CRAS: audio_test_gui - UI for audio test tool

Python script that uses cherrypy framework to run
GUI for audio testing tool. Tool allows for user
to select their input and output source on the GUI
and sets those nodes using the cras_test_client.
If the user chooses to run a loop through test then
a subprocess runs the cras_router program in the background.

TEST=ran various times on samus with various options set

Change-Id: I34d530cee187eb4aa42705e91bcfc3464a8960c5
Commit-Ready: Cheng-Yi Chiang <>
Tested-by: Cheng-Yi Chiang <>
Reviewed-by: Cheng-Yi Chiang <>
diff --git a/cras/src/tests/ b/cras/src/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ee401b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cras/src/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Script functions as a web app and wrapper for the cras_router program."""
+import re
+import subprocess
+import logging
+import cherrypy
+# Node Format: [Stable_Id, ID, Vol, Plugged, L/R_swapped, Time, Type, Name]
+def get_plugged_nodes(plugged_nodes, lines, is_input):
+  start_str = 'Input Nodes:' if is_input else 'Output Nodes:'
+  end_str = 'Attached clients:' if is_input else 'Input Devices:'
+  for i in range(lines.index(start_str) + 2,
+                 lines.index(end_str)):
+    node = filter(None, re.split(r'\s+|\*+', lines[i]))
+    # check for nodes that are plugged nodes and loopback
+    if node[PLUGGED_INDEX] == 'yes' and node[TYPE_INDEX][:4] != 'POST':
+      key = node[TYPE_INDEX] + ' ' + node[NAME_INDEX]
+      plugged_nodes[key] = node[ID_INDEX]
+class CrasRouterTest(object):
+  """Cherrypy class that builds and runs the HTML for audio testing tool."""
+  @cherrypy.expose
+  def index(self):
+    """Builds up and displays the html for the audio testing tool.
+    Returns:
+      html that was built up based on plugged audio devices.
+    """
+    # Stop program if currently being run.
+    if 'process' in cherrypy.session:
+      print 'Existing process'
+      # If return code is None process is still running
+      if cherrypy.session['process'].poll() is None:
+        print 'Killing existing process'
+        cherrypy.session['process'].kill()
+      else:
+        print 'Process already finished'
+    html = """<html>
+              <head>
+                <title>Audio Test</title>
+              </head>
+              <body style="background-color:lightgrey;">
+                <font color="red">
+                <h1>Audio Closed Loop Test</h1>
+                <font style="color:rgb(100, 149, 237)">
+                <h3>
+                <form name="routerOptions" method="get"
+                onsubmit="return validateForm()" action="start_test">
+                  <h2>Input Type</h2>
+              """
+    dump = subprocess.check_output(['cras_test_client', '--dump_s'])
+    if not dump:
+      return 'Could not connect to server'
+    dump_lines = dump.split('\n')
+    input_plugged_nodes = {}
+    get_plugged_nodes(input_plugged_nodes, dump_lines, True)
+    for name, node_id in input_plugged_nodes.items():
+      line = '<input type ="radio" name="input_type" value="'
+      line += node_id + '">' +name + '<br>\n'
+      html += line
+    html += """<input type ="radio" id="i0" name="input_type"
+               value="file">File<br>
+                 <div id="input_file" style="display:none;">
+                 Filename <input type="text" name="input_file"><br><br>
+                 </div>
+               <h2>Output Type</h2>"""
+    output_plugged_nodes = {}
+    get_plugged_nodes(output_plugged_nodes, dump_lines, False)
+    for name, node_id in output_plugged_nodes.items():
+      line = '<input type ="radio" name="output_type" value="'
+      line = line + node_id + '">' +name + '<br>\n'
+      html += line
+    html += """<input type ="radio" name="output_type"
+               value="file">File<br>
+               <div id="output_file" style="display:none;">
+               Filename <input type="text" name="output_file">
+               </div><br>
+               <h2>Sample Rate</h2>
+               <input type="radio" name="rate" id="sample_rate1" value=48000
+               checked>48,000 Hz<br>
+               <input type="radio" name="rate" id="sample_rate0" value=44100>
+               44,100 Hz<br><br>
+               <button type="submit" onclick="onOff(this)">Test!</button>
+               </h3>
+               </form>
+               </font>
+               </body>
+               </html>
+               """
+    javascript = """
+                 <script>
+                 /* Does basic error checking to make sure user doesn't
+                  * give bad options to the router.
+                  */
+                 function validateForm(){
+                    var input_type =
+                        document.forms['routerOptions']['input_type'].value;
+                    var output_type =
+                        document.forms['routerOptions']['output_type'].value;
+                    if (input_type == '' || output_type == '') {
+                        alert('Please select an input and output type.');
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                    if (input_type == 'file' && output_type == 'file') {
