blob: 977fc2aedafec78d9761bc0428bac342cc417fe2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
$assert BATCH_TILE % 8 == 0
$assert BATCH_TILE >= 8
#include <assert.h>
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include <xnnpack/vadd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
void xnn_qs8_vaddc_minmax_ukernel__neon_ld64_x${BATCH_TILE}(
size_t n,
const int8_t* input_x,
const int8_t* input_y,
int8_t* output,
const union xnn_qs8_add_params params[restrict XNN_MIN_ELEMENTS(1)]) XNN_DISABLE_TSAN
const int8x8_t vx_zero_point = vld1_dup_s8(&params->neon.x_zero_point);
const int32x4_t vx_multiplier = vld1q_dup_s32(&params->neon.x_multiplier);
const int32x4_t vright_shift = vld1q_dup_s32(&params->neon.right_shift);
const int32x4_t vzero_shift_mask = vreinterpretq_s32_u32(vceqq_s32(vright_shift, vmovq_n_s32(0)));
const int16x8_t voutput_zero_point = vld1q_dup_s16(&params->neon.output_zero_point);
const int8x16_t voutput_min = vld1q_dup_s8(&params->neon.output_min);
const int8x16_t voutput_max = vld1q_dup_s8(&params->neon.output_max);
const int32_t vey = (int32_t) *input_y - (int32_t) params->neon.y_zero_point;
const int32_t vy_multiplier = params->neon.y_multiplier;
const int32x4_t vy_bias = vdupq_n_s32(vey * vy_multiplier);
for (; n >= ${BATCH_TILE} * sizeof(int8_t); n -= ${BATCH_TILE} * sizeof(int8_t)) {
$for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 8):
const int8x8_t vx${ABC[N:N+8]} = vld1_s8(input_x); input_x += 8;
$for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 8):
const int16x8_t vex${ABC[N:N+8]} = vsubl_s8(vx${ABC[N:N+8]}, vx_zero_point);
$for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 8):
int32x4_t vacc${ABC[N:N+4]} = vmlaq_s32(vy_bias, vmovl_s16(vget_low_s16(vex${ABC[N:N+8]})), vx_multiplier);
int32x4_t vacc${ABC[N+4:N+8]} = vmlaq_s32(vy_bias, vmovl_s16(vget_high_s16(vex${ABC[N:N+8]})), vx_multiplier);
$for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4):
vacc${ABC[N:N+4]} = vsraq_n_s32(vacc${ABC[N:N+4]}, vbicq_s32(vacc${ABC[N:N+4]}, vzero_shift_mask), 31);
$for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 4):
vacc${ABC[N:N+4]} = vrshlq_s32(vacc${ABC[N:N+4]}, vright_shift);
$for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 8):
const int16x8_t vacc${ABC[N:N+8]} = vqaddq_s16(vcombine_s16(vqmovn_s32(vacc${ABC[N:N+4]}), vqmovn_s32(vacc${ABC[N+4:N+8]})), voutput_zero_point);
$for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 16):
$if N + 8 < BATCH_TILE:
int8x16_t vout${ABC[N:N+16]} = vcombine_s8(vqmovn_s16(vacc${ABC[N:N+8]}), vqmovn_s16(vacc${ABC[N+8:N+16]}));
int8x8_t vout${ABC[N:N+8]} = vqmovn_s16(vacc${ABC[N:N+8]});
$for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 16):
$if N + 8 < BATCH_TILE:
vout${ABC[N:N+16]} = vmaxq_s8(vout${ABC[N:N+16]}, voutput_min);
