blob: 283437d09e66745ce3415b62b5964452d4e5d43b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
I am the support module for making a ftp server with twistd.
from twisted.protocols import ftp
from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.application import internet
from twisted.cred import error, portal, checkers, credentials
import os.path
class Options(usage.Options):
synopsis = """[options].
WARNING: This FTP server is probably INSECURE do not use it.
optParameters = [
["port", "p", "2121", "set the port number"],
["root", "r", "/usr/local/ftp", "define the root of the ftp-site."],
["userAnonymous", "", "anonymous", "Name of the anonymous user."],
["password-file", "", None, "username:password-style credentials database"],
longdesc = ''
def makeService(config):
f = ftp.FTPFactory()
r = ftp.FTPRealm(config['root'])
p = portal.Portal(r)
p.registerChecker(checkers.AllowAnonymousAccess(), credentials.IAnonymous)
if config['password-file'] is not None:
p.registerChecker(checkers.FilePasswordDB(config['password-file'], cache=True))
f.tld = config['root']
f.userAnonymous = config['userAnonymous']
f.portal = p
f.protocol = ftp.FTP
portno = int(config['port'])
except KeyError:
portno = 2121
return internet.TCPServer(portno, f)