blob: 2970930b1aed749dc2bea784b785481e00782134 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <initializer_list>
namespace xnnpack {
namespace aarch32 {
struct CoreRegister {
uint8_t code;
constexpr CoreRegister r0{0};
constexpr CoreRegister r1{1};
constexpr CoreRegister r2{2};
constexpr CoreRegister r3{3};
constexpr CoreRegister r4{4};
constexpr CoreRegister r5{5};
constexpr CoreRegister r6{6};
constexpr CoreRegister r7{7};
constexpr CoreRegister r8{8};
constexpr CoreRegister r9{9};
constexpr CoreRegister r10{10};
constexpr CoreRegister r11{11};
constexpr CoreRegister r12{12};
constexpr CoreRegister r13{13};
constexpr CoreRegister r14{14};
constexpr CoreRegister r15{15};
constexpr CoreRegister sp = r13;
constexpr CoreRegister lr = r14;
constexpr CoreRegister pc = r15;
static inline bool operator==(const CoreRegister lhs, const CoreRegister rhs) {
return lhs.code == rhs.code;
struct CoreRegisterList {
CoreRegisterList(std::initializer_list<CoreRegister> rs) {
for (auto r : rs) {
list |= 1 << r.code;
bool has_more_than_one_register() { return (list & (list - 1)) != 0; }
// Bit i is set if CoreRegister is in the list.
uint16_t list = 0;
static inline bool operator==(int i, CoreRegisterList registers) {
return i == registers.list;
struct SRegister {
uint8_t code;
uint8_t d() const { return code & 0x1; }
uint8_t vd() const { return (code & 0x1e) >> 1; }
static inline bool operator==(const SRegister lhs, const SRegister rhs) {
return lhs.code == rhs.code;
constexpr SRegister s0{0};
constexpr SRegister s1{1};
constexpr SRegister s2{2};
constexpr SRegister s3{3};
constexpr SRegister s4{4};
constexpr SRegister s5{5};
constexpr SRegister s6{6};
constexpr SRegister s7{7};
constexpr SRegister s8{8};
constexpr SRegister s9{9};
constexpr SRegister s10{10};
constexpr SRegister s11{11};
constexpr SRegister s12{12};
constexpr SRegister s13{13};
constexpr SRegister s14{14};
constexpr SRegister s15{15};
constexpr SRegister s16{16};
constexpr SRegister s17{17};
constexpr SRegister s18{18};
constexpr SRegister s19{19};
constexpr SRegister s20{20};
constexpr SRegister s21{21};
constexpr SRegister s22{22};
constexpr SRegister s23{23};
constexpr SRegister s24{24};
constexpr SRegister s25{25};
constexpr SRegister s26{26};
constexpr SRegister s27{27};
constexpr SRegister s28{28};
constexpr SRegister s29{29};
constexpr SRegister s30{30};
constexpr SRegister s31{31};
struct DRegister {
uint8_t code;
uint8_t d() const { return (code & 0x10) >> 4; }
uint8_t vd() const { return code & 0xf; }
static inline bool operator==(const DRegister lhs, const DRegister rhs) {
return lhs.code == rhs.code;
constexpr DRegister d0{0};
constexpr DRegister d1{1};
constexpr DRegister d2{2};
constexpr DRegister d3{3};
constexpr DRegister d4{4};
constexpr DRegister d5{5};
constexpr DRegister d6{6};
constexpr DRegister d7{7};
constexpr DRegister d8{8};
constexpr DRegister d9{9};
constexpr DRegister d10{10};
constexpr DRegister d11{11};
constexpr DRegister d12{12};
constexpr DRegister d13{13};
constexpr DRegister d14{14};
constexpr DRegister d15{15};
constexpr DRegister d16{16};
constexpr DRegister d17{17};
constexpr DRegister d18{18};
constexpr DRegister d19{19};
constexpr DRegister d20{20};
constexpr DRegister d21{21};
constexpr DRegister d22{22};
constexpr DRegister d23{23};
constexpr DRegister d24{24};
constexpr DRegister d25{25};
constexpr DRegister d26{26};
constexpr DRegister d27{27};
constexpr DRegister d28{28};
constexpr DRegister d29{29};
constexpr DRegister d30{30};
constexpr DRegister d31{31};
struct QRegister {
uint8_t code;
// Encode code * 2.
