blob: 5727065c4f6e02e202d239730bdc1fe47c6c3765 [file] [log] [blame]
Distutils convenience functionality.
Don't use this outside of Twisted.
Maintainer: Christopher Armstrong
import sys, os
from distutils.command import build_scripts, install_data, build_ext, build_py
from distutils.errors import CompileError
from distutils import core
from distutils.core import Extension
twisted_subprojects = ["conch", "lore", "mail", "names",
"news", "pair", "runner", "web", "web2",
"words", "vfs"]
class ConditionalExtension(Extension):
An extension module that will only be compiled if certain conditions are
@param condition: A callable of one argument which returns True or False to
indicate whether the extension should be built. The argument is an
instance of L{build_ext_twisted}, which has useful methods for checking
things about the platform.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.condition = kwargs.pop("condition", lambda builder: True)
Extension.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def setup(**kw):
An alternative to distutils' setup() which is specially designed
for Twisted subprojects.
Pass twisted_subproject=projname if you want package and data
files to automatically be found for you.
@param conditionalExtensions: Extensions to optionally build.
@type conditionalExtensions: C{list} of L{ConditionalExtension}
return core.setup(**get_setup_args(**kw))
def get_setup_args(**kw):
if 'twisted_subproject' in kw:
if 'twisted' not in os.listdir('.'):
raise RuntimeError("Sorry, you need to run from the "
"toplevel source directory.")
projname = kw['twisted_subproject']
projdir = os.path.join('twisted', projname)
kw['packages'] = getPackages(projdir, parent='twisted')
kw['version'] = getVersion(projname)
plugin = "twisted/plugins/twisted_" + projname + ".py"
if os.path.exists(plugin):
kw.setdefault('py_modules', []).append(
plugin.replace("/", ".")[:-3])
kw['data_files'] = getDataFiles(projdir, parent='twisted')
del kw['twisted_subproject']
if 'plugins' in kw:
py_modules = []
for plg in kw['plugins']:
py_modules.append("twisted.plugins." + plg)
kw.setdefault('py_modules', []).extend(py_modules)
del kw['plugins']
if 'cmdclass' not in kw:
kw['cmdclass'] = {
'install_data': install_data_twisted,
'build_scripts': build_scripts_twisted}
if sys.version_info[:3] < (2, 3, 0):
kw['cmdclass']['build_py'] = build_py_twisted
if "conditionalExtensions" in kw:
extensions = kw["conditionalExtensions"]
del kw["conditionalExtensions"]
if 'ext_modules' not in kw:
# This is a workaround for distutils behavior; ext_modules isn't
# actually used by our custom builder. distutils deep-down checks
# to see if there are any ext_modules defined before invoking
# the build_ext command. We need to trigger build_ext regardless
# because it is the thing that does the conditional checks to see
# if it should build any extensions. The reason we have to delay
# the conditional checks until then is that the compiler objects
# are not yet set up when this code is executed.
kw["ext_modules"] = extensions
class my_build_ext(build_ext_twisted):
conditionalExtensions = extensions
kw.setdefault('cmdclass', {})['build_ext'] = my_build_ext
return kw
def getVersion(proj, base="twisted"):
Extract the version number for a given project.
@param proj: the name of the project. Examples are "core",
"conch", "words", "mail".
@rtype: str
@returns: The version number of the project, as a string like
if proj == 'core':
vfile = os.path.join(base, '')
vfile = os.path.join(base, proj, '')
ns = {'__name__': 'Nothing to see here'}
execfile(vfile, ns)
return ns['version'].base()
# Names that are exluded from globbing results:
EXCLUDE_NAMES = ["{arch}", "CVS", ".cvsignore", "_darcs",
"RCS", "SCCS", ".svn"]
EXCLUDE_PATTERNS = ["*.py[cdo]", "*.s[ol]", ".#*", "*~", "*.py"]
import fnmatch
def _filterNames(names):
"""Given a list of file names, return those names that should be copied.
names = [n for n in names
if n not in EXCLUDE_NAMES]
# This is needed when building a distro from a working
# copy (likely a checkout) rather than a pristine export:
for pattern in EXCLUDE_PATTERNS:
names = [n for n in names
if (not fnmatch.fnmatch(n, pattern))
and (not n.endswith('.py'))]
return names
def relativeTo(base, relativee):
Gets 'relativee' relative to 'basepath'.
>>> relativeTo('/home/', '/home/radix/')
>>> relativeTo('.', '/home/radix/Projects/Twisted') # curdir is /home/radix
The 'relativee' must be a child of 'basepath'.
basepath = os.path.abspath(base)
relativee = os.path.abspath(relativee)
if relativee.startswith(basepath):
relative = relativee[len(basepath):]
if relative.startswith(os.sep):
relative = relative[1:]
return os.path.join(base, relative)
raise ValueError("%s is not a subpath of %s" % (relativee, basepath))
def getDataFiles(dname, ignore=None, parent=None):
Get all the data files that should be included in this distutils Project.
