blob: c7a7caf0d326bbe2fd99e34e094079a175ef0743 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.Context;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.components.YAxis.AxisDependency;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.ColorTemplate;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.DefaultValueFormatter;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Utils;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.ValueFormatter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* The DataSet class represents one group or type of entries (Entry) in the
* Chart that belong together. It is designed to logically separate different
* groups of values inside the Chart (e.g. the values for a specific line in the
* LineChart, or the values of a specific group of bars in the BarChart).
* @author Philipp Jahoda
public abstract class DataSet<T extends Entry> {
/** List representing all colors that are used for this DataSet */
protected List<Integer> mColors = null;
/** the entries that this dataset represents / holds together */
protected List<T> mYVals = null;
/** maximum y-value in the y-value array */
protected float mYMax = 0.0f;
/** the minimum y-value in the y-value array */
protected float mYMin = 0.0f;
/** the total sum of all y-values */
private float mYValueSum = 0f;
/** label that describes the DataSet or the data the DataSet represents */
private String mLabel = "DataSet";
/** flag that indicates if the DataSet is visible or not */
private boolean mVisible = true;
/** if true, y-values are drawn on the chart */
protected boolean mDrawValues = true;
/** the color used for the value-text */
private int mValueColor = Color.BLACK;
/** the size of the value-text labels */
private float mValueTextSize = 17f;
/** the typeface used for the value text */
private Typeface mValueTypeface;
/** custom formatter that is used instead of the auto-formatter if set */
protected ValueFormatter mValueFormatter;
/** this specifies which axis this DataSet should be plotted against */
protected AxisDependency mAxisDependency = AxisDependency.LEFT;
* Creates a new DataSet object with the given values it represents. Also, a
* label that describes the DataSet can be specified. The label can also be
* used to retrieve the DataSet from a ChartData object.
* @param yVals
* @param label
public DataSet(List<T> yVals, String label) {
this.mLabel = label;
this.mYVals = yVals;
if (mYVals == null)
mYVals = new ArrayList<T>();
mColors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// default color
mColors.add(Color.rgb(140, 234, 255));
* Use this method to tell the data set that the underlying data has changed
public void notifyDataSetChanged() {
* calc minimum and maximum y value
protected void calcMinMax() {
if (mYVals.size() == 0) {
mYMin = mYVals.get(0).getVal();
mYMax = mYVals.get(0).getVal();
for (int i = 0; i < mYVals.size(); i++) {
Entry e = mYVals.get(i);
if (e != null) {
if (e.getVal() < mYMin)
mYMin = e.getVal();
if (e.getVal() > mYMax)
mYMax = e.getVal();
* calculates the sum of all y-values
private void calcYValueSum() {
mYValueSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mYVals.size(); i++) {
Entry e = mYVals.get(i);
if (e != null)
mYValueSum += Math.abs(e.getVal());
* returns the number of y-values this DataSet represents
* @return
public int getEntryCount() {
return mYVals.size();
* Returns the value of the Entry object at the given xIndex. Returns
* Float.NaN if no value is at the given x-index. INFORMATION: This method
* does calculations at runtime. Do not over-use in performance critical
* situations.
* @param xIndex
* @return
public float getYValForXIndex(int xIndex) {
Entry e = getEntryForXIndex(xIndex);
if (e != null)
return e.getVal();
return Float.NaN;
* Returns the first Entry object found at the given xIndex with binary
* search. If the no Entry at the specifed x-index is found, this method
* returns the Entry at the closest x-index. Returns null if no Entry object
* at that index. INFORMATION: This method does calculations at runtime. Do
* not over-use in performance critical situations.
* @param xIndex
* @return
public T getEntryForXIndex(int x) {
int low = 0;
int high = mYVals.size() - 1;
T closest = null;
while (low <= high) {
int m = (high + low) / 2;
if (x == mYVals.get(m).getXIndex()) {
while (m > 0 && mYVals.get(m - 1).getXIndex() == x)
return mYVals.get(m);
if (x > mYVals.get(m).getXIndex())
low = m + 1;
high = m - 1;
closest = mYVals.get(m);
return closest;
* Returns all Entry objects at the given xIndex. INFORMATION: This method
* does calculations at runtime. Do not over-use in performance critical
* situations.
