Remove duplicate bufferreadwriterect compatibility test (#541)

The only diff between the main and compatibility versions of the test
is that the region overlap check was fixed in the main one (see
487c4696ff070e1a3cb23dbb08096d3f4ef11fe3 in Gitlab).

Contributes to #494

Signed-off-by: Kevin Petit <>
diff --git a/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/CMakeLists.txt b/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/CMakeLists.txt
index f6dc173..03cef4e 100644
--- a/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
-    test_bufferreadwriterect.c
 set(${MODULE_NAME}_LIBS harness-compat)
diff --git a/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/main.c b/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/main.c
index 38646b8..a6b4a85 100644
--- a/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/main.c
+++ b/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/main.c
@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
     ADD_TEST( sizeof ),
     ADD_TEST( readimage ),
     ADD_TEST( writeimage ),
-    ADD_TEST( bufferreadwriterect ),
 const int test_num = ARRAY_SIZE( test_list );
diff --git a/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/test_bufferreadwriterect.c b/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/test_bufferreadwriterect.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 025f65e..0000000
--- a/test_conformance/compatibility/test_conformance/basic/test_bufferreadwriterect.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "harness/compat.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include "procs.h"
-#define CL_EXIT_ERROR(cmd,format,...)                \
-{                                \
-if ((cmd) != CL_SUCCESS) {                    \
-log_error("CL ERROR: %s %u: ", __FILE__,__LINE__);    \
-log_error(format,## __VA_ARGS__ );            \
-log_error("\n");                        \
-/*abort();*/                \
-}                                \
-typedef unsigned char BufferType;
-// Globals for test
-cl_command_queue queue;
-// Width and height of each pair of images.
-enum { TotalImages = 8 };
-size_t width  [TotalImages];
-size_t height [TotalImages];
-size_t depth  [TotalImages];
-// cl buffer and host buffer.
-cl_mem buffer [TotalImages];
-BufferType* verify[TotalImages];
-BufferType* backing[TotalImages];
-// Temporary buffer used for read and write operations.
-BufferType* tmp_buffer;
-size_t tmp_buffer_size;
-size_t num_tries   = 50; // Number of randomly selected operations to perform.
-size_t alloc_scale = 2;   // Scale term applied buffer allocation size.
-MTdata mt;
-// Initialize a buffer in host memory containing random values of the specified size.
-static void initialize_image(BufferType* ptr, size_t w, size_t h, size_t d, MTdata mt)
-    enum { ElementSize = sizeof(BufferType)/sizeof(unsigned char) };
-    unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)ptr;
-    size_t size = w*h*d*ElementSize;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i != size; i++) {
-        buf[i] = (unsigned char)(genrand_int32(mt) % 0xff);
-    }
-// This function prints the contents of a buffer to standard error.
-void print_buffer(BufferType* buf, size_t w, size_t h, size_t d) {
-    log_error("Size = %lux%lux%lu (%lu total)\n",w,h,d,w*h*d);
-    for (unsigned k=0; k!=d;++k) {
-        log_error("Slice: %u\n",k);
-        for (unsigned j=0; j!=h;++j) {
-            for (unsigned i=0;i!=w;++i) {
-                log_error("%02x",buf[k*(w*h)+j*w+i]);
-            }
-            log_error("\n");
-        }
-        log_error("\n");
-    }
-// Returns true if the two specified regions overlap.
-bool check_overlap(const size_t src_offset[3], const size_t dst_offset[3], const size_t region[3]) {
-    const size_t src_min[] = {src_offset[0], src_offset[1], src_offset[2]};
-    const size_t src_max[] = {src_offset[0]+region[0], src_offset[1]+region[1], src_offset[2]+region[2]};
-    const size_t dst_min[] = {dst_offset[0], dst_offset[1], dst_offset[2]};
-    const size_t dst_max[] = {dst_offset[0]+region[0], dst_offset[1]+region[1], dst_offset[2]+region[2]};
-    // Check for overlap, using the span space formulation.
