blob: 099ef34485e77bd9188d3ebf5f34dd905eed12ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
// Common for all OpenCL C++ tests
#include "../common.hpp"
namespace test_workitems {
struct test_options
bool uniform_work_group_size;
size_t max_count;
size_t num_tests;
struct output_type
cl_uint work_dim;
cl_ulong global_size[3];
cl_ulong global_id[3];
cl_ulong local_size[3];
cl_ulong enqueued_local_size[3];
cl_ulong local_id[3];
cl_ulong num_groups[3];
cl_ulong group_id[3];
cl_ulong global_offset[3];
cl_ulong global_linear_id;
cl_ulong local_linear_id;
cl_ulong sub_group_size;
cl_ulong max_sub_group_size;
cl_ulong num_sub_groups;
cl_ulong enqueued_num_sub_groups;
cl_ulong sub_group_id;
cl_ulong sub_group_local_id;
const std::string source_common = R"(
struct output_type
uint work_dim;
ulong global_size[3];
ulong global_id[3];
ulong local_size[3];
ulong enqueued_local_size[3];
ulong local_id[3];
ulong num_groups[3];
ulong group_id[3];
ulong global_offset[3];
ulong global_linear_id;
ulong local_linear_id;
ulong sub_group_size;
ulong max_sub_group_size;
ulong num_sub_groups;
ulong enqueued_num_sub_groups;
ulong sub_group_id;
ulong sub_group_local_id;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------- ONLY FOR OPENCL 22 CONFORMANCE TEST 22 DEVELOPMENT ------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(DEVELOPMENT) && defined(USE_OPENCLC_KERNELS)
const std::string source =
source_common +
#ifdef cl_khr_subgroups
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_subgroups : enable
kernel void test(global struct output_type *output)
const ulong gid = get_global_linear_id();
output[gid].work_dim = get_work_dim();
for (uint dimindx = 0; dimindx < 3; dimindx++)
output[gid].global_size[dimindx] = get_global_size(dimindx);
output[gid].global_id[dimindx] = get_global_id(dimindx);
output[gid].local_size[dimindx] = get_local_size(dimindx);
output[gid].enqueued_local_size[dimindx] = get_enqueued_local_size(dimindx);
output[gid].local_id[dimindx] = get_local_id(dimindx);
output[gid].num_groups[dimindx] = get_num_groups(dimindx);
output[gid].group_id[dimindx] = get_group_id(dimindx);
output[gid].global_offset[dimindx] = get_global_offset(dimindx);
output[gid].global_linear_id = get_global_linear_id();
output[gid].local_linear_id = get_local_linear_id();
#ifdef cl_khr_subgroups
output[gid].sub_group_size = get_sub_group_size();
output[gid].max_sub_group_size = get_max_sub_group_size();
output[gid].num_sub_groups = get_num_sub_groups();
output[gid].enqueued_num_sub_groups = get_enqueued_num_sub_groups();
output[gid].sub_group_id = get_sub_group_id();
output[gid].sub_group_local_id = get_sub_group_local_id();
const std::string source =
#include <opencl_memory>
#include <opencl_work_item>
using namespace cl;
)" +
source_common +
kernel void test(global_ptr<output_type[]> output)
const size_t gid = get_global_linear_id();
output[gid].work_dim = get_work_dim();
for (uint dimindx = 0; dimindx < 3; dimindx++)
output[gid].global_size[dimindx] = get_global_size(dimindx);
output[gid].global_id[dimindx] = get_global_id(dimindx);
output[gid].local_size[dimindx] = get_local_size(dimindx);
output[gid].enqueued_local_size[dimindx] = get_enqueued_local_size(dimindx);
output[gid].local_id[dimindx] = get_local_id(dimindx);
output[gid].num_groups[dimindx] = get_num_groups(dimindx);
output[gid].group_id[dimindx] = get_group_id(dimindx);
output[gid].global_offset[dimindx] = get_global_offset(dimindx);
output[gid].global_linear_id = get_global_linear_id();
output[gid].local_linear_id = get_local_linear_id();
output[gid].sub_group_size = get_sub_group_size();
output[gid].max_sub_group_size = get_max_sub_group_size();
output[gid].num_sub_groups = get_num_sub_groups();
output[gid].enqueued_num_sub_groups = get_enqueued_num_sub_groups();
output[gid].sub_group_id = get_sub_group_id();
output[gid].sub_group_local_id = get_sub_group_local_id();
#define CHECK_EQUAL(result, expected, func_name) \
if (result != expected) \
{ \
"Function %s failed. Expected: %s, got: %s", func_name, \
format_value(expected).c_str(), format_value(result).c_str() \
); \
#define CHECK(expression, func_name) \
if (expression) \
{ \
