blob: b25943d50680966b6f184beadf6f77d861e34c9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <xnnpack.h>
#define XNN_MAX_INPUTS 3
struct xnn_shape {
size_t num_dims;
size_t dim[XNN_MAX_TENSOR_DIMS];
enum xnn_value_type {
xnn_value_type_invalid = 0,
xnn_value_type_dense_tensor = 1,
/// Abstraction for a collections of elements produced and consumed by nodes.
struct xnn_value {
/// Unique ID for the value.
uint32_t id;
/// Type of the collection of elements.
/// Currently only dense tensors are supported.
/// Other types (e.g. sparse tensors) might be supported in the future.
enum xnn_value_type type;
/// Type of elements in the collection.
enum xnn_datatype datatype;
/// Tensor shape.
struct xnn_shape shape;
/// Binary features of the tensor. Supported values are any combination of:
uint32_t flags;
/// Static initialization data. Must be null for non-static values.
const void* data;
struct xnn_blob {
/// Size in bytes.
size_t size;
/// Data pointer.
void* data;
bool external;
enum xnn_node_type {
xnn_node_type_invalid = 0,
struct xnn_node {
enum xnn_node_type type;
uint32_t id;
/// Static parameters of the operator node.
union {
struct {
uint32_t input_padding_top;
uint32_t input_padding_right;
uint32_t input_padding_bottom;
uint32_t input_padding_left;
uint32_t kernel_height;
uint32_t kernel_width;
uint32_t subsampling_height;
uint32_t subsampling_width;
uint32_t dilation_height;
uint32_t dilation_width;
uint32_t groups;
size_t group_input_channels;
size_t group_output_channels;
} convolution_2d;
struct {
uint32_t input_padding_top;
uint32_t input_padding_right;
uint32_t input_padding_bottom;
uint32_t input_padding_left;
uint32_t kernel_height;
uint32_t kernel_width;
uint32_t subsampling_height;
uint32_t subsampling_width;
uint32_t dilation_height;
uint32_t dilation_width;
uint32_t depth_multiplier;
size_t input_channels;
} depthwise_convolution_2d;
} params;
struct {
float output_min;
float output_max;
} activation;
/// Value IDs for node inputs.
union {
uint32_t raw[XNN_MAX_INPUTS];
struct {
uint32_t input;
uint32_t filter;
uint32_t bias;
} convolution_2d;
} inputs;
uint32_t num_inputs;
/// Value IDs for node outputs.
union {
struct {
uint32_t output;
} convolution_2d;
uint32_t raw[XNN_MAX_OUTPUTS];
} outputs;
uint32_t num_outputs;
uint32_t flags;
struct xnn_operator_data {
xnn_operator_t op;
size_t batch_size;
size_t input_height;
size_t input_width;
struct xnn_shape shape1;
struct xnn_shape shape2;
uint32_t inputs[XNN_MAX_RUNTIME_INPUTS];
uint32_t outputs[XNN_MAX_RUNTIME_OUTPUTS];
struct xnn_subgraph {
/// Number of Value IDs reserved for communication with external graph representation.
/// Values created during subgraph transformation avoid using IDs in [0, reserved_value_ids-1] range.
uint32_t external_value_ids;
uint32_t num_reserved_values;
uint32_t num_values;
struct xnn_value* values;
uint32_t num_reserved_nodes;
uint32_t num_nodes;
struct xnn_node* nodes;
/// Runtime is a combination of an execution plan for subgraph Nodes and a memory manager for subgraph Values.
struct xnn_runtime {
uint32_t num_external_values;
/// List of operators in the execution plan, in execution order.
struct xnn_operator_data* ops;
/// Number of operators in the execution plan.
size_t num_ops;
struct xnn_blob* blobs;
size_t num_blobs;
void* workspace;
pthreadpool_t threadpool;
struct xnn_value* xnn_subgraph_new_internal_value(xnn_subgraph_t subgraph);
struct xnn_node* xnn_subgraph_new_node(xnn_subgraph_t subgraph);
size_t xnn_tensor_get_size(
xnn_subgraph_t subgraph,
uint32_t value_id);