uint8_t d() const { return (code & 0x8) >> 3; }
uint8_t vd() const { return (code & 0x7) << 1; }
constexpr QRegister q0{0};
constexpr QRegister q1{1};
constexpr QRegister q2{2};
constexpr QRegister q3{3};
constexpr QRegister q4{4};
constexpr QRegister q5{5};
constexpr QRegister q6{6};
constexpr QRegister q7{7};
constexpr QRegister q8{8};
constexpr QRegister q9{9};
constexpr QRegister q10{10};
constexpr QRegister q11{11};
constexpr QRegister q12{12};
constexpr QRegister q13{13};
constexpr QRegister q14{14};
constexpr QRegister q15{15};
// SIMD register lists are used in a more restrictive way, compared to core
// registers, only consecutive registers are used as an operand to instruction.
template <typename RegType>
struct ConsecutiveRegisterList {
// End must be >= start.
ConsecutiveRegisterList(RegType s, RegType end)
: start(s),
length(end.code - s.code + 1) {}
ConsecutiveRegisterList(RegType start)
: ConsecutiveRegisterList(start, start) {}
RegType start;
int length;
using SRegisterList = ConsecutiveRegisterList<SRegister>;
using DRegisterList = ConsecutiveRegisterList<DRegister>;
constexpr size_t max_label_users = 10;
// Label is a target of a branch. You call Assembler::bind to bind a label to an
// actual location in the instruction stream.
// ```
// Label l;
// b(kAl, l1); // branch to an unbound label is fine, it will be patched later.
// a.bind(l); // binds label to this location in the instruction stream.
// b(kAl, l1); // branch to an already bound label.
// ```
struct Label {
// Location of label within Assembler buffer.
uint32_t* offset = nullptr;
// A label can only be bound once, binding it again leads to an error.
bool bound = (offset != nullptr);
// All users of this label, recorded by their offset in the Assembler buffer.
std::array<uint32_t*, max_label_users> users = {0};
size_t num_users = 0;
// Records a user (e.g. branch instruction) of this label.
// Returns true if success, false if number of users exceeds maximum.
bool add_use(uint32_t* offset) {
if (num_users >= max_label_users) {
return false;
users[num_users++] = offset;
return true;
// A8.5 Addressing modes for memory access.
enum class AddressingMode {
// [<Rn>, <offset>], offset applied to address in Rn.
// Pre-indexed not used, so not implemented.
// [<Rn>], <offset>, address from Rn, offset applied, written back to Rn.
// Memory operands, operands for memory access instructions. See
// "MemOperandHelper mem" for a nicer syntax that is closer to assembly.
class MemOperand {
MemOperand(CoreRegister rn, int32_t offset)
: mode_(AddressingMode::kOffset),
offset_(offset) {}
MemOperand(CoreRegister rn, int32_t offset, AddressingMode mode)
: mode_(mode),
offset_(offset) {}
CoreRegister base() const { return rn_; }
int32_t offset() const { return offset_; }
AddressingMode mode() const { return mode_; }
// These are bits used for encoding, named based on the encoding description.
int32_t u() { return offset_ >= 0; }
int32_t p() { return mode_ != AddressingMode::kPostIndexed; }
// Note, kPostIndexed will write back, but doesn't need to set bit w.
int32_t w() { return 0; }
AddressingMode mode_;
CoreRegister rn_;
int32_t offset_;
static inline bool operator==(const MemOperand lhs, const MemOperand rhs) {
return lhs.mode() == rhs.mode() && lhs.base() == rhs.base() && lhs.offset() == rhs.offset();
static inline MemOperand operator,(CoreRegister r, int32_t offset) {
return MemOperand(r, offset);
// Helper struct for some syntax sugar to look like native assembly, see mem.
struct MemOperandHelper {
const MemOperand operator[](MemOperand op) const { return op; }
const MemOperand operator[](CoreRegister r) const { return MemOperand(r, 0); }
// Use "mem" (and its overload of array subscript operator) to get some syntax
// that looks closer to native assembly when accessing memory. For example:
// - ldr(r0, mem[rn, offset]); // offset
// - ldr(r0, mem[rn], offset); // post-indexed
constexpr MemOperandHelper mem;
// Conditional execution, only support AL (always) for now.