-    bool overlap = true;
-    unsigned i;
-    for (i=0; i != 3; ++i) {
-        overlap = overlap && (src_min[i] < dst_max[i]) && (src_max[i] > dst_min[i]);
-    }
-    return overlap;
-// This function invokes the CopyBufferRect CL command and then mirrors the operation on the host side verify buffers.
-int copy_region(size_t src, size_t soffset[3], size_t sregion[3], size_t dst, size_t doffset[3], size_t dregion[3]) {
-    // Copy between cl buffers.
-    size_t src_slice_pitch = (width[src]*height[src] != 1) ? width[src]*height[src] : 0;
-    size_t dst_slice_pitch = (width[dst]*height[dst] != 1) ? width[dst]*height[dst] : 0;
-    cl_int err;
-    if (check_overlap(soffset,doffset,sregion)) {
-        log_info( "Copy overlap reported, skipping copy buffer rect\n" );
-        return CL_SUCCESS;
-    } else {
-        if ((err = clEnqueueCopyBufferRect(queue,
-                                         buffer[src],buffer[dst],
-                                         soffset, doffset,
-                                         sregion,/*dregion,*/
-                                         width[src], src_slice_pitch,
-                                         width[dst], dst_slice_pitch,
-                                         0, NULL, NULL)) != CL_SUCCESS)
-        {
-            CL_EXIT_ERROR(err, "clEnqueueCopyBufferRect failed between %u and %u",(unsigned)src,(unsigned)dst);
-        }
-    }
-    // Copy between host buffers.
-    size_t total = sregion[0] * sregion[1] * sregion[2];
-    size_t spitch = width[src];
-    size_t sslice = width[src]*height[src];
-    size_t dpitch = width[dst];
-    size_t dslice = width[dst]*height[dst];
-    for (size_t i = 0; i != total; ++i) {
-        // Compute the coordinates of the element within the source and destination regions.
-        size_t rslice = sregion[0]*sregion[1];
-        size_t sz = i / rslice;
-        size_t sy = (i % rslice) / sregion[0];
-        size_t sx = (i % rslice) % sregion[0];
-        size_t dz = sz;
-        size_t dy = sy;
-        size_t dx = sx;
-        // Compute the offset in bytes of the source and destination.
-        size_t s_idx = (soffset[2]+sz)*sslice + (soffset[1]+sy)*spitch + soffset[0]+sx;
-        size_t d_idx = (doffset[2]+dz)*dslice + (doffset[1]+dy)*dpitch + doffset[0]+dx;
-        verify[dst][d_idx] = verify[src][s_idx];
-    }
-    return 0;
-// This function compares the destination region in the buffer pointed
-// to by device, to the source region of the specified verify buffer.
-int verify_region(BufferType* device, size_t src, size_t soffset[3], size_t sregion[3], size_t dst, size_t doffset[3]) {
-    // Copy between host buffers.
-    size_t spitch = width[src];
-    size_t sslice = width[src]*height[src];
-    size_t dpitch = width[dst];
-    size_t dslice = width[dst]*height[dst];
-    size_t total = sregion[0] * sregion[1] * sregion[2];
-    for (size_t i = 0; i != total; ++i) {
-        // Compute the coordinates of the element within the source and destination regions.
-        size_t rslice = sregion[0]*sregion[1];
-        size_t sz = i / rslice;
-        size_t sy = (i % rslice) / sregion[0];
-        size_t sx = (i % rslice) % sregion[0];
-        // Compute the offset in bytes of the source and destination.
