blob: d2071ec5a83efd3062059ae08ae4f1357b9bd2a2 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.github.mikephil.charting.components;
import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Utils;
* Class representing the y-axis labels settings and its entries. Only use the setter methods to
* modify it. Do not
* access public variables directly. Be aware that not all features the YLabels class provides
* are suitable for the
* RadarChart. Customizations that affect the value range of the axis need to be applied before
* setting data for the
* chart.
* @author Philipp Jahoda
public class YAxis extends AxisBase {
* indicates if the bottom y-label entry is drawn or not
private boolean mDrawBottomYLabelEntry = true;
* indicates if the top y-label entry is drawn or not
private boolean mDrawTopYLabelEntry = true;
* flag that indicates if the axis is inverted or not
protected boolean mInverted = false;
* flag that indicates if the zero-line should be drawn regardless of other grid lines
protected boolean mDrawZeroLine = false;
* flag indicating that auto scale min restriction should be used
private boolean mUseAutoScaleRestrictionMin = false;
* flag indicating that auto scale max restriction should be used
private boolean mUseAutoScaleRestrictionMax = false;
* Color of the zero line
protected int mZeroLineColor = Color.GRAY;
* Width of the zero line in pixels
protected float mZeroLineWidth = 1f;
* axis space from the largest value to the top in percent of the total axis range
protected float mSpacePercentTop = 10f;
* axis space from the smallest value to the bottom in percent of the total axis range
protected float mSpacePercentBottom = 10f;
* the position of the y-labels relative to the chart
private YAxisLabelPosition mPosition = YAxisLabelPosition.OUTSIDE_CHART;
* the horizontal offset of the y-label
private float mXLabelOffset = 0.0f;
* enum for the position of the y-labels relative to the chart
public enum YAxisLabelPosition {
* the side this axis object represents
private AxisDependency mAxisDependency;
* the minimum width that the axis should take (in dp).
* <p/>
* default: 0.0
protected float mMinWidth = 0.f;
* the maximum width that the axis can take (in dp).
* use Inifinity for disabling the maximum
* default: Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY (no maximum specified)
protected float mMaxWidth = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
* Enum that specifies the axis a DataSet should be plotted against, either LEFT or RIGHT.
* @author Philipp Jahoda
public enum AxisDependency {
public YAxis() {
// default left
this.mAxisDependency = AxisDependency.LEFT;
this.mYOffset = 0f;
public YAxis(AxisDependency position) {
this.mAxisDependency = position;
this.mYOffset = 0f;
public AxisDependency getAxisDependency() {
return mAxisDependency;
* @return the minimum width that the axis should take (in dp).
public float getMinWidth() {
return mMinWidth;
* Sets the minimum width that the axis should take (in dp).
* @param minWidth
public void setMinWidth(float minWidth) {
mMinWidth = minWidth;
* @return the maximum width that the axis can take (in dp).
public float getMaxWidth() {
return mMaxWidth;
* Sets the maximum width that the axis can take (in dp).
* @param maxWidth
public void setMaxWidth(float maxWidth) {
mMaxWidth = maxWidth;
* returns the position of the y-labels
public YAxisLabelPosition getLabelPosition() {
return mPosition;
* sets the position of the y-labels
* @param pos
public void setPosition(YAxisLabelPosition pos) {
mPosition = pos;
* returns the horizontal offset of the y-label
public float getLabelXOffset() {
return mXLabelOffset;
* sets the horizontal offset of the y-label
* @param xOffset
public void setLabelXOffset(float xOffset) {
mXLabelOffset = xOffset;
* returns true if drawing the top y-axis label entry is enabled
* @return
public boolean isDrawTopYLabelEntryEnabled() {
return mDrawTopYLabelEntry;
* returns true if drawing the bottom y-axis label entry is enabled
* @return
public boolean isDrawBottomYLabelEntryEnabled() {
return mDrawBottomYLabelEntry;
* set this to true to enable drawing the top y-label entry. Disabling this can be helpful
* when the top y-label and
* left x-label interfere with each other. default: true
* @param enabled
public void setDrawTopYLabelEntry(boolean enabled) {
mDrawTopYLabelEntry = enabled;
* If this is set to true, the y-axis is inverted which means that low values are on top of
* the chart, high values
* on bottom.
* @param enabled
public void setInverted(boolean enabled) {
mInverted = enabled;
* If this returns true, the y-axis is inverted.