* @param xIndex
* @return
public List<T> getEntriesForXIndex(int x) {
List<T> entries = new ArrayList<T>();
int low = 0;
int high = mYVals.size() - 1;
while (low <= high) {
int m = (high + low) / 2;
T entry = mYVals.get(m);
if (x == entry.getXIndex()) {
while (m > 0 && mYVals.get(m - 1).getXIndex() == x)
high = mYVals.size();
for (; m < high; m++)
entry = mYVals.get(m);
if (entry.getXIndex() == x)
if (x > entry.getXIndex())
low = m + 1;
high = m - 1;
return entries;
* returns the DataSets Entry array
* @return
public List<T> getYVals() {
return mYVals;
* gets the sum of all y-values
* @return
public float getYValueSum() {
return mYValueSum;
* returns the minimum y-value this DataSet holds
* @return
public float getYMin() {
return mYMin;
* returns the maximum y-value this DataSet holds
* @return
public float getYMax() {
return mYMax;
* Returns the number of entries this DataSet holds.
* @return
public int getValueCount() {
return mYVals.size();
* The xIndex of an Entry object is provided. This method returns the actual
* index in the Entry array of the DataSet. IMPORTANT: This method does
* calculations at runtime, do not over-use in performance critical
* situations.
* @param xIndex
* @return
public int getIndexInEntries(int xIndex) {
for (int i = 0; i < mYVals.size(); i++) {
if (xIndex == mYVals.get(i).getXIndex())
return i;
return -1;
* Provides an exact copy of the DataSet this method is used on.
* @return
public abstract DataSet<T> copy();
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < mYVals.size(); i++) {
buffer.append(mYVals.get(i).toString() + " ");
return buffer.toString();
* Returns a simple string representation of the DataSet with the type and
* the number of Entries.
* @return
public String toSimpleString() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("DataSet, label: " + (mLabel == null ? "" : mLabel) + ", entries: " + mYVals.size() + "\n");
return buffer.toString();
* Sets the label string that describes the DataSet.
* @return
public void setLabel(String label) {
mLabel = label;
* Returns the label string that describes the DataSet.
* @return
public String getLabel() {
return mLabel;
* Set the visibility of this DataSet. If not visible, the DataSet will not
* be drawn to the chart upon refreshing it.
* @param visible
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
mVisible = visible;
* Returns true if this DataSet is visible inside the chart, or false if it
* is currently hidden.
* @return
public boolean isVisible() {
return mVisible;
* Returns the axis this DataSet should be plotted against.
* @return
public AxisDependency getAxisDependency() {
return mAxisDependency;
* Set the y-axis this DataSet should be plotted against (either LEFT or
* RIGHT). Default: LEFT
* @param dependency
public void setAxisDependency(AxisDependency dependency) {
mAxisDependency = dependency;
* set this to true to draw y-values on the chart NOTE (for bar and
* linechart): if "maxvisiblecount" is reached, no values will be drawn even
* if this is enabled
* @param enabled
public void setDrawValues(boolean enabled) {
this.mDrawValues = enabled;
* returns true if y-value drawing is enabled, false if not
* @return
public boolean isDrawValuesEnabled() {
return mDrawValues;
* Adds an Entry to the DataSet dynamically. This will also recalculate the
* current minimum and maximum values of the DataSet and the value-sum.
* @param d
public void addEntry(Entry e) {
if (e == null)
float val = e.getVal();
if (mYVals == null) {
mYVals = new ArrayList<T>();
if (mYVals.size() == 0) {
mYMax = val;
mYMin = val;
} else {
if (mYMax < val)
mYMax = val;
if (mYMin > val)
mYMin = val;
mYValueSum += val;
// add the entry
mYVals.add((T) e);
* Removes an Entry from the DataSets entries array. This will also
* recalculate the current minimum and maximum values of the DataSet and the
* value-sum. Returns true if an Entry was removed, false if no Entry could
* be removed.
* @param e
public boolean removeEntry(T e) {
if (e == null)
return false;
// remove the entry
boolean removed = mYVals.remove(e);
if (removed) {
float val = e.getVal();
mYValueSum -= val;
return removed;
* Removes the Entry object that has the given xIndex from the DataSet.
* Returns true if an Entry was removed, false if no Entry could be removed.