+                        alert('Input and Output Types cannot both be files!');
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                    //check if filename is valid
+                    if (input_type == 'file') {
+                        var input_file =
+                          document.forms['routerOptions']['input_file'].value;
+                        if (input_file == '') {
+                            alert('Please enter a file name');
+                            return false;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (output_type == 'file') {
+                        var output_file =
+                          document.forms['routerOptions']['output_file'].value;
+                        if (output_file == '') {
+                            alert('Please enter a file name');
+                            return false;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                function show_filename(radio, file_elem) {
+                    for(var i =0; i < radio.length; i++){
+                        radio[i].onclick = function(){
+                            if (this.value == 'file') {
+                       = 'block';
+                            } else {
+                       = 'none';
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                /* Loops determine if filename field should be shown */
+                var input_type_rad =
+                    document.forms['routerOptions']['input_type'];
+                var input_file_elem =
+                    document.getElementById('input_file');
+                var output_type_rad =
+                    document.forms['routerOptions']['output_type'];
+                var output_file_elem =
+                    document.getElementById('output_file');
+                show_filename(input_type_rad, input_file_elem);
+                show_filename(output_type_rad, output_file_elem);
+                </script>"""
+    html += javascript
+    return html
+  @cherrypy.expose
+  def start_test(self, input_type, output_type, input_file='',
+                 output_file='', rate=48000):
+    """Capture audio from the input_type and plays it back to the output_type.
+    Args:
+      input_type: Node id for the selected input or 'file' for files
+      output_type: Node id for the selected output or 'file' for files
+      input_file: Path of the input if 'file' is input type
+      output_file: Path of the output if 'file' is output type
+      rate: Sample rate for the test.
+    Returns:
+      html for the tesing in progress page.
+    """
+    print 'Beginning test'
+    if input_type == 'file' or output_type == 'file':
+        command = ['cras_test_client']
+    else:
+        command = ['cras_router']
+    if input_type == 'file':
+      command.append('--playback_file')
+      command.append(str(input_file))
+    else:
+      set_input = ['cras_test_client', '--select_input', str(input_type)]
+      if subprocess.check_call(set_input):
+        print 'Error setting input'
+    if output_type == 'file':
+      command.append('--capture_file')
+      command.append(str(output_file))
+    else:
+      set_output = ['cras_test_client', '--select_output', str(output_type)]
+      if subprocess.check_call(set_output):
+        print 'Error setting output'
+    command.append('--rate')
+    command.append(str(rate))
+    print 'Running commmand: ' + str(command)
+    p = subprocess.Popen(command)
+    cherrypy.session['process'] = p
+    return """
+    <html>
+    <head>
+    <style type="text/css">
+    body {
+      background-color: #DC143C;
+    }
+    #test {
+      color: white;
+      text-align: center;
+    }
+    </style>
+      <title>Running test</title>
+    </head>
+    <body>
+      <div id="test">
+        <h1>Test in progress</h1>
+        <form action="index"><!--Go back to orginal page-->
+          <button type="submit" id="stop">Click to stop</button>
+        </form>
+        <h2>Time Elapsed<br>
+            <time id="elapsed_time">00:00</time>
+        </h2>
+        </div>
+    </body>
+    </html>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+    var seconds = 0;
+    var minutes = 0;
+    var elapsed_time;
+    var start_time = new Date().getTime();
+    function secondPassed(){
+      var time = new Date().getTime() - start_time;
+      elapsed_time = Math.floor(time / 100) / 10;
+      minutes = Math.floor(elapsed_time / 60);
+      seconds = Math.floor(elapsed_time % 60);
+      var seconds_str = (seconds < 10 ? '0' + seconds: '' + seconds);
+      var minutes_str = (minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes: '' + minutes);
+      var time_passed = minutes_str + ':' + seconds_str;
+      document.getElementById("elapsed_time").textContent = time_passed;
+    }
+    //have time tic every second
+    var timer = setInterval(secondPassed, 1000);
+    var stop = document.getElementById("stop");
+    stop.onclick = function(){
+      seconds = 0;
+      minutes = 0;
+      clearInterval(timer);
+    }
+    </script>"""
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  conf = {
+      '/': {
+          'tools.sessions.on': True
+      }
+  }
+  cherrypy.quickstart(CrasRouterTest(), '/', conf)