-        size_t s_idx = (soffset[2]+sz)*sslice + (soffset[1]+sy)*spitch + soffset[0]+sx;
-        size_t d_idx = (doffset[2]+sz)*dslice + (doffset[1]+sy)*dpitch + doffset[0]+sx;
-        if (device[d_idx] != verify[src][s_idx]) {
-            log_error("Verify failed on comparsion %lu: coordinate (%lu, %lu, %lu) of region\n",i,sx,sy,sz);
-            log_error("0x%02x != 0x%02x\n", device[d_idx], verify[src][s_idx]);
-#if 0
-            // Uncomment this section to print buffers.
-            log_error("Device (copy): [%lu]\n",dst);
-            print_buffer(device,width[dst],height[dst],depth[dst]);
-            log_error("\n");
-            log_error("Verify: [%lu]\n",src);
-            print_buffer(verify[src],width[src],height[src],depth[src]);
-            log_error("\n");
-            abort();
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
-// This function invokes ReadBufferRect to read a region from the
-// specified source buffer into a temporary destination buffer. The
-// contents of the temporary buffer are then compared to the source
-// region of the corresponding verify buffer.
-int read_verify_region(size_t src, size_t soffset[3], size_t sregion[3], size_t dst, size_t doffset[3], size_t dregion[3]) {
-    // Clear the temporary destination host buffer.
-    memset(tmp_buffer, 0xff, tmp_buffer_size);
-    size_t src_slice_pitch = (width[src]*height[src] != 1) ? width[src]*height[src] : 0;
-    size_t dst_slice_pitch = (width[dst]*height[dst] != 1) ? width[dst]*height[dst] : 0;
-    // Copy the source region of the cl buffer, to the destination region of the temporary buffer.
-    CL_EXIT_ERROR(clEnqueueReadBufferRect(queue,
-                                          buffer[src],
-                                          CL_TRUE,
-                                          soffset,doffset,
-                                          sregion,
-                                          width[src], src_slice_pitch,
-                                          width[dst], dst_slice_pitch,
-                                          tmp_buffer,
-                                          0, NULL, NULL), "clEnqueueCopyBufferRect failed between %u and %u",(unsigned)src,(unsigned)dst);
-    return verify_region(tmp_buffer,src,soffset,sregion,dst,doffset);
-// This function performs the same verification check as
-// read_verify_region, except a MapBuffer command is used to access the
-// device buffer data instead of a ReadBufferRect, and the whole
-// buffer is checked.
-int map_verify_region(size_t src) {
-    size_t size_bytes = width[src]*height[src]*depth[src]*sizeof(BufferType);
-    // Copy the source region of the cl buffer, to the destination region of the temporary buffer.
-    cl_int err;
-    BufferType* mapped = (BufferType*)clEnqueueMapBuffer(queue,buffer[src],CL_TRUE,CL_MAP_READ,0,size_bytes,0,NULL,NULL,&err);
-    CL_EXIT_ERROR(err, "clEnqueueMapBuffer failed for buffer %u",(unsigned)src);
-    size_t soffset[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
-    size_t sregion[] = { width[src], height[src], depth[src] };
-    int ret = verify_region(mapped,src,soffset,sregion,src,soffset);
-    CL_EXIT_ERROR(clEnqueueUnmapMemObject(queue,buffer[src],mapped,0,NULL,NULL),
-                  "clEnqueueUnmapMemObject failed for buffer %u",(unsigned)src);
-    return ret;
-// This function generates a new temporary buffer and then writes a
-// region of it to a region in the specified destination buffer.
-int write_region(size_t src, size_t soffset[3], size_t sregion[3], size_t dst, size_t doffset[3], size_t dregion[3]) {
-    initialize_image(tmp_buffer, tmp_buffer_size, 1, 1, mt);
-    // memset(tmp_buffer, 0xf0, tmp_buffer_size);
-    size_t src_slice_pitch = (width[src]*height[src] != 1) ? width[src]*height[src] : 0;
-    size_t dst_slice_pitch = (width[dst]*height[dst] != 1) ? width[dst]*height[dst] : 0;
-    // Copy the source region of the cl buffer, to the destination region of the temporary buffer.
