blob: 5d5c288306792433a3d537812c6ee78c3750bc80 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "../testBase.h"
int test_read_image_1D_array(cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue,
image_descriptor *imageInfo, MTdata d,
cl_mem_flags flags)
int error;
clMemWrapper image;
// Generate some data to test against
BufferOwningPtr<char> imageValues;
generate_random_image_data( imageInfo, imageValues, d );
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " - Creating %s image array of size %d by %d...\n", gTestMipmaps?"mipmapped":"", (int)imageInfo->width, (int)imageInfo->arraySize );
if( gTestMipmaps )
log_info( " with %llu mip levels\n", (unsigned long long) imageInfo->num_mip_levels );
// Construct testing sources
image = create_image_1d_array(context, flags, imageInfo->format,
imageInfo->width, imageInfo->arraySize, 0,
0, NULL, &error);
if( image == NULL )
log_error( "ERROR: Unable to create 1D image array of size %d x %d (%s)", (int)imageInfo->width, (int)imageInfo->arraySize, IGetErrorString( error ) );
return -1;
cl_image_desc image_desc = {0};
image_desc.image_type = CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D_ARRAY;
image_desc.image_width = imageInfo->width;
image_desc.image_array_size = imageInfo->arraySize;
image_desc.num_mip_levels = imageInfo->num_mip_levels;
image = clCreateImage(context, flags, imageInfo->format, &image_desc,
NULL, &error);
if( error != CL_SUCCESS )
log_error( "ERROR: Unable to create %d level mipmapped 1D image of width %d and array size %d (pitch %d ) (%s)",(int)imageInfo->num_mip_levels, (int)imageInfo->width, (int)imageInfo->arraySize, (int)imageInfo->rowPitch, IGetErrorString( error ) );
return error;
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " - Writing image...\n" );
size_t origin[ 3 ] = { 0, 0, 0 };
size_t region[ 3 ] = { 0, 0, 1 };
size_t fullImageSize;
if( gTestMipmaps )
fullImageSize = (size_t)compute_mipmapped_image_size( *imageInfo );
fullImageSize = imageInfo->arraySize * imageInfo->slicePitch;
size_t imgValMipLevelOffset = 0;
BufferOwningPtr<char> resultValues(malloc(fullImageSize));
for( size_t lod = 0; (gTestMipmaps && lod < imageInfo->num_mip_levels) || (!gTestMipmaps && lod < 1); lod++)
float lod_float = (float) lod;
size_t width_lod, row_pitch_lod, slice_pitch_lod;
if( gTestMipmaps )
origin[2] = lod;
width_lod = (imageInfo->width >> lod) ? (imageInfo->width >> lod) : 1;
row_pitch_lod = gTestMipmaps ? (width_lod * get_pixel_size( imageInfo->format )): imageInfo->rowPitch;
slice_pitch_lod = row_pitch_lod;
region[0] = width_lod;
region[1] = imageInfo->arraySize;
if ( gDebugTrace && gTestMipmaps )
log_info("Working at mip level %llu\n", (unsigned long long) lod);
error = clEnqueueWriteImage(queue, image, CL_FALSE,
origin, region, ( gEnablePitch ? row_pitch_lod : 0 ), 0,
(char*)imageValues + imgValMipLevelOffset, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (error != CL_SUCCESS) {
log_error( "ERROR: Unable to write to 1D image array of width %d and size %d\n", (int)width_lod, (int)imageInfo->arraySize );
return -1;
// To verify, we just read the results right back and see whether they match the input
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " - Initing result array...\n" );
// Note: we read back without any pitch, to verify pitch actually WORKED
size_t scanlineSize = width_lod * get_pixel_size( imageInfo->format );
size_t imageSize = scanlineSize * imageInfo->arraySize;
memset( resultValues, 0xff, imageSize );
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " - Reading results...\n" );
error = clEnqueueReadImage( queue, image, CL_TRUE, origin, region, 0, 0, resultValues, 0, NULL, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to read image values" );
// Verify scanline by scanline, since the pitches are different
char *sourcePtr = (char *)imageValues + imgValMipLevelOffset;
char *destPtr = resultValues;
for( size_t y = 0; y < imageInfo->arraySize; y++ )
if( memcmp( sourcePtr, destPtr, scanlineSize ) != 0 )
log_error( "ERROR: Image array index %d did not verify for image size %d,%d pitch %d (extra %d bytes)\n", (int)y, (int)width_lod, (int)imageInfo->arraySize, (int)row_pitch_lod, (int)row_pitch_lod - (int)width_lod * (int)get_pixel_size( imageInfo->format ) );
log_error( "First few values: \n" );
log_error( " Input: " );
uint32_t *s = (uint32_t *)sourcePtr;
uint32_t *d = (uint32_t *)destPtr;
for( int q = 0; q < 12; q++ )
log_error( "%08x ", s[ q ] );
log_error( "\nOutput: " );
for( int q = 0; q < 12; q++ )
log_error( "%08x ", d[ q ] );
log_error( "\n" );
int outX, outY;
int offset = (int)get_pixel_size( imageInfo->format ) * (int)( width_lod - 16 );
if( offset < 0 )
offset = 0;
