blob: e56fdb953d84a6e7f02d284b0a6274c61406b60c [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.Context;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.DefaultFillFormatter;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.FillFormatter;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.interfaces.datasets.ILineDataSet;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.ColorTemplate;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import io.realm.RealmObject;
import io.realm.RealmResults;
import io.realm.dynamic.DynamicRealmObject;
* Created by Philipp Jahoda on 21/10/15.
public class RealmLineDataSet<T extends RealmObject> extends RealmLineRadarDataSet<T> implements ILineDataSet {
* List representing all colors that are used for the circles
private List<Integer> mCircleColors = null;
* the color of the inner circles
private int mCircleColorHole = Color.WHITE;
* the radius of the circle-shaped value indicators
private float mCircleSize = 8f;
* sets the intensity of the cubic lines
private float mCubicIntensity = 0.2f;
* the path effect of this DataSet that makes dashed lines possible
private DashPathEffect mDashPathEffect = null;
* formatter for customizing the position of the fill-line
private FillFormatter mFillFormatter = new DefaultFillFormatter();
* if true, drawing circles is enabled
private boolean mDrawCircles = true;
* if true, cubic lines are drawn instead of linear
private boolean mDrawCubic = false;
private boolean mDrawCircleHole = true;
* Constructor for creating a LineDataSet with realm data.
* @param result the queried results from the realm database
* @param yValuesField the name of the field in your data object that represents the y-value
public RealmLineDataSet(RealmResults<T> result, String yValuesField) {
super(result, yValuesField);
mCircleColors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// default color
mCircleColors.add(Color.rgb(140, 234, 255));
calcMinMax(0, results.size());
* Constructor for creating a LineDataSet with realm data.
* @param result the queried results from the realm database
* @param yValuesField the name of the field in your data object that represents the y-value
* @param xIndexField the name of the field in your data object that represents the x-index
public RealmLineDataSet(RealmResults<T> result, String yValuesField, String xIndexField) {
super(result, yValuesField, xIndexField);
mCircleColors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// default color
mCircleColors.add(Color.rgb(140, 234, 255));
calcMinMax(0, results.size());
public void build(RealmResults<T> results) {;
* Sets the intensity for cubic lines (if enabled). Max = 1f = very cubic,
* Min = 0.05f = low cubic effect, Default: 0.2f
* @param intensity
public void setCubicIntensity(float intensity) {
if (intensity > 1f)
intensity = 1f;
if (intensity < 0.05f)
intensity = 0.05f;
mCubicIntensity = intensity;
public float getCubicIntensity() {
return mCubicIntensity;
* sets the size (radius) of the circle shpaed value indicators, default
* size = 4f
* @param size
public void setCircleSize(float size) {
mCircleSize = Utils.convertDpToPixel(size);
public float getCircleRadius() {
return mCircleSize;
* Enables the line to be drawn in dashed mode, e.g. like this
* Keep in mind that hardware acceleration boosts performance.
* @param lineLength the length of the line pieces
* @param spaceLength the length of space in between the pieces
* @param phase offset, in degrees (normally, use 0)
public void enableDashedLine(float lineLength, float spaceLength, float phase) {
mDashPathEffect = new DashPathEffect(new float[]{
lineLength, spaceLength
}, phase);
* Disables the line to be drawn in dashed mode.
public void disableDashedLine() {
mDashPathEffect = null;
public boolean isDashedLineEnabled() {
return mDashPathEffect == null ? false : true;
public DashPathEffect getDashPathEffect() {
return mDashPathEffect;
* set this to true to enable the drawing of circle indicators for this
* DataSet, default true
* @param enabled
public void setDrawCircles(boolean enabled) {
this.mDrawCircles = enabled;
public boolean isDrawCirclesEnabled() {
return mDrawCircles;
* If set to true, the linechart lines are drawn in cubic-style instead of
* linear. This affects performance! Default: false
* @param enabled
public void setDrawCubic(boolean enabled) {
mDrawCubic = enabled;
public boolean isDrawCubicEnabled() {
return mDrawCubic;
* returns all colors specified for the circles
* @return
public List<Integer> getCircleColors() {
return mCircleColors;
public int getCircleColor(int index) {
return mCircleColors.get(index % mCircleColors.size());
* Sets the colors that should be used for the circles of this DataSet.
* Colors are reused as soon as the number of Entries the DataSet represents
* is higher than the size of the colors array. Make sure that the colors
* are already prepared (by calling getResources().getColor(...)) before
* adding them to the DataSet.
* @param colors
public void setCircleColors(List<Integer> colors) {
mCircleColors = colors;
* Sets the colors that should be used for the circles of this DataSet.
* Colors are reused as soon as the number of Entries the DataSet represents
* is higher than the size of the colors array. Make sure that the colors
* are already prepared (by calling getResources().getColor(...)) before
* adding them to the DataSet.
* @param colors
public void setCircleColors(int[] colors) {
this.mCircleColors = ColorTemplate.createColors(colors);
* ets the colors that should be used for the circles of this DataSet.
* Colors are reused as soon as the number of Entries the DataSet represents
* is higher than the size of the colors array. You can use
* "new String[] {,, ... }" to provide colors for
* this method. Internally, the colors are resolved using
* getResources().getColor(...)
* @param colors
public void setCircleColors(int[] colors, Context c) {
List<Integer> clrs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int color : colors) {
mCircleColors = clrs;
* Sets the one and ONLY color that should be used for this DataSet.
* Internally, this recreates the colors array and adds the specified color.
* @param color
public void setCircleColor(int color) {
* resets the circle-colors array and creates a new one
public void resetCircleColors() {
mCircleColors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
* Sets the color of the inner circle of the line-circles.
* @param color
public void setCircleColorHole(int color) {
mCircleColorHole = color;
public int getCircleHoleColor() {
return mCircleColorHole;
* Set this to true to allow drawing a hole in each data circle.
* @param enabled
public void setDrawCircleHole(boolean enabled) {
mDrawCircleHole = enabled;
public boolean isDrawCircleHoleEnabled() {
return mDrawCircleHole;
* Sets a custom FillFormatter to the chart that handles the position of the
* filled-line for each DataSet. Set this to null to use the default logic.
* @param formatter
public void setFillFormatter(FillFormatter formatter) {
if (formatter == null)
mFillFormatter = new DefaultFillFormatter();
mFillFormatter = formatter;
public FillFormatter getFillFormatter() {
return mFillFormatter;