-    CL_EXIT_ERROR(clEnqueueWriteBufferRect(queue,
-                                           buffer[dst],
-                                           CL_TRUE,
-                                           doffset,soffset,
-    /*sregion,*/dregion,
-                                           width[dst], dst_slice_pitch,
-                                           width[src], src_slice_pitch,
-                                           tmp_buffer,
-                                           0, NULL, NULL), "clEnqueueWriteBufferRect failed between %u and %u",(unsigned)src,(unsigned)dst);
-    // Copy from the temporary buffer to the host buffer.
-    size_t spitch = width[src];
-    size_t sslice = width[src]*height[src];
-    size_t dpitch = width[dst];
-    size_t dslice = width[dst]*height[dst];
-    size_t total = sregion[0] * sregion[1] * sregion[2];
-    for (size_t i = 0; i != total; ++i) {
-        // Compute the coordinates of the element within the source and destination regions.
-        size_t rslice = sregion[0]*sregion[1];
-        size_t sz = i / rslice;
-        size_t sy = (i % rslice) / sregion[0];
-        size_t sx = (i % rslice) % sregion[0];
-        size_t dz = sz;
-        size_t dy = sy;
-        size_t dx = sx;
-        // Compute the offset in bytes of the source and destination.
-        size_t s_idx = (soffset[2]+sz)*sslice + (soffset[1]+sy)*spitch + soffset[0]+sx;
-        size_t d_idx = (doffset[2]+dz)*dslice + (doffset[1]+dy)*dpitch + doffset[0]+dx;
-        verify[dst][d_idx] = tmp_buffer[s_idx];
-    }
-    return 0;
-void CL_CALLBACK mem_obj_destructor_callback( cl_mem, void *data )
-    free( data );
-// This is the main test function for the conformance test.
-test_bufferreadwriterect(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue_, int num_elements)
-    queue = queue_;
-    cl_int err;
-    // Initialize the random number generator.
-    mt = init_genrand( gRandomSeed );
-    // Compute a maximum buffer size based on the number of test images and the device maximum.
-    cl_ulong max_mem_alloc_size = 0;
-    CL_EXIT_ERROR(clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof(cl_ulong), &max_mem_alloc_size, NULL),"Could not get device info");
-    log_info("CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE = %llu bytes.\n", max_mem_alloc_size);
-    // Confirm that the maximum allocation size is not zero.
-    if (max_mem_alloc_size == 0) {
-        log_error("Error: CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE is zero bytes\n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    // Guess at a reasonable maximum dimension.
-    size_t max_mem_alloc_dim = (size_t)cbrt((double)(max_mem_alloc_size/sizeof(BufferType)))/alloc_scale;
-    if (max_mem_alloc_dim == 0) {
-        max_mem_alloc_dim = max_mem_alloc_size;
-    }
-    log_info("Using maximum dimension      = %lu.\n", max_mem_alloc_dim);
-    // Create pairs of cl buffers and host buffers on which operations will be mirrored.
-    log_info("Creating %u pairs of random sized host and cl buffers.\n", TotalImages);
-    size_t max_size = 0;
-    size_t total_bytes = 0;
-    for (unsigned i=0; i != TotalImages; ++i) {
-        // Determine a width and height for this buffer.
-        size_t size_bytes;
-        size_t tries = 0;
-        size_t max_tries = 1048576;
-        do {
-            width[i]   = get_random_size_t(1, max_mem_alloc_dim, mt);
-            height[i]  = get_random_size_t(1, max_mem_alloc_dim, mt);
-            depth[i]   = get_random_size_t(1, max_mem_alloc_dim, mt);
-            ++tries;
-        } while ((tries < max_tries) && (size_bytes = width[i]*height[i]*depth[i]*sizeof(BufferType)) > max_mem_alloc_size);
-        // Check to see if adequately sized buffers were found.