int foundCount = debug_find_vector_in_image( imageValues + imgValMipLevelOffset, imageInfo, destPtr + offset, get_pixel_size( imageInfo->format ), &outX, &outY, NULL );
if( foundCount > 0 )
int returnedOffset = ( (int)y * (int)width_lod + offset / (int)get_pixel_size( imageInfo->format ) ) - ( outY * (int)width_lod + outX );
if( memcmp( sourcePtr + returnedOffset * get_pixel_size( imageInfo->format ), destPtr, get_pixel_size( imageInfo->format ) * 8 ) == 0 )
log_error( " Values appear to be offsetted by %d\n", returnedOffset );
log_error( " Calculated offset is %d but unable to verify\n", returnedOffset );
log_error( " Unable to determine offset\n" );
return -1;
sourcePtr += row_pitch_lod;
destPtr += scanlineSize;
imgValMipLevelOffset += width_lod * imageInfo->arraySize * get_pixel_size( imageInfo->format );
return 0;
int test_read_image_set_1D_array(cl_device_id device, cl_context context,
cl_command_queue queue,
cl_image_format *format, cl_mem_flags flags)
size_t maxWidth, maxArraySize;
cl_ulong maxAllocSize, memSize;
image_descriptor imageInfo = { 0 };
RandomSeed seed( gRandomSeed );
size_t pixelSize;
imageInfo.format = format;
imageInfo.height = imageInfo.depth = 0;
pixelSize = get_pixel_size( imageInfo.format );
int error = clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE2D_MAX_WIDTH, sizeof( maxWidth ), &maxWidth, NULL );
error |= clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof( maxArraySize ), &maxArraySize, NULL );
error |= clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE, sizeof( maxAllocSize ), &maxAllocSize, NULL );
error |= clGetDeviceInfo( device, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof( memSize ), &memSize, NULL );
test_error( error, "Unable to get max image 2D size from device" );
if (memSize > (cl_ulong)SIZE_MAX) {
memSize = (cl_ulong)SIZE_MAX;
if( gTestSmallImages )
for( imageInfo.width = 1; imageInfo.width < 13; imageInfo.width++ )
imageInfo.rowPitch = imageInfo.width * pixelSize;
imageInfo.slicePitch = imageInfo.rowPitch;
for( imageInfo.arraySize = 2; imageInfo.arraySize < 9; imageInfo.arraySize++ )
if (gTestMipmaps)
imageInfo.num_mip_levels = (cl_uint) random_log_in_range(2, (int)compute_max_mip_levels(imageInfo.width, 0, 0), seed);
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " at size %d,%d\n", (int)imageInfo.width, (int)imageInfo.arraySize );
int ret = test_read_image_1D_array(context, queue, &imageInfo,
seed, flags);
if( ret )
return -1;
else if( gTestMaxImages )
// Try a specific set of maximum sizes
size_t numbeOfSizes;
size_t sizes[100][3];
get_max_sizes(&numbeOfSizes, 100, sizes, maxWidth, 1, 1, maxArraySize, maxAllocSize, memSize, CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE1D_ARRAY, imageInfo.format);
for( size_t idx = 0; idx < numbeOfSizes; idx++ )
imageInfo.width = sizes[idx][0];
imageInfo.arraySize = sizes[idx][2];
imageInfo.rowPitch = imageInfo.width * pixelSize;
imageInfo.slicePitch = imageInfo.rowPitch;
if (gTestMipmaps)
imageInfo.num_mip_levels = (cl_uint) random_log_in_range(2, (int)compute_max_mip_levels(imageInfo.width, 0, 0), seed);
log_info("Testing %d x %d\n", (int)imageInfo.width, (int)imageInfo.arraySize);
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " at max size %d,%d\n", (int)maxWidth, (int)maxArraySize );
if (test_read_image_1D_array(context, queue, &imageInfo, seed,
return -1;
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_IMAGE_ITERATIONS; i++ )
cl_ulong size;
// Loop until we get a size that a) will fit in the max alloc size and b) that an allocation of that
// image, the result array, plus offset arrays, will fit in the global ram space
imageInfo.width = (size_t)random_log_in_range( 16, (int)maxWidth / 32, seed );
imageInfo.arraySize = (size_t)random_log_in_range( 16, (int)maxArraySize / 32, seed );
if (gTestMipmaps)
imageInfo.num_mip_levels = (cl_uint) random_log_in_range(2, (int)compute_max_mip_levels(imageInfo.width, 0, 0), seed);
imageInfo.rowPitch = imageInfo.width * get_pixel_size( imageInfo.format );
imageInfo.slicePitch = imageInfo.rowPitch;
size = compute_mipmapped_image_size( imageInfo );
imageInfo.rowPitch = imageInfo.width * pixelSize;
if( gEnablePitch )
size_t extraWidth = (int)random_log_in_range( 0, 64, seed );
imageInfo.rowPitch += extraWidth * pixelSize;
imageInfo.slicePitch = imageInfo.rowPitch;
size = (size_t)imageInfo.rowPitch * (size_t)imageInfo.arraySize * 4;
} while( size > maxAllocSize || ( size * 3 ) > memSize );
if( gDebugTrace )
log_info( " at size %d,%d (row pitch %d) out of %d,%d\n", (int)imageInfo.width, (int)imageInfo.arraySize, (int)imageInfo.rowPitch, (int)maxWidth, (int)maxArraySize );
int ret = test_read_image_1D_array(context, queue, &imageInfo, seed,
if( ret )
return -1;
return 0;