blob: d88ffa6722c35d7d0c8e3fa4600e3ffd631d543e [file] [log] [blame]
package com.github.mikephil.charting;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
* View that represents a pie chart.
* @author Philipp Jahoda
public class PieChart extends Chart {
* rect object that represents the bounds of the piechart, needed for
* drawing the circle
private RectF mCircleBox;
/** holds the current rotation angle of the chart */
private float mChartAngle = 0f;
/** array that holds the width of each pie-slice in degrees */
private float[] mDrawAngles;
/** array that holds the absolute angle in degrees of each slice */
private float[] mAbsoluteAngles;
/** if true, the white hole inside the chart will be drawn */
private boolean mDrawHole = true;
* variable for the text that is drawn in the center of the pie-chart. If
* this value is null, the default is "Total Value\n + getYValueSum()"
private String mCenterText = null;
/** indicates the selection distance of a pie slice */
private float mShift = 20f;
/** if enabled, centertext is drawn */
private boolean mDrawCenterText = true;
* set this to true to draw the x-values next to the values in the pie
* slices
private boolean mDrawXVals = true;
* if set to true, all values show up in percent instead of their real value
private boolean mUsePercentValues = false;
* array of integers that reference the highlighted slices in the pie chart
private int[] mIndicesToHightlight = new int[0];
* paint for the hole in the center of the pie chart
private Paint mHolePaint;
* paint object for the text that can be displayed in the center of the
* chart
private Paint mCenterTextPaint;
public PieChart(Context context) {
public PieChart(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public PieChart(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);
protected void init() {
// piechart has no offsets
mOffsetTop = 0;
mOffsetBottom = 0;
mOffsetLeft = 0;
mOffsetRight = 0;
mShift = Utils.convertDpToPixel(mShift);
mHolePaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
mCenterTextPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
mListener = new PieChartTouchListener(this);
// for the piechart, drawing values is enabled
mDrawValues = true;
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (mDataNotSet)
long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
canvas.drawBitmap(mDrawBitmap, 0, 0, mDrawPaint);
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "DrawTime: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) + " ms");
* does all necessary preparations, needed when data is changed or flags
* that effect the data are changed
protected void prepare() {
if (mDataNotSet)
if (mCenterText == null)
mCenterText = "Total Value\n" + (int) getYValueSum();
// calculate how many digits are needed
Log.i(LOG_TAG, "xVals: " + mXVals.size() + ", yVals: " + mYVals.size());
/** the decimalformat responsible for formatting the values in the chart */
protected DecimalFormat mFormatValue = null;
* the number of digits values that are drawn in the chart are formatted
* with
protected int mValueFormatDigits = 1;
* calculates the required number of digits for the y-legend and for the
* values that might be drawn in the chart (if enabled)
protected void calcFormats() {
mValueFormatDigits = Utils.getPieFormatDigits(mDeltaY);
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < mValueFormatDigits; i++) {
if (i == 0)
mFormatValue = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###,##0" + b.toString());
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
return mListener.onTouch(this, event);
/** the angle where the dragging started */
private float mStartAngle = 0f;
* sets the starting angle of the rotation, this is only used by the touch
* listener, x and y is the touch position
* @param x
* @param y
public void setStartAngle(float x, float y) {
mStartAngle = getAngleForPoint(x, y);
// take the current angle into consideration when starting a new drag
mStartAngle -= mChartAngle;
* updates the view rotation depending on the given touch position, also
* takes the starting angle into consideration
* @param x
* @param y
public void updateRotation(float x, float y) {
mChartAngle = getAngleForPoint(x, y);
// take the offset into consideration
mChartAngle -= mStartAngle;
// keep the angle >= 0 and <= 360
mChartAngle = (mChartAngle + 360f) % 360f;
protected void prepareContentRect() {
