blob: f1a881ba55c4f65978bced4d832f63811167c297 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.github.mikephil.charting.interfaces.datainterfaces.datasets;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.components.YAxis;
import java.util.List;
* Created by Philipp Jahoda on 21/10/15.
public interface IDataSet<T extends Entry> {
* Returns the label string that describes the DataSet.
* @return
String getLabel();
* returns the DataSets Entry array
* @return
List<T> getYVals();
* returns the minimum y-value this DataSet holds
* @return
float getYMin();
* returns the maximum y-value this DataSet holds
* @return
float getYMax();
* returns the number of y-values this DataSet represents -> yvals.size()
* @return
int getEntryCount();
* Returns the axis this DataSet should be plotted against.
* @return
YAxis.AxisDependency getAxisDependency();
* returns all the colors that are set for this DataSet
* @return
List<Integer> getColors();
* Returns the first Entry object found at the given xIndex with binary
* search. If the no Entry at the specified x-index is found, this method
* returns the index at the closest x-index. Returns null if no Entry object
* at that index. INFORMATION: This method does calculations at runtime. Do
* not over-use in performance critical situations.
* @param x
* @return
T getEntryForXIndex(int x);
* Checks if this DataSet contains the specified Entry. Returns true if so,
* false if not. NOTE: Performance is pretty bad on this one, do not
* over-use in performance critical situations.
* @param e
* @return
boolean contains(Entry e);
* returns true if highlighting of values is enabled, false if not
* @return
boolean isHighlightEnabled();