vout${ABC[N:N+8]} = vmax_s8(vout${ABC[N:N+8]}, vget_low_s8(voutput_min));
$for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 16):
$if N + 8 < BATCH_TILE:
vout${ABC[N:N+16]} = vminq_s8(vout${ABC[N:N+16]}, voutput_max);
vout${ABC[N:N+8]} = vmin_s8(vout${ABC[N:N+8]}, vget_low_s8(voutput_max));
$for N in range(0, BATCH_TILE, 16):
$if N + 8 < BATCH_TILE:
vst1q_s8(output, vout${ABC[N:N+16]}); output += 16;
vst1_s8(output, vout${ABC[N:N+8]}); output += 8;
if XNN_UNLIKELY(n != 0) {
${"do " if BATCH_TILE > 8 else ""}{
$if BATCH_TILE > 8:
const int8x8_t vx${ABC[0:8]} = vld1_s8(input_x); input_x += 8;
const int8x8_t vx${ABC[0:8]} = vld1_s8(input_x);
const int16x8_t vex${ABC[0:8]} = vsubl_s8(vx${ABC[0:8]}, vx_zero_point);
int32x4_t vacc${ABC[0:4]} = vmlaq_s32(vy_bias, vmovl_s16(vget_low_s16(vex${ABC[0:8]})), vx_multiplier);
int32x4_t vacc${ABC[4:8]} = vmlaq_s32(vy_bias, vmovl_s16(vget_high_s16(vex${ABC[0:8]})), vx_multiplier);
vacc${ABC[0:4]} = vsraq_n_s32(vacc${ABC[0:4]}, vbicq_s32(vacc${ABC[0:4]}, vzero_shift_mask), 31);
vacc${ABC[4:8]} = vsraq_n_s32(vacc${ABC[4:8]}, vbicq_s32(vacc${ABC[4:8]}, vzero_shift_mask), 31);
vacc${ABC[0:4]} = vrshlq_s32(vacc${ABC[0:4]}, vright_shift);
vacc${ABC[4:8]} = vrshlq_s32(vacc${ABC[4:8]}, vright_shift);
const int16x8_t vacc${ABC[0:8]} = vqaddq_s16(vcombine_s16(vqmovn_s32(vacc${ABC[0:4]}), vqmovn_s32(vacc${ABC[4:8]})), voutput_zero_point);
int8x8_t vout${ABC[0:8]} = vqmovn_s16(vacc${ABC[0:8]});
vout${ABC[0:8]} = vmax_s8(vout${ABC[0:8]}, vget_low_s8(voutput_min));
vout${ABC[0:8]} = vmin_s8(vout${ABC[0:8]}, vget_low_s8(voutput_max));
$if BATCH_TILE > 8:
if XNN_LIKELY(n >= (8 * sizeof(int8_t))) {
vst1_s8(output, vout${ABC[0:8]}); output += 8;
n -= 8 * sizeof(int8_t);
} else {
if (n & (4 * sizeof(int8_t))) {
vst1_lane_u32(__builtin_assume_aligned(output, 1), vreinterpret_u32_s8(vout${ABC[0:8]}), 0); output += 4;
vout${ABC[0:8]} = vext_s8(vout${ABC[0:8]}, vout${ABC[0:8]}, 4);
if (n & (2 * sizeof(int8_t))) {
vst1_lane_u16(__builtin_assume_aligned(output, 1), vreinterpret_u16_s8(vout${ABC[0:8]}), 0); output += 2;
vout${ABC[0:8]} = vext_s8(vout${ABC[0:8]}, vout${ABC[0:8]}, 2);
if (n & (1 * sizeof(int8_t))) {
vst1_lane_s8(output, vout${ABC[0:8]}, 0);
n = 0;
if (n & (4 * sizeof(int8_t))) {
vst1_lane_u32(__builtin_assume_aligned(output, 1), vreinterpret_u32_s8(vout${ABC[0:8]}), 0); output += 4;
vout${ABC[0:8]} = vext_s8(vout${ABC[0:8]}, vout${ABC[0:8]}, 4);
if (n & (2 * sizeof(int8_t))) {
vst1_lane_u16(__builtin_assume_aligned(output, 1), vreinterpret_u16_s8(vout${ABC[0:8]}), 0); output += 2;
vout${ABC[0:8]} = vext_s8(vout${ABC[0:8]}, vout${ABC[0:8]}, 2);
if (n & (1 * sizeof(int8_t))) {
vst1_lane_s8(output, vout${ABC[0:8]}, 0);
}${" while (n != 0);" if BATCH_TILE > 8 else ""}