int width = mContentRect.width() + mOffsetLeft + mOffsetRight;
int height = mContentRect.height() + mOffsetTop + mOffsetBottom;
float diameter = getDiameter();
// create the circle box that will contain the pie-chart (the bounds of
// the pie-chart)
mCircleBox = new RectF(width / 2 - diameter / 2 + mShift, height / 2 - diameter / 2
+ mShift + mOffsetTop, width / 2 + diameter / 2 - mShift, height / 2 + diameter / 2
- mOffsetBottom - mShift);
protected void prepareDataPaints(ColorTemplate ct) {
mDrawPaints = new Paint[ct.getColors().size()];
// setup all paint objects
for (int i = 0; i < ct.getColors().size(); i++) {
mDrawPaints[i] = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
protected void calcMinMax() {
* calculates the needed angles for the chart slices
private void calcAngles() {
mDrawAngles = new float[mYVals.size()];
mAbsoluteAngles = new float[mYVals.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < mYVals.size(); i++) {
mDrawAngles[i] = calcAngle(mYVals.get(i));
if (i > 0)
mAbsoluteAngles[i] = mAbsoluteAngles[i - 1] + mDrawAngles[i];
mAbsoluteAngles[i] = mDrawAngles[i];
protected void drawData() {
float angle = mChartAngle;
for (int i = 0; i < mYVals.size(); i++) {
float newanlge = mDrawAngles[i];
if (needsHighlight(i)) { // if true, highlight the slice
float shiftangle = (float) Math.toRadians(angle + newanlge / 2f);
float xShift = mShift * (float) Math.cos(shiftangle);
float yShift = mShift * (float) Math.sin(shiftangle);
RectF highlighted = new RectF(mCircleBox.left + xShift, + yShift,
mCircleBox.right + xShift, mCircleBox.bottom + yShift);
// redefine the rect that contains the arc so that the
// highlighted pie is not cut off
mDrawCanvas.drawArc(highlighted, angle, newanlge, true, mDrawPaints[i
% mDrawPaints.length]);
} else {
mDrawCanvas.drawArc(mCircleBox, angle, newanlge, true, mDrawPaints[i
% mDrawPaints.length]);
angle += newanlge;
* draws the hole in the center of the chart
private void drawHole() {
if (mDrawHole) {
mDrawCanvas.drawCircle(mContentRect.width() / 2, mContentRect.height() / 2,
getDiameter() / 4, mHolePaint);
* draws the description text in the center of the pie chart makes most
* sense when center-hole is enabled
private void drawCenterText() {
if (mDrawCenterText) {
PointF c = getCenter();
// get all lines from the text
String[] lines = mCenterText.split("\n");
// calculate the height for each line
float lineHeight = (mValuePaint.ascent() + mValuePaint.descent()) * 1.6f;
// calculate the height of the whole text
float textheight = lines.length * lineHeight;
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
mDrawCanvas.drawText(lines[lines.length - i - 1], c.x, c.y - textheight/2 + lineHeight * i,
protected void drawValues() {
// if neither xvals nor yvals are drawn, return
if (!mDrawXVals && !mDrawValues)
PointF center = getCenter();
float off = mCircleBox.width() / 8;
// increase offset if there is no hole
if (!mDrawHole)
off += off / 2;
// get the radius
float r = mCircleBox.width() / 2 - off; // offset to keep things inside
// the chart
for (int i = 0; i < mYVals.size(); i++) {
// offset needed to center the drawn text in the slice
float offset = mDrawAngles[i] / 2;
// calculate the text position
float x = (float) (r
* Math.cos(Math.toRadians(mChartAngle + mAbsoluteAngles[i] - offset)) + center.x);
float y = (float) (r
* Math.sin(Math.toRadians(mChartAngle + mAbsoluteAngles[i] - offset)) + center.y);
// if (y > center.y) {
// y += 10;
// x += 3;
// }
String val = "";
if(mUsePercentValues) val = mFormatValue.format(getPercentOfTotal(mYVals.get(i))) + " %";
else val = mFormatValue.format(mYVals.get(i));
// draw everything, depending on settings
if (mDrawXVals && mDrawValues) {
// use ascent and descent to calculate the new line position,
// 1.6f is the line spacing
float lineHeight = (mValuePaint.ascent() + mValuePaint.descent()) * 1.6f;
y -= lineHeight / 2;
mDrawCanvas.drawText(val, x,
y, mValuePaint);
mDrawCanvas.drawText(mXVals.get(i), x,
y + lineHeight, mValuePaint);
} else if (mDrawXVals && !mDrawValues) {
mDrawCanvas.drawText(mXVals.get(i), x, y, mValuePaint);
} else if (!mDrawXVals && mDrawValues) {
mDrawCanvas.drawText(val, x, y, mValuePaint);
protected void drawAdditional() {
* checks if the given index is set for highlighting or not
* @param index
* @return
private boolean needsHighlight(int index) {
for (int i = 0; i < mIndicesToHightlight.length; i++)
