blob: ffdf143729d3a1595a2a15b6c4e213d20ac492cd [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef _CRAS_ALERT_H
#define _CRAS_ALERT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* The alert facility provides a way to signal the clients when a system state
* changes.
* First the clients registers callbacks to an alert. Each time the system state
* changes, we mark the associated alert as "pending". At the end of the event
* loop, we invoke the callbacks for the pending alerts.
* We do this delayed callback to collapses multiple callbacks into one (for
* example, if there are multiple nodes added at the same time, we will only
* fire the "nodes changed" signal once).
* There is an optional "prepare" function which can be provided when creating
* an alert. It is called before we invoke the callbacks. This gives the owner
* of each alert a chance to update the system to a consistent state before
* signalling the clients.
* The alert functions should only be used from the main thread.
struct cras_alert;
/* Callback functions to be notified when settings change. arg is a user
* provided argument that will be passed back. */
typedef void (*cras_alert_cb)(void *arg);
typedef void (*cras_alert_prepare)(struct cras_alert *alert);
/* Creates an alert.
* Args:
* prepare - A function which will be called before calling the callbacks.
* The prepare function should update the system state in the shared
* memory to be consistent. It can be NULL if not needed.
* Returns:
* A pointer to the alert, NULL if out of memory.
struct cras_alert *cras_alert_create(cras_alert_prepare prepare);
/* Adds a callback to the alert.
* Args:
* alert - A pointer to the alert.
* cb - The callback.
* arg - will be passed to the callback when it is called.
* Returns:
* 0 on success or negative error code on failure.
int cras_alert_add_callback(struct cras_alert *alert, cras_alert_cb cb,
void *arg);
/* Removes a callback from the alert. It removes the callback if cb and arg
* match a previously registered entry.
* Args:
* alert - A pointer to the alert.
* cb - The callback.
* arg - will be passed to the callback when it is called.
* Returns:
* 0 on success or negative error code on failure.
int cras_alert_rm_callback(struct cras_alert *alert, cras_alert_cb cb,
void *arg);
/* Marks an alert as pending. We don't call the callbacks immediately when an
* alert becomes pending, but will do that when
* cras_alert_process_all_pending_alerts() is called.
* Args:
* alert - A pointer to the alert.
void cras_alert_pending(struct cras_alert *alert);
/* Processes all alerts that are pending.
* For all pending alerts, its prepare function will be called, then the
* callbacks will be called. If any alert becomes pending during the callbacks,
* the process will start again until no alert is pending.
void cras_alert_process_all_pending_alerts();
/* Frees the resources used by an alert.
* Args:
* alert - A pointer to the alert.
void cras_alert_destroy(struct cras_alert *alert);
/* Frees the resources used by all alerts in the system. */
void cras_alert_destroy_all();
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* _CRAS_ALERT_H */