person<interfaces.IPerson>}
@type Class: L{Conversation<interfaces.IConversation>} class
@type stayHidden: boolean
@returntype: L{Conversation<interfaces.IConversation>}
conv = self.conversations.get(person)
if not conv:
conv = Class(person, self)
self.conversations[person] = conv
if stayHidden:
return conv
def getGroupConversation(self,group,Class=GroupConversation,stayHidden=0):
For the given group object, returns the group conversation window or
creates and returns a new group conversation window if it doesn't exist
@type group: L{Group<interfaces.IGroup>}
@type Class: L{Conversation<interfaces.IConversation>} class
@type stayHidden: boolean
@returntype: L{GroupConversation<interfaces.IGroupConversation>}
conv = self.groupConversations.get(group)
if not conv:
conv = Class(group, self)
self.groupConversations[group] = conv
if stayHidden:
return conv
def getPerson(self, name, client):
For the given name and account client, returns the instance of the
AbstractPerson subclass, or creates and returns a new AbstractPerson
subclass of the type Class
@type name: string
@type client: L{Client<interfaces.IClient>}
@returntype: L{Person<interfaces.IPerson>}
account = client.account
p = self.persons.get((name, account))
if not p:
p = account.getPerson(name)
self.persons[name, account] = p
return p
def getGroup(self, name, client):
For the given name and account client, returns the instance of the
AbstractGroup subclass, or creates and returns a new AbstractGroup
subclass of the type Class
@type name: string
@type client: L{Client<interfaces.IClient>}
@returntype: L{Group<interfaces.IGroup>}
# I accept 'client' instead of 'account' in my signature for
# backwards compatibility. (Groups changed to be Account-oriented
# in CVS revision 1.8.)
account = client.account
g = self.groups.get((name, account))
if not g:
g = account.getGroup(name)
self.groups[name, account] = g
return g
def contactChangedNick(self, person, newnick):
For the given C{person}, change the C{person}'s C{name} to C{newnick}
and tell the contact list and any conversation windows with that
C{person} to change as well.
@type person: L{Person<interfaces.IPerson>}
@param person: The person whose nickname will get changed.
@type newnick: C{str}
@param newnick: The new C{name} C{person} will take.
oldnick =
if self.persons.has_key((oldnick, person.account)):
conv = self.conversations.get(person)
if conv:
conv.contactChangedNick(person, newnick)
self.contactsList.contactChangedNick(person, newnick)
del self.persons[oldnick, person.account] = newnick
self.persons[, person.account] = person