* @param xIndex
public boolean removeEntry(int xIndex) {
T e = getEntryForXIndex(xIndex);
return removeEntry(e);
* Sets the colors that should be used fore this DataSet. Colors are reused
* as soon as the number of Entries the DataSet represents is higher than
* the size of the colors array. If you are using colors from the resources,
* make sure that the colors are already prepared (by calling
* getResources().getColor(...)) before adding them to the DataSet.
* @param colors
public void setColors(List<Integer> colors) {
this.mColors = colors;
* Sets the colors that should be used fore this DataSet. Colors are reused
* as soon as the number of Entries the DataSet represents is higher than
* the size of the colors array. If you are using colors from the resources,
* make sure that the colors are already prepared (by calling
* getResources().getColor(...)) before adding them to the DataSet.
* @param colors
public void setColors(int[] colors) {
this.mColors = ColorTemplate.createColors(colors);
* Sets the colors that should be used fore this DataSet. Colors are reused
* as soon as the number of Entries the DataSet represents is higher than
* the size of the colors array. You can use
* "new int[] {,, ... }" to provide colors for
* this method. Internally, the colors are resolved using
* getResources().getColor(...)
* @param colors
public void setColors(int[] colors, Context c) {
List<Integer> clrs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int color : colors) {
mColors = clrs;
* Adds a new color to the colors array of the DataSet.
* @param color
public void addColor(int color) {
if (mColors == null)
mColors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
* Sets the one and ONLY color that should be used for this DataSet.
* Internally, this recreates the colors array and adds the specified color.
* @param color
public void setColor(int color) {
* returns all the colors that are set for this DataSet
* @return
public List<Integer> getColors() {
return mColors;
* Returns the color at the given index of the DataSet's color array.
* Performs a IndexOutOfBounds check by modulus.
* @param index
* @return
public int getColor(int index) {
return mColors.get(index % mColors.size());
* Returns the first color (index 0) of the colors-array this DataSet
* contains.
* @return
public int getColor() {
return mColors.get(0);
* Resets all colors of this DataSet and recreates the colors array.
public void resetColors() {
mColors = new ArrayList<Integer>();
* Returns the position of the provided entry in the DataSets Entry array.
* Returns -1 if doesn't exist.
* @param e
* @return
public int getEntryPosition(Entry e) {
for (int i = 0; i < mYVals.size(); i++) {
if (e.equalTo(mYVals.get(i)))
return i;
return -1;
* Sets the formatter to be used for drawing the values inside the chart. If
* no formatter is set, the chart will automatically determine a reasonable
* formatting (concerning decimals) for all the values that are drawn inside
* the chart. Use chart.getDefaultValueFormatter() to use the formatter
* calculated by the chart.
* @param f
public void setValueFormatter(ValueFormatter f) {
if (f == null)
mValueFormatter = f;
* Returns the formatter used for drawing the values inside the chart.
* @return
public ValueFormatter getValueFormatter() {
if (mValueFormatter == null)
return new DefaultValueFormatter(1);
return mValueFormatter;
* If this component has no ValueFormatter or is only equipped with the
* default one (no custom set), return true.
* @return
public boolean needsDefaultFormatter() {
if (mValueFormatter == null)
return true;
if (mValueFormatter instanceof DefaultValueFormatter)
return true;
return false;
* Sets the color the value-labels of this DataSet should have.
* @param color
public void setValueTextColor(int color) {
mValueColor = color;
public int getValueTextColor() {
return mValueColor;
* Sets a Typeface for the value-labels of this DataSet.
* @param tf
public void setValueTypeface(Typeface tf) {
mValueTypeface = tf;
public Typeface getValueTypeface() {
return mValueTypeface;
* Sets the text-size of the value-labels of this DataSet in dp.
* @param size
public void setValueTextSize(float size) {
mValueTextSize = Utils.convertDpToPixel(size);
* Returns the text-size of the labels that are displayed above the values.
* @return
public float getValueTextSize() {
return mValueTextSize;
* Checks if this DataSet contains the specified Entry. Returns true if so,
* false if not. NOTE: Performance is pretty bad on this one, do not
* over-use in performance critical situations.
* @param e
* @return
public boolean contains(Entry e) {
for (Entry entry : mYVals) {
if (entry.equals(e))
return true;
return false;
* Removes all values from this DataSet and recalculates min and max value.
public void clear() {