-        if (tries >= max_tries) {
-            log_error("Error: Could not find random buffer sized less than %llu bytes in %lu tries.\n",
-                      max_mem_alloc_size, max_tries);
-            return -1;
-        }
-        // Keep track of the dimensions of the largest buffer.
-        max_size = (size_bytes > max_size) ? size_bytes : max_size;
-        total_bytes += size_bytes;
-        log_info("Buffer[%u] is (%lu,%lu,%lu) = %lu MB (truncated)\n",i,width[i],height[i],depth[i],(size_bytes)/1048576);
-    }
-    log_info( "Total size: %lu MB (truncated)\n", total_bytes/1048576 );
-    // Allocate a temporary buffer for read and write operations.
-    tmp_buffer_size  = max_size;
-    tmp_buffer = (BufferType*)malloc(tmp_buffer_size);
-    // Initialize cl buffers
-    log_info( "Initializing buffers\n" );
-    for (unsigned i=0; i != TotalImages; ++i) {
-        size_t size_bytes = width[i]*height[i]*depth[i]*sizeof(BufferType);
-        // Allocate a host copy of the buffer for verification.
-        verify[i] = (BufferType*)malloc(size_bytes);
-        CL_EXIT_ERROR(verify[i] ? CL_SUCCESS : -1, "malloc of host buffer failed for buffer %u", i);
-        // Allocate the buffer in host memory.
-        backing[i] = (BufferType*)malloc(size_bytes);
-        CL_EXIT_ERROR(backing[i] ? CL_SUCCESS : -1, "malloc of backing buffer failed for buffer %u", i);
-        // Generate a random buffer.
-        log_info( "Initializing buffer %u\n", i );
-        initialize_image(verify[i], width[i], height[i], depth[i], mt);
-        // Copy the image into a buffer which will passed to CL.
-        memcpy(backing[i], verify[i], size_bytes);
-        // Create the CL buffer.
-        buffer[i] = clCreateBuffer (context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_bytes, backing[i], &err);
-        CL_EXIT_ERROR(err,"clCreateBuffer failed for buffer %u", i);
-        // Make sure buffer is cleaned up appropriately if we encounter an error in the rest of the calls.
-        err = clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback( buffer[i], mem_obj_destructor_callback, backing[i] );
-        CL_EXIT_ERROR(err, "Unable to set mem object destructor callback" );
-    }
-    // Main test loop, run num_tries times.
-    log_info( "Executing %u test operations selected at random.\n", (unsigned)num_tries );
-    for (size_t iter = 0; iter < num_tries; ++iter) {
-        // Determine a source and a destination.
-        size_t src = get_random_size_t(0,TotalImages,mt);
-        size_t dst = get_random_size_t(0,TotalImages,mt);
-        // Determine the minimum dimensions.
-        size_t min_width = width[src] < width[dst] ? width[src] : width[dst];
-        size_t min_height = height[src] < height[dst] ? height[src] : height[dst];
-        size_t min_depth = depth[src] < depth[dst] ? depth[src] : depth[dst];
-        // Generate a random source rectangle within the minimum dimensions.
-        size_t mx = get_random_size_t(0, min_width-1, mt);
-        size_t my = get_random_size_t(0, min_height-1, mt);
-        size_t mz = get_random_size_t(0, min_depth-1, mt);
-        size_t sw = get_random_size_t(1, (min_width - mx), mt);
-        size_t sh = get_random_size_t(1, (min_height - my), mt);
-        size_t sd = get_random_size_t(1, (min_depth - mz), mt);
-        size_t sx = get_random_size_t(0, width[src]-sw, mt);
-        size_t sy = get_random_size_t(0, height[src]-sh, mt);
-        size_t sz = get_random_size_t(0, depth[src]-sd, mt);
-        size_t soffset[] = { sx, sy, sz };
-        size_t sregion[] = { sw, sh, sd };
-        // Generate a destination rectangle of the same size.
