blob: 11ed2c381f2f7a5760d9c9b27b5d3b51455cb41e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "harness/compat.h"
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "harness/testHarness.h"
#include "procs.h"
test_definition test_list[] = {
ADD_TEST( hostptr ),
ADD_TEST( fpmath_float ),
ADD_TEST( fpmath_float2 ),
ADD_TEST( fpmath_float4 ),
ADD_TEST( intmath_int ),
ADD_TEST( intmath_int2 ),
ADD_TEST( intmath_int4 ),
ADD_TEST( intmath_long ),
ADD_TEST( intmath_long2 ),
ADD_TEST( intmath_long4 ),
ADD_TEST( hiloeo ),
ADD_TEST( if ),
ADD_TEST( sizeof ),
ADD_TEST( loop ),
ADD_TEST( pointer_cast ),
ADD_TEST( local_arg_def ),
ADD_TEST( local_kernel_def ),
ADD_TEST( local_kernel_scope ),
ADD_TEST( constant ),
ADD_TEST( constant_source ),
ADD_TEST( readimage ),
ADD_TEST( readimage_int16 ),
ADD_TEST( readimage_fp32 ),
ADD_TEST( writeimage ),
ADD_TEST( writeimage_int16 ),
ADD_TEST( writeimage_fp32 ),
ADD_TEST( mri_one ),
ADD_TEST( mri_multiple ),
ADD_TEST( image_r8 ),
ADD_TEST( barrier ),
ADD_TEST_VERSION( wg_barrier, Version(2, 0) ),
ADD_TEST( int2float ),
ADD_TEST( float2int ),
ADD_TEST( imagereadwrite ),
ADD_TEST( imagereadwrite3d ),
ADD_TEST( readimage3d ),
ADD_TEST( readimage3d_int16 ),
ADD_TEST( readimage3d_fp32 ),
ADD_TEST( bufferreadwriterect ),
ADD_TEST( arrayreadwrite ),
ADD_TEST( arraycopy ),
ADD_TEST( imagearraycopy ),
ADD_TEST( imagearraycopy3d ),
ADD_TEST( imagecopy ),
ADD_TEST( imagecopy3d ),
ADD_TEST( imagerandomcopy ),
ADD_TEST( arrayimagecopy ),
ADD_TEST( arrayimagecopy3d ),
ADD_TEST( imagenpot ),
ADD_TEST( vload_global ),
ADD_TEST( vload_local ),
ADD_TEST( vload_constant ),
ADD_TEST( vload_private ),
ADD_TEST( vstore_global ),
ADD_TEST( vstore_local ),
ADD_TEST( vstore_private ),
ADD_TEST( createkernelsinprogram ),
ADD_TEST( imagedim_pow2 ),
ADD_TEST( imagedim_non_pow2 ),
ADD_TEST( image_param ),
ADD_TEST( image_multipass_integer_coord ),
ADD_TEST( image_multipass_float_coord ),
ADD_TEST( explicit_s2v_char ),
ADD_TEST( explicit_s2v_uchar ),
ADD_TEST( explicit_s2v_short ),
ADD_TEST( explicit_s2v_ushort ),
ADD_TEST( explicit_s2v_int ),
ADD_TEST( explicit_s2v_uint ),
ADD_TEST( explicit_s2v_long ),
ADD_TEST( explicit_s2v_ulong ),
ADD_TEST( explicit_s2v_float ),
ADD_TEST( explicit_s2v_double ),
ADD_TEST( enqueue_map_buffer ),
ADD_TEST( enqueue_map_image ),
ADD_TEST( work_item_functions ),
ADD_TEST( astype ),
ADD_TEST( async_copy_global_to_local ),
ADD_TEST( async_copy_local_to_global ),
ADD_TEST( async_strided_copy_global_to_local ),
ADD_TEST( async_strided_copy_local_to_global ),
ADD_TEST( prefetch ),
ADD_TEST( kernel_call_kernel_function ),
ADD_TEST( host_numeric_constants ),
ADD_TEST( kernel_numeric_constants ),
ADD_TEST( kernel_limit_constants ),
ADD_TEST( kernel_preprocessor_macros ),
ADD_TEST( parameter_types ),
ADD_TEST( vector_creation ),
ADD_TEST( vec_type_hint ),
ADD_TEST( kernel_memory_alignment_local ),
ADD_TEST( kernel_memory_alignment_global ),
ADD_TEST( kernel_memory_alignment_constant ),
ADD_TEST( kernel_memory_alignment_private ),
ADD_TEST_VERSION( progvar_prog_scope_misc, Version(2, 0) ),
ADD_TEST_VERSION( progvar_prog_scope_uninit, Version(2, 0) ),
ADD_TEST_VERSION( progvar_prog_scope_init, Version(2, 0) ),
ADD_TEST_VERSION( progvar_func_scope, Version(2, 0) ),
ADD_TEST( global_work_offsets ),
ADD_TEST( get_global_offset ),
ADD_TEST_VERSION( global_linear_id, Version(2, 0) ),
ADD_TEST_VERSION( local_linear_id, Version(2, 0) ),
ADD_TEST_VERSION( enqueued_local_size, Version(2, 0) ),
ADD_TEST( simple_read_image_pitch ),
ADD_TEST( simple_write_image_pitch ),
#if defined( __APPLE__ )
ADD_TEST( queue_priority ),
ADD_TEST_VERSION( get_linear_ids, Version(2, 0) ),
ADD_TEST_VERSION( rw_image_access_qualifier, Version(2, 0) ),
const int test_num = ARRAY_SIZE( test_list );
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
return runTestHarness( argc, argv, test_num, test_list, false, false, 0 );