"Function %s returned incorrect result", func_name \
); \
int test_workitems(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, test_options options)
int error = CL_SUCCESS;
cl_program program;
cl_kernel kernel;
std::string kernel_name = "test";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------- ONLY FOR OPENCL 22 CONFORMANCE TEST 22 DEVELOPMENT ------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Only OpenCL C++ to SPIR-V compilation
error = create_opencl_kernel(
context, &program, &kernel,
source, kernel_name
return error;
// Use OpenCL C kernels instead of OpenCL C++ kernels (test C++ host code)
#elif defined(DEVELOPMENT) && defined(USE_OPENCLC_KERNELS)
error = create_opencl_kernel(
context, &program, &kernel,
source, kernel_name, "-cl-std=CL2.0", false
// Normal run
error = create_opencl_kernel(
context, &program, &kernel,
source, kernel_name
size_t max_work_group_size;
size_t max_local_sizes[3];
error = get_max_allowed_work_group_size(context, kernel, &max_work_group_size, max_local_sizes);
bool check_sub_groups = true;
bool check_sub_groups_limits = true;
#if defined(DEVELOPMENT) && defined(USE_OPENCLC_KERNELS)
check_sub_groups = false;
check_sub_groups_limits = false;
if (is_extension_available(device, "cl_khr_subgroups"))
Version version = get_device_cl_version(device);
check_sub_groups_limits = (version >= Version(2,1)); // clGetKernelSubGroupInfo is from 2.1
check_sub_groups = true;
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> count_dis(1, options.max_count);
for (int test = 0; test < options.num_tests; test++)
for (size_t dim = 1; dim <= 3; dim++)
size_t global_size[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
size_t global_offset[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
size_t enqueued_local_size[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
size_t count = count_dis(gen);
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> global_size_dis(1, static_cast<size_t>(pow(count, 1.0 / dim)));
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> enqueued_local_size_dis(1, max_local_sizes[d]);
global_size[d] = global_size_dis(gen);
global_offset[d] = global_size_dis(gen);
enqueued_local_size[d] = enqueued_local_size_dis(gen);
// Local work size must not exceed CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE for this kernel
while (enqueued_local_size[0] * enqueued_local_size[1] * enqueued_local_size[2] > max_work_group_size)
// otherwise decrease it until it fits
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
enqueued_local_size[d] = (std::max)((size_t)1, enqueued_local_size[d] / 2);
if (options.uniform_work_group_size)
for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++)
global_size[d] = get_uniform_global_size(global_size[d], enqueued_local_size[d]);
count = global_size[0] * global_size[1] * global_size[2];
cl_mem output_buffer = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, sizeof(output_type) * count, NULL, &error);
RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(error, "clCreateBuffer")
const char pattern = 0;
error = clEnqueueFillBuffer(queue, output_buffer, &pattern, sizeof(pattern), 0, sizeof(output_type) * count, 0, NULL, NULL);
RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(error, "clEnqueueFillBuffer")
error = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(output_buffer), &output_buffer);
RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(error, "clSetKernelArg")
error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, dim, global_offset, global_size, enqueued_local_size, 0, NULL, NULL);
RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(error, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel")
std::vector<output_type> output(count);
error = clEnqueueReadBuffer(
queue, output_buffer, CL_TRUE,
0, sizeof(output_type) * count,
static_cast<void *>(,
RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(error, "clEnqueueReadBuffer")
error = clReleaseMemObject(output_buffer);
RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(error, "clReleaseMemObject")
size_t sub_group_count_for_ndrange = 0;
size_t max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange = 0;
