blob: 9ab2fca5e3fbc172bd332acb7b854ea86a6612fb [file] [log] [blame]
#include "../test.h"
SCENARIO("schedule_periodically", "[!hide][periodically][scheduler][long][perf][sources]"){
WHEN("the period is 1sec and the initial is 2sec"){
using namespace std::chrono;
int c = 0;
auto sc = rxsc::make_current_thread();
auto w = sc.create_worker();
auto start = + seconds(2);
auto period = seconds(1);
w.schedule_periodically(start, period,
[=, &c](rxsc::schedulable scbl){
auto nsDelta = duration_cast<milliseconds>( - (start + (period * c)));
std::cout << "schedule_periodically : period " << c << ", " << nsDelta.count() << "ms delta from target time" << std::endl;
if (c == 5) {scbl.unsubscribe();}
SCENARIO("schedule_periodically by duration", "[!hide][periodically][scheduler][long][perf][sources]"){
WHEN("the period is 1sec and the initial is 2sec"){
using namespace std::chrono;
typedef steady_clock clock;
int c = 0;
auto sc = rxsc::make_current_thread();
auto w = sc.create_worker();
auto schedule_periodically_duration = [w](
rxsc::current_thread::clock_type::duration initial,
rxsc::current_thread::clock_type::duration period,
rxsc::schedulable activity){
auto periodic = rxsc::make_schedulable(
[period, activity](rxsc::schedulable self) {
auto start = clock::now();
// any recursion requests will be pushed to the scheduler queue
rxsc::recursion r(false);
// call action
auto finish = clock::now();
// schedule next occurance (if the action took longer than 'period' target will be in the past)
self.schedule(period - (finish - start));
w.schedule(initial, periodic);
auto start = + seconds(2);
auto period = seconds(1);
schedule_periodically_duration(seconds(2), period,
rxsc::make_schedulable(w, [=, &c](rxsc::schedulable scbl){
auto nsDelta = duration_cast<milliseconds>( - (start + (period * c)));
std::cout << "schedule_periodically_duration : period " << c << ", " << nsDelta.count() << "ms delta from target time" << std::endl;
if (c == 5) {scbl.unsubscribe();}
SCENARIO("intervals", "[!hide][periodically][interval][scheduler][long][perf][sources]"){
GIVEN("10 intervals of 1 seconds"){
WHEN("the period is 1sec and the initial is 2sec"){
using namespace std::chrono;
int c = 0;
auto sc = rxsc::make_current_thread();
auto so = rx::synchronize_in_one_worker(sc);
auto start = + seconds(2);
auto period = seconds(1);
rx::composite_subscription cs;
rx::observable<>::interval(start, period, so)
[=, &c](long counter){
auto nsDelta = duration_cast<milliseconds>( - (start + (period * (counter - 1))));
c = counter - 1;
std::cout << "interval : period " << counter << ", " << nsDelta.count() << "ms delta from target time" << std::endl;
if (counter == 5) {cs.unsubscribe();}