blob: d6f8c8970416a7f15a0d544ee68bd30904a1001f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "../common.hpp"
#include "../funcs_test_utils.hpp"
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
// floatn clamp(floatn x, floatn min, floatn max) (only scalars)
template<class IN1, class IN2, class IN3, class OUT1>
struct common_func_clamp : public ternary_func<IN1, IN2, IN3, OUT1>
std::string str()
return "clamp";
std::string headers()
return "#include <opencl_common>\n";
OUT1 operator()(const IN1& x, const IN2& minval, const IN3& maxval)
std::is_same<IN1, IN2>::value
&& std::is_same<IN2, IN3>::value
&& std::is_same<IN3, OUT1>::value,
"All types must be the same"
return (std::min)((std::max)(x, minval), maxval);
IN2 min2()
return (std::numeric_limits<IN2>::min)();
IN2 max2()
return (std::numeric_limits<IN2>::max)() / IN2(4000.0f);
IN3 min3()
return IN3(1) + ((std::numeric_limits<IN3>::max)() / IN3(4000.0f));
IN3 max3()
return (std::numeric_limits<IN3>::max)() / IN3(2000.0f);
float ulp()
return 0.0f;
// floatn degrees(floatn t)
template<class IN1, class OUT1, class REFERENCE>
struct common_func_degrees : public unary_func<IN1, OUT1>
std::string str()
return "degrees";
std::string headers()
return "#include <opencl_common>\n";
REFERENCE operator()(const IN1& x)
std::is_same<IN1, OUT1>::value,
"All types must be the same"
return (REFERENCE(180.0) / CL_M_PI) * static_cast<REFERENCE>(x);
float ulp()
return 2.5f;
// floatn max(floatn x, floatn y)
template<class IN1, class IN2, class OUT1>
struct common_func_max : public binary_func<IN1, IN2, OUT1>
std::string str()
return "max";
std::string headers()
return "#include <opencl_common>\n";
OUT1 operator()(const IN1& x, const IN2& y)
std::is_same<IN1, IN2>::value && std::is_same<IN2, OUT1>::value,
"All types must be the same"
return (std::max)(x, y);
float ulp()
return 0.0f;
// floatn min(floatn x, floatn y)
template<class IN1, class IN2, class OUT1>
struct common_func_min : public binary_func<IN1, IN2, OUT1>
std::string str()
return "min";
std::string headers()
return "#include <opencl_common>\n";
OUT1 operator()(const IN1& x, const IN2& y)
std::is_same<IN1, IN2>::value && std::is_same<IN2, OUT1>::value,
"All types must be the same"
return (std::min)(x, y);
float ulp()
return 0.0f;
// floatn mix(floatn x, floatn y, floatn a);
template<class IN1, class IN2, class IN3, class OUT1>
struct common_func_mix : public ternary_func<IN1, IN2, IN3, OUT1>
std::string str()
return "mix";
std::string headers()
return "#include <opencl_common>\n";
OUT1 operator()(const IN1& x, const IN2& y, const IN3& a)
std::is_same<IN1, IN2>::value
&& std::is_same<IN2, IN3>::value
&& std::is_same<IN3, OUT1>::value,
"All types must be the same"
return static_cast<double>(x) + ((static_cast<double>(y) - static_cast<double>(x)) * static_cast<double>(a));
IN3 min3()
return IN3(0.0f + CL_FLT_EPSILON);
IN3 max3()
return IN3(1.0f - CL_FLT_EPSILON);
bool use_ulp()
return false;
// floatn radians(floatn t)
template<class IN1, class OUT1, class REFERENCE>
struct common_func_radians : public unary_func<IN1, OUT1>
std::string str()
return "radians";
std::string headers()
return "#include <opencl_common>\n";
REFERENCE operator()(const IN1& x)
std::is_same<IN1, OUT1>::value,
"All types must be the same"
