blob: b2521ff050f68e37ec32ba5c43cab4e9b1383833 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
#include <iniparser.h>
/* cras_alsa_mixer represents the alsa mixer interface for an alsa card. It
* houses the volume and mute controls as well as playback switches for
* headphones and mic.
struct mixer_control;
struct cras_alsa_mixer;
struct cras_volume_curve;
struct cras_card_config;
/* Creates a cras_alsa_mixer instance for the given alsa device.
* Args:
* card_name - Name of the card to open a mixer for. This is an alsa name of
* the form "hw:X" where X ranges from 0 to 31 inclusive.
* config - Config info for this card, can be NULL if none found.
* output_names_extra - An array of extra output mixer control names. The
* array may contain NULL entries which should be ignored.
* output_names_extra_size - The length of the output_names_extra array.
* extra_main_volume - Name of extra main volume if any.
* Returns:
* A pointer to the newly created cras_alsa_mixer which must later be freed
* by calling cras_alsa_mixer_destroy.
struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_alsa_mixer_create(
const char *card_name,
const struct cras_card_config *config,
const char *output_names_extra[],
size_t output_names_extra_size,
const char *extra_main_volume);
/* Destroys a cras_alsa_mixer that was returned from cras_alsa_mixer_create.
* Args:
* cras_mixer - The cras_alsa_mixer pointer returned from
* cras_alsa_mixer_create.
void cras_alsa_mixer_destroy(struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_mixer);
/* Gets the default volume curve for this mixer. This curve will be used if
* there is not output-node specific curve to use.
const struct cras_volume_curve *cras_alsa_mixer_default_volume_curve(
const struct cras_alsa_mixer *mixer);
/* Sets the output volume for the device associated with this mixer.
* Args:
* cras_mixer - The mixer to set the volume on.
* dBFS - The volume level as dB * 100. dB is a normally a negative quantity
* specifying how much to attenuate.
* mixer_output - The mixer output to set if not all attenuation can be
* obtained from the main controls. Can be null.
void cras_alsa_mixer_set_dBFS(struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_mixer,
long dBFS,
struct mixer_control *mixer_output);
/* Gets the volume range of the mixer in dB.
* Args:
* cras_mixer - The mixer to get the volume range.
long cras_alsa_mixer_get_dB_range(struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_mixer);
/* Gets the volume range of the mixer output in dB.
* Args:
* mixer_output - The mixer output to get the volume range.
long cras_alsa_mixer_get_output_dB_range(
struct mixer_control *mixer_output);
/* Sets the capture gain for the device associated with this mixer.
* Args:
* cras_mixer - The mixer to set the volume on.
* dBFS - The capture gain level as dB * 100. dB can be a positive or a
* negative quantity specifying how much gain or attenuation to apply.
* mixer_input - The specific mixer control for input node, can be null.
void cras_alsa_mixer_set_capture_dBFS(struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_mixer,
long dBFS,
struct mixer_control* mixer_input);
/* Gets the minimum allowed setting for capture gain.
* Args:
* cmix - The mixer to set the capture gain on.
* mixer_input - The additional input mixer control, mainly specified
* in ucm config. Can be null.
* Returns:
* The minimum allowed capture gain in dBFS * 100.
long cras_alsa_mixer_get_minimum_capture_gain(
struct cras_alsa_mixer *cmix,
struct mixer_control *mixer_input);
/* Gets the maximum allowed setting for capture gain.
* Args:
* cmix - The mixer to set the capture gain on.
* mixer_input - The additional input mixer control, mainly specified
* in ucm config. Can be null.
* Returns:
* The maximum allowed capture gain in dBFS * 100.
long cras_alsa_mixer_get_maximum_capture_gain(
struct cras_alsa_mixer *cmix,
struct mixer_control *mixer_input);
/* Sets the playback switch for the device.
* Args:
* cras_mixer - Mixer to set the volume in.
* muted - 1 if muted, 0 if not.
* mixer_output - The mixer output to mute if no master mute.
void cras_alsa_mixer_set_mute(struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_mixer,
int muted,
struct mixer_control *mixer_output);
/* Sets the capture switch for the device.
* Args:
* cras_mixer - Mixer to set the volume in.
* muted - 1 if muted, 0 if not.
* mixer_input - The mixer input to mute if no master mute.
void cras_alsa_mixer_set_capture_mute(struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_mixer,
int muted,
struct mixer_control *mixer_input);
/* Invokes the provided callback once for each output (input).
* The callback will be provided with a reference to the control
* that can be queried to see what the control supports.
* Args:
* cras_mixer - Mixer to set the volume in.
* cb - Function to call for each output (input).
* cb_arg - Argument to pass to cb.
typedef void (*cras_alsa_mixer_control_callback)(
struct mixer_control *control, void *arg);
void cras_alsa_mixer_list_outputs(struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_mixer,
cras_alsa_mixer_control_callback cb,
void *cb_arg);
void cras_alsa_mixer_list_inputs(struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_mixer,
cras_alsa_mixer_control_callback cb,
void *cb_arg);
/* Gets the name of a given control. */
const char *cras_alsa_mixer_get_control_name(
const struct mixer_control *control);
/* Finds the output that matches the given string. Used to match Jacks to Mixer
* elements.
* Args:
* cras_mixer - Mixer to search for a control.
* name - The name to match against the controls.
* Returns:
* A pointer to the output with a mixer control that matches "name".
struct mixer_control *cras_alsa_mixer_get_output_matching_name(
const struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_mixer,
const char *name);
/* Finds the mixer control for that matches the control name of input control
* name specified in ucm config.
* Args:
* cras_mixer - Mixer to search for a control.
* name - Name of the control to search for.
* Returns:
* A pointer to the input with a mixer control that matches "name".
struct mixer_control *cras_alsa_mixer_get_input_matching_name(
struct cras_alsa_mixer *cras_mixer,
const char *name);
/* Sets the given output active or inactive. */
int cras_alsa_mixer_set_output_active_state(
struct mixer_control *output,
int active);
/* Returns a volume curve for the given output node name. The name can be that
* of a control or of a Jack. Looks for an entry in the ini file (See README
* for format), or falls back to the default volume curve if the ini file
* doesn't specify a curve for this output. */
struct cras_volume_curve *cras_alsa_mixer_create_volume_curve_for_name(
const struct cras_alsa_mixer *cmix,
const char *name);
/* Returns a volume curve stored in the output control element, can be null. */
struct cras_volume_curve *cras_alsa_mixer_get_output_volume_curve(
const struct mixer_control *control);
#endif /* _CRAS_ALSA_MIXER_H */