blob: d3a1d4d82aa73f0ec83038e1295867800a4986aa [file] [log] [blame]
package com.github.mikephil.charting.components;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Utils;
* This class encapsulates everything both Axis, Legend and LimitLines have in common.
* @author Philipp Jahoda
public abstract class ComponentBase {
* flag that indicates if this axis / legend is enabled or not
protected boolean mEnabled = true;
* the offset in pixels this component has on the x-axis
protected float mXOffset = 5f;
* the offset in pixels this component has on the Y-axis
protected float mYOffset = 5f;
* the typeface used for the labels
protected Typeface mTypeface = null;
* the text size of the labels
protected float mTextSize = Utils.convertDpToPixel(10f);
* the text color to use for the labels
protected int mTextColor = Color.BLACK;
public ComponentBase() {
* Returns the used offset on the x-axis for drawing the axis or legend
* labels. This offset is applied before and after the label.
* @return
public float getXOffset() {
return mXOffset;
* Sets the used x-axis offset for the labels on this axis.
* @param xOffset
public void setXOffset(float xOffset) {
mXOffset = Utils.convertDpToPixel(xOffset);
* Returns the used offset on the x-axis for drawing the axis labels. This
* offset is applied before and after the label.
* @return
public float getYOffset() {
return mYOffset;
* Sets the used y-axis offset for the labels on this axis. For the legend,
* higher offset means the legend as a whole will be placed further away
* from the top.
* @param yOffset
public void setYOffset(float yOffset) {
mYOffset = Utils.convertDpToPixel(yOffset);
* returns the Typeface used for the labels, returns null if none is set
* @return
public Typeface getTypeface() {
return mTypeface;
* sets a specific Typeface for the labels
* @param tf
public void setTypeface(Typeface tf) {
mTypeface = tf;
* sets the size of the label text in density pixels min = 6f, max = 24f, default
* 10f
* @param size the text size, in DP
public void setTextSize(float size) {
if (size > 24f)
size = 24f;
if (size < 6f)
size = 6f;
mTextSize = Utils.convertDpToPixel(size);
* returns the text size that is currently set for the labels, in pixels
* @return
public float getTextSize() {
return mTextSize;
* Sets the text color to use for the labels. Make sure to use
* getResources().getColor(...) when using a color from the resources.
* @param color
public void setTextColor(int color) {
mTextColor = color;
* Returns the text color that is set for the labels.
* @return
public int getTextColor() {
return mTextColor;
* Set this to true if this component should be enabled (should be drawn),
* false if not. If disabled, nothing of this component will be drawn.
* Default: true
* @param enabled
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mEnabled = enabled;
* Returns true if this comonent is enabled (should be drawn), false if not.
* @return
public boolean isEnabled() {
return mEnabled;