return (CL_M_PI / REFERENCE(180.0)) * static_cast<REFERENCE>(x);
float ulp()
return 2.5f;
// floatn step(floatn edge, floatn x)
template<class IN1, class IN2, class OUT1>
struct common_func_step : public binary_func<IN1, IN2, OUT1>
std::string str()
return "step";
std::string headers()
return "#include <opencl_common>\n";
OUT1 operator()(const IN1& edge, const IN2& x)
std::is_same<IN1, IN2>::value && std::is_same<IN2, OUT1>::value,
"All types must be the same"
if(x < edge)
return OUT1(0.0f);
return OUT1(1.0f);
float ulp()
return 0.0f;
// floatn smoothstep(floatn edge0, floatn edge1, floatn x);
template<class IN1, class IN2, class IN3, class OUT1>
struct common_func_smoothstep : public ternary_func<IN1, IN2, IN3, OUT1>
std::string str()
return "smoothstep";
std::string headers()
return "#include <opencl_common>\n";
OUT1 operator()(const IN1& edge0, const IN2& edge1, const IN3& x)
std::is_same<IN1, IN2>::value
&& std::is_same<IN2, IN3>::value
&& std::is_same<IN3, OUT1>::value,
"All types must be the same"
if(x <= edge0)
return OUT1(0.0f);
if(x >= edge1)
return OUT1(1.0f);
OUT1 t = (x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0);
t = t * t * (3.0f - 2.0f * t);
return t;
// edge0 must be < edge1
IN1 min1()
return (std::numeric_limits<IN1>::min)();
IN1 max1()
return (std::numeric_limits<IN1>::max)() / IN1(8000.0f);
IN2 min2()
return IN3(1) + ((std::numeric_limits<IN2>::max)() / IN2(4000.0f));
IN2 max2()
return (std::numeric_limits<IN2>::max)() / IN2(2000.0f);
bool use_ulp()
return false;
// floatn sign(floatn t)
template<class IN1, class OUT1>
struct common_func_sign : public unary_func<IN1, OUT1>
std::string str()
return "sign";
std::string headers()
return "#include <opencl_common>\n";
OUT1 operator()(const IN1& x)
std::is_same<IN1, OUT1>::value,
"All types must be the same"
if(x == IN1(-0.0f))
return IN1(-0.0f);
if(x == IN1(+0.0f))
return IN1(+0.0f);
if(x > IN1(0.0f))
return IN1(1.0f);
return IN1(-1.0f);
bool use_ulp()
return false;
float ulp()
return 0.0f;
std::vector<IN1> in_special_cases()
return { -0.0f, +0.0f };
(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int n_elems)
int error = CL_SUCCESS;
int last_error = CL_SUCCESS;
// floatn clamp(floatn x, floatn min, floatn max)
TEST_TERNARY_FUNC_MACRO((common_func_clamp<cl_float, cl_float, cl_float, cl_float>()))
// floatn degrees(floatn t)
TEST_UNARY_FUNC_MACRO((common_func_degrees<cl_float, cl_float, cl_double>()))
// floatn max(floatn x, floatn y);
TEST_BINARY_FUNC_MACRO((common_func_max<cl_float, cl_float, cl_float>()))
// floatn min(floatn x, floatn y);
TEST_BINARY_FUNC_MACRO((common_func_min<cl_float, cl_float, cl_float>()))
// floatn mix(floatn x, floatn y, floatn a);
TEST_TERNARY_FUNC_MACRO((common_func_mix<cl_float, cl_float, cl_float, cl_float>()))
// floatn radians(floatn t)
TEST_UNARY_FUNC_MACRO((common_func_radians<cl_float, cl_float, cl_double>()))
// floatn step(floatn edge, floatn x)
TEST_BINARY_FUNC_MACRO((common_func_step<cl_float, cl_float, cl_float>()))
// floatn smoothstep(floatn edge0, floatn edge1, floatn x)
TEST_TERNARY_FUNC_MACRO((common_func_smoothstep<cl_float, cl_float, cl_float, cl_float>()))
// floatn sign(floatn t);
TEST_UNARY_FUNC_MACRO((common_func_sign<cl_float, cl_float>()))
if(error != CL_SUCCESS)
return -1;
return error;