enum Condition : uint32_t {
kEQ = 0x00000000,
kNE = 0x10000000,
kCS = 0x20000000,
kCC = 0x30000000,
kMI = 0x40000000,
kPL = 0x50000000,
kVS = 0x60000000,
kVC = 0x70000000,
kHI = 0x80000000,
kLS = 0x90000000,
kGE = 0xa0000000,
kLT = 0xB0000000,
kGT = 0xC0000000,
kLE = 0xD0000000,
kAL = 0xE0000000,
kHS = kCS,
kLO = kCC,
enum class Error {
// A simple AAarch32 assembler.
// Right now it allocates its own memory (using `new`) to write code into (for
// testing), but will be updated to be more customizable.
class Assembler {
explicit Assembler();
Assembler& add(CoreRegister rd, CoreRegister rn, CoreRegister rm);
Assembler& beq(Label& l) { return b(kEQ, l); }
Assembler& bne(Label& l) { return b(kNE, l); }
Assembler& bhi(Label& l) { return b(kHI, l); }
Assembler& bhs(Label& l) { return b(kHS, l); }
Assembler& blo(Label& l) { return b(kLO, l); }
// Cmp supports a subset of uint32_t offsets, see "A5.2.4 Modified immediate
// constants in ARM instructions", for simplicity we start with uint8_t, which
// is fully representation using a "rotation" of 0.
Assembler& cmp(CoreRegister rn, uint8_t imm);
Assembler& ldr(CoreRegister rt, MemOperand operand, int32_t offset);
Assembler& ldr(CoreRegister rt, MemOperand operand);
Assembler& mov(CoreRegister rd, CoreRegister rm);
Assembler& movlo(CoreRegister rd, CoreRegister rm);
Assembler& movls(CoreRegister rd, CoreRegister rm);
Assembler& pld(MemOperand operand);
Assembler& push(CoreRegisterList regs);
Assembler& sub(CoreRegister rd, CoreRegister rn, CoreRegister rm);
// Only support uint8_t immediates for now, it simplifies encoding.
Assembler& subs(CoreRegister rd, CoreRegister rn, uint8_t imm);
// SIMD instructions.
// VLDM <Rn>{!}, <list>. {!} is indicated by setting `wb` argument.
Assembler& vldm(CoreRegister rn, SRegisterList regs, bool wb);
Assembler& vldm(CoreRegister rn, DRegisterList regs, bool wb);
Assembler& vldm(CoreRegister rn, SRegisterList regs) { return vldm(rn, regs, false); }
Assembler& vldm(CoreRegister rn, DRegisterList regs) { return vldm(rn, regs, false); }
Assembler& vldr(DRegister dd, MemOperand op);
// VMOV.F32 <Sd>, <Sm>; encoding A2.
Assembler& vmov(SRegister sd, SRegister sm);
// VMOV <Dm>, <Rt>, <Rt2>; encoding A1.
Assembler& vmov(DRegister dm, CoreRegister rt, CoreRegister rt2);
// VMOV <Dd>, <Dm>; encoding A1.
Assembler& vmov(DRegister dd, DRegister dm);
// VMOV <Qd>, <Qm>; encoding A1.
Assembler& vmov(QRegister qd, QRegister qm);
Assembler& vpush(SRegisterList regs);
Assembler& vpush(DRegisterList regs);
// Binds Label l to the current location in the code buffer.
Assembler& bind(Label& l);
// Reset the assembler state (no memory is freed).
void reset();
// Get a pointer to the start of code buffer.
const uint32_t* const start() { return buffer_; }
const uint32_t* const offset() { return cursor_; }
const Error error() { return error_; }
// Emits a 32-bit value to the code buffer.
Assembler& emit32(uint32_t value);
Assembler& mov(Condition c, CoreRegister rd, CoreRegister rm);
Assembler& b(Condition c, Label& l);
// Pointer to start of code buffer.
uint32_t* buffer_;
// Pointer to current place in code buffer.
uint32_t* cursor_;
// Pointer to out-of-bounds of code buffer.
uint32_t* top_;
// Errors encountered while assembling code.
Error error_;
} // namespace aarch32
} // namespace xnnpack