-        size_t dw = sw;
-        size_t dh = sh;
-        size_t dd = sd;
-        // Generate a random destination offset within the buffer.
-        size_t dx = get_random_size_t(0, (width[dst] - dw), mt);
-        size_t dy = get_random_size_t(0, (height[dst] - dh), mt);
-        size_t dz = get_random_size_t(0, (depth[dst] - dd), mt);
-        size_t doffset[] = { dx, dy, dz };
-        size_t dregion[] = { dw, dh, dd };
-        // Execute one of three operations:
-        // - Copy: Copies between src and dst within each set of host, buffer, and images.
-        // - Read & verify: Reads src region from buffer and image, and compares to host.
-        // - Write: Generates new buffer with src dimensions, and writes to cl buffer and image.
-        enum { TotalOperations = 3 };
-        size_t operation = get_random_size_t(0,TotalOperations,mt);
-        switch (operation) {
-            case 0:
-                log_info("%lu Copy %lu offset (%lu,%lu,%lu) -> %lu offset (%lu,%lu,%lu) region (%lux%lux%lu = %lu)\n",
-                         iter,
-                         src, soffset[0], soffset[1], soffset[2],
-                         dst, doffset[0], doffset[1], doffset[2],
-                         sregion[0], sregion[1], sregion[2],
-                         sregion[0]*sregion[1]*sregion[2]);
-                if ((err = copy_region(src, soffset, sregion, dst, doffset, dregion)))
-                    return err;
-                break;
-            case 1:
-                log_info("%lu Read %lu offset (%lu,%lu,%lu) -> %lu offset (%lu,%lu,%lu) region (%lux%lux%lu = %lu)\n",
-                         iter,
-                         src, soffset[0], soffset[1], soffset[2],
-                         dst, doffset[0], doffset[1], doffset[2],
-                         sregion[0], sregion[1], sregion[2],
-                         sregion[0]*sregion[1]*sregion[2]);
-                if ((err = read_verify_region(src, soffset, sregion, dst, doffset, dregion)))
-                    return err;
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                log_info("%lu Write %lu offset (%lu,%lu,%lu) -> %lu offset (%lu,%lu,%lu) region (%lux%lux%lu = %lu)\n",
-                         iter,
-                         src, soffset[0], soffset[1], soffset[2],
-                         dst, doffset[0], doffset[1], doffset[2],
-                         sregion[0], sregion[1], sregion[2],
-                         sregion[0]*sregion[1]*sregion[2]);
-                if ((err = write_region(src, soffset, sregion, dst, doffset, dregion)))
-                    return err;
-                break;
-        }
-#if 0
-        // Uncomment this section to verify each operation.
-        // If commented out, verification won't occur until the end of the
-        // test, and it will not be possible to determine which operation failed.
-        log_info("Verify src %lu offset (%u,%u,%u) region (%lux%lux%lu)\n", src, 0, 0, 0, width[src], height[src], depth[src]);
-        if (err = map_verify_region(src))
-            return err;
-        log_info("Verify dst %lu offset (%u,%u,%u) region (%lux%lux%lu)\n", dst, 0, 0, 0, width[dst], height[dst], depth[dst]);
-        if (err = map_verify_region(dst))
-            return err;
-    } // end main for loop.
-    for (unsigned i=0;i<TotalImages;++i) {
-        log_info("Verify %u offset (%u,%u,%u) region (%lux%lux%lu)\n", i, 0, 0, 0, width[i], height[i], depth[i]);
-        if ((err = map_verify_region(i)))
-            return err;
-    }
-    // Clean-up.
-    free_mtdata(mt);
-    for (unsigned i=0;i<TotalImages;++i) {
-        free( verify[i] );
-        clReleaseMemObject( buffer[i] );
-    }
-    free( tmp_buffer );
-    if (!err) {
-        log_info("RECT read, write test passed\n");
-    }
-    return err;