blob: aa1c57524aa134fcbb6cf409c7c2fdd2b087047c [file] [log] [blame]
package com.github.mikephil.charting.interfaces.datasets;
* Created by Philipp Jahoda on 03/11/15.
public interface IPieDataSet extends IDataSet<PieEntry> {
* Returns the space that is set to be between the piechart-slices of this
* DataSet, in pixels.
* @return
float getSliceSpace();
* When enabled, slice spacing will be 0.0 when the smallest value is going to be
* smaller than the slice spacing itself.
* @return
boolean isAutomaticallyDisableSliceSpacing();
* Returns the distance a highlighted piechart slice is "shifted" away from
* the chart-center in dp.
* @return
float getSelectionShift();
PieDataSet.ValuePosition getXValuePosition();
PieDataSet.ValuePosition getYValuePosition();
* When valuePosition is OutsideSlice, indicates line color
* */
int getValueLineColor();
* When valuePosition is OutsideSlice, indicates line width
* */
float getValueLineWidth();
* When valuePosition is OutsideSlice, indicates offset as percentage out of the slice size
* */
float getValueLinePart1OffsetPercentage();
* When valuePosition is OutsideSlice, indicates length of first half of the line
* */
float getValueLinePart1Length();
* When valuePosition is OutsideSlice, indicates length of second half of the line
* */
float getValueLinePart2Length();
* When valuePosition is OutsideSlice, this allows variable line length
* */
boolean isValueLineVariableLength();