'dname' should be the path to the package that you're distributing.
'ignore' is a list of sub-packages to ignore. This facilitates
disparate package hierarchies. That's a fancy way of saying that
the 'twisted' package doesn't want to include the 'twisted.conch'
package, so it will pass ['conch'] as the value.
'parent' is necessary if you're distributing a subpackage like
twisted.conch. 'dname' should point to 'twisted/conch' and 'parent'
should point to 'twisted'. This ensures that your data_files are
generated correctly, only using relative paths for the first element
of the tuple ('twisted/conch/*').
The default 'parent' is the current working directory.
parent = parent or "."
ignore = ignore or []
result = []
for directory, subdirectories, filenames in os.walk(dname):
resultfiles = []
for exname in EXCLUDE_NAMES:
if exname in subdirectories:
for ig in ignore:
if ig in subdirectories:
for filename in _filterNames(filenames):
if resultfiles:
result.append((relativeTo(parent, directory),
os.path.join(directory, filename))
for filename in resultfiles]))
return result
def getPackages(dname, pkgname=None, results=None, ignore=None, parent=None):
Get all packages which are under dname. This is necessary for
Python 2.2's distutils. Pretty similar arguments to getDataFiles,
including 'parent'.
parent = parent or ""
prefix = []
if parent:
prefix = [parent]
bname = os.path.basename(dname)
ignore = ignore or []
if bname in ignore:
return []
if results is None:
results = []
if pkgname is None:
pkgname = []
subfiles = os.listdir(dname)
abssubfiles = [os.path.join(dname, x) for x in subfiles]
if '' in subfiles:
results.append(prefix + pkgname + [bname])
for subdir in filter(os.path.isdir, abssubfiles):
getPackages(subdir, pkgname=pkgname + [bname],
results=results, ignore=ignore,
res = ['.'.join(result) for result in results]
return res
def getScripts(projname, basedir=''):
Returns a list of scripts for a Twisted subproject; this works in
any of an SVN checkout, a project-specific tarball.
scriptdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'bin', projname)
if not os.path.isdir(scriptdir):
# Probably a project-specific tarball, in which case only this
# project's bins are included in 'bin'
scriptdir = os.path.join(basedir, 'bin')
if not os.path.isdir(scriptdir):
return []
thingies = os.listdir(scriptdir)
if '.svn' in thingies:
return filter(os.path.isfile,
[os.path.join(scriptdir, x) for x in thingies])
## Helpers and distutil tweaks
class build_py_twisted(build_py.build_py):
Changes behavior in Python 2.2 to support simultaneous specification of
`packages' and `py_modules'.
def run(self):
if self.py_modules:
if self.packages:
class build_scripts_twisted(build_scripts.build_scripts):
"""Renames scripts so they end with '.py' on Windows."""
def run(self):
if not == "nt":
for f in os.listdir(self.build_dir):
fpath=os.path.join(self.build_dir, f)
if not fpath.endswith(".py"):
os.unlink(fpath + ".py")
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.args[1]=='No such file or directory':
os.rename(fpath, fpath + ".py")
class install_data_twisted(install_data.install_data):
"""I make sure data files are installed in the package directory."""
def finalize_options(self):
('install_lib', 'install_dir')
class build_ext_twisted(build_ext.build_ext):
Allow subclasses to easily detect and customize Extensions to
build at install-time.
def prepare_extensions(self):
Prepare the C{self.extensions} attribute (used by
L{build_ext.build_ext}) by checking which extensions in
L{conditionalExtensions} should be built. In addition, if we are
building on NT, define the WIN32 macro to 1.
# always define WIN32 under Windows
if == 'nt':
self.define_macros = [("WIN32", 1)]
self.define_macros = []
self.extensions = [x for x in self.conditionalExtensions
if x.condition(self)]
for ext in self.extensions:
def build_extensions(self):
Check to see which extension modules to build and then build them.
def _remove_conftest(self):
for filename in ("conftest.c", "conftest.o", "conftest.obj"):
except EnvironmentError:
def _compile_helper(self, content):
conftest = open("conftest.c", "w")
self.compiler.compile(["conftest.c"], output_dir='')
except CompileError:
return False
return True
def _check_header(self, header_name):
Check if the given header can be included by trying to compile a file
that contains only an #include line.
self.compiler.announce("checking for %s ..." % header_name, 0)
return self._compile_helper("#include <%s>\n" % header_name)