if (mIndicesToHightlight[i] == index)
return true;
return false;
* calculates the needed angle for a given value
* @param value
* @return
private float calcAngle(float value) {
return value / mYValueSum * 360f;
public void highlightValues(int[] indices) {
mIndicesToHightlight = indices;
* returns the pie index for the pie at the given angle
* @param angle
* @return
public int getIndexForAngle(float angle) {
// take the current angle of the chart into consideration
float a = (angle - mChartAngle + 360) % 360f;
for (int i = 0; i < mAbsoluteAngles.length; i++) {
if (mAbsoluteAngles[i] > a)
return i;
return -1; // return -1 if no index found
* returns an integer array of all the different angles the chart slices
* have the angles in the returned array determine how much space (of 360°)
* each slice takes
* @return
public float[] getDrawAngles() {
return mDrawAngles;
* returns the absolute angles of the different chart slices (where the
* slices end)
* @return
public float[] getAbsoluteAngles() {
return mAbsoluteAngles;
* set a new starting angle for the pie chart (0-360) default is 0° -->
* right side (EAST)
* @param angle
public void setStartAngle(float angle) {
mChartAngle = angle;
* gets the current rotation angle of the pie chart
* @return
public float getCurrentRotation() {
return mChartAngle;
* sets the distance of the highlighted value to the piechart default 20f
* @param shift
public void setShift(float shift) {
mShift = Utils.convertDpToPixel(shift);
* set this to true to draw the pie center empty
* @param enabled
public void setDrawHoleEnabled(boolean enabled) {
this.mDrawHole = enabled;
* returns true if the hole in the center of the pie-chart is set to be
* visible, false if not
* @return
public boolean isDrawHoleEnabled() {
return mDrawHole;
* sets the text that is displayed in the center of the pie-chart. By
* default, the text is "Total Value + sumofallvalues"
* @param text
public void setCenterText(String text) {
mCenterText = text;
* returns the text that is drawn in the center of the pie-chart
* @return
public String getCenterText() {
return mCenterText;
* set this to true to draw the text that is displayed in the center of the
* pie chart
* @param enabled
public void setDrawCenterText(boolean enabled) {
this.mDrawCenterText = enabled;
* returns true if drawing the center text is enabled
* @return
public boolean isDrawCenterTextEnabled() {
return mDrawCenterText;
* set this to true to draw percent values instead of the actual values
* @param enabled
public void setUsePercentValues(boolean enabled) {
mUsePercentValues = enabled;
* returns true if drawing percent values is enabled
* @return
public boolean isUsePercentValuesEnabled() {
return mUsePercentValues;
* set this to true to draw the x-value text into the pie slices
* @param enabled
public void setDrawXVals(boolean enabled) {
mDrawXVals = enabled;
* returns true if drawing x-values is enabled, false if not
* @return
public boolean isDrawXValsEnabled() {
return mDrawXVals;
* returns the radius of the pie-chart
* @return
public float getRadius() {
if (mCircleBox == null)
return 0;
return mCircleBox.width() / 2f;
* returns the diameter of the pie-chart
* @return
public float getDiameter() {
if (mContentRect == null)
return 0;
return Math.min(mContentRect.width(), mContentRect.height());
* returns the angle relative to the chart center for the given point on the
* chart in degrees. The angle is always between 0 and 360°, 0° is EAST
* @param x
* @param y
* @return
public float getAngleForPoint(float x, float y) {
PointF c = getCenter();
double tx = x - c.x, ty = y - c.y;
double length = Math.sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty);
double r = Math.acos(ty / length);
float angle = (float) Math.toDegrees(r);
if (x > getCenter().x)
angle = 360f - angle;
// add 90° because chart starts EAST
angle = angle + 90f;
// neutralize overflow
if (angle > 360f)
angle = angle - 360f;
return angle;
* returns the distance of a certain point on the chart to the center of the
* piechart
* @param x
* @param y
* @return
public float distanceToCenter(float x, float y) {
PointF c = getCenter();
float dist = 0f;
float xDist = 0f;
float yDist = 0f;
if (x > c.x) {
xDist = x - c.x;
} else {
xDist = c.x - x;
if (y > c.y) {
yDist = y - c.y;
} else {
yDist = c.y - y;
// pythagoras
dist = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDist, 2.0) + Math.pow(yDist, 2.0));
return dist;