* @return
public boolean isInverted() {
return mInverted;
* This method is deprecated.
* Use setAxisMinimum(...) / setAxisMaximum(...) instead.
* @param startAtZero
public void setStartAtZero(boolean startAtZero) {
if (startAtZero)
* Sets the top axis space in percent of the full range. Default 10f
* @param percent
public void setSpaceTop(float percent) {
mSpacePercentTop = percent;
* Returns the top axis space in percent of the full range. Default 10f
* @return
public float getSpaceTop() {
return mSpacePercentTop;
* Sets the bottom axis space in percent of the full range. Default 10f
* @param percent
public void setSpaceBottom(float percent) {
mSpacePercentBottom = percent;
* Returns the bottom axis space in percent of the full range. Default 10f
* @return
public float getSpaceBottom() {
return mSpacePercentBottom;
public boolean isDrawZeroLineEnabled() {
return mDrawZeroLine;
* Set this to true to draw the zero-line regardless of weather other
* grid-lines are enabled or not. Default: false
* @param mDrawZeroLine
public void setDrawZeroLine(boolean mDrawZeroLine) {
this.mDrawZeroLine = mDrawZeroLine;
public int getZeroLineColor() {
return mZeroLineColor;
* Sets the color of the zero line
* @param color
public void setZeroLineColor(int color) {
mZeroLineColor = color;
public float getZeroLineWidth() {
return mZeroLineWidth;
* Sets the width of the zero line in dp
* @param width
public void setZeroLineWidth(float width) {
this.mZeroLineWidth = Utils.convertDpToPixel(width);
* This is for normal (not horizontal) charts horizontal spacing.
* @param p
* @return
public float getRequiredWidthSpace(Paint p) {
String label = getLongestLabel();
float width = (float) Utils.calcTextWidth(p, label) + getXOffset() * 2f;
float minWidth = getMinWidth();
float maxWidth = getMaxWidth();
if (minWidth > 0.f)
minWidth = Utils.convertDpToPixel(minWidth);
if (maxWidth > 0.f && maxWidth != Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
maxWidth = Utils.convertDpToPixel(maxWidth);
width = Math.max(minWidth, Math.min(width, maxWidth > 0.0 ? maxWidth : width));
return width;
* This is for HorizontalBarChart vertical spacing.
* @param p
* @return
public float getRequiredHeightSpace(Paint p) {
String label = getLongestLabel();
return (float) Utils.calcTextHeight(p, label) + getYOffset() * 2f;
* Returns true if this axis needs horizontal offset, false if no offset is needed.
* @return
public boolean needsOffset() {
if (isEnabled() && isDrawLabelsEnabled() && getLabelPosition() == YAxisLabelPosition
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if autoscale restriction for axis min value is enabled
public boolean isUseAutoScaleMinRestriction( ) {
return mUseAutoScaleRestrictionMin;
* Sets autoscale restriction for axis min value as enabled/disabled
public void setUseAutoScaleMinRestriction( boolean isEnabled ) {
mUseAutoScaleRestrictionMin = isEnabled;
* Returns true if autoscale restriction for axis max value is enabled
public boolean isUseAutoScaleMaxRestriction() {
return mUseAutoScaleRestrictionMax;
* Sets autoscale restriction for axis max value as enabled/disabled
public void setUseAutoScaleMaxRestriction( boolean isEnabled ) {
mUseAutoScaleRestrictionMax = isEnabled;
public void calculate(float dataMin, float dataMax) {
float min = dataMin;
float max = dataMax;
// Make sure max is greater than min
// Discussion:
if (min > max)
if (mCustomAxisMax && mCustomAxisMin)
float t = min;
min = max;
max = t;
else if (mCustomAxisMax)
min = max < 0f ? max * 1.5f : max * 0.5f;
else if (mCustomAxisMin)
max = min < 0f ? min * 0.5f : min * 1.5f;
float range = Math.abs(max - min);
// in case all values are equal
if (range == 0f) {
max = max + 1f;
min = min - 1f;
// recalculate
range = Math.abs(max - min);
// calc extra spacing
this.mAxisMinimum = mCustomAxisMin ? this.mAxisMinimum : min - (range / 100f) * getSpaceBottom();
this.mAxisMaximum = mCustomAxisMax ? this.mAxisMaximum : max + (range / 100f) * getSpaceTop();
this.mAxisRange = Math.abs(this.mAxisMinimum - this.mAxisMaximum);