if (check_sub_groups_limits)
error = clGetKernelSubGroupInfo(kernel, device, CL_KERNEL_SUB_GROUP_COUNT_FOR_NDRANGE,
sizeof(size_t) * dim, enqueued_local_size,
sizeof(size_t), &sub_group_count_for_ndrange, NULL);
RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(error, "clGetKernelSubGroupInfo")
error = clGetKernelSubGroupInfo(kernel, device, CL_KERNEL_MAX_SUB_GROUP_SIZE_FOR_NDRANGE,
sizeof(size_t) * dim, enqueued_local_size,
sizeof(size_t), &max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange, NULL);
RETURN_ON_CL_ERROR(error, "clGetKernelSubGroupInfo")
size_t num_groups[3];
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++)
num_groups[d] = static_cast<size_t>(std::ceil(static_cast<double>(global_size[d]) / enqueued_local_size[d]));
size_t group_id[3];
for (group_id[0] = 0; group_id[0] < num_groups[0]; group_id[0]++)
for (group_id[1] = 0; group_id[1] < num_groups[1]; group_id[1]++)
for (group_id[2] = 0; group_id[2] < num_groups[2]; group_id[2]++)
size_t local_size[3];
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++)
if (group_id[d] == num_groups[d] - 1)
local_size[d] = global_size[d] - group_id[d] * enqueued_local_size[d];
local_size[d] = enqueued_local_size[d];
size_t local_id[3];
for (local_id[0] = 0; local_id[0] < local_size[0]; local_id[0]++)
for (local_id[1] = 0; local_id[1] < local_size[1]; local_id[1]++)
for (local_id[2] = 0; local_id[2] < local_size[2]; local_id[2]++)
size_t global_id_wo_offset[3];
size_t global_id[3];
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++)
global_id_wo_offset[d] = group_id[d] * enqueued_local_size[d] + local_id[d];
global_id[d] = global_id_wo_offset[d] + global_offset[d];
// Ignore if the current work-item is outside of global work size (i.e. the work-group is non-uniform)
if (global_id_wo_offset[0] >= global_size[0] ||
global_id_wo_offset[1] >= global_size[1] ||
global_id_wo_offset[2] >= global_size[2]) break;
const size_t global_linear_id =
global_id_wo_offset[2] * global_size[1] * global_size[0] +
global_id_wo_offset[1] * global_size[0] +
const size_t local_linear_id =
local_id[2] * local_size[1] * local_size[0] +
local_id[1] * local_size[0] +
const output_type &o = output[global_linear_id];
CHECK_EQUAL(o.work_dim, dim, "get_work_dim")
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++)
CHECK_EQUAL(o.global_size[d], global_size[d], "get_global_size")
CHECK_EQUAL(o.global_id[d], global_id[d], "get_global_id")
CHECK_EQUAL(o.local_size[d], local_size[d], "get_local_size")
CHECK_EQUAL(o.enqueued_local_size[d], enqueued_local_size[d], "get_enqueued_local_size")
CHECK_EQUAL(o.local_id[d], local_id[d], "get_local_id")
CHECK_EQUAL(o.num_groups[d], num_groups[d], "get_num_groups")
CHECK_EQUAL(o.group_id[d], group_id[d], "get_group_id")
CHECK_EQUAL(o.global_offset[d], global_offset[d], "get_global_offset")
CHECK_EQUAL(o.global_linear_id, global_linear_id, "get_global_linear_id")
CHECK_EQUAL(o.local_linear_id, local_linear_id, "get_local_linear_id")
// A few (but not all possible) sub-groups related checks
if (check_sub_groups)
if (check_sub_groups_limits)
CHECK_EQUAL(o.max_sub_group_size, max_sub_group_size_for_ndrange, "get_max_sub_group_size")
CHECK_EQUAL(o.enqueued_num_sub_groups, sub_group_count_for_ndrange, "get_enqueued_num_sub_groups")
CHECK(o.sub_group_size == 0 || o.sub_group_size > o.max_sub_group_size, "get_sub_group_size or get_max_sub_group_size")
CHECK(o.num_sub_groups == 0 || o.num_sub_groups > o.enqueued_num_sub_groups, "get_enqueued_num_sub_groups")
CHECK(o.sub_group_id >= o.num_sub_groups, "get_sub_group_id or get_num_sub_groups")
CHECK(o.sub_group_local_id >= o.sub_group_size, "get_sub_group_local_id or get_sub_group_size")
return error;
#undef CHECK
(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
test_options options;
options.uniform_work_group_size = true;
options.max_count = num_elements;
options.num_tests = 1000;
return test_workitems(device, context, queue, options);
(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements)
test_options options;
options.uniform_work_group_size = false;
options.max_count = num_elements;
options.num_tests = 1000;
return test_workitems(